Nelson Alfonso Gómez-Cruz, Isabella Loaiza Saa and Francisco Fernando Ortega Hurtado
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature about the use of agent-based simulation (ABS) in the study of organizational behavior, decision…
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature about the use of agent-based simulation (ABS) in the study of organizational behavior, decision making, and problem-solving. It aims at contributing to the consolidation of ABS as a field of applied research in management and organizational studies.
The authors carried out a non-systematic search in literature published between 2000 and 2016, by using the keyword “agent-based” to search through Scopus’ business, management and accounting database. Additional search criteria were devised using the papers’ keywords and the categories defined by the divisions and interest groups of the Academy of Management. The authors found 181 articles for this survey.
The survey shows that ABS provides a robust and rigorous framework to elaborate descriptions, explanations, predictions and theories about organizations and their processes as well as develop tools that support strategic and operational decision making and problem-solving. The authors show that the areas that report the highest number of applications are operations and logistics (37 percent), marketing (17 percent) and organizational behavior (14 percent).
The paper illustrates the increasingly prominent role of ABS in fields such as organizational behavior, strategy, human resources, marketing and logistics. To-date, this is the most complete survey about ABS in all management areas.
Alejandra Parrao, Tomás Reyes, Alfonso Cruz and Kristel Schön Molina
Previous evidence has shown a generally positive relationship between continuously developed innovation, known as innovation persistence and employment growth in firms. This study…
Previous evidence has shown a generally positive relationship between continuously developed innovation, known as innovation persistence and employment growth in firms. This study investigates whether firm size moderates this relationship and how, considering persistent product and process innovation.
The authors studied the influence of firm size on the relationship between innovation persistence and employment using a 10-year panel database of firms based on national innovation surveys. The authors consider firm size as sales and measure innovation persistence through the hazard rate of innovation spells. To assess the main model, they use a system generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator.
The authors' main findings indicate that firm size negatively moderates the relationship between persistent innovation and employment growth. These results suggest that the positive effects of product and process persistent innovation on employment growth decrease as firm size increases. The authors also find evidence indicating that the moderator role of firm size is greater when firms innovate more persistently. Robustness tests with different specifications confirm the results.
The authors show that firm size negatively affects the strength of the relationship between innovation persistence and employment growth in product and process innovations. The authors also show that the moderator role of firm size is greater when firms are more persistent in generating product and process innovation. Additionally, using a panel dataset, they provide evidence from a sample of firms in a developing country where no studies on this matter have previously been conducted.
Jose Montes, Nelson Alfonso Gómez-Cruz, Aglaya Batz, Lizeth Fernanda Serrano Cárdenas and Henry Mora Holguín
This study aims to explore the strategic decisions at innovation level implemented by firms to thrive and transform themselves during crises. This study also aims to provide…
This study aims to explore the strategic decisions at innovation level implemented by firms to thrive and transform themselves during crises. This study also aims to provide insights to answer the question: Why do some firms decide to implement certain types of innovation during a crisis?
This research was carried out through a multiple case study involving 22 firms. The methods were implemented in three steps to increase rigor and the replication of the study: identification and selection of cases, data collection through interviews triangulated with online information and analysis based on aggregating themes and finding patterns.
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the companies analyzed focused their activities mainly on developing new features or functionalities for their products or services. Most of the firms implemented innovations across nearly all ten categories outlined by Keeley et al. (2013). Many of the implemented innovations involved personalized and superior service enhancements, process efficiency optimizations, channel diversification initiatives and new ways to collaborate to generate value. In general, the main drivers that led firms to decide to implement these innovations include reducing costs, enhancing operational efficiency, generating new revenue streams, augmenting sales and enhancing client relationships.
Practical implications
This research significantly advances the convergence of innovation, strategy and crisis in three impactful ways. First, it constructs a pragmatic and evidence-based framework, consolidating the primary catalysts, innovation categories and strategies adopted by firms in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis. Second, it offers insights for guiding decision-making processes related to innovation, presenting actionable recommendations derived from the study’s findings. Thirdly, this study highlights critical perspectives that can guide governmental intervention, facilitating the formulation of more tailored and effective policies to assist companies during crisis periods.
This study centers on developing countries, specifically examining Colombian firms, considering their unique characteristics and priorities. Surprisingly, there is a scarcity of studies delving into the innovation and transformation of firms during the COVID-19 crisis in nations sharing cultural, economic and political similarities with Colombia.
