Shpresim Domi and Fabjola Domi
The purpose of this paper is to examine the interplay of skill-enhancing human resources practices, customer orientation (CO) and tourism small- and medium-sized enterprises…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the interplay of skill-enhancing human resources practices, customer orientation (CO) and tourism small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance indicators.
Data for 194 valid cases are gathered through face-to-face techniques in Albanian tourism SMEs. Structural equation modeling is implemented to analyze data and test the hypothesis proposed.
Overall, both skill-enhancing human resources (HR) practices (i.e. recruitment/selection and training) are not associated with SMEs performance. Results suggest that using HR selection/recruitment practices are not associated to SME’s CO. Contrary, implementing skill-enhancing HR training practices is significant for SMEs strategy to focus and address customers’ wants and needs. Finally, it was found that the CO mediates the relationship between skill-enhancing HR training practices and performance, but this was not true on the skill-enhancing HR recruitment/selection practices-performance relationship.
This study makes contributions by further informing the debate about the direct and indirect link between skill-enhancing HR practices and performance. Additionally, it examines the precise role of the skill-enhancing HR practice on SMEs’ culture and or strategy to create value for customers.
Joan-Lluís Capelleras, Shpresim Domi and Giovanni Belletti
The purpose of this study is to investigate the interplay of skill-enhancing human resources (HR) practices, innovativeness and firm performance.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the interplay of skill-enhancing human resources (HR) practices, innovativeness and firm performance.
Data from 211 valid cases were gathered through an online survey and face-to-face interviews with Albanian tourism firms. Structural equation modeling was implemented to test the proposed hypotheses.
The results suggest that HR training has a positive influence on innovativeness, which in turn affects positively firm performance. Thus, there is a mediation effect of innovativeness in the link between training and performance.
Research limitations/implications
The findings are in line with the strategic perspective on HR management, which suggests that HR practices are likely to indirectly affect firm performance. However, results should be interpreted with caution due to the cross-sectional nature of the data.
Practical implications
HR training practices may help tourism firms to increase their innovation orientation and ultimately improve their performance outcomes.
Investigating the mediation role of innovativeness on the relationship between skill-enhancing HR practices and firm performance within the tourism context is the core contribution.
此研究的目的是研究技能增强型人力资源(HR)做法, 创新性和公司绩效之间的相互作用。
通过一系列在线调查, 我们收集了211例阿尔巴尼亚旅游行业公司的面对面访谈, 组成有效分析数据。实施结构方程模型以验证所提出的假设。
研究结果表明人力资源培训对创新具有积极的意义。重要的是, 在培训和绩效之间, 创新具有重要的中介作用。
研究结果与人力资源管理的战略观点相当一致, 表明人力资源实践对企业绩效会带来间接的影响。但是, 由于数据具有跨行业性质, 所以在结果的分析上应当采取谨慎的态度。
Prácticas de recursos humanos que mejoran las habilidades y desempeño de la empresa: el papel mediador de la innovación
El propósito de este estudio es investigar la interacción de las prácticas de recursos humanos (RRHH) que mejoran las habilidades, la innovación y el desempeño de la empresa.
Los datos de 211 casos válidos se recopilaron a través de una encuesta en línea y de entrevistas personales con empresas de turismo albanesas. Se implementó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para probar las hipótesis propuestas.
Los resultados sugieren que la formación de RR.HH. tiene una influencia positiva en la innovación, la cual a su vez afecta positivamente al rendimiento de la empresa. Por tanto, existe un efecto mediador de la innovación en la relación entre formación y rendimiento.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
Los hallazgos están en línea con la perspectiva estratégica sobre la gestión de RRHH, que sugiere que las prácticas de RRHH pueden afectar indirectamente el desempeño de la empresa. Sin embargo, los resultados deben interpretarse con precaución debido a la naturaleza transversal de los datos.
Implicaciones prácticas
Las prácticas de formación de RRHH pueden ayudar a las empresas de turismo a aumentar su orientación hacia la innovación y, en última instancia, mejorar sus resultados.
Investigar el papel mediador de la innovación en la relación entre las prácticas de RRHH que mejoran las habilidades y el desempeño de la empresa dentro del contexto turístico es la contribución principal.