This study reveals the green building development path and analyzes the optimal government subsidy equilibrium through evolutionary game theory and numerical simulation. This was…
This study reveals the green building development path and analyzes the optimal government subsidy equilibrium through evolutionary game theory and numerical simulation. This was done to explore the feasible measures and optimal incentives to achieve higher levels of green building in China.
First, the practice of green building in China was analyzed, and the specific influencing factors and incentive measures for green building development were extracted. Second, China-specific evolutionary game models were constructed between developers and homebuyers under the market regulation and government incentive mechanism scenarios, and the evolutionary paths were analyzed. Finally, real-case numerical simulations were conducted, subsidy impacts were mainly analyzed and optimal subsidy equilibriums were solved.
(1) Simultaneously subsidizing developers and homebuyers proved to be the most effective measure to promote the sustainability of green buildings. (2) The sensitivity of developers and homebuyers to subsidies varied across scenarios, and the optimal subsidy level diminished marginally as building greenness and public awareness increased. (3) The optimal subsidy level for developers was intricately tied to the building greenness benchmark. A higher benchmark intensified the developer’s responsiveness to losses, at which point increasing subsidies were justified. Conversely, a reduction in subsidy might have been appropriate when the benchmark was set at a lower level.
Practical implications
The expeditious advancement of green buildings holds paramount importance for the high-quality development of the construction industry. Nevertheless, the pace of green building expansion in China has experienced a recent deceleration. Drawing insights from the practices of green building in China, the exploration of viable strategies and the determination of optimal government subsidies stand as imperative initiatives. These endeavors aim to propel the acceleration of green building proliferation and materialize high-quality development at the earliest juncture possible.
The model is grounded in China’s green building practices, which makes the conclusions drawn more specific. Furthermore, research results provide practical references for governments to formulate green building incentive policies.
Yang Zhang, Jianfeng Zou, Jiahua Xie, Xiaoyue Li, Zhenhai Ma and Yao Zheng
When a reflected shock interacts with the boundary layer in a shock tube, the shock bifurcation occurs near the walls. Although the study of the shock bifurcation has been carried…
When a reflected shock interacts with the boundary layer in a shock tube, the shock bifurcation occurs near the walls. Although the study of the shock bifurcation has been carried out by many researchers for several decades, little attention has been devoted to investigate the instability pattern of the bifurcation. This research work aims to successfully capture the asymmetry of the whole flow field, and attempt to achieve the instability mechanism of the shock bifurcation by a direct numerical simulation of the reflected shock wave/boundary layer interaction at Ma = 1.9. In addition, the reason for the formation of the bifurcated structure is also explored.
The spatial and temporal evolution of the shock bifurcation is obtained by solving the two-dimensional compressible Navier–Stokes equations using a seventh-order accurate weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme and a three-step Runge–Kutta time advancing approach.
The results show that the formation of shock bifurcation is mainly because of the shock/gradient field interaction, and the height of the bifurcated foot increases with the growth of the shock intensity and the gradient field. The unsteady asymmetry of the upper and bottom shock bifurcated structures is because of the vortex shedding with high frequency in the rear recirculation zone, which leads to the fluctuation of the recirculation area. The vortex shedding process behind the bifurcated structure closely resembles the Karman vortex street formed by the flow around the cylinder. The dimensionless vortex shedding frequency varies between 0.01 and 0.02. In comparison to the scenario at Ma = 1.9, the occurring time of instability is delayed and the upper and bottom bifurcated feet intersect in a relatively short time at Ma = 3.5. The region behind the bifurcated shock is a transitional flow field containing obvious cell structures and “isolated islands.”
This paper discovers an unsteady flow pattern of the shock bifurcation, and the mechanism of this instability in the reflected shock/boundary layer interaction is revealed in detail.
