Robyn Lee, Annette McKeown, Jessica Graham, Yussra Hajaji and Patrick J. Kennedy
The current study aimed to examine the population of girls in two secure children’s homes (SCHs) in the North East of England to consider the impact of menstruation on girls’…
The current study aimed to examine the population of girls in two secure children’s homes (SCHs) in the North East of England to consider the impact of menstruation on girls’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing within secure settings. Gender-responsive approaches and understanding gender differences are central to trauma-informed provision within the Children and Young People Secure Estate (CYPSE). Whilst trauma-informed approaches are central, it could be argued that basic gender differences, such as the menstrual cycle, are currently being overlooked within research and practice.
A case file audit examined documentation of 24 girls who were admitted across both sites between January 2022 and January 2023.
Of the sample (n = 24), 50% had information recorded regarding their menstrual cycle during admission assessments. Six girls (25%) disclosed experiencing irregular menstruation. Painful cramping was noted by two girls (8%). One girl (4%) disclosed heavy bleeding, and menorrhagia (abnormal heavy bleeding) was reported for one further girl (4%). One girl (4%) disclosed early onset menarche. Case formulations tended to focus less on girls’ menstrual cycles or the potential impact of this on wellbeing. However, 100% of case formulations considered the potential impact of trauma and/or disrupted attachment on girls’ presentations.
The results indicate the impact of menstrual cycles on girls’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing may benefit from much further consideration. Implications are presented alongside directions for future research.
Carol Galvin, Aisling Martin, Paige Milburn and Patrick John Kennedy
Factors that may influence risk and/or vulnerability to young people’s involvement in terrorism are currently unclear. Understanding the factors that contribute to a young…
Factors that may influence risk and/or vulnerability to young people’s involvement in terrorism are currently unclear. Understanding the factors that contribute to a young person’s risk profile is a high priority for Youth Justice Services to enable the development of targeted interventions and subsequent risk reduction. The purpose of this study is to systematically identify and critically review studies relating to young peoples’ involvement in terrorism to understand potential risk and/or vulnerability factors and the implications for intervention.
Literature was evaluated using the systematic review method. Twelve papers were selected for the systematic review according to the inclusion criteria.
Twelve factors emerged that indicated relevance to terrorism by young people and were combined into five overarching themes: contextual, social, psychological factors, trauma and use of time.
This systematic review is one of the first of its kind relating to terrorism by young people. The reported findings will be valuable to practitioners seeking to understand the risk and vulnerability factors related to terrorism by young people and the implications for intervention. Directions for future research are explored.
Paige Milburn, Carol Galvin, Amanda Louise Bryan and Patrick John Kennedy
Factors that may influence risk and/or vulnerability to radicalisation or involvement in terrorism by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are currently undetermined…
Factors that may influence risk and/or vulnerability to radicalisation or involvement in terrorism by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are currently undetermined. The purpose of this rapid evidence assessment (REA) was to identify and review studies which consider the association between ASD and terrorism to explore potential risk or vulnerability factors and the implications for intervention.
The REA method was used to review the literature, with 16 papers meeting inclusion criteria.
Ten factors were identified as relevant to ASD and terrorism which were combined into four overarching themes: cognitive, social, psychological and ASD traits.
This REA presents a novel review of literature relating to ASD and terrorism. The findings are valuable to practitioners working with individuals with ASD who may present with the identified risk and/or vulnerability factors. The implications of these factors for intervention are discussed, along with directions for future research.
Muhammad Mujtaba Asad and Anum Qureshi
Technology-based collaborative learning (TBCL) is the manner in which students can use technological tools and digital platforms to share knowledge and learn collaboratively. It…
Technology-based collaborative learning (TBCL) is the manner in which students can use technological tools and digital platforms to share knowledge and learn collaboratively. It can help increase students’ participation, motivation and achievement due to the stimulating teaching environment. The study intends to examine the effect of TBCL on students’ competency-based education (CBE).
A questionnaire as quantitative data gathering tool is employed in this correlational study. This study used purposive sampling which is done on undergraduate university students (N = 187) in order to accomplish the goal. The data are analyzed using the SPSS software (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 27.0.
The findings of this study indicate the strong positive association between the TBCL and students’ CBE with the correlation coefficient value 0.993. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis of this study is accepted.
Practical implications
The findings will provide valuable insights that will help educators, policymakers, industry partners and researchers better prepare students for the demands of the digital age and improve the quality of education by identifying successful strategies for integrating technology into collaborative learning environments.
This study is unique because it synthesizes and analyzes previous research to look at the particular context of TBCL and how it affects students' CBE in higher education institution in Sindh that was not previously investigated.
