Juan Smart and Alejandra Letelier
The purpose of this paper is to do a systematic assessment and testing of identified human rights norms alongside social determinant approaches in relation to identified health…
The purpose of this paper is to do a systematic assessment and testing of identified human rights norms alongside social determinant approaches in relation to identified health issues of concern in four Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) to show how social determinants and human rights frameworks improve population health.
To do so, in the first part the authors analyze the inequalities both between and within each of the selected countries in terms of health status and health determinants of the population. Then, in the second section, the authors analyze the level of recognition, institutionalisation and accountability of the right to health in each country.
From the data used in this paper it is possible to conclude that the four analysed countries have improved their results in terms of health status, health care and health behaviours. This improvement coincides with the recognition, institutionalisation and creation of accountability mechanisms of human rights principles and standards in terms of health and that a human rights approach to health and its relation with other social determinants have extended universal health coverage and health systems in the four analysed countries.
Despite of the importance of the relation between human rights and social determinants of health, there are few human right scholars working on the issues of social determinants of health and human rights. Most of the literature of health and human rights has been focussed specific relations between specific rights and the right to health, but less human right scholar working on social determinants of health. On the other hand, just a few epidemiologists and people working on social medicine have actually started to use a universal human rights frame and discourse. In fact, according to Vnkatapuram, Bell and Marmot: “while health and human rights advocates have from the start taken a global perspective, social medicine and social epidemiology have been slower to catch up”.
Suresh Renukappa, Subashini Suresh, Wala Abdalla, Nisha Shetty, Nagaraju Yabbati and Rahul Hiremath
Rural communities around the world are searching for solutions to upkeep, restore and improve local services that are deteriorating. They are exploring the potential of a digital…
Rural communities around the world are searching for solutions to upkeep, restore and improve local services that are deteriorating. They are exploring the potential of a digital transition along with the opportunities and threats created by new patterns of mobility and closer links with urban areas. The expansion of information and communication technologies (ICT)-enhanced applications enables rural communities to improve their quality of life. The concept of smart village is primarily about how rural communities make the best use of both ICT and social innovation by responding to the ongoing and emerging challenges. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate strategies for adoption of smart villages along with the challenges faced.
A quantitative research methodology was adopted in this research. A web-based questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data. In total, 110 fully completed and useable questionnaires were received. Statistical analyses were undertaken using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The results indicate that lack of budget, lack of clear strategies for development of sustainable “smart villages”, lack of collaboration between stakeholders and lack of knowledge related to “smart villages” are the most debated challenges for implementing smart village agenda. Whereas smart energy, smart healthcare, smart transport, smart education and smart water are the top five most important smart village strategies.
Research limitations/implications
Despite the novel insights provided by this study, it has some limitations. Given that the research reported in this paper is based on literature review and small-scale survey, results presented are only tentative and not generalisable. The findings of this paper are limited to the UK context only. Although generalisability outside of this context may be limited, the authors infer that the results are relevant to other comparable developed countries.
Research on smart village development is rare. This paper presents a theoretical basis on the concept of smart villages. It adds to the rich insight that goes into the understanding and awareness of the current smart village strategies along with the key challenges organisations encounter when implementing smart village initiatives. This research has implications towards informing professionals and policymakers on key lessons learnt during the implementation of smart village strategies. Also, this paper contributes to the academic debate on smart village development and provides useful recommendations to both policymakers and practitioners.
Mohammad Raziuddin Chowdhury, Md Sakib Ullah Sourav and Rejwan Bin Sulaiman
From the perspective of any nation, rural areas generally present a comparable set of problems, such as a lack of proper healthcare, education, living conditions, wages and market…
From the perspective of any nation, rural areas generally present a comparable set of problems, such as a lack of proper healthcare, education, living conditions, wages and market opportunities. Some nations have created and developed the concept of smart villages during the previous few decades, which effectively addresses these issues. The landscape of traditional agriculture has been radically altered by digital agriculture, which has also had a positive economic impact on farmers and those who live in rural regions by ensuring an increase in agricultural production. We explored current issues in rural areas, and the consequences of smart village applications, and then illustrate our concept of smart village from recent examples of how emerging digital agriculture trends contribute to improving agricultural production in this chapter.
