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Publication date: 16 April 2020

Naren Shankar R., Kevin Bennett S., Dilip Raja N. and Sathish Kumar K.

This study aims to analyze co-flowing jets (CFJs) with constant velocity ratio (VR) and varying primary nozzle lip thickness (LT) to find a critical LT in CFJs below which mixing…



This study aims to analyze co-flowing jets (CFJs) with constant velocity ratio (VR) and varying primary nozzle lip thickness (LT) to find a critical LT in CFJs below which mixing enhances and beyond which mixing inhibits.


CFJs were characterized with a constant VR and varying LTs. A single free jet with a diameter equal to that of a primary nozzle of the CFJ was used for characteristic comparison. Numerical simulation is carried out and is validated with the experimental results.


The results show that within a critical limit, the mixing enhanced with an increase in LT. This was signified by a reduction in potential core length (PCL). Beyond this limit, mixing inhibited leading to the elongation of PCL. This limit was controlled by parameters such as LT and constant VR. A new region termed as influential wake zone is identified.

Practical implications

In this study, the VR is maintained constant and bypass ratio (BR) was varied from low value to very high values. Presently, subsonic commercial turbo fan operates under low to ultra-high BR. Hence the present study becomes vital to the current scenario.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first effort to find the critical value of LT for a constant VR for compressible co-flow jets. The CFJs with constant VR and varying LT have not been studied in the past. The present study focuses on finding a critical LT below which mixing enhances and above which mixing inhibits.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 92 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 20 April 2022

Naren Shankar R. and Ganesan V.G.

The purpose of this study is to analyse numerically and experimentally the effects of lip thickness (LT) and bypass ratio on co-flowing nozzle under subsonic and correctly…




The purpose of this study is to analyse numerically and experimentally the effects of lip thickness (LT) and bypass ratio on co-flowing nozzle under subsonic and correctly expanded sonic jet decay at different Mach numbers.


Co-flowing jets from co-flowing nozzles of different LTs, 0.2, 1 and 1.5 Dp (where Dp is the primary nozzle exit diameter = 10 mm), with an annular gap of 10 mm at main jet exit Mach numbers 0.6 have been studied experimentally and the other cases have been performed numerically. The co-flowing jet with 2 mm LT was used for comparison.


Co-flowing jet axial pitot pressure decay, axial static pressure decay, axial velocity decay, radial velocity decay and streamline velocity contours were analyzed. The results illustrate that the mixing of the co-flowing jet with profound LT is prevalent to the co-flowing jet with 2 mm LT, at all Mach numbers of the current study. Also, the LT of the co-flowing jet has a strong impact on jet mixing. Co-flowing jets with 10 mm and 15 mm LT with a constant co-flow width of 10 mm experience a considerably advanced mixing than co-flowing jets with 2 mm LT and a co-flow width of 10 mm.

Practical implications

The application of bypassed co-flow jet is in turbofan engine operates efficiently in modern civil aircraft.


All subsonic jets are considered correctly expanded with negligible variation in axial static pressure. However, in the present study, static pressure along the centerline varies sinusoidally up to 9% and 12% above and below atmospheric pressure, respectively, for primary jet exit Mach number 1.0. The sinusoidal variation is less for primary jet exit Mach numbers 0.6 and 0.8 in static pressure decay.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 94 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 6 June 2019

Naren Shankar R. and Kevin Bennett S.

Subsonic commercial aircraft operate with turbo-fan engines that operate with moderate bypass ratio (BR) co-flowing jets (CFJ). This study aims to analyse CFJ with constant BR 6.3…



Subsonic commercial aircraft operate with turbo-fan engines that operate with moderate bypass ratio (BR) co-flowing jets (CFJ). This study aims to analyse CFJ with constant BR 6.3 and varying primary nozzle lip thickness (LT) to find a critical LT in CFJ below which mixing enhances and beyond which mixing inhibits.


CFJ were characterized with a constant BR of 6.3 and varying lip thicknesses. A single free jet with a diameter equal to that of a primary nozzle of the co-flowing jet was also studied for comparison.


The results show that within a critical limit, the mixing enhanced with an increase in LT. This was signified by a reduction in potential core length (PCL). Beyond this limit, mixing inhibited leading to the elongation of PCL. This limit was controlled by parameters such as LT and magnitude of BR.

