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Publication date: 6 September 2024

Juan Carlos Carlos Leiva, Diana Escandón-Barbosa, Jorge Moreno-Gómez and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study aims to explore the impact of different contextual factors and their interactions on university students' entrepreneurship, specifically start-up activities.




This study aims to explore the impact of different contextual factors and their interactions on university students' entrepreneurship, specifically start-up activities.


The paper used a multilevel hierarchical model with four contextual factors: i) industry and technological, ii) institutional and policy, iii) organizational-university; and iv) cultural. Each of these factors might influence university students’ start-up activities differently. To address this exploratory direction, the study used a sample of 34,200 nascent entrepreneurs from 34 countries included in the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit students’ Survey, along with data from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index, Global Entrepreneurship Index and Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Index.


The results show that, in general terms, contextual elements impact university students’ start-up activities. Nevertheless, when these factors are combined, their effect increases strongly with the performance-based culture but decreases with a high level of a socially supportive culture.


Regarding the study of university students’ start-up activities, most scientific evidence has an individual-level approach without considering the influence of the context. The paper adopts a multilevel approach for such analysis to reflect the multilevel and context-dependent nature of the topic under study.


Este estudio explora el impacto de diferentes factores contextuales y sus interacciones en el espíritu empresarial de los estudiantes universitarios, concretamente en las actividades de puesta en marcha.


El trabajo emplea un modelo jerárquico multinivel con cuatro factores contextuales: i) industriales y tecnológicos, ii) institucionales y políticos, iii) organizativos-universitarios; y iv) culturales. Cada uno de estos factores podría influir de forma diferente en las actividades de puesta en marcha de los estudiantes universitarios. Bajo un enfoque exploratorio, el estudio utilizó una muestra de 34.200 emprendedores nacientes de 34 países incluidos en la Encuesta Global de Estudiantes Universitarios con Espíritu Emprendedor (GUESSS por sus siglas en inglés), junto con datos del Índice de Competitividad Global (GCI), el Índice de Espíritu Emprendedor Global (GEI) y el Índice Global de Liderazgo y Eficacia del Comportamiento Organizacional (GLOBE).


Los resultados muestran que, en términos generales, los elementos contextuales influyen en las actividades de creación de empresas de los estudiantes universitarios. Sin embargo, cuando se combinan estos factores, su efecto aumenta considerablemente en países con una cultura basada en el rendimiento, pero disminuye en las de un alto nivel de apoyo social.


En lo que respecta al estudio de las actividades de creación de empresas de los estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría de las pruebas científicas tienen un enfoque a nivel individual sin tener en cuenta la influencia del contexto. Nuestro trabajo adopta un enfoque multinivel para dicho análisis con el fin de reflejar la naturaleza multinivel y dependiente del contexto del tema estudiado.


Este estudo explora o impacto de diferentes fatores contextuais e suas interações no empreendedorismo dos estudantes universitários, especificamente nas atividades de start-up.


O artigo utilizou um modelo hierárquico multinível com quatro fatores contextuais: i) industrial e tecnológico, ii) institucional e político, iii) organizacional-universitário, e iv) cultural. Cada um desses fatores pode influenciar de maneira diferente as atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários. Para abordar essa direção exploratória, o estudo utilizou uma amostra de 34.200 empreendedores de 34 países incluídos na Pesquisa Global sobre o Espírito Empreendedor dos Estudantes Universitários (GUESSS), juntamente com dados do Índice de Competitividade Global (GCI) do Fórum Econômico Mundial, do Índice Global de Empreendedorismo (GEI) e do Índice de Liderança Global e Eficácia Organizacional (GLOBE).


Os resultados mostraram que, em termos gerais, elementos contextuais impactam as atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários. No entanto, quando esses fatores são combinados, seu efeito aumenta fortemente com a cultura baseada em desempenho, mas diminui com um alto nível de cultura socialmente solidária.


No que diz respeito ao estudo das atividades de start-up dos estudantes universitários, a maioria das evidências científicas tem uma abordagem em nível individual sem considerar a influência do contexto. Nosso artigo adota uma abordagem multinível para tal análise, a fim de refletir a natureza multinível e dependente do contexto do tema em estudo.

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Publication date: 5 April 2024

Allan Pérez-Orozco, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora-Esquivel

This study explores the mediating role of marketing management in the relationship between online presence and product innovation among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).