Shuling Zhou, Xi Zhang, Juan Liu, Kaihua Zhang and Yuqing Zhao
Smart cities show a “booming” trend both in the academia and the industry in recent years. Scholars across the world have been investigating how new technologies are applied to…
Smart cities show a “booming” trend both in the academia and the industry in recent years. Scholars across the world have been investigating how new technologies are applied to develop new services to the inhabitants and cities all over the world also address the “smart cities” challenges by promoting policymaking and governance. This paper aims to conduct in-depth research on smart cities by combining the study of governance policy study and information technology study.
This paper empirically mapped the trends of smart city development, outstanding scholars and hot topics about smart cities by analyzing important references using CiteSpace. The authors visualized references and topics to analyze smart city research, based on empirical data from Web of Science. Furthermore, two most important research branches – topics from smart city governance research and those from information systems (IS) research were studied, respectively.
First, the authors mapped the development of research and divided the development into three different stages. Second, the authors explored important, influential and instructive publications and publications’ attributes including authors, institutions, journals and topics. Third, the authors found there are different characteristics between the IS group and the governance group in publication situations, influential institutions, journals and authors, although the research points of the two branches are overlapping and fragmented. Finally, the authors proposed important topics, which include “internet of things (IoT)”, “big data”, “smart city systems” and “smart city management” and the authors predicted that “IoT” and “smart city challenge” would be future trends in recent years.
This study is an innovative research of its category because it visualized the development of smart city research, analyzed both governance and technology branches of smart city research synthetically using CiteSpace and forecasted future trends of smart city research by topics analysis and visualization of evolution.
Iván Manuel De la Vega Hernández and Juan Jesús Diaz Amorin
The multidimensional complexity of urban settlements is increasing and the problem of spaces and territories brought to the scale of smart cities is a critical global issue. This…
The multidimensional complexity of urban settlements is increasing and the problem of spaces and territories brought to the scale of smart cities is a critical global issue. This study aims to analyse the scientific production in the Web of Science (WoS) on the relationship between smart cities and the eight urban dimensions defined by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the period 1990 to 2021, in order to establish which countries lead the knowledge related to the search for sustainable living conditions for people and how this knowledge contributes to improving stakeholders' decision-making.
The methodological steps followed in the study were: (1) Identification and selection of keywords. (2) Design and application of an algorithm to identify these selected keywords in titles, abstracts and keywords using WoS terms to contrast them. (3) Data processing was performed from Journal Citation Report (JCR) journals during the year 2022.
This study identified the authors, institutions and countries that publish the most globally on the topic of Smart Cities. The acceleration in the integration of new technologies and their impact on population conglomerates and their relationship with urban dimensions were also analysed. The evidence found indicates that the USA and China are leading in this field.
This bibliometric study was designed to analyse a knowledge space not addressed in the scientific literature referred to the relationship between the concept of smart cities and the urban dimensions established by the WEF, the identification of new technologies that are converging to promote developments of new ways of managing urban dimensions and propose new knowledge spaces.
Diego Armando Jurado-Zambrano, Juan Velez-Ocampo and Esteban López-Zapata
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the strategic decisions, especially those focused on smart governance, that have been implemented by the cities of Buenos…
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the strategic decisions, especially those focused on smart governance, that have been implemented by the cities of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Medellín (Colombia) and Mexico City (Mexico) and how they have impacted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Using a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope, this manuscript follows a multiple case study methodology that was primarily based on the analysis of archival records and documentation using pattern-matching and cross-case synthesis as analytical techniques.
Observed cities share three main characteristics when implementing smart governance strategies linked to SDG 16: technology-based solutions to solve recent and long-lasting societal problems; broad, diverse and active citizen participation; and a socio-technical approach toward smart governance and SDG 16.
