Rim Boussaada, Abdelaziz Hakimi and Majdi Karmani
This research investigated whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) can alleviate the negative effect of non-performing loans (NPLs) on bank performance.
This research investigated whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) can alleviate the negative effect of non-performing loans (NPLs) on bank performance.
The research employed a sample of European banks over the 2008–2017 period. To resolve endogeneity and heterogeneity problems, the system generalized method of moments (SGMM) model was employed.
First, bank NPLs were negatively and significantly associated with bank performance as measured by the Q-Tobin ratio and the return on assets (ROA). Second, CSR scores exerted a negative and significant effect on the level of NPLs. Finally, the results indicated that bank performance could benefit from the interactional effect of CSR and NPLs.
Research limitations/implications
This study fills the gap in the debate over the mediating role of CSR in the NPLs – bank performance interrelation. In addition, our SGMM analysis yielded more robust and efficient results while resolving endogeneity and heterogeneity problems concerning CSR and bank performance or risk in corporate finance.
Practical implications
CSR practices can play an essential mediating role in the NPLs–bank performance relationship. CSR activities in the European context may reduce the level of NPLs and increase bank performance.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, studies of the implications of CSR activities on the banking sector are very limited. Indeed, this paper shows that CSR mediates the relationship between CSR practices and NPLs. The results suggest that bank performance could benefit from the interactional effect of CSR and NPLs.
Abdullah S. Karaman, Ali Uyar, Rim Boussaada and Majdi Karmani
Prior studies mostly tested the association between carbon emissions and firm value in certain contexts. This study aims to advance the existing literature by concentrating on…
Prior studies mostly tested the association between carbon emissions and firm value in certain contexts. This study aims to advance the existing literature by concentrating on three indicators of greening in corporations namely resource use, emissions and eco-innovation, and examining their value relevance in the stock market at the global level. Furthermore, we deepen the investigation by exploring the moderating role of eco-innovation and the CSR committee between greening in corporations and market value.
The data for the study were retrieved from the Thomson Reuters Eikon database for the years between 2002 and 2019 and contain 17,961 firm-year observations which are analyzed through fixed-effects regression.
The results reveal that while resource usage is viewed as value-relevant by the market, the emissions and eco-innovation are not. However, despite eco-innovation per se not being value-relevant, its interaction with resource usage and emissions is value-relevant. Furthermore, CSR committees undertake a very critical role in translating greening practices into market value.
Research limitations/implications
While the results for emissions support the cost-concerned school, the findings for resource usage confirm the value creation school. Furthermore, the interaction effect of eco-innovation and CSR committee confirms the resource-based theory and stakeholder theory, respectively.
Practical implications
Investors regard eco-innovation-induced pro-environmental behaviors as value-relevant. These results propose firms replace eco-innovation at the focal point in developing environmental strategies and connecting other greening efforts to it. Moreover, CSR committees are critical to corporations in translating greening practices into firm value by developing and implementing disclosure and communication strategies.
The study’s originality stems from investigating the synergetic effect that eco-innovation and CSR committees generate in translating greening practices to greater market value at a global scale.
Rim Boussaada and Abdelaziz Hakimi
The aim of this paper is to examine whether multiple large shareholders and their interactions affect bank profitability in the MENA region.
The aim of this paper is to examine whether multiple large shareholders and their interactions affect bank profitability in the MENA region.
To achieve this goal, we used a sample of conventional banks in the MENA region observed during the period 2004–2015. We performed the System Generalized Method of Moment as the empirical approach.
Empirical results indicate that under the dispersion hypothesis, multiple large shareholders (MLS) tend to reduce bank profitability for both return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). However, under the alignment of interests’ hypothesis, coalition between the first and the second largest shareholder increases bank profitability only for ROA. We also find that an additional large shareholder, beyond the two largest, reduces bank return equity.
To the best of our knowledge, to date, there is no study that investigates the effect of MLS and the bank profitability in the MENA region. Indeed, this study shows the importance of considering ownership composition among large shareholders in banking studies.
This study aims to investigate how multiple large shareholders individually and interactively influence Middle East and North Africa (MENA) bank stability.
This study aims to investigate how multiple large shareholders individually and interactively influence Middle East and North Africa (MENA) bank stability.
The empirical framework is based on a generalized dynamic two-step system and utilizes the method of moments estimation to analyze a panel dataset of 532 bank-year observations over the 2004–2017 period.
