Hafiz Muhammad Asif, Hafiz Abdul Sattar Hashmi, Rabia Zahid, Khalil Ahmad and Halima Nazar
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychosocial impact during the current epidemic situation of COVID-19 in Pakistan.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychosocial impact during the current epidemic situation of COVID-19 in Pakistan.
A total of 1,149 respondents were recruited in the study. Mental health status and psychological impact of COVID-19 outbreak were measured by impact of events scale–revised (IES-R) instrument and depression, anxiety and stress scales (DASS-21), respectively.
Results of IES-R revealed moderate or severe psychological impact in 13.05% respondents (score > 33). DAAS score revealed that severe and extremely severe depression (score: 21–42), anxiety (score: 15–42) and stress (score: 27–42) were reported in 6.35%, 6.87% and 2.78% respondents, respectively. Higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression were recorded in female gender, student, medical professionals, farmer and daily wages employed, exhibiting significant (p < 0.05) association with psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Majority of respondents received increased support, shared feeling and family care.
Mild to moderate psychological impact on mental health status was recorded in this study, which enables further planning and opportunities for health authorities to design psychological interventions for the improvement of negative psychological impact of COVID-19 epidemic in vulnerable groups.
Valerie Priscilla Goby, Hamad Mohammed Ahmad Ali, Mohammed Ahmad Abdulwahed Lanjawi and Khalil Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmad Al Haddad
The aim of this study is to conduct an initial investigation of information sharing between the vast number of expatriate employees and the small minority of local employees in…
The aim of this study is to conduct an initial investigation of information sharing between the vast number of expatriate employees and the small minority of local employees in Dubai’s private sector workforce. Research on the impact of the workforce localization policy has highlighted the frequent marginalization of locals within the expatriate-dominated private sector. One form of this is the reluctance of expatriates to share information with local recruits, and the authors conducted this study to assess the reality and extent of this phenomenon.
The authors designed a brief interview survey to probe how Emirati employees secure workplace information and whether they experience information withholding on the part of expatriate colleagues. The authors also explored whether any such experience impacts on their attitudes to working in the private sector since this is a key factor in the success of the localization policy. Complete responses were received from 0.9 per cent of the total local private sector workforce.
A notable lack of information sharing emerged with 58 per cent of respondents reporting their expatriate colleagues’ and superiors’ reluctance to share information with them, and 63 per cent describing experiences of discriminatory behavior.
Research limitations/implications
The authors identify key cultural and communication issues relating to localization within Dubai’s multicultural workforce. These include the broader cultural factors that determine how Emiratis conceptualize information sharing. Future research can pursue this issue to help inform the development of supportive information sharing practices. Such practices are an essential part of the creation of a diversity climate, which is necessary to sustain localization.
This study is a pioneering attempt to empirically investigate the information sharing practices that Emirati private sector employees experience. It suggests that the exclusion of citizens from the workplace through practices such as “ghost Emiratization” reverberates in the workplace through a lack of information sharing.
Khalil Ahmad, Bhuvanesh Sharma, Ritesh Khatwani, Mahima Mishra and Pradip Kumar Mitra
This paper aims to explore the impact of metaverse technology on the hospitality and tourism industry. The introduction of metaverse technology has revolutionised the way the…
This paper aims to explore the impact of metaverse technology on the hospitality and tourism industry. The introduction of metaverse technology has revolutionised the way the hospitality and tourism industry works. In the present study, the authors have investigated the role of social media marketing in the adoption of metaverse technology in hotel booking in India.
An extended technology acceptance model was proposed for an empirical investigation in the Indian context. Sample of 344 respondents was collected across India using a purposive sampling technique for the purpose of data analysis. The structural model analysis is used to analyse the data collected from the respondents using the SmartPLS software to check the structural and the measurement fit of the model.
The adoption intentions were largely influenced by the utility, attitude (ATT) and ease of use of the technology, and social media marketing plays a major role in influencing the perceived usefulness (PU) and ease of use (PEU). The study finds positive ATTs of the customers for using metaverse technology for booking their hotels. PU and PEU significantly influence the ATT of the consumer indicating the traveller’s perception of the usefulness and ease of metaverse technology influence their ATTs towards adoption.
Influence of metaverse technology is at a nascent stage in India specifically for hotel booking and tourism. The authors have used discriminant validity by using the criteria for both the square root of the average variance extracted and heterotrait–monotrait ratio tests, and the results suggest that the constructs in the research are distinct from other.