Xiaoyue Chen, Bin Li, Tarlok Singh and Andrew C. Worthington
Motivated by the significant role of uncertainty in affecting investment decisions and China's economic leadership in Asia, this paper investigates the predictive role of exposure…
Motivated by the significant role of uncertainty in affecting investment decisions and China's economic leadership in Asia, this paper investigates the predictive role of exposure to Chinese economic policy uncertainty at the individual stock level in large Asian markets.
We estimate the monthly uncertainty exposure (beta) for each stock and then employ the portfolio-level sorting analysis to investigate the relationship between the China’s uncertainty exposure and the future returns of major Asian markets over multiple trading horizons. The raw returns of the high-minus-low portfolios are then adjusted using conventional asset pricing models to investigate whether the relationship is explained by common risk factors. Finally, we check the robustness of the portfolio-level results through firm-level Fama and MacBeth (1973) regressions.
Applying portfolio-level sorting analysis, we reveal that exposure to Chinese uncertainty is negatively related to the future returns of large stocks over multiple trading horizons in Japan, Hong Kong and India. We discover this is unexplained by common risk factors, including market, size, value, profitability, investment and momentum, and is robust to the specification of stock-level Fama and MacBeth (1973) regressions.
Research limitations/implications
Our analysis demonstrates the spillover effects of Chinese economic policy uncertainty across the region, provides evidence of China's emerging economic leadership, and offers trading strategies for managing uncertainty risks.
The findings of the study significantly improve our understanding of stock return predictability in Asian markets. Unlike previous studies, our results challenge the leading role of the US by providing a new intra-regional return predictor, namely, China’s uncertainty exposure. These results also evidence the continuing integration of the Asian economy and financial markets. However, contrary findings for some Asian markets point toward certain market-specific features. Compared with market-level research, our analysis provides deeper insights into the performance of individual stocks and is of particular importance to investors and other market participants.
Cui Stacey Li, Carol Xiaoyue Zhang, Xiaoqing Chen and Meng Shan Sharon Wu
This study aims to explore how the concept of extended self-influences luxury shopping tourism consumption among Chinese tourists. It explores why luxury shopping is important for…
This study aims to explore how the concept of extended self-influences luxury shopping tourism consumption among Chinese tourists. It explores why luxury shopping is important for Chinese tourists. Specifically, this study focuses on a strategically important emerging market segment: post-1990s female Chinese tourists.
To explore the link between the extended self and luxury shopping tourism consumption among post-1990s Chinese female tourists, this study adopted a qualitative and interpretive approach. A total of 22 semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out to collect the data.
This qualitative inquiry found that luxury shopping during overseas holidays has some subtle differences from luxury shopping in China, as the conceptualisation of luxury is highly context-based. Through a focus on gender and generational differences, the current study reveals that the idea of individuality has started to influence their luxury purchases.
Practical implications
The study shows how different selves are associated with luxury shopping. It thus provides empirical evidence regarding the reasons behind their motivation, especially for shopping overseas to get a good price and an exclusive and enjoyable luxury shopping experience abroad. Also, it was found that curiosity about buying luxury products is viewed as less favoured and logical shopping will be a future trend. Individuality is becoming a trend for younger consumers.
Theoretically, by linking the “extended self” with luxury shopping tourism, this study provides the social-psychological aspects of luxury shopping tourism. Instead of focusing on particular destinations, this study provides compressed but also focused inquiries to explore how the concept of the self-influences post-1990s female Chinese tourists’ shopping consumption while on holiday, and how this luxury shopping experience influences their concept of the self.