Practical implications

The BR value of CFJ in the present study was 6.3. This lies under the moderate BR value at which subsonic commercial turbofan operates. Hence, it becomes impervious to study its mixing behavior.


This is the first effort to find the critical value of LT for a constant BR for compressible co-flow jets. The CFJ with moderate BR and varying LT has not been studied in the past. The present study focuses on finding a critical LT below which mixing enhances and above which mixing inhibits.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 91 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 29 August 2021

Naren Shankar R., Ganesan V.G., Dilip Raja N., Sathish Kumar K. and Vijayaraja K.

The effect of increasing lip thickness (LT) and Mach number on subsonic co-flowing Jet (CFJ) decay at subsonic and correctly expanded sonic Mach numbers has been analysed…



The effect of increasing lip thickness (LT) and Mach number on subsonic co-flowing Jet (CFJ) decay at subsonic and correctly expanded sonic Mach numbers has been analysed experimentally and numerically in this study. This study aims to a critical LT below which mixing enhances and above which mixing inhibits.


LT is the distance, separating the primary nozzle and the secondary duct, present in the co-flowing nozzle. The CFJ with LT ranging from 2 mm to 150 mm at jet exit Mach numbers of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 were studied in detail. The CFJ with 2 mm LT is used for comparison. Centreline total pressure decay, centreline static pressure decay and near field flow behaviour were analysed.


The result shows that the mixing enhances until a critical limit and a further increase in the LT does not show any variation in the jet mixing. Beyond this critical limit, the secondary jet has a detrimental effect on the primary jet, which deteriorates the process of mixing. The CFJ within the critical limit experiences a significantly higher mixing. The effect of the increase in the Mach number has marginal variation in the total pressure and significant variation in static pressure along the jet axis.

Practical implications

In this study, the velocity ratio (VR) is maintained constant and the bypass ratio (BR) was varied from low value to very high values for subsonic and correctly expanded sonic. Presently, commercial aircraft engine operates under these Mach numbers and low to ultra-high BR. Hence, the present study becomes essential.


This is the first effort to find the critical value of LT for a constant VR for a Mach number range of 0.6 to 1.0, compressible CFJ. The CFJs with constant VR of unity and varying LT, in these Mach number range, have not been studied in the past.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 93 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 25 September 2021

Sathish Kumar K, Naren Shankar R, Anusindhiya K and Senthil Kumar B.R.

This study aims to present the numerical study on supersonic jet mixing characteristics of the co-flow jet by varying lip thickness (LT). The LT chosen for the study is 2 mm, 7.75…



This study aims to present the numerical study on supersonic jet mixing characteristics of the co-flow jet by varying lip thickness (LT). The LT chosen for the study is 2 mm, 7.75 mm and 15 mm.


The primary nozzle is designed for delivering Mach 2.0 jet, whereas the secondary nozzle is designed for delivering Mach 1.6 jet. The Nozzle pressure ratio chosen for the study is 3 and 5. To study the mixing characteristics of the co-flow jet, total pressure and Mach number measurements were taken along and normal to the jet axis. To validate the numerical results, the numerical total pressure values were also compared with the experimental result and it is proven to have a good agreement.


The results exhibit that, the 2 mm lip is shear dominant. The 7.75 mm and 15 mm lip is wake dominant. The jet interaction along the jet axis was also studied using the contours of total pressure, Mach number, turbulent kinetic energy and density gradient. The radial Mach number contours at the various axial location of the jet was also studied.

Practical implications

The effect of varying LT in exhaust nozzle plays a vital role in supersonic turbofan aircraft.


Supersonic co-flowing jet mixing effectiveness by varying the LT between the primary supersonic nozzle and the secondary supersonic nozzle has not been analyzed in the past.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 94 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 11 January 2023

Naren Shankar Radha Krishnan, Irish Angelin S., Ganesan V.G. and Sathish Kumar K.

In comparison to a nozzle with a larger/finite separation distance (Thanigaiarasu et al., 2019), a thin-lip nozzle (Srinivasarao et al., 2017) minimizes drag. Coaxial nozzles with…



In comparison to a nozzle with a larger/finite separation distance (Thanigaiarasu et al., 2019), a thin-lip nozzle (Srinivasarao et al., 2017) minimizes drag. Coaxial nozzles with thin lips are an appropriate tool for studying high subsonic jets because it does not create a dominant re-circulation zone. This study aims to analyze the characteristic of separation distances, between primary and secondary nozzles, within the range of 0.7–3.2 mm which can be considered a thin lip.