Research limitations/implications
This paper points out the linkages between smart governance and SDGs in emerging markets’ smart cities. The findings of this study indicate the need to promote socio-technical approaches – rather than merely technical perspectives – to achieve SDG 16. Hence, citizen participation, open government and co-creation initiatives are key to the promotion of more inclusive and solid institutions.
The most important contribution of this study is to identify the strategic initiatives developed by three leading smart cities in Latin America from the smart governance point of view and their relationship with the SDGs, which is useful because it contributes to expanding our understanding of smart governance from practical experiences.
El propósito de este manuscrito es identificar y analizar las decisiones estratégicas, especialmente aquellas enfocadas en la gobernanza inteligente, que han sido implementadas por las ciudades de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Medellín (Colombia) y Ciudad de México (México), y cómo han impactado en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).
Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo y un alcance descriptivo, este manuscrito sigue una metodología de estudio de casos múltiples que se basó principalmente en el análisis de registros de archivo y documentación utilizando la comparación de patrones y la síntesis cruzada de casos como técnicas analíticas.
Las ciudades observadas comparten tres características principales al implementar estrategias de gobernanza inteligente vinculadas al ODS 16: soluciones basadas en tecnología para resolver problemas sociales recientes y duraderos; participación ciudadana amplia, diversa y activa; y un enfoque socio-técnico hacia la gobernanza inteligente y el ODS16.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
Este documento señala los vínculos entre la gobernanza inteligente y los ODS en el contexto de las ciudades inteligentes de los mercados emergentes. Los hallazgos de este estudio indican la necesidad de promover enfoques sociotécnicos -en lugar de perspectivas meramente técnicas- para el logro del ODS16. Por lo tanto, las iniciativas de participación ciudadana, gobierno abierto y cocreación son claves para la promoción de instituciones más inclusivas y sólidas.
La contribución más importante de este estudio es identificar las iniciativas estratégicas desarrolladas por tres ciudades inteligentes líderes en América Latina desde el punto de vista de la gobernanza inteligente y su relación con los ODS, lo cual es útil porque contribuye a ampliar nuestra comprensión. de gobernanza inteligente a partir de experiencias prácticas.
O objetivo deste manuscrito é identificar e analisar as decisões estratégicas, especialmente aquelas focadas na governança inteligente, que foram implementadas nas cidades de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Medellín (Colômbia) e Cidade do México (México), e como elas impactaram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).
Utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa e um escopo descritivo, este manuscrito segue uma metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos que se baseou principalmente na análise de documentos e registros arquivísticos usando correspondência de padrões e síntese de casos cruzados como técnicas analíticas.
As cidades observadas compartilham três características principais ao implementar estratégias de governança inteligente vinculadas ao ODS16: soluções baseadas na tecnologia para resolver problemas sociais recentes e duradouros; participação cidadã ampla, diversificada e ativa; e uma abordagem sociotécnica para governança inteligente e ODS16.
Limitações/implicações da pesquisa
Este artigo aponta as ligações entre governança inteligente e ODS no contexto das cidades inteligentes dos mercados emergentes. Os resultados deste estudo indicam a necessidade de promover abordagens sociotécnicas – mais do que perspectivas somente técnicas – para o alcance dos ODS16. Assim, a participação cidadã, o governo aberto e as iniciativas de cocriação são fundamentais para a promoção de instituições mais inclusivas e sólidas.
A contribuição mais importante deste estudo é identificar as iniciativas estratégicas desenvolvidas por três cidades inteligentes líderes na América Latina do ponto de vista da governança inteligente e sua relação com os ODS, o que é útil porque contribui para ampliar nosso entendimento de governança inteligente a partir de experiências práticas.
