Amir Wani, Showkat Ganaie and Aneesa Shafi
In the current scenario, with rapid socioeconomic transformation occurring in all aspects of society, the adversities experienced by older adults have come to the forefront. The…
In the current scenario, with rapid socioeconomic transformation occurring in all aspects of society, the adversities experienced by older adults have come to the forefront. The lived experiences within joint families are making it harder for the elderly to adjust to the changed familial setup. In such a situation, they undergo many problems which are most often overlooked and considered not worthy of serious attention. Loneliness and isolation are the most crucial and serious issues experienced by the elderly within the nuclear family. After spending a significantly larger part of their lives within large families, with caring people, interdependent, adjusting to the changing familial setup has become hard and strenuous. Moreover, lack of emotional support is yet another major concern of the elderly. As they grow older, care and emotional support become necessary to maintain an effective and active life in old age. However, such emotional support and care that the joint family offered is missing in the changing familial setup. Now, in light of these issues, this paper aims to explore the multidimensional concerns of the elderly (60 years and above) who, on account of familial transitioning from joint to nuclear in Kashmir, are experiencing isolation and other, hard to adjust, life changes. The paper is based on 20 oral narratives conducted, over time, with elderly people undergoing life changes due to family transition from joint to nuclear. The finding of the study revealed that the elderly experience a greater degree of change in their lifestyle due to the family transition from joint to nuclear.
This is a qualitative study that describes the multidimensional concerns of the older adults. The study was conducted in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir using in-depth face-to-face interviews with 20 respondents aged 60 years and above who have witnessed a transition in family from joint to nuclear and have undergone many problems during this transition. Apart from this, two interviews with the sons of older persons were also included in the study to know the status of age in the current situation. After the data was collected from the first 10 respondents, the study witnessed a data saturation, as the same set of results were obtained. Meanwhile, 3 more respondents were included in the study to make sure that no data was left behind; however, again same results were witnessed. This led the investigator to halt the data collection process. Thereafter, the data was then analyzed using Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis technique, which involved familiarizing oneself with the data, looking for themes, validating and refining themes, identifying and labeling themes and finally creating the report.
The traditional joint family is undergoing rapid transformation in the current scenario. With a trend toward the nuclearization of families, which resulted in the diminishing status of the elderly, the vulnerabilities of the elderly have come to the forefront (Kumar et al., 2014). The transition of the family from joint to nuclear can be difficult for the elderly as it involves the elderly having to adjust and adapt to a new social milieu, which can be quite complex as it involves major changes in their lifestyle and daily routine. The elderly may also experience difficulty with increased social isolation and reduced family interaction. Such problems may seem insignificant and trivial to the younger ones, but stepping into the shoes of the elderly would help us understand the intensity and vulnerability of such problems. This cultural shift is quickly making changes, in part due to the rise of individualism in modern societies and the existence of a consumerist perspective among the younger generations. Such situations lead to greater alienation and isolation among the elderly from society in general and the members of the family in particular.
The is an empirical study conducted to know the status of older adults in nuclear families.
This paper is aimed at introducing ḥalāl supply chain management (SCM) to the British construction sector, construction supply chains and “SCM”. Ḥalāl supply chains can optimise…
This paper is aimed at introducing ḥalāl supply chain management (SCM) to the British construction sector, construction supply chains and “SCM”. Ḥalāl supply chains can optimise British construction supply chains by promoting meticulous, qualitative and mutually reinforcing systems. The British construction sector has failed to overcome the inimical, inefficient, fractured and transactional attitudes (collectively, the “complexities”) pervading it and the supply chains beneath it. Construction SCM has been able to introduce change, but with limited profound effect. This is owed to its lack of human agency, proactive quality control systems, as well as other verification and assurance mechanisms. Introducing the Sharīʿa principles encapsulating ḥalāl food supply chains can offer the input needed to optimise current construction supply chains.
This paper adopts an integrative general review of the academic literature pertaining to the British construction sector, construction SCM, ḥalāl food supply chains, ḥalāl assurance and control processes. The extensive literature review is crucial because it will enable introducing “ḥalāl” to construction SCM, hence ḥalāl construction supply chain management (“ḤCSCM”). ḤCSCM will then be applied to one of the most recent British construction SCM systems to identify how ḤCSCM can complement existing systems.
The findings indicate that ḤCSCM can further alleviate the complexities thwarting the British construction sector on a supply chain level. This is attributed to taʿrīf’s tailored identification and traceability processes, iltizām’s cross-lateral monitoring processes and istiqāmah’s Sharīʿa-compliant, assured and verifiable certification system, all of which complement the existing construction supply chain assurance and control processes in the UK.
The conception of ḤCSCM promotes an untapped area in the academic literature. Academicians and practitioners can transplant ḥalāl principles from the ḥalāl food manufacturing sector into the British construction sector – similar to how construction SCM was founded by principles originating from the manufacturing industry. This paper highlights the shortfalls of construction SCM in British construction supply chains and propounds how ḤCSCM can resolve them.