The estimation results show that large shareholders are crucial in explaining the differences in bank stability among MENA banks. Specifically, the first- and second-largest shareholders exacerbate bank instability. However, we found that the third-largest shareholder enhances bank stability. Additionally, the coalition between the two largest shareholders increases the moral hazard problem in MENA banks and significantly decreases stability. Meanwhile, the interaction between the three largest shareholders is associated with a control contestability problem, which impels better bank stability. The results support the dispersion effect of multiple large shareholders in MENA countries.
The role of large shareholders in corporate governance is widely recognized. However, very little is known about the role and the real impact that multiple large shareholders may have on the banking sector. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this work is the first to analyze the relationship between multiple large shareholders and bank stability in the MENA region.
Amal Hamrouni, Ali Uyar and Rim Boussaada
The purpose of this paper is to test whether or not CSR disclosure (i.e. aggregate as well as its three sub-indicators) reduces the cost of debt for French corporations listed in…
The purpose of this paper is to test whether or not CSR disclosure (i.e. aggregate as well as its three sub-indicators) reduces the cost of debt for French corporations listed in the SBF 120 index between 2010 and 2015.
CSR disclosure ratings of firms were collected from the Bloomberg database under three dimensions such as environmental, social and governance (ESG). Then, a pooled regression analysis was run.
The results indicate that overall CSR disclosure score as a combination of ESG disclosure scores has a negative effect on the cost of debt (i.e. lowers the cost of debt). While environmental disclosure is negatively associated with the cost of debt, social disclosure is unexpectedly positively associated, and governance disclosure has an insignificant association with the cost of debt.
Research limitations/implications
The study has two main limitations. First, the analysis does not consider contractual constraints and obligations that might exist in debt contracts (Jung et al., 2018). Second, the analyses cover a specific time period (i.e. between 2010 and 2015) for a specific country (i.e. France) excluding utilities and the financial sector.
Practical implications
Overall, it is inferred from the results that financial markets for lenders take into account CSR disclosure when assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers. Specifically, environmental disclosure is the only subdimension of CSR that is influential on creditors’ decisions to offer favorable interest rates. In line with this outcome, companies can assess their processes and be more aligned with eco-friendly practices, and investors are particularly advised to invest in those types of firms.
This study extends scant literature on the association between CSR and the cost of debt by exploring how creditors treat CSR dimensions dissimilarly in granting loans to firms. The findings of this study have particular importance as financial debt is one of the most predominant forms of external financing.
Abdelaziz Hakimi, Rim Boussaada and Majdi Karmani
This paper aims to investigate the reciprocal nonlinear relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm performance (FP).
This paper aims to investigate the reciprocal nonlinear relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm performance (FP).
The authors used a sample of 814 European firms over the period 2008–2017. The Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model was performed as an econometric approach.
Firstly, results show a threshold effect in the CSR–FP relationships within the two directions. More specifically, the authors found that firms are more likely to engage in CSR by surpassing a threshold of 1.231% for return on assets (ROA) and 0.821% for Tobin’s Q ratio. Secondly, the authors also found that the impact of CSR on FP is positive and significant only if the environment, social and governance score surpasses the threshold of 56.780% when the dependent variable is ROA and 41.02% when Tobin’s Q ratio measures performance.
Research limitations/implications
A significant part of the literature supports the linear relationship between CSR and FP from the unique direction (CSR → FP). This study comes to fill this gap by assessing the possible nonlinear relationship. In addition, this nonlinear relationship is tested under the two directions. Therefore, defining the threshold of FP that allows companies to engage in CSR, on the one hand, and the threshold of engagement in CSR that improves FP, on the other hand, could be an exciting topic.
Practical implications
To get the full benefit from CSR effects, firms should be with better financial performance to be socially responsible.
To the best of our knowledge, few studies have explored the nonlinear relationship between CSR and FP. In addition, this study raises the question of whether this relation is causal. The authors assess the two nonlinear relationships between CSR ? FP and FP ? CSR by determining the optimal thresholds.