本文运用“延伸自我”概念对中国泳客在境外购买奢侈品的行为和意义进行探讨, 从而进一步了解中国游客对奢侈品的消费形态。 研究主要专注在中国90后女性市场, 女性市场已被许多学者以即市场营销人员认定为新兴市场领域。
通过22个深度访谈的所得数据表明境外奢侈品高买行为与自我概念有着紧密的联系, 并为消费者购买动机背后的原因提供了实证
在境外旅游过程中购买奢侈品有非常大的价格优势, 同时又能为消费者提供独特的购物体验, 中国90后女性的奢侈品购买行为日趋理性并在出行之前做好详细的购物计划, 个性的展示将成为中国年轻女性奢侈品消费的主导因素。
该研究的理论贡献是探索自我概念如何影响90年代后中国女性游客在境外旅行度假时的奢侈品购物行为, 以及这种奢侈品购物体验如何影响其自我概念。
关键词 购物,中国游客,女性, 延伸自我,自我概念
文章类型 研究论文
El estudio se dedica a explorar cómo influir el conceptöauto-extensión¨ al comportamiento de comprar los artículos de lujo en el extranjero entre los chinos turísticos, también a explorar la importancia de tal caso para ellos.
Este estudio ha adaptado un enfoque cualitativo entre 22 entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas para la recopilación de datos y muestra cómo se asocian diferentes seres con las compras de lujo.
Por lo tanto, se proporciona las pruebas evidentemente sobre las razones detrás de su motivación. Comprar artículos de lujo durante los viajes al extranjero tiene una gran ventaja de precio, al tiempo que las ofrece una experiencia especial. Estos actos se están volviendo más racionales y tienen planes de compras detallados antes de viajar. La exhibición de la personalidad se convertirá en el factor dominante en cuanto al consumo de artículos de lujo por parte de tales chinas.
Principalmente se enfoca a un nuevo campo del mercado en lo cual los consumidores son las chicas quienes nacieron después del año 1990.
Xiaoyue Chen, Bin Li and Andrew C. Worthington
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between the higher moments of returns (realized skewness and kurtosis) and subsequent returns at the industry level, with…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between the higher moments of returns (realized skewness and kurtosis) and subsequent returns at the industry level, with a focus on both empirical predictability and practical application via trading strategies.
Daily returns for 48 US industries over the period 1970–2019 from Kenneth French’s data library are used to calculate the higher moments and to construct short- and medium-term single-sort trading strategies. The analysis adjusts returns for common risk factors (market, size, value, investment, profitability and illiquidity) to confirm whether conventional asset pricing models can capture these relationships.
Past skewness positively relates to subsequent industry returns and this relationship is unexplained by common risk factors. There is also a time-varying effect in which the predictive role of skewness is much stronger over business cycle expansions than recessions, a result consistent with varying investor optimism. However, there is no significant relationship between kurtosis and subsequent industry returns. The analysis confirms robustness using both value- and equal-weighted returns.
Research limitations/implications
The calculation of realized moments conventionally uses high-frequency intra-day data, regrettably unavailable for industries. In addition, the chosen portfolio-sorting method may omit some information, as it compares only average group returns. Nonetheless, the close relationship between skewness and future returns at the industry level suggests variations in returns unexplained by common risk factors. This enriches knowledge of market anomalies and questions yet again weak-form market efficiency and the validity of conventional asset pricing models. One suggestion is that it is possible to significantly improve the existing multi-factor asset pricing models by including industry skewness as a risk factor.
Practical implications
Given the relationship between skewness and future returns at the industry level, investors may predict subsequent industry returns to select better-performing funds. They may even construct trading strategies based on return distributions that would generate abnormal returns. Further, as the evaluation of individual stocks also contains industry information, and stocks in industries with better performance earn higher returns, risks related to industry return distributions can also shed light on individual stock picking.
While there is abundant evidence of the relationships between higher moments and future returns at the firm level, there is little at the industry level. Further, by testing whether there is time variation in the relationship between industry higher moments and future returns, the paper yields novel evidence concerning the asymmetric effect of stock return predictability over business cycles. Finally, the analysis supplements firm-level results focusing only on the decomposed components of higher moments.
Xiaoyue Wang, Zhanfu Li, Xin Tong and Xiaole Ge
The purpose of this study is to explore how particle shape influences the screening, including screening efficiency per unit time, and the relationship between vibration…
The purpose of this study is to explore how particle shape influences the screening, including screening efficiency per unit time, and the relationship between vibration parameters and screening efficiency per unit time in discrete element method (DEM) numerical simulations.