This study explores the mediating role of marketing management in the relationship between online presence and product innovation among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).


The sample comprises 205 Costa Rican SMEs collected by the Global Competitiveness Project during the first half of 2019. The data were analyzed using a two-stage modeling strategy for ordinary regression models to analyze mediation effects.


Marketing management as a strategic resource or capability accounts for the relationship between online presence and product innovation performance in SMEs, meaning that online presence resources require complementary organizational capabilities in marketing management to enhance product innovation.


This study, grounded in the resource-based view theory, contributes to the innovation field by identifying marketing management capabilities as an intermediate strategic interaction between online presence and product innovation performance in SMEs. Thus, managers should recognize the advantages of integrating marketing management principles and tactics into online presence tools to realize the value of their products by tailoring them to their client’s needs.


Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, vol. 29 no. 58
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2077-1886


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Publication date: 26 March 2024

Nathalie Campos Valverde, Juan Carlos Leiva and Ronald Mora

This study aims to address the effects of self-esteem and affective commitment on firm performance and whether these effects vary according to the gender and age of active…




This study aims to address the effects of self-esteem and affective commitment on firm performance and whether these effects vary according to the gender and age of active entrepreneurial students.


This study uses a subsample from the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) of entrepreneur students running their own businesses to perform a structural equation model (SEM) analysis to test the relationship between self-esteem (SE), affective commitment (AC) and firm performance (FP) moderated by the gender and age of entrepreneur students.


The results confirm that higher levels of entrepreneur SE are related to a higher assessment of AC and FP. A major effect of SE on AC was also observed among male respondents. Age was not related to an increase in AC. The effect of SE on AC and FP was lower among older students.


This study makes valuable contributions to the fields of entrepreneurship, psychology, gender and organizational behavior. This study presents empirical support for the theoretical framework using SEM, presenting initial insights into the mechanisms that shape AC in entrepreneurial students and its implications for FP.


Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia del género, la edad y la autoestima (SE) de los emprendedores en el compromiso afectivo (AC) de los estudiantes universitarios con sus emprendimientos y cómo se relacionan con el desempeño subjetivo de la empresa (FP).


Utilizamos los datos de la encuesta GUESSS de 2018 para realizar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para determinar los efectos directos del género, la edad y la SE en el AC, sus efectos directos e indirectos en el FP y los efectos directos y papel mediador del AC hacia el FP, para estudiantes emprendedores.


Los resultados confirman que niveles más altos de SE están relacionados con niveles más altos de AC de los emprendedores a sus emprendimientos y una mayor evaluación de FP. Además, los hombres reportan niveles más altos de AC y FP que sus contrapartes femeninas, al tiempo que el género tiene un efecto importante en la relación del SE en el AC. La edad no está relacionada con el aumento del AC, pero el efecto de la SE sobre el AC disminuye con el incremento de la edad, y los valores de FP también se reducen para los estudiantes mayores en comparación con los estudiantes más jóvenes. Los niveles más altos de AC están relacionados con valores más altos de FP, y existe un efecto de mediación de AC para el género y SE sobre FP.


este estudio proporciona valiosas contribuciones a los campos del emprendimiento, la psicología, el género y el comportamiento organizacional. Primero, presentamos un marco teórico que integra postulados de emprendimiento FP, AC, SE, edad y género. Luego, probamos empíricamente nuestro marco teórico utilizando SEM y presentamos resultados iniciales sobre los mecanismos que dan forma al AC en estudiantes emprendedores y sus implicaciones para el FP.


Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a influência do gênero, da idade e da autoestima (SE) dos empreendedores no comprometimento afetivo (AC) dos universitários com seus empreendimentos e como eles se relacionam com o desempenho subjetivo da empresa (FP).


Utilizamos dados da pesquisa GUESSS de 2018 para realizar uma modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) para determinar os efeitos diretos de gênero, idade e SE na AC, seus efeitos diretos e indiretos no FP e os efeitos diretos e papel mediador do AC na FP, para estudantes empreendedores.