- Smart cities
- Smart governance
- Latin America
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Case study
- Ciudades inteligentes
- Gobernanza inteligente
- América latina
- Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS)
- Estudio de caso
- Cidades inteligentes
- Governança inteligente
- América latina
- Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável (ODS)
- Estudo de caso
Juan Ignacio Vazquez, Diego López de Ipiña and Iñigo Sedano
Despite several efforts during the last years, the web model and semantic web technologies have not yet been successfully applied to empower Ubiquitous Computing architectures in…
Despite several efforts during the last years, the web model and semantic web technologies have not yet been successfully applied to empower Ubiquitous Computing architectures in order to create knowledge‐rich environments populated by interconnected smart devices. In this paper we point out some problems of these previous initiatives and introduce SoaM (Smart Objects Awareness and Adaptation Model), an architecture for designing and seamlessly deploying web‐powered context‐aware semantic gadgets. Implementation and evaluation details of SoaM are also provided in order to identify future research challenges.
Narrates the discussion between Juan (a corporate executive of a multinational company) and Audrey (an independent environmental consultant) when they sit next to each other on a…
Narrates the discussion between Juan (a corporate executive of a multinational company) and Audrey (an independent environmental consultant) when they sit next to each other on a flight. Explains, through the dialogue, some of the environmental pitfalls companies can encounter when basing operations in the USA, such as regulations relating to clean air, clean water, emissions, toxic pollutants, land use restrictions, species protection plans etc.). Makes the point that it is individuals who face civil and criminal penalties for breaking these regulations, not the company. Provides an overview of US environmental regulations and recommends that companies can avoid falling foul of the law through education, training and taking legal advice. Mentions ISO 14000 and 14001 environmental standards as a potential way forward, although they do not yet carry any weight under US law.
Soraya González-Mendes, Sara Alonso-Muñoz, Fernando E. García-Muiña and Rocío González-Sánchez
This paper aims to provide an overview of the application of blockchain to agri-food supply chains, including key issues and trends. It examines the state of the art and…
This paper aims to provide an overview of the application of blockchain to agri-food supply chains, including key issues and trends. It examines the state of the art and conceptual structure of the field and proposes an agenda to guide future research.
This article performs a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software on a sample of 205 articles from the WoS database to identify research trend topics.
The number of publications in this area has increased since 2020, which shows a growing research interest. The research hotspots are related to the integration of blockchain technology in the agri-food supply chain for traceability, coordination between all actors involved, transparency of operations and improvement of food safety. Furthermore, this is linked to sustainability and the achievement of the sustainable development gtoals (SDGs), while addressing key challenges in the implementation of blockchain-based technologies in the agri-food supply chain.
Practical implications
The application of blockchain in the agri-food supply chain may consider four key aspects. Firstly, the implementation of blockchain can improve the traceability of food products. Secondly, this technology supports sustainability issues and could avoid disruptions in the agri-food supply chain. Third, blockchain improves food quality and safety control throughout the supply chain. Fourthly, the findings show that regulation is needed to improve trust between stakeholders.
The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the blockchain phenomenon in the agri-food supply chain by optimising the search criteria. Moreover, it serves to bridge to future research by identifying gaps in the field.
Diego Corrales-Garay, Marta Ortiz-de-Urbina-Criado and Eva-María Mora-Valentín
This paper aims to analyse the open data business models (ODBMs) as a source of knowledge and innovation to generate economic and social value. A framework for understanding ODBMs…
This paper aims to analyse the open data business models (ODBMs) as a source of knowledge and innovation to generate economic and social value. A framework for understanding ODBMs is presented. First, the knowledge structure of the ODBMs literature is identified. Second, a conceptual model for analysing the ODBMs is proposed. And finally, the future trends in ODBMs research are discussed.
In this paper, co-word analysis is performed to identify the topics related with ODBMs.
The ODBMs structure of knowledge is articulated in five themes: business model, smart city, business ecosystem, decision-making and innovation. Based on these results, a five-step model for analysing ODBMs is proposed. Finally, a discussion of the future trends of ODBMs focussed on a knowledge management perspective, open data ecosystems and business intelligence is presented.
The paper presents a picture of what, where, for whom and for what ODBMs have been studied and develops a new model to explain the value creation process of ODBMs. Taking a step further, applying the principles and models of knowledge management and business intelligence to ODBMs is also recommended in order to transfer and transform open data into valuable knowledge that can be used for developing apps. In that context, the importance of encouraging collaboration between different agents in the so-called open data ecosystem is presented.