A separation distance of 0.7  (Papamoschou, 2004), 1.7  and 2.65 mm (Lovaraju and Rathakrishnan, 2011) is considered for the present study. The main nozzle exit Mach number is maintained at a subsonic condition of Mach 0.6, and the co-flowing nozzle exit Mach number is varied from 0% (secondary jet stopped/single jet) to 100% (Mach 0.6) in steps of 20% with respect to the main nozzle exit Mach number. A comparison was made between these velocity ratios for all three lip thicknesses in the present study. Design mesh and analysis were done by using Gambit 2.6.4 and Fluent 6.12. Velocity contours and turbulence contours were studied for qualitative analysis.


When lip thickness increases from 0.7 to 2.65 mm, the potential core length (PCL) of the primary jet decreases marginally. Additionally, the PCL of the primary jet elongates significantly as the velocity ratio increases. The primary shear layer is dominant at 20% co-flow (20 PCF), less dominant at 60% co-flow (60 PCF) and almost disappeared at 100% co-flow (100 PCF). Concurrently, the secondary shear layer almost disappeared in 20 PCF, dominant in 60 PCF and more dominant in 100 PCF. Different zones such as initial merging, intermediate and fully merged zones are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed.

Practical implications

Co-flow nozzle is used in turbofan engine exhaust. The scaled-down model of a turbofan engine has been analyzed. Core length is directly proportional to the jet noise. The PCL signifies the jet noise reduction in a high-speed jet. For a low-velocity ratio, the potential core is reduced and hence can reduce the jet noise. At the same time, as the velocity ratio increases, the mass flow rate of the coaxial increases. The increase in the mass flow increases the thrust of the engine. The aircraft engine designer should analyze the requirement of the aircraft and choose the optimal velocity ratio coaxial nozzle for the engine exhaust (Papamoschou, 2004).


There have been many research studies carried out previously at various lip thickness such as 0.4  (Georgiadis, 2003), 0.7  (Papamoschou, 2004), 1.5  (Srinivasarao et al., 2014a), 1.7  (Sharma et al., 2008), 2  (Naren, Thanigaiarasu and Rathakrishnan, 2016), 2.65  (Lovaraju and Rathakrishnan, 2011), 3  (Inturiet al., 2022) and 3.2 mm (Perumal et al., 2020). However, there is no proper study to vary the lip thickness in this range from 0.7 to 3.2 mm to understand the flow behavior of a co-flowing jet.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 95 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 9 July 2021

Kirubakaran V. and Naren Shankar R.

This paper aims to predict the effect of combustor inlet area ratio (CIAR) on the lean blowout limit (LBO) of a swirl stabilized can-type micro gas turbine combustor having a…




This paper aims to predict the effect of combustor inlet area ratio (CIAR) on the lean blowout limit (LBO) of a swirl stabilized can-type micro gas turbine combustor having a thermal capacity of 3 kW.


The blowout limits of the combustor were predicted predominantly from numerical simulations by using the average exit gas temperature (AEGT) method. In this method, the blowout limit is determined from characteristics of the average exit gas temperature of the combustion products for varying equivalence. The CIAR value considered in this study ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 and combustor inlet velocities range from 1.70 to 6.80 m/s.


The LBO equivalence ratio decreases gradually with an increase in inlet velocity. On the other hand, the LBO equivalence ratio decreases significantly especially at low inlet velocities with a decrease in CIAR. These results were backed by experimental results for a case of CIAR equal to 0.2.

Practical implications

Gas turbine combustors are vulnerable to operate on lean equivalence ratios at cruise flight to avoid high thermal stresses. A flame blowout is the main issue faced in lean operations. Based on literature and studies, the combustor lean blowout performance significantly depends on the primary zone mass flow rate. By incorporating variable area snout in the combustor will alter the primary zone mass flow rates by which the combustor will experience extended lean blowout limit characteristics.


This is a first effort to predict the lean blowout performance on the variation of combustor inlet area ratio on gas turbine combustor. This would help to extend the flame stability region for the gas turbine combustor.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 93 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 1 June 2021

Sathish Kumar K., Senthilkumar Chidambaram and Naren Shankar Radha Krishnan

This paper aims to present the jet mixing effectiveness of triangular tabs with semi-circular corrugations to control the subsonic and sonic correctly expanded jets.