Os resultados confirmam que níveis mais elevados de SE estão relacionados com níveis mais elevados de AC dos empreendedores para os seus empreendimentos e uma maior avaliação do FP. Além disso, os homens relatam níveis mais elevados de AC e FP do que as mulheres, embora tenham um efeito importante da SE na AC. A idade não está relacionada com o aumento da AC, mas o efeito do SE na AC diminui com o aumento da idade, e os valores de FP também diminuem para os alunos mais velhos em comparação com os alunos mais jovens. Níveis mais elevados de AC estão relacionados a valores mais elevados de FP, e há efeito mediador da AC para gênero e SE sobre FP.


Este estudo fornece contribuições valiosas para as áreas de empreendedorismo, psicologia, gênero e comportamento organizacional. Primeiro, apresentamos um quadro teórico que integra postulados de empreendedorismo em FP, AC, SE, idade e género. Em seguida, testamos empiricamente o nosso enquadramento teórico utilizando SEM e apresentamos resultados iniciais sobre os mecanismos que moldam o AC em estudantes empreendedores e as suas implicações para o FP.

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Publication date: 18 November 2024

Germán Rojas-Cabezas, Ronald Mora-Esquivel, Nicolas Márquez, Susana Chacón-Espejo, Victor Nocetti-Núñez and Juan Carlos Leiva

This study examines the relationships between green management, perceived barriers to sustainability and innovation performance in Latin American SMEs and how formal and informal…




This study examines the relationships between green management, perceived barriers to sustainability and innovation performance in Latin American SMEs and how formal and informal institutional factors influence these relationships.


The study used a dataset collected by Iberoamerican small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Observatory in 2022 and included 15 country-specific indicators for Latin American countries published in international data sources to address the formal and informal institutional contexts. Accordingly, the final sample comprises 11,319 SME observations from 16 countries. The analysis involved three phases. First, an R-Type Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Second, a cluster analysis. Third, a testing of the mediation theoretical model between the groups identified in the second study. To this purpose, the analysis included a multigroup analysis for covariance structure by three-stage procedures conducting structural equation modeling (SEM).


The results revealed that both formal institutions (such as government policies and regulations) and informal institutions (such as social norms and cultural values) have a positive impact of green management practices on innovative outcomes in SMEs. However, the magnitude of this impact varies depending on the level of country-specific performance of the context. Additionally, the perceived barriers to sustainability do not play an intermediary role in this relationship within both institutional contexts. However, the effect of perceived barriers to sustainability on SMEs' innovation performance is diminished in the informal institutional context.


These conclusions provide valuable insights for policymakers seeking to promote sustainable development in Latin America, highlighting the importance of institutional support in fostering SMEs' adoption of ecological practices.


Este estudio examina la relación entre la gestión verde, las barreras percibidas a la sostenibilidad y el rendimiento de la innovación en las PYME latinoamericanas y cómo los factores institucionales formales e informales influyen en esta relación.


El estudio utilizó un conjunto de datos recogidos por el Observatorio Iberoamericano de la PYME y se incluyó 15 indicadores de desempeño de países de América Latina publicados en fuentes de datos internacionales para abordar los contextos institucionales formales e informales. Por consiguiente, la muestra de datos final del estudio lo conforman 11,319 observaciones de Pymes de 16 países. El análisis incluyó tres fases. En primer lugar, un análisis factorial exploratorio. Segundo un análisis de conglomerados o clústeres. En tercer lugar, una prueba del modelo teórico de mediación entre los grupos identificados en el segundo estudio. Para ello, el análisis incluyó un análisis multigrupo para la estructura de covarianza mediante un procedimiento de tres etapas por medio de un modelado de ecuaciones estructurales.


Los resultados revelaron que tanto en las instituciones formales (como las políticas y normativas gubernamentales) como en las informales (como las normas sociales y los valores culturales) las prácticas de gestión verde influyen positivamente en desempeño innovador. Sin embargo, la magnitud de este impacto varía según el nivel de desempeño del contexto de estos países. Además, el estudio mostró que las barreras percibidas a la sostenibilidad no tienen un papel de mediación en esta relación, en ambos contextos institucionales. Finalmente, se observó que el efecto de las barreras percibidas a la sostenibilidad sobre el desempeño innovador disminuye en el contexto institucional informal.


El trabajo aporta valiosas ideas para los responsables políticos que buscan promover el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina, destacando la importancia del apoyo institucional para fomentar la adopción de prácticas verdes por parte de las pymes.

