Gives some definitions of training and training policy, beforediscussing how policy is made and its relationship to context, includingstakeholders and the range of policy…
Gives some definitions of training and training policy, before discussing how policy is made and its relationship to context, including stakeholders and the range of policy instruments. Suggests that the role of theory is to structure policy makers′ views of context and options; it pervades the rhetoric which they use in negotiating their policies. Presents two case studies: TECs, where major policy decisions have little to do with conventional economic analysis; and public expenditure decisions about training.
A review in depth of Policy Studies Issue 13:1 consideringthe progress made to date by the Training and Enterprise Councils in theUK. It provides an informed and valuable backdrop…
A review in depth of Policy Studies Issue 13:1 considering the progress made to date by the Training and Enterprise Councils in the UK. It provides an informed and valuable backdrop to the varied and interesting papers which go to make up this special issue. The papers consider the TECs from a variety of perspectives and are themselves considered from the standpoint of an adviser to their Boards and senior management teams. Argues that this critical stage of the TECs is one which is given scant consideration in the publication and that TEC managers are frequently overstretched and under resourced. While this is a common characteristic of work in the 1990s, the committed and hard working managers and staff of TECs should not become political footballs, becoming overburdened by initiative overload but should be permitted to get on with their very important task within a realistic strategic framework.