The records surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK) have been subject to unique treatment in their management and opening. The John F. Kennedy…
The records surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK) have been subject to unique treatment in their management and opening. The John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Records Act) mandated that the records would be opened in full by 2017, unless there was intervention from the sitting president. This study aims to examine the extent to which access to the JFK assassination records has been granted. It evaluates how open the archive is, and the consequences of withholding government records. It examines how the continued non-disclosure of this archive has helped to fuel the controversy and conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy’s death.
This research was approached as traditional historical document analysis, reviewing the JFK assassination records releases from 2017–2018 and the broader landscape of access to information in America. A random sampling of the open and redacted records was used to undertake a statistical analysis on the amount of information that has been withheld. It was supplemented with freedom of information requests intended to reveal further information on the approach taken to redaction. The work was situated within a broader global literature review.
The research identified the limits to access to the JFK assassination records that exist because of the continued postponement and redaction of information by US federal government agencies. It found that the ambiguous language used for exemptions in the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the JFK Records Act has allowed agencies the freedom to interpret and limit access to information if they desired. Furthermore, agencies have had the power to hold and sanitise their own records. The work identifies how these approaches have caused questions, inconsistences, a lack of transparency and accountability in the US government. The lack of centralised processes and related explanations can be seen to fuel further controversies and conspiracies.
Using a systematic research methodology, this work presents a careful analysis of the varying processes and their implications for understanding of the events that surrounded Kennedy’s assassination. Lessons learnt can be applied to the general management of freedom of information and access to information.
Yushuo Yang and Patrick S. McCarthy
This paper analyzes the impacts of COVID-19 and related policies on airport short-run costs and decomposes the percentage changes in total and average variable costs between…
This paper analyzes the impacts of COVID-19 and related policies on airport short-run costs and decomposes the percentage changes in total and average variable costs between pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods. Data for the analysis are a panel of 50 medium and large US airports from 2012 to 2021. COVID-19 measures include COVID-19 cases and deaths. COVID-19-related policies include state-level face mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Based upon a short-term multi-output translog cost function with three positive outputs (departures, non-aeronautical revenue, and workload), three associated negative attributes (delay, congestion, and air pollution), COVID-19 measures and policies, the analysis has three main conclusions: (1) A 1% increase in COVID-19 cases leads to a 0.077% increase in total operating costs. State-level face mask and COVID-19 vaccine mandates increase total operating costs by 15.9% and 16.8%, respectively; (2) COVID-19 and related policies increase airport total operating costs through contractual services costs; and (3) the cost decomposition finds that a 1 million increase in COVID-19 cases results in a 109% increase in average variable costs, while the time/technological progress effect leads to a decrease of 87% compared to the pre-COVID-19 period. Face mask and vaccine mandates increase the average variable costs by 8.91% and 4.19%, respectively. The positive output total effects range from 3.46% to 7.99%. The effects of input prices and negative attributes are relatively small.
This chapter covers two behaviors that greatly affect college students’ mental health and wellbeing: eating and sleeping. The chapter begins with a definition of eating disorders…
This chapter covers two behaviors that greatly affect college students’ mental health and wellbeing: eating and sleeping. The chapter begins with a definition of eating disorders and distinguishes clinically disordered eating from other forms of problematic eating. The chapter describes common eating disorders among college students: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and binge eating disorder. The chapter then discusses measures of problematic eating among college students, including the SCOFF, the Eating Disorder Inventory and the Eating Concerns subscale of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS). Next, the chapter discusses the prevalence of problematic eating among college students. Cultural considerations are described, with particular attention paid to gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity. Causes of problematic eating among college students are discussed, and the consequences of problematic eating are explored, from shame to medical complications to death. Treatment options are detailed, as are barriers to seeking professional help. The chapter follows a similar structure in covering healthy and problematic sleep behaviors among college students. In particular, the chapter explores measures of sleep quality, the prevalence of problematic sleep among college students, their causes and consequences, as well as strategies for correcting poor sleep and interventions for promoting healthy sleep habits.
Eddy Balemba Kanyurhi, Deogratias Bugandwa Mungu Akonkwa, Bonheur Murhula Lusheke, Patrick Murhula Cubaka, Paul Kadundu Karhamikire and Célestin Bucekuderhwa Bashige
The study has two objectives: (1) expand our knowledge of the relationship between unethical behaviour and both trust and satisfaction and (2) demonstrate that unethical behaviour…
The study has two objectives: (1) expand our knowledge of the relationship between unethical behaviour and both trust and satisfaction and (2) demonstrate that unethical behaviour research should be examined multi-dimensionally.
Data were collected by resorting to a mixed methods approach. First, individual interviews were performed with 31 bank consumers from six main commercial banks in Bukavu city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Interview notes were submitted for content analysis to identify items and components that underpin the unethical practices construct. Second, a quantitative survey was conducted with 410 consumers from the same six banks. An aggregated-disaggregated structural equations modelling approach was used to test the impact of unethical practices on relationship outcomes through two studies. Study 1 tested a model that links unethical behaviour as a one-dimensional construct to trust and satisfaction. Study 2 tested a model that directly connects the four specific unethical behaviour components to both trust and satisfaction.