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Publication date: 8 November 2024

Ana Isabel Muñoz-Mazón, Teresa Villacé-Molinero, Laura Fuentes-Moraleda and Pedro Moncada Jiménez

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of an online course on gender equality in tourism on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of students concerning…




The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of an online course on gender equality in tourism on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of students concerning sustainable development goals (SDGs) at two universities in Spain and Mexico.


The study uses 38 online qualitative surveys administered to participants both before and after the university online course. The methodology incorporates the three variables of the KAP model: knowledge, attitudes and practice.


Following the online course, disparities in knowledge levels were observed, accompanied by positive shifts in attitudes and practices toward SDG 5 among university students from Mexico and Spain. The results suggest that a positive initial attitude markedly enriches the learning experience, even without extensive preexisting knowledge and notably increases the likelihood of participants engaging in practical actions postcourse completion.

Practical implications

The study proposes an innovative framework for designing SDGs-oriented training courses within university settings. Additionally, it outlines a pathway by which enhancements in knowledge, attitudes and practices related to SDGs, with a focus on SDG 5, empower students to act as catalysts for societal change.


This study presents a novel application of the KAP model’s variables in analyzing the results of a university course within the tourism sector. It underscores the essential role of expert-led instruction using real-life case studies for SDG education, providing fresh perspectives on augmenting the contribution of higher education to sustainable development.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1467-6370


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Publication date: 19 October 2023

Julianna Paola Ramirez Lozano, Kelly Rojas Valdez and Juan Carlos Sosa Varela

This study aims to analyze the effects of microentrepreneurs’ knowledge transfer (KT) on personal improvement (PI) and business improvement (BI).




This study aims to analyze the effects of microentrepreneurs’ knowledge transfer (KT) on personal improvement (PI) and business improvement (BI).


The study was developed in two stages: a literature review based on KT and the learning process in microenterprises to have managerial competence and PI and BI to acquire the managerial competence that entrepreneurs need. The second stage was constructing a structural model based on 107 questionnaires and bootstrapping of 5,000 replications of microentrepreneurs who went through a training program (quantitative) and a focus group (qualitative). This study had a mixed approach, exploratory scope and experimental design.


The research showed real evidence about the performance level of microentrepreneurs when they passed through the process of KT and its impact on PI and BI. This research considers their managerial competencies, and the findings show a relationship between the theory of individual and organizational learning.

Research limitations/implications

This study considered Peruvian microentrepreneurs who participated in a virtual training program that included several courses related to their current environments and topics of interest. The analyzed period covered the years affected by COVID-19.

Practical implications

The model reveals that KT is relevant to PI and BI. Performance was measured regarding growth, income, innovation, productivity and responsibility before and after the program.

Social implications

This research analyzed the need for training microentrepreneurs for personal and private reasons under a COVID-19 scenario to foster their businesses and assume financial responsibilities. This study considered Peru’s reality, a country in which 94.9% of companies are microenterprises. The study revealed that microentrepreneurs improved their personal and professional lives and addressed relevant social problems that affect their environments because of the KT effects.


This study bridges the gap in the literature on how the theory of KT can be applied to entrepreneurs. This study revealed significant findings in terms of PI and BIs. The impact of KT indicates the relevance of managerial competencies related to the performance level obtained in terms of growth, income, innovation, productivity and responsibility.


Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, vol. 16 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4604


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Publication date: 17 October 2023

Jose Manuel Diaz-Sarachaga and Joana Longo Sarachaga

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how sustainability was operationalized in the Spanish universities through plans and actions that contribute actively to the achievement of…




The purpose of this paper is to analyze how sustainability was operationalized in the Spanish universities through plans and actions that contribute actively to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).


A systematic search and content analysis served to examine information available on websites belonging to the 76 universities listed in the Conference of Rectors of the Spanish Universities (CRUE).


The participation of Spanish universities on initiatives focused on sustainability is very limited, highlighting the negligible role of private institutions in which topics like sustainability and the 2030 Agenda/SDGs were scarcely addressed.


The study outlines the actual extent of the inclusion of sustainability in particular co-curricular actions toward the SDGs in the CRUE. The findings enable to define a long-term sustainability road map for the Spanish university system.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 25 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1467-6370


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Publication date: 20 February 2024

Julianna Paola Ramirez Lozano, Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman and Renato Peñaflor Guerra

This study aims to understand the leadership characteristics of founders of social and environmental enterprises in Latin America who have achieved business success with a focus…




This study aims to understand the leadership characteristics of founders of social and environmental enterprises in Latin America who have achieved business success with a focus on sustainability despite difficult social, economic, political and even health contexts in which they live.