本文旨在探究企業社會責任 (以下簡稱企社責) 與公司業績之間的相互非線 性關係。
研究所採用的樣本為814間歐洲公司, 涵蓋期為2008年至2017年。研究人 員使用縱橫平滑轉換模型、作為經濟計量方法和工具去進行研究。
研究結果顯示、在有關的兩個方向內, 企社責與公司業績之間的關聯上是 存在著閾值效應的。更具體地說, 研究人員發現, 若企業的資產報酬率超過1.231%的 水平, 以及托賓的Q比率 (Tobin’s Q Ratio) 0.821%的水平的話, 它們會更願意承擔企 社責。其次, 研究結果亦顯示, 企社責對企業的業績會產生積極的影響; 另外, 只有 當資產報酬率是因變數、而環境、社會和公司治理的分數 (ESGS) 超過56.780%, 以 及當托賓的Q比率用來測量績效、而數值為41.02%時, 企社責對企業的業績所產生的 影響會較為顯著。
過去的學術文獻、大部份都是以唯一的方向 (企社責 ->公司業績) 去確認 企社責與企業業績之間的線性關係。本研究評估了兩者之間可能存在的非線性關係; 而且, 這非線性關係是在有關的兩個方向下而進行測試的; 因此, 本研究一方面給可 讓公司以企社責的精神和理念去營運的企業業績的閾值下了定義; 另一方面, 又給參 與企社責為公司帶來業績的改善的閾值下了定義。這均為令人興奮的課題。
企業若想取得因參與企社責而帶來的完全好處, 它們必須擁有更佳 的財務績效、以能盡其社會責任。
盡我們所知, 探究企社責與企業業績之間的非線性關係的研究實在不 多; 而且, 本研究對這兩者的關係是否是因果關係提出了質疑; 就此, 我們藉著釐定 最佳的相對閾值、來評估企社責 ->企業業績與企業業績 ->企社責之間的兩個非線性的 關係。
Amal Hamrouni, Mondher Bouattour, Nadia Ben Farhat Toumi and Rim Boussaada
The current study aims to investigate the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and information asymmetry, as well as the moderating effect of board…
The current study aims to investigate the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and information asymmetry, as well as the moderating effect of board characteristics (gender diversity, size and independence) on this relationship.
This paper uses a panel data regression analysis with the system generalized method of moments (SGMM) estimator of nonfinancial French firms included in the SBF 120 index. The environmental and social disclosure scores are collected from the Bloomberg database, while financial data are collected from the FactSet database.
The empirical results demonstrate that environmental disclosure has a positive impact on the level of information asymmetry, while social disclosure has no effect on the information environment. Gender diversity and board independence negatively impact the opacity index, while board size has a positive effect. The presence of women in board composition has a substitution effect on the relationship between environmental disclosure and information asymmetry. There is no moderating effect of board size on the association between CSR disclosure and information asymmetry. However, the proportion of independent female directors and board independence operates as substitutes to social disclosure on reducing information asymmetry.
Research limitations/implications
Although the models include the most common control variables used in the literature, they omit some variables. Second, the results should be interpreted with caution and should not be generalized to the entire stock market since the sample is based on large French companies.
Practical implications
The results of this study may be of interest to managers, investors and French market authorities since France is characterized by highly developed laws and reforms in the area of CSR. In addition, the paper leads to a better understanding of how women on the board, in particular, independent female directors, affect the relationship between CSR disclosure and information asymmetry. This could be of interest to French authorities, which has encouraged the appointment of women through the adoption of the Copé–Zimmermann law.
First, to the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to explore the moderating effect of board characteristics on the relationship between CSR and information asymmetry. Second, unlike previous studies using individual proxies to measure information asymmetry, the authors favor the opacity index of Anderson et al. (2009). They calculate this index by including a fifth individual measure, namely, share price volatility. The opacity index better describes the information environment of companies than individual measures since it reflects the perceptions of investors and analysts together.
Majdi Karmani and Rim Boussaada
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether institutional quality influences the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm performance (FP) relationship.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether institutional quality influences the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm performance (FP) relationship.
This paper uses a large sample of 814 European firms from roughly 2008 to 2017. In order to resolve the problem of endogeneity and heterogeneity the system generalized method of moment is performed.
First, the effect of CSR on FP is simultaneously positive and significant for the economic, social and overall score based on an equal-weighted performance of four CSR pillars. Second, we found that the institutional quality matters, as corruption significantly decreases the FP, while government stability law and order exert a positive impact. Third, results suggest, similarly, that FP benefits from the interactional relationship between CSR and institutional quality. Finally, as for firm specifics, we found that the lagged performance and growth rate of sales significantly increase the European FP. However, FP is negatively sensitive to the leverage ratio.
Research limitations/implications
This study aims to fill the gap in the CSR-FP interrelation and institutional context. Since we have a large number of firms (814) compared to a relatively small temporal dimension (10 years), the dynamic panel data analysis, and more precisely, the SGMM approach, is the most appropriate to resolve the problem of endogeneity and heterogeneity.
