Camila Coletto, Leonardo Caliari and Daniela Callegaro-de-Menezes
This paper aims to propose an analytical structure for scientific and technological parks (STPs) as innovation ecosystems based on generating knowledge spillovers.
This paper aims to propose an analytical structure for scientific and technological parks (STPs) as innovation ecosystems based on generating knowledge spillovers.
The analytical structure is constructed using a strategic approach, with STPs being viewed as an ecosystem and their interactions with the social context based on knowledge spillovers. In the empirical phase, a case study is developed in a Brazilian STP focused on food and renewable energy, enabling the application of the proposed analytical structure.
This study proposes that STPs can be central for innovation ecosystems, coordinating activities and resources. Also, STPs generate knowledge spillovers for geographically close and external actors, expanding the impact and benefits of innovation. The integration of these two propositions composes the proposed analytical structure that emphasizes the STP as the protagonist of the discussion on ecosystem management.
This study explores the relationship between STPs, innovation ecosystems and knowledge spillovers to clarify their strategic role in fostering innovation. It integrates multiple theoretical perspectives to propose new, broadly applicable frameworks. Given the limited and recent research on STPs within innovation ecosystems, the study provides a timely opportunity to investigate the management role of STPs at the organizational level.
Camila Coletto, Leonardo Caliari, Dércio Bernardes-de-Souza and Daniela Callegaro-de-Menezes
The link between theory and practice in innovation studies still has some gaps, despite scholars’ efforts to illustrate and identify them in real-world situations. To fully…
The link between theory and practice in innovation studies still has some gaps, despite scholars’ efforts to illustrate and identify them in real-world situations. To fully understand the dynamics of the innovation ecosystem, it is crucial to consider key actors and their roles and recognize their impact on ecosystem outcomes. Therefore, this paper seeks to discuss how analytical structures of innovation ecosystems address the dynamics of actors and their contribution to the ecosystem outcomes.
A research protocol was developed to query the Web of Science database to identify analytical structures of innovation ecosystems based on pre-established criteria.
The dynamics of actors interfere with their contribution to value creation. That is, the actor changes his contribution. Therefore, depending on the ecosystem's value proposition, the activities and dynamics of the actors change over time.
It contributes to advancing the discussion of innovation ecosystems, addressing insights into the dynamics of actors in different analytical structures. The essay proposal considers innovation ecosystems' evolutionary aspects, value propositions and exchange. In addition, the importance of orchestration in the various stages of the ecosystem is highlighted.