In what I have to say I have defined the human element as not including ergonomic considerations. I do this mainly because I know little about ergonomics, but also because there…
In what I have to say I have defined the human element as not including ergonomic considerations. I do this mainly because I know little about ergonomics, but also because there must be many people at this conference who know a lot more about it than I do. What I shall address myself to, is the possible social, including organisational, implications of the development of information technology — its psychological implications and its implications for implicit value choices concerning the sort of socio‐technical systems we set up around the new technology.
WHERE are we going? The aim is to double our standard of living in the next 25 years and, as Sir Alexander Fleck, K.B.E., Chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., so aptly…
WHERE are we going? The aim is to double our standard of living in the next 25 years and, as Sir Alexander Fleck, K.B.E., Chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., so aptly staled recently, ‘The man who knows where he is going is the one who is most likely to arrive.’ One might venture to expand this statement by adding that he is still more likely to arrive if the cluttering debris of inefficient methods and movements are cleared away.