Sherzodbek Murodilla Ugli Dadaboyev, Soyon Paek, Sungwon Choi and Andrea C. Farro
The purpose of this study is to synthesize unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) research that has empirically examined consequences of UPB and to provide an actor-based…
The purpose of this study is to synthesize unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) research that has empirically examined consequences of UPB and to provide an actor-based perspective rooted in a dual pathway self-regulation model.
We first systematically reviewed the literature on the consequences of UPB. Given the duality of UPB (i.e. pro-organizational and unethical simultaneously), we followed with the theoretical development of a dual pathway model of UPB consequences and suggest propositions from an actor-based perspective.
We posited that the distinctive attributes of UPB give rise to corresponding and distinct employee attitudes and behaviors.
Taking an actor-based perspective and drawing on theories of moral self-regulation and self-consistency, we seek to (1) determine why some UPB actors’ self-evaluations of their UPBs focus on the pro-organizational nature of their behaviors versus the unethical nature of their behaviors (i.e. dual pathway) and (2) determine the potential consequences (i.e. actor’s behavioral and attitudinal responses) of each pathway.