Julie B. Olson-Buchanan, Lisa M. Finkelstein and Rushika De Bruin
While sex discrimination and race discrimination are prevalent in the workplace, a relatively low proportion of those who experience it choose to voice. This paper aims to…
While sex discrimination and race discrimination are prevalent in the workplace, a relatively low proportion of those who experience it choose to voice. This paper aims to investigate why individuals choose to voice or not voice discrimination by exploring the role of metastereotypes – beliefs about what others think about a group one belongs to – with respect to voicing or not voicing discrimination at work.
Of the 475 participants surveyed, 34% (164 respondents) had experienced either race or sex discrimination. The metastereotypes of these 164 respondents who either voiced (31%) or did not voice (69%) sex or race discrimination were gathered and examined with respect to the themes and valence of the descriptors. Differences in the content and valence of metastereotypes were examined from different samples taken at two different time periods to explore the possible influence of social movements (#MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter).
These qualitative analyses provide new insights into how people making different choices regarding the voicing of their mistreatment believe they are viewed. Metastereotypes differed to some extent in content and valence depending on perceiver, source, type of discrimination and timing.
Social implications
This can assist in the development of strategies to encourage voicing with the ultimate goal of reducing workplace mistreatment.
This paper provides the critical first step for including metastereotypes in the model to predict voice in the workplace.
Courtney L. Baker, Rushika De Bruin and Lisa M. Finkelstein
Incivility can be used to target minority groups as a form of discrimination. This paper aimed to assess the extent to which older workers are particularly targeted by cyber…
Incivility can be used to target minority groups as a form of discrimination. This paper aimed to assess the extent to which older workers are particularly targeted by cyber incivility.
Study 1 used a cross-sectional design via an online crowdsourcing platform (N = 208). Study 2 (N = 227) employed a daily diary approach with an age diverse sample.
Age does not directly affect perceptions of cyber incivility, but moderates the relationships between cyber incivility and vitality and vigor. In Study 1, older workers experienced a weaker relationship between perceptions of cyber incivility and increased reports of vigor. Conversely, in Study 2, older workers who experienced cyber incivility reported reduced daily vitality both on the same day and the following day.
The discussion explores the nuances of vigor and vitality in older workers. Additionally, despite research on selective incivility, these studies suggest that while older workers may not be selectively targeted for cyber incivility, they struggle more with its repercussions.
Ngoc S. Duong, Trevor N. Fry, Alexander M. DeChurch, Lisa A. Steelman and Jessica L. Wildman
The current study heeds prior calls to test the hypothesis that perceptions of inclusion mediate the relationship between inclusive practices and employee outcomes.
The current study heeds prior calls to test the hypothesis that perceptions of inclusion mediate the relationship between inclusive practices and employee outcomes.
Using responses from 3,367 employees drawn from three time-separated surveys administered between 2020 and 2022 within a large retail fashion chain, structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to examine the mediating role of perceptions of inclusion connecting inclusion’s antecedents and outcomes. Exploratory multigroup SEM and relative weights analysis was conducted to examine the relative contribution of each antecedent of perceptions of inclusion across racial/ethnic groups.
We identified manager support, career support, organizational support, transparency, and employee recognition as antecedents of perceptions of inclusion, as well as work engagement, organizational commitment, and intent to stay as outcomes of perceptions of inclusion. Recognition indirectly relates to employee outcomes via perceptions of inclusion, but we did not find evidence of mediation for the other antecedents. Exploratory analyses suggest that career support and employee recognition are the most predictive antecedents of perceptions of inclusion overall. However, there are racial/ethnic group differences regarding which inclusive practices most contribute to perceptions of inclusion.
Results uncover several directions for future research and suggest that to truly make employees feel both included and unique at work, organizations should focus on supporting employees' career development goals and recognizing their valuable contributions.
Patrice Silver, Juliann Dupuis, Rachel E. Durham, Ryan Schaaf, Lisa Pallett and Lauren Watson
In 2022, the Baltimore professional development school (PDS) partner schools, John Ruhruh Elementary/Middle School (JREMS) and Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) received…
In 2022, the Baltimore professional development school (PDS) partner schools, John Ruhruh Elementary/Middle School (JREMS) and Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) received funds through a Maryland Educational Emergency Revitalization (MEER) grant to determine (a) to what extent additional resources and professional development would increase JREMS teachers’ efficacy in technology integration and (b) to what extent NDMU professional development in the form of workshops and self-paced computer science modules would result in greater use of technology in the JREMS K-8 classrooms. Results indicated a statistically significant improvement in both teacher comfort with technology and integrated use of technology in instruction.
Survey data were collected on teacher-stated comfort with technology before and after grant implementation. Teachers’ use of technology was also measured by unannounced classroom visits by administration before and after the grant implementation and through artifacts teachers submitted during NDMU professional development modules.
Results showing significant increases in self-efficacy with technology along with teacher integration of technology exemplify the benefits of a PDS partnership.
This initiative was original in its approach to teacher development by replacing required teacher professional development with an invitation to participate and an incentive for participation (a personal MacBook) that met the stated needs of teachers. Teacher motivation was strong because teammates in a strong PDS partnership provided the necessary supports to induce changes in teacher self-efficacy.
The purpose of this paper is to characterize library and information science (LIS) as fragmenting discipline both historically and by applying Whitley’s (1984) theory about the…
The purpose of this paper is to characterize library and information science (LIS) as fragmenting discipline both historically and by applying Whitley’s (1984) theory about the organization of sciences and Fuchs’ (1993) theory about scientific change.
The study combines historical source analysis with conceptual and theoretical analysis for characterizing LIS. An attempt is made to empirically validate the distinction between LIS context, L&I services and information seeking as fragmented adhocracies and information retrieval and scientific communication (scientometrics) as technologically integrated bureaucracies.
The origin of fragmentation in LIS due the contributions of other disciplines can be traced in the 1960s and 1970s for solving the problems produced by the growth of scientific literature. Computer science and business established academic programs and started research relevant to LIS community focusing on information retrieval and bibliometrics. This has led to differing research interests between LIS and other disciplines concerning research topics and methods. LIS has been characterized as fragmented adhocracy as a whole, but we make a distinction between research topics LIS context, L&I services and information seeking as fragmented adhocracies and information retrieval and scientific communication (scientometrics) as technologically integrated bureaucracies.
The paper provides an elaborated historical perspective on the fragmentation of LIS in the pressure of other disciplines. It also characterizes LIS as discipline in a fresh way by applying Whitley’s (1984) theory.