Practical implications
The institutional environment affects the firm's CSR response and results. The strong institutional quality may result in increased regulatory pressures placed on the firm related to social responsibility compliance and can thereby enhance the CSR–FP relationship.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that explored the relationship between CSR–FP and institutional quality in the European context. Indeed, this paper shows that institutional quality mediates the relationship between CSR practices and FP.
Amal Hamrouni, Rim Boussaada and Nadia Ben Farhat Toumi
The purpose of this paper is to examine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting influences leverage ratios. In particular, this paper aims to determine whether firms…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting influences leverage ratios. In particular, this paper aims to determine whether firms with higher CSR disclosure scores have better access to debt financing.
This paper uses a panel data analysis of non-financial French firms listed on the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange and members of the SBF 120 index from 2010 to 2015. The environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure scores that are collected from the Bloomberg database are used as a proxy for the extent of ESG information disclosures by French companies.
The empirical results demonstrate that leverage ratios are positively related to CSR disclosure scores. In addition, the results show that the levels of long-term and short-term debt increase with the disclosure of ESG information, thus suggesting that CSR disclosures play a significant role in reducing information asymmetry and improving transparency around companies’ ESG activities. This finding meets the lenders’ expectations in terms of extrafinancial information and attracts debt financing sources.
Research limitations/implications
The research is based only on the quantity of the ESG information disclosed by French companies and does not account for the quality of the CSR disclosures. The empirical model omits some control variables (e.g. the nature of the industry, the external business conditions and the age of the firm). The results should not be generalized, since the sample was based on large French companies for 2010–2015.
Practical implications
France is a highly regulated context that places considerable pressure on French firms in terms of CSR policies. The French Parliament has adopted several laws requiring transparency in the environmental, social, and corporate governance policies of French firms. In this context, firms often regard CSR policies as constraints rather than opportunities. This study highlights the benefits that result from transparent CSR practices. More precisely, it provides evidence that the high disclosure of ESG information is a pull factor for credit providers.
This study extends the scope of previous studies by examining the value and relevance of CSR disclosures in financing decisions. More precisely, it focuses on the relatively little explored relationship between the extent of CSR disclosures and access to debt financing. This paper demonstrates how each category of CSR disclosure information (e.g. social, environmental and governance) affects access to debt financing. Moreover, this study focuses on the rather interesting empirical setting of France, which is characterized by its highly developed legal reforms in terms of CSR. Achieving a better understanding of the effects of ESG information is useful for corporate managers desiring to meet lenders’ expectations and attract debt financing sources.
Mohamed M. El-Dyasty and Ahmed A. Elamer
Many countries are enacting regulations or/and recommendations to promote gender equality in the workplace, especially in the top leadership and management positions. However…
Many countries are enacting regulations or/and recommendations to promote gender equality in the workplace, especially in the top leadership and management positions. However, despite current research on gender diversity and firm outcomes, the authors know comparatively little about how different female leadership roles drive such outcomes. This study explores this notion in an emerging market by examining the effect of female leadership on financial reporting quality in Egypt.
This study uses multiple regression analyses for a sample of 1,686 firm-year observations listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange over the period 2011–2020.
This study’s results show that female directors, female executives and females on audit committees are positively associated with financial reporting quality. Further, the results suggest that executive female directors are less involved in income decreasing earnings management practices. The findings are robust to possible omitted variables bias, alternative measurements and endogeneity issues. Taken together, the results are in line with the view that gender diversity is an effective monitoring instrument, which attenuates agency conflict and thus upholds financial reporting quality.
Research limitations/implications
Future research may expand the analysis performed in this study by using other proxies of financial reporting quality (e.g. earnings persistence, earnings predictability, conservatism and restatements). Also, the authors did not investigate the characteristics related to female directors (e.g. education, experience and age) due to data availability. Future research may examine the effect of these characteristics on female directors regarding financial reporting quality.
Practical implications
The evidence about the importance of female leadership in shaping financial reporting quality may inform future policy and regulatory initiatives.
This study contributes to the growing literature related to gender diversity. First, this study extensively investigates the leadership aspects related to female directors in both mentoring and executive positions. Second, the evidence reached is based on three different proxies of financial reporting quality. Thus, unlike previous studies, conclusions were reached based on a solid basis to support the reliability of the results. These findings should be of great interest to policymakers, academics and stakeholders.