Khalil Ahmad Al-Hyari, Mohammed Khair Abu Zaid, Omar Suleiman Arabeyyat, Laith Al-Qwasmeh and Mohamed Haffar
The purpose of this paper is to explore the results of implementing the Kaizen approach in a caravan repairing project near the Jordanian–Syrian border in the Zaatari camp.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the results of implementing the Kaizen approach in a caravan repairing project near the Jordanian–Syrian border in the Zaatari camp.
The study is based on the exploratory qualitative research approach. The data were collected through interviews and on-site observation with employees who were involved with the caravan maintenance project and have adequate knowledge and information about this project. In this process, a fishbone diagram, a quality control tool, is used to recognize and explain a causal-effect relationship under the selected Kaizen theme.
The findings suggest that the Kaizen approach was economical in terms of both money and time. Also, waste elimination can be achieved through a variety of tools and easily combined with the Kaizen approach. Implementing the Kaizen approach is an effective and reliable system that allows for the tackling of all types of inefficiencies in the caravan repairing project.
Research limitations/implications
The findings of this study will help policy makers and managers put together suitable and effective policies that will assist those firms in overcoming the demands of customers and competitors to deliver high quality, inexpensive products in less time through the application of the Kaizen approach. This, in turn, will lead to improved quality, efficiency and productivity in the most cost-effective way. However, these results should not be generalized since they are only confined to the context of caravan repairing project.
Very little research has been done that takes into account the contexts of developing countries. Additionally, most literature presents the use of Kaizen applications only in the manufacturing or production sectors. This study is the first to implement Kaizen as a continuous improvement technique in a caravan repairing project – a job shop industry different from the repetitive batch work environment that is usually associated with implementation of Kaizen. The current research should be of great interest to researchers, managers and professionals who wish to apply Kaizen approach as it is sustainable over time in similar projects.
Mohamed Haffar, Khalil Ahmad Al-Hyari, Ramdane Djebarni, Ahmed Al-Shamali, Muhammad Abdul Aziz and Sarah Al-Shamali
This paper aims to report the results of a comprehensive literature review concerned with exploring the distinctive roles of the underlying multidimensional psychological…
This paper aims to report the results of a comprehensive literature review concerned with exploring the distinctive roles of the underlying multidimensional psychological mechanisms through which organizational culture (OC) affects TQM.
A thorough review of the relevant existing studies focusing on the direct and indirect links between OC, employee readiness for change (ERFC), employee commitment to change (ECC) and TQM implementation was conducted. To identify studies to include in the review, electronic searches of prominent databases and journals were carried out for the period 1980 to 2020.
The thorough analysis of relevant studies indicates that various types of OC influence TQM through certain psychological mechanisms namely ERFC dimensions and employee affective commitment to change. As a consequence, the paper develops a set of propositions and a novel integrative conceptual framework to explain the mediating roles of ERFCs and EACC in the OC–TQM relationship and then concludes by suggesting future lines of research and highlighting practical managerial implications.
Drawing on academic perspectives from multiple literature streams, this study offers a more advanced understanding of the relationship between OC and TQM implementation via exploring multiple mediating paths.
Ahmad Hajebrahimi, Khalil Alimohammadzadeh, Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini, Ali Maher and Mohammadkarim Bahadori
High quality health-care delivery is not only the governments’ responsibility but also every prisoner’s right. Health care in prison and, particularly, of Iranian prisoners is…
High quality health-care delivery is not only the governments’ responsibility but also every prisoner’s right. Health care in prison and, particularly, of Iranian prisoners is increasingly important topic because of the rising number of the prison population. This paper aims to explore health-care managers’ perspectives and experiences of prisons and the barriers to health-care delivery in Iranian prisons.
A qualitative research design was conducted in Iran from October 2018 to August 2019. The participants consisted of 51 health-care managers (50 men and one woman) from Iranian prisons. A combination of face-to-face (N = 42) and telephonic (N = 9) semi-structured interviews were used because of the geographical distribution of the respondents. The first part of the interview guide consisted of demographic characteristics, and the second part consisted of three main open ended-questions. Interviews were recorded and transcribed, and thematic descriptive analysis was used to interpret the data.
