To report the highlights of the 2007 American Library Association Annual Conference in Washington, DC.
To report the highlights of the 2007 American Library Association Annual Conference in Washington, DC.
Provides a brief review of the conference program on technology issues in libraries.
This summary of library program with presentations and information. The presentations focus is on new technologies and their applications in a variety of library environments. The program offered a wide variety of timely presentations that were on new and emerging technologies and the application to the library environment.
Provides descriptions of programs and presentation of interest to library and information professionals.
This column aims to explore the important issue of developing native skills in the library profession in order to develop and maintain library applications.
This column aims to explore the important issue of developing native skills in the library profession in order to develop and maintain library applications.
Discusses the issue of developing native skills in the library profession in order to develop and maintain library applications.
This column is simply exploratory, and examines issues surrounding the utility and cost effectiveness of library developed software and the issue of related professional skills.
Practical implications
In order to prepare for the future and take the tools necessary to perform library work in the twenty‐first century, professional librarians and library staff members need to seriously evaluate their skill sets.
This column provides points of discussion for professional librarians and library staff concerning the issue of the skill sets required to develop and maintain library related software in order to meet the increasing demands of our patrons.
Antonio Barrera, Parmit Chilana, Kevin Clarke and Michael Giarlo
To report on the 2007 Code4Lib conference held February 27‐March 2nd in Athens Georgia.
To report on the 2007 Code4Lib conference held February 27‐March 2nd in Athens Georgia.
Provides a review of the conference and some background on the Code4Lib community.
The Code4Lib conference is developed by the open Code4Lib community. The single track program included a pre‐conference, keynote sessions, scheduled presentations, lighting talks, and breakout sessions.
A conference report reviewing some of the trends in development, within libraries which should appeal to programmers and management alike.
Mitchell Brown, Christopher Cox, Julia Gelfand and Colby Riggs
To share information and insights from the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting. Several contributors reported on different aspects of this meeting. Design…
To share information and insights from the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting. Several contributors reported on different aspects of this meeting. Design methodology/approach –A report of the conference.
Summary of discussion forums, work of ALA's Divisions, and conference lore.
Practical Implications
A working meeting to plan for the annual conference in June 2007. This meeting attracts the current leadership of the different divisions in ALA who are holding discussion groups and committee meetings as there are no official programs at Midwinter.
Conference reports on many current trends in scholarly communication issues to information professionals in academia, access, and intellectual property issues related to a range of library environments and the state of the art in technology.
Using data from The 1997 National Survey of US Public Libraries and the Internet, listserv postings, and the author’s own research and consulting experiences, explores the current…
Using data from The 1997 National Survey of US Public Libraries and the Internet, listserv postings, and the author’s own research and consulting experiences, explores the current financing of US public library Internet connectivity and services. Asserts that analyzing the costs of Internet services in libraries is different from any previous services offered by libraries. Begins to establish a concise vocabulary and framework for understanding Internet costs in libraries.
This paper sets out to provide an overview of the open source online public access catalog (OPAC) software known as Blacklight. It includes a discussion of the reasons why the…
This paper sets out to provide an overview of the open source online public access catalog (OPAC) software known as Blacklight. It includes a discussion of the reasons why the University of Virginia decided to create the Blacklight project, rationale behind design decisions, an overview of the technologies used, and some examples of interface designs and object behaviors.
Design approaches discussed include open source methodologies, model/view/controller development patterns, and strategies for efficient staff training and utilization.
The Blacklight project is not yet complete, but initial usability testing is favorable. The project shows particular promise among previously underserved populations such as music researchers, and for previously under‐used collections.
Practical implications
Libraries who are considering de‐coupling their OPAC from their Integrated Library System will find useful information about this process as undertaken by the University of Virginia, as well as more information about Blacklight, and more information about whether Blacklight might be a good fit for their library.
Blacklight is an open source OPAC system that is particularly well suited to large libraries with diverse collections. It is the only open source OPAC system with a focus on creating customized interfaces for specific populations.
Washington's Statewide Virtual Reference (VRS) Project began in 2001, following some early adapters, but also at a time when most libraries and states still were considering the…
Washington's Statewide Virtual Reference (VRS) Project began in 2001, following some early adapters, but also at a time when most libraries and states still were considering the merits, possibilities, and pitfalls of the service. This chapter follows the development and implementation of a virtual reference (VR) service, along with support activities such as training, marketing, and assessment, in several collaborative library alliances across Washington State; describes unexpected opportunities, and plans for future sustainability. It ends with an analysis of experiences, successes, and failures, along with plans for the future based on the many things that were learned.
Christopher Cox, Alice L. Daugherty, Julia Gelfand and S.G. Ranti Junus
To highlight content of interest to this journal’s readership that promotes current thinking and activities in information technology.
To highlight content of interest to this journal’s readership that promotes current thinking and activities in information technology.
A selective conference report of the annual meeting of the American Library Association and a pre‐conference.
The largest conference of librarians, the variety of programs, activities, exhibit halls, creates one of the best professional development opportunities for librarians. Attracting librarians from all sectors and work environments from around the globe, this conference is hard to describe in a brief way except to say it is an experience. Documenting relevant programs about information technology was the goal of this contribution.
Practical implications
An alternative to not being present while gaining some information and coverage.
Contains information of particular interest to readers who did not attend these sessions. Introducers them to presenters and important hot topics.