This paper aims to present the jet mixing effectiveness of triangular tabs with semi-circular corrugations to control the subsonic and sonic correctly expanded jets.


Three semi-circular corrugated triangular tabs (Tab A, Tab B and Tab C) of equal blockage 5.11% are used, in which the corrugation locations on the tabs are varied. The offset distance between the semi-circular corrugations at the leaned edges of the triangular tabs are 0.0, 0.75 and 1.5 mm for the Tabs A, B and C, respectively. Two identical semi-circular corrugated tabs has been placed exactly 180° apart at the exit of the convergent nozzle. The pitot pressure measurements were taken to study the jet mixing characteristics of the tabs for the jet exit Mach numbers of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, and it is compared with the free jet.


The jet centerline pitot pressure decay reveals that, Tab A is very effective than Tab B and Tab C. For the jet exit Mach numbers of 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, the potential core reduction for the Tab A is found to be 69.1%, 69.7% and 70.8%, respectively, when compared with the free jet.

Practical implications

The semi-circular corrugated triangular tabs were found to be more effective than the plain triangular tabs of equal blockage ratio for reducing the core length with minimum thrust loss.


The offset distance of the semi-circular corrugations are varied along the leaned sides of the triangular tabs, which is the novelty of this study.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 93 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 2 September 2021

Vignesh Kumar Murugesan, Aravindh Kumar Suseela Moorthi and Ganapathy Subramanian L. Ramachandran

The purpose of this study is to understand experimentally the mixing characteristics of a two-stream exhaust system with a supersonic Mach 1.5 primary jet that exits the…



The purpose of this study is to understand experimentally the mixing characteristics of a two-stream exhaust system with a supersonic Mach 1.5 primary jet that exits the rectangular C-D nozzle surrounded by a sonic secondary jet from a convergent rectangular nozzle by varying the aspect ratio (AR = 2 and 3) similar to those that can be available for future high-speed commercial aircraft.


This paper focuses on the experimental results of effects of AR at various expansion levels of jets issued/delivered from a central rectangular convergent-divergent nozzle of AR 2 and 3 surrounded by a coflow from a convergent rectangular sonic nozzle. The lip thickness of the primary nozzle is 2.2 mm. various nozzle pressure ratios (NPRs) ranging from 2, 3, 3.69 and 4 were chosen for pressure measurements.


For all the NPRs, AR 3 had a shorter core than AR 2. Also, AR 3 was found to decay faster in the transition and fully developed zones. The lateral plots show that the AR has an influence on the jet spread.


The structure of waves existing in the potential core of the rectangular coflow jet along with the major and minor axis planes was visualized by the shadowgraph technique.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 94 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 13 September 2021

Dawn Pradeeb S.A., Subramanian Thanigaiarasu and Nagarajakrishnan Premanand

Control over large-scale coherent structures and stream-wise vortices lead to enhanced entrainment/conservation of the jet which is desirable for most free jet applications such…



Control over large-scale coherent structures and stream-wise vortices lead to enhanced entrainment/conservation of the jet which is desirable for most free jet applications such as design of combustion chamber in jet engines and flame length elongation of welding torch used for metal cutting.


A co-flow nozzle with lip thickness of 2 mm, between the primary (inner) and secondary (outer) flow, is selected. Three nozzle combinations are used, i.e. C–C (circle–circle), C–E (circle–ellipse) and C–S (circle–square) for acquiring comparative data. For these nozzle combinations, inner nozzle exit plane is kept as a circle, whereas the outer nozzle exit planes are varied to circle, ellipse and square. The exit plane area of outer nozzle for the nozzle combinations has equivalent diameter, De. The nozzles are fabricated in a way that the outer nozzle can be rotated along the longitudinal axis, keeping the inner nozzle intact.


The C–C nozzle combination is effective in low Mach number regime in decaying the jet, when the rotational component is introduced. Around 30% reduction in the jet core length is observed for the C–C nozzle combinations without any lip. The C–E nozzle shows sedative result in decaying or preserving the jet. The C–S nozzle combination shows interesting phenomenon, whereby the low subsonic case tends to conserve the jet by 15% and the higher subsonic case tends to decay the jet by 10%.


The developed nozzle systems show both conservative and destructive effect on the jet, which is desirable for the mentioned applications.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 93 no. 10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842




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