The barriers to health-care delivery in Iranian prisons were categorized into four main topics: human resources, financing, facilities and barriers related to the health-care delivery process. Data synthesis identified the following themes for barriers to human resources: barriers to human resources planning (with eight sub-themes); barriers to education (with three sub-themes); and motivational barriers (with seven sub-themes). Moreover, barriers to financing consisted of five sub-themes. The barriers to facilities consisted of barriers related to physical infrastructures (with two sub-themes) and barriers related to equipment (with six sub-themes). Finally, barriers to the health-care delivery process included the following themes: communication barriers (with six sub-themes); legal barriers (with five sub-themes); and environmental-demographic factors (with seven sub-themes).
Identifying the barriers to health-care delivery in Iranian prisons plays a critical role in the improvement of planning, decision-making and the health-care delivery process.
Wafa Mohammed Ali Nasr and Aznan Hasan
This paper focuses on the different Shari’ah resolutions on preference shares. This study aims to provide a systematic review to cover all authentic, peer-reviewed literature on…
This paper focuses on the different Shari’ah resolutions on preference shares. This study aims to provide a systematic review to cover all authentic, peer-reviewed literature on this issue between the years 2001 and 2020.
This library research combines, compares and contrasts the discussions and the results of all these papers besides the opinions and discussions of some renowned scholars in the field.
The aim of this paper was met as every research during that period was included and scrutinized which resulted in a comprehensive knowledge about the presence shares.
Research limitations/implications
One of the limitations was the limited research on the Shari’ah issues in preference shares as a regulatory capital that meets Basel III accords.
This paper will be the reference for any researcher who wants to add value on this issue and to start from where researchers ended.
Ayesha Farooq, Ashraf Khan Kayani and Khalil Ahmad
The purpose of this paper is to look into marriage patterns and family structure and changes therein over the period of 50 years. Reasons for change in marriage patterns are also…
The purpose of this paper is to look into marriage patterns and family structure and changes therein over the period of 50 years. Reasons for change in marriage patterns are also included. It also includes marriage arrangements in the village by time periods. The latter part of the paper explores changes in family structure and its relevant reasons over the decades.
Survey was conducted to attain and assess the required information. An interview schedule was developed as a tool for data collection. Systematic sampling technique was used for the selection of the respondents (aged 55+). These respondents were assumed to have observed the changes over the decades. The results were based on trend analysis from 1960s through 2008.
The results showed that material exchanges on the vital events have declined with the exception of marriage occasion over the period of time. The data shows that most of the marriages were taking place between close relatives from 1960s through 1980s. Substantial decline in these marriages was replaced by corresponding increase in inter-caste marriages after 1990 due to education and economic factors. During the same period, a shift is observed from joint family system to nuclear one.
Social implications
Policy makers might consider various social trends to manage changes in a traditional society.
This paper focusses on changes in marriage patterns and family structure along with their pertinent causal factors in a rural community of the Punjab, Pakistan.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the phonological metathesis phenomenon in the early speech of Arabic-speaking children. Based on analysis of a longitudinal data from…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the phonological metathesis phenomenon in the early speech of Arabic-speaking children. Based on analysis of a longitudinal data from 11 children's speech, the study mainly aims at investigating (1) the characteristics/nature of the phonological metathesis process in early child speech and (2) how it is different from adult phonological metathesis. The study explores the causes behind the metathesis phonological process in child speech.
This paper explored the phonological metathesis phenomenon based on a longitudinal study of 11 monolingual Arabic speakers of Yemeni-Ibbi Dialect (YIA) and cross-linguistic data from various languages.
The data analysis showed that metathesis phenomenon in child speech has several characteristics. It occurs at an early age, at 2 years and decreases with age. It was found that metathesis occurs mostly in disyllabic and trisyllabic words or more complex syllabic words, but metathesis rarely occurs in monosyllabic words in children's speech. The results indicated that unlike metathesis in adult speech, metathesis in children's speech occurs in undeliberate, slow, fast speech. The study explored that adjacency of sounds with similar phonological features, the ease of pronunciation, or the sonority effect are the motivations that trigger metathesis phenomenon to occur in child speech.
In the literature, the metathesis phonological process has got a little attention from researchers, and this is due to the rare cases of metathesis and the inconsistency of cases and the occurrence of metathesis. However, there is no consensus among the researchers about the causes of emergence and the occurrences behind the metathesis process. However, this study argues that the metathesis process has unique characteristics in child speech in comparison to adult speech and that there are some causes for metathesis to occur in human speech particularly in children's data such as adjacency of sounds with similar phonological features or sonority effect.