This nonexperimental research is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. Twenty-one in-depth interviews were conducted with social/environmental entrepreneurs of the Kunan Network (an organization that groups the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Peru).


The study analyzes the leadership profile and characteristics of entrepreneurs who have created profitable businesses with a social/environmental focus that solve relevant social problems and contribute to improving people’s quality of life and caring for the environment.

Research limitations/implications

Although only 21 business leaders with outstanding participation and positive social and environmental impact were included in this study, they were supported and recognized by the Kunan Network.


The study contributed to the conceptualization and understanding of the profile of leaders of social and environmental enterprises, whose main challenges are to solve social or environmental problems of society and contribute to improving the quality of life of people and the environment. Knowing the profile of these entrepreneurs generates value to the knowledge of the subject and contributes to understand and propose strategies to improve the ecosystem of social-environmental entrepreneurship in emerging countries such as Peru. This will contribute to the creation of relationships and alliances with various social actors: public, private, third sector, academia, among others, for the management and promotion of sustainable business.


El estudio busca conocer las características de liderazgo de los fundadores de empresas sociales y ambientales en América Latina que lograron el éxito de sus negocios desde un enfoque de sostenibilidad a pesar del difícil contexto social, económico, político e incluso sanitario en el cual viven.


En la investigación no experimental de tipo estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, se realizaron 21 entrevistas en profundidad a emprendedores socio/ambientales de la Red Kunan (organización que agrupa el ecosistema emprendedor en el Perú).


El estudio analiza el perfil de liderazgo y las características que tienen los emprendedores que crearon negocios rentables con enfoque social/ambiental que resuelven problemas sociales relevantes y contribuyen al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas y al cuidado del ambiente.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

El estudio incluyó solo a 21 líderes emprendedores con destacada participación y impacto social y ambiental positivo, sin embargo es importante el reconocimiento y respaldo que estos tienen de parte de la Red Kunan.


El estudio contribuyó a la conceptualización y comprensión del perfil de los líderes de empresas sociales y ambientales cuyos principales desafíos son resolver problemas sociales y/o ambientales de la sociedad y contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las personas y del medio ambiente. Conocer el perfil de estos emprendedores creemos que genera valor al conocimiento del tema y contribuye a entender y proponer estrategias para mejorar el ecosistema del emprendimiento social/ambiental en países emergentes como el peruano; lo cual contribuye a generar relaciones y alianzas con diversos actores sociales: públicos, privados, tercer sector, academia, entre otros para la gestión y promoción de negocios sostenibles.


O estudo procura conhecer as características da liderança dos fundadores das empresas sociais e ambientais na América Latina que alcançaram o sucesso desde uma abordagem sustentável apesar do contexto social, econômico, político e sanitário difícil no qual vivem.


Na pesquisa não experimental de tipo de estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, se realizaram 21 entrevistas detalhadas a empreendedores socio/ambientais da Kunan Rede (organização que agrupa o ecossistema empreendedor no Peru).


O estudo analisa o perfil de liderança e as características dos empreendedores que criaram negócios rentáveis com uma abordagem socioambiental que resolvem problemas sociais relevantes e contribuem ao melhoramento da qualidade de vida das pessoas e ao cuidado do meio ambiente.

Limitações/implicações da pesquisa

O estudo só incluiu 21 líderes empreendedores com destacada participação e um impacto socioambiental positivo. Não obstante, é importante mencionar que aqueles líderes têm o reconhecimento e apoio da Kunan Rede.


O estudo contribui para a conceptualização e compreensão do perfil dos líderes de empresas sociais e ambientais e cujos desafios principais são resolver problemas sociais e/ou ambientais da sociedade e ajudar ao melhoramento da qualidade de vida das pessoas e do meio ambiente. Conhecer o perfil desses empreendedores pode gerar valor ao conhecimento do tema e ajudar ao seu entendimento e propor estratégias para aprimorar o ecossistema do empreendedorismo socioambiental em países emergentes como Peru, assim pode contribuir ao relacionamento e parcerias com diversos atores sociais do setor público, privado, terceiro setor, academias, entre outros, para a gestão e promoção de negócios sustentáveis.

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