In this paper, a three-dimensional discrete element model of vibrating screen with composite vibration form of swing and translation was proposed to simulate the screening process. In total, 11 kinds of non-spherical particles whose shapes changed in a continuous regularity gradual process were established using a multi-sphere method. In the DEM simulations, vibration parameters, including vibration frequency, vibration amplitude and stroke angle, and swing parameters, including swing frequency and swing angle, were changed to perform parametric studies.
It shows that the effect of particle shape on screening efficiency is quantitative actually. However, the trends of different shape particles’ screening efficiency per unit time are mainly consistent.
Some simple particle shapes can be expected to be explored to do screening simulation studies reasonably with modification of the simulation data in DEM numerical simulations. That may improve the computational efficiency of numerical simulations and provide guidance to the study of the screening process.
Xiaoyue Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Li Zhang and Qinghua Zeng
With respect to multiple attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) in which the assessment values of alternatives are denoted by normal discrete fuzzy variables (NDFVs) and the…
With respect to multiple attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) in which the assessment values of alternatives are denoted by normal discrete fuzzy variables (NDFVs) and the weight information of attributes is incompletely known, this paper aims to develop a novel fuzzy stochastic MAGDM method based on credibility theory and fuzzy stochastic dominance, and then applies the proposed method for selecting the most desirable investment alternative under uncertain environment.
First, by aggregating the membership degrees of an alternative to a scale provided by all decision-makers into a triangular fuzzy number, the credibility degree and expect the value of a triangular fuzzy number are calculated to construct the group fuzzy stochastic decision matrix. Second, based on determining the credibility distribution functions of NDFVs, the fuzzy stochastic dominance relations between alternatives on each attribute are obtained and the fuzzy stochastic dominance degree matrices are constructed by calculating the dominance degrees that one alternative dominates another on each attribute. Subsequently, calculating the overall fuzzy stochastic dominance degrees of an alternative on each attribute, a single objective non-linear optimization model is established to determine the weights of attributes by maximizing the relative closeness coefficients of all alternatives to positive ideal solution. If the information about attribute weights is completely unknown, the idea of maximizing deviation is used to determine the weights of attributes. Finally, the ranking order of alternatives is determined according to the descending order of corresponding relative closeness coefficients and the best alternative is determined.
This paper proposes a novel fuzzy stochastic MAGDM method based on credibility theory and fuzzy stochastic dominance, and a case study of investment alternative selection problem is provided to illustrate the applicability and sensitivity of the proposed method and its effectiveness is demonstrated by comparison analysis with the proposed method with the existing fuzzy stochastic MAGDM method. The result shows that the proposed method is useful to solve the MAGDM problems in which the assessment values of alternatives are denoted by NDFVs and the weight information of attributes is incompletely known.
The contributions of this paper are that to describe the dominance relations between fuzzy variables reasonably and quantitatively, the fuzzy stochastic dominance relations between any two fuzzy variables are redefined and the concept of fuzzy stochastic dominance degree is proposed to measure the dominance degree that one fuzzy variable dominate another; Based on credibility theory and fuzzy stochastic dominance, a novel fuzzy stochastic MAGDM method is proposed to solve MAGDM problems in which the assessment values of alternatives are denoted by NDFVs and the weight information of attributes is incompletely known. The proposed method has a clear logic, which not only can enrich and develop the theories and methods of MAGDM but also provides decision-makers a novel method for solving fuzzy stochastic MAGDM problems.
ShiNa Li, Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong, Carol Xiaoyue Zhang and Mengxin Chen
This paper aims to identify peer-to-peer accommodation hosts’ perceived motivations and constraints, to examine the prediction of the motivation and constraint factors on hosts’…
This paper aims to identify peer-to-peer accommodation hosts’ perceived motivations and constraints, to examine the prediction of the motivation and constraint factors on hosts’ intention to continue business based on hosts’ attitudes and to explore the moderating role of the business scale.
