Julie Smith and Richard Waller
This study explores the beliefs of ‘high expectation teachers’, and the practices through which teachers aim to build an inclusive learning environment in addition to the ways…
This study explores the beliefs of ‘high expectation teachers’, and the practices through which teachers aim to build an inclusive learning environment in addition to the ways they develop strategies that do not rely on pre-determined ability labelling. The study is a case study design focused on one phenomenon, that of the beliefs and practices of high-expectation teachers, and one bounded case illustrates the phenomenon. The case is specific and bounded by time and location. It emphasises uniqueness through the in-depth exploration of the participants' experiences. Following the use of thematic analysis to analyse data collected through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups, the phenomena of high teacher expectation remained only partially scrutinised in terms of social justice. Therefore, the social concerns raised throughout this study are also explored through the theories of Bourdieu, to make sense of the wider issues of inequality inherent in this study. Habitus is helped by, and helps shape, pedagogical action. Findings include the requirement to recognise that in education, socially advantaged interests and voices dominate in terms of social mobility agendas. Furthermore, teachers are only granted space in the public domain through technical competency. Teachers must however be emotionally committed to different aspects of their jobs, as their sense of moral responsibility lies at the core of their professional identity.
Georgie Ford and Richard Waller
This doctoral study arose from a need for policy and training change across further education (FE), to create competent practitioners and a whole college mental and emotional…
This doctoral study arose from a need for policy and training change across further education (FE), to create competent practitioners and a whole college mental and emotional health training framework. Policy cites FE as key to supporting student mental health but there is a significant lack of training and research output supporting this ambition. As a mental health and well-being specialist, I became immersed in the context of FE to design, deliver and evaluate a whole college training model.
The study predominantly utilises qualitative methodology following constructivism as a theoretical framework. Utilising Goleman's (1995) and Mezirow's (2000) theories, the study seeks to redefine professional development by introducing transformational learning through Mental Health First Aid and Emotional training. A mixed-method approach ensures a demonstration of impact, specifically the confidence and knowledge of FE staff.
Thematic analysis allows for the contextualisation of staff experience and explores to which FE roles mental and emotional health support should belong. This enables prescribing of key elements for a whole college training approach. A diverse range of pastoral and academic staff demonstrate, via interviews and focus groups, a significant belief that FE mental and emotional health support cannot and should not solely be the responsibility of pastoral staff; this is an outdated model requiring regeneration. This research provides recommendations for FE practice; concluding with the recommendation that affective training must allow opportunity to explore pre-existing schemas and development of new constructions and conceptualisations; those in education require urgent opportunities to create new meanings of mental and emotional health. The study recommends a regeneration of the labelled ‘whole’ approach, including universal mandatory training for all FE staff.
Sally Moyle and Richard Waller
The ever-changing landscape of healthcare policy has impacted significantly on the development of nursing roles (Lloyd–Rees, 2016), and consequently seen the growth and…
The ever-changing landscape of healthcare policy has impacted significantly on the development of nursing roles (Lloyd–Rees, 2016), and consequently seen the growth and transformation of existing professions and introduction of new healthcare roles. While the Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) role is now well established within urgent care settings, it has evolved in an adhoc manner, responding to service demand. This has resulted in varying levels of job satisfaction and inconsistency in titles, uniform and scope of practice.
Using photographs or images to describe their perceptions of the role, experience and perceived professional identity, participants reported moving away from their traditional nursing practice into something different that bought new challenges and often conflict. Applying Bhabha's (1994) concept of the ‘third space’ to our findings suggests that ENPs have adopted a hybrid role that is operating within a ‘third (or hybrid) space’, where new identity is formed. Our participants' uncertainty around this (and that of others) could negatively impact the development of professional identity during transition into this new role.
This chapter discusses what the working practices and professionalism of sports lecturers can tell us about the challenges of professionalism in further education (FE). This…
This chapter discusses what the working practices and professionalism of sports lecturers can tell us about the challenges of professionalism in further education (FE). This chapter draws on Jake's doctoral research in which he interviewed five sports lecturers working in FE colleges in England, about their identities and practices. In this chapter, Jake talks about his own experiences as a sports lecturer in FE and how his increasing disillusionment with his role led him to undertake doctoral research in this field. We explore constructions of professionalism within FE, and we show that through a process Jake identified and labelled as ‘competitive mediation’, the sports lecturers he interviewed used their experiences as elite sports people to navigate the highly performative environments in which they were working. The positives and negatives of using this strategy for them, their learners and wider society are explored in this chapter. We suggest that although Jake's research focused specifically on sports lecturers in FE settings, his insights can be applied more widely, we reflect on the importance of considering the impact our own diverse lived experiences may have on our sense of professionalism as researchers and practitioners.
This chapter discusses the findings of doctoral research into further education lecturers' and middle managers' perceptions of how Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the…
This chapter discusses the findings of doctoral research into further education lecturers' and middle managers' perceptions of how Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the sector is planned and implemented. Thematic analysis revealed that mandatory CPD is perceived to: involve conflicting purposes between those planning it and its recipients (deriving from divergent understandings of professionalism and the role of CPD among stakeholders); and be characterised as mostly generic, didactic, and ineffective, leading lecturers to compensate by engaging in additional, separate forms of CPD. This chapter demonstrates the value of practice-based doctoral study in enabling the voices of educators to be positioned at the centre of an exploration of their own professional learning.
This chapter explores the way three teachers developed their primary science teaching in English schools, in an educational climate where training policies and financial pressures…
This chapter explores the way three teachers developed their primary science teaching in English schools, in an educational climate where training policies and financial pressures result in few opportunities to do so, meaning many schools resort to in-school support. The training needs of primary teachers vary according to their experience and backgrounds. This research project used a combined model of Lave and Wenger's (1991) community of practice with Bourdieu's social theory model (1999, 2004), specifically on science capital, to explore the opportunities for primary science development as well as teacher agency and identity within the primary school. The research consisted of three case studies of primary teachers, using co-teaching and semi-structured interviews to develop a greater understanding of teachers' beliefs and development in science teaching. Thematic analysis was used to organise and interpret the data using the theoretical framework outlined. The combined theoretical models proved useful in considering the ‘science capital’ as part of their identity as a teacher; they contributed to a school or field. The nature and amount of science capital had an impact on the potential for their science teaching development as well as their identity and agency within the school community of practice.