Results from study 1 reveal that perceived unethical behaviour negatively influences consumer trust. Results also confirm that trust positively influences customer satisfaction. Results from study 2 confirm that unresponsive, disrespect and lying behaviours negatively influence both trust and satisfaction. Banks which are involving in those specific unethical behaviours can neither satisfy their consumers, nor maintain a sustainable and profitable relationship with them. Therefore, unethical behaviours harm the relationships outcomes in the banking sector.
Research limitations/implications
The perceived unethical behaviour scale derives from a single data set and its reliability and validity need to be improved. Relationships between constructs are tested in a more direct way and ignore moderating variables. Perceived unethical behaviour is connected to relationship outcome variables while its impact on firms’ metrics have been ignored.
Practical implications
Banks have to understand customers’ perception of unethical behaviours and find a way to overcome them. Banks should recruit, motivate and retain employees who demonstrate an ethical inclination in the service encounter and create structures and mechanisms in order to monitor and manage unethical practices.
Social implications
Banks employees' unethical behaviour and practices not only damage the trust and reputation of banks but also can lead to frustration on the part of customers and damage their relationship with the institution. Our paper is a warning of this danger and might improve the social interactions between organisations (in general) and customers.
Unethical behaviour is measured with a four-component scale in contrast to previous studies that have used bi-dimensional or one-dimensional scales. The study tests a disaggregated model that links four components of perceived unethical behaviour to relationship outcome variables. Perceived unethical behaviours are analysed from the customers’ perspective by resorting to mixed methods strategy.
Gordon Leua Nanau, Jeremy Dorovolomo, Billy Fitoó and Patrick Miniti
Solomon Islands plunged into a deadly inter-wantok conflict in 1998 (Nanau, 2011) that continued for 5 years until the Pacific Islands Forum requested the Regional Assistance…
Solomon Islands plunged into a deadly inter-wantok conflict in 1998 (Nanau, 2011) that continued for 5 years until the Pacific Islands Forum requested the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) to intervene. Thousands were displaced and at least 200 lives lost in this conflict. We call it an inter-wantok tension because it involved wantok groups (language and kinship groups), which has become known in Solomon Islands as ‘the Ethnic Tensions’ or simply as ‘the Tension’. The conflict deeply divided the country along wantok lines while appealing to artificial provincial identities created by the modern nation state. The country is still recuperating from its effects, and in this context, how can Solomon Islands promote unity, equality and peaceful coexistence? This question formed the basis of our research. We investigated sports as a neglected path to genuinely encourage patriotism and social cohesion in the country. We generated primary data with the aid of the Nominal Group Technique (NGT), a consensus building tool. This chapter reports the research findings and suggestions on how sports can be used to help unite the nation and promote national identity. These include short-term measures, medium-term strategies and inclusive approaches to encourage and nurture patriotism and social cohesion in post-conflict Solomon Islands. The research project investigates, firstly, policy statements and implementation in sports development in Solomon Islands. Secondly, it determines the role sports could play in advancing national consciousness in a culturally diverse and fragmented society. Thirdly, it recommends strategies through which sports could be harnessed to promote patriotism, peace-building and unity.
Cristian E. Villanueva, Adrianela Angeles, Luz Cecilia Revilla and Diana L. Villanueva
This article has two main objectives: first, to analyze a novice’s researcher’s journey in overcoming the challenges of one of the most persistent obstacles in qualitative…
This article has two main objectives: first, to analyze a novice’s researcher’s journey in overcoming the challenges of one of the most persistent obstacles in qualitative research – gaining access through gatekeepers – to obtain a nuanced understanding of this phenomenon; and second, to emphasize the practical value of autoethnography in capturing both individual and social dimensions of this process, enabling researchers to reflect on their fieldwork experiences.
This paper employs an autoethnographic approach grounded in sensemaking and reflexivity, drawing on the personal life experiences of a researcher who collected data for his dissertation involving informal entrepreneurs (IEs).
This research reveals that gaining access is not a straightforward process but rather an ongoing effort in which rapport, trust and reciprocity – along with persistent negotiations and a bit of luck – contribute to its success. Additionally, the innovative autoethnographic approach helps to adopt new lenses and perspectives on the personal, interpersonal and contextual influences that motivate the actions of both the researcher and the gatekeeper.
This study is valuable for novice researchers and the research practice itself, as it uncovers hidden dynamics and risks associated with accessing hard-to-reach populations. It enriches the literature in organization and management studies by providing a unique framework for navigating this complex process. Furthermore, it highlights the applications, strengths and challenges of the autoethnographic method.