A scale for hosts’ perceived motivators and constraints was developed. Mixed methods were used to develop and analyse a conceptual framework for demonstrating how constraints and motivations influence hosts’ behavioural intentions. Findings from interviews with hosts interpretatively supported the survey results.
Chinese hosts’ perceived constraints and motivators are identified and explained. The survey results indicate that constraints lower intention to continue one’s business and motivators heightens it. Motivators have a higher effect on attitudes and intentions than constraints do. The business scale was confirmed as a moderator in the constraint–attitude link but not in the motivator–attitude relationship.
Practical implications
This paper offers policy implications for governments, online platforms and hosts in terms of establishing incentives and solving problems so that Chinese hosts can sustainably operate their businesses.
This paper identifies constraints and motivators and develops a measurement scale for both simultaneously, which provides a holistic explanation of hosts’ attitude and behavioural intention. It also reveals the moderating role of the business scale. In investigating the thoughts of existing hosts operating on global and local platforms in China, this paper complements the literature, which mainly focuses on the Western context and a single global platform.
Xiaoyue Ma, Pengzhen Xue, Mingde Li and Nada Matta
Most of the existing studies on the evolution of emergency topics in social media focused on the emergency information demand of fixed user type in emergency while ignoring the…
Most of the existing studies on the evolution of emergency topics in social media focused on the emergency information demand of fixed user type in emergency while ignoring the changing roles of stakeholders during the emergency. Thus in this study, a three-dimensional dynamic topic evolution model is proposed, in which fine grained division of time, dynamic identification of stakeholders in the emergency, and emergency topic evolution based on both timeline and stakeholder's type are all considered.
Particularly the relevance between the tweets posted and the topic of emergency, the influence on the social network, and the attention of emergency topic are as well taken into account to quantitatively calculate the weight and ranking of stakeholders at different stages of the emergency. To verify the proposed model, an experimental demonstration was carried out under an emergency event posted on social media.
The results show that (1) based on the three-dimensional dynamic topic evolution model, the composition and ranking of stakeholders have obvious differences at different stages; (2) the emergency information needs and the sharing behavior of stakeholders on emergency information also indicate different preferences where the topic concerns of stakeholders at different stages have a strong relationship with their weight ranking; (3) the emergency topic evolution considering both the dynamics of emergency stakeholders and emergency information demand could more accurately reflect the changing regularity of social media users' attention to information in emergency events.
This study is one of first to investigate the emergency topic evaluation on social media by considering the dynamic changes of various stakeholders in emergency. It could not only theoretically provide more accurate method to understand how users share and search emergency information in social media, but also practically signify an information recommendation way in social media for emergency tracking.
Peer review
The peer review history for this article is available at:
This study examines the impact of climate legislation on green agricultural production and tests the heterogeneous impact of different types of climate legislation on agricultural…
This study examines the impact of climate legislation on green agricultural production and tests the heterogeneous impact of different types of climate legislation on agricultural green production.
In this study, the super-slacks-based measure (super-SBM) model is used to calculate agricultural green total factor productivity (AGTFP). The impact of climate legislation (including legislative acts and executive orders) on AGTFP is examined through regression analysis. The transmission mechanism of climate legislation affecting agricultural green production is further investigated.
This study shows that climate legislation has a positive long-term effect on AGTFP. It stimulates innovation in agricultural green technology but has a negative impact on resource allocation efficiency. Executive orders have a more significant effect on AGTFP than climate legislative acts. The effectiveness of climate legislation is more significant in countries with stronger legislation. Moreover, climate legislation reduces AGTFP in low-income countries while enhancing AGTFP in high-income countries. This effect is most prominent in upper-middle-income countries.
This study examines the different effects of various types of climate legislation, considering the level of economic development and the strength of the legal system on AGTFP. The findings can offer a global perspective and insights for China’s policymaking.