Allan Discua Cruz, Jose Mario Reyes Hernandez and Carlos Roberto Arias Arévalo
This study aims to focus on understanding the tensions experienced by government officials in introducing electronic government (e-government) policies to support entrepreneurs in…
This study aims to focus on understanding the tensions experienced by government officials in introducing electronic government (e-government) policies to support entrepreneurs in a developing Latin American country.
This study relies on an in-depth qualitative approach based on collaborative and analytic auto-ethnography. The authors concentrate on tensions experienced by a government official and how they were addressed when introducing e-government policies to support entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The findings reveal that paradoxical tensions occur as changes are demanded, multiple concerns are expressed and decisions about resources have to be made. The findings reveal sources of tensions from government, business and external sources. Addressing such tensions revolves around a diverse form of paradoxes dealing with contradictions in terms of speed vs thoroughness and short- vs long-term implications.
Research limitations/implications
The authors’ study provides several contributions. It advances understanding on the source and management of tensions experienced by government officials introducing e-government policies to support entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also delineates multiple paradoxes experienced by government officials as new policies and systems were introduced. Finally, it offers a conceptual model explaining how government officials deal with multiple tensions emerging from the introduction of e-government policies in a developing country.
The prior literature has suggested that e-government initiatives would be guided by a prescriptive and tension-free process, driven by the interest to enhance governmental efficiency. This study reveals that developing e-government initiatives for entrepreneurs and existing businesses during the Covid-19 crisis was not immune to contradictions between government officials and the public. A conceptual model, based on multiple sources of tensions (government-related, business-related and external sources) and their management, is proposed. Implications and opportunities for further research are presented.
Rubén Martínez-Alonso, María J. Martínez-Romero and Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez
The purpose of this paper is to offer new insights regarding an issue that has attracted the interest of multitude academics and practitioners in business management and family…
The purpose of this paper is to offer new insights regarding an issue that has attracted the interest of multitude academics and practitioners in business management and family firm literature: technological innovation (TI). Specifically, this study brings new knowledge regarding both the impact of TI efficiency on firm growth and the moderating role of family involvement in management on such relationship.
The authors use a matched-pairs design and an ordinary least squares regression analysis to examine a sample of 152 Spanish manufacturing firms.
First, the authors show that firms obtaining higher TI efficiency are also those that achieve superior growth. Second, the authors reveal that as family involvement in management increases, the positive effect that TI efficiency exerts on firm growth is strengthened.
Practical implications
This study suggests that family managers should essentially consider various aspects such as tacit knowledge, social capital and long-standing collaborations with stakeholders to reinforce the relationship between TI efficiency and firm growth.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that analyses the effect of TI efficiency on firm growth, as well as, when and to what extent family involvement in management influences the TI efficiency–growth relationship. Thus, this paper provides a deeper understanding of the importance that family managers could have on firm growth deriving from TI efficiency.
Alfonso Hernandez-Vivanco, Merce Bernardo and Claudio Cruz-Cázares
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the level of integration of management systems (IMS) over product and process innovation capabilities (IC), by considering…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the level of integration of management systems (IMS) over product and process innovation capabilities (IC), by considering the role of open innovation (OI) activities as a moderating effect of those relationships.
A longitudinal empirical study was performed on an existing Spanish panel database that contains information related to innovation, where 9,765 companies were selected for the panel analysis. A logit approach with random effects was considered.
The level of IMS positively influences process and product IC. Moreover, external cooperation, and using it to a high extent not only positively moderates the effects of the level of IMS over process IC, but also of process over product IC, where it becomes indispensable for its effect to be positive. Finally, investing in external knowledge is a positive moderator of the effects of the level of IMS over both: process and product IC.
This is one of the first studies on empirically finding evidence of the impact of the level of IMS on process and product IC, and of the moderating effect of performing OI activities in order to achieve higher process and product IC through the IMS.
Jorge Alfonso Lara-Pérez, Francisco Canibe-Cruz and Antonio Duréndez
The present study shows that the implementation and development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a technological innovation provide a competitive advantage that…
The present study shows that the implementation and development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as a technological innovation provide a competitive advantage that helps to improve the functionality of business intelligence (BI) systems in the digital transformation of manufacturing companies, in addition to improving overall firm performance.
The research uses the structural equation approach based on PLS-SEM technique with a sample of 120 firms in the manufacturing industry in Coahuila, Mexico.
The paper provides empirical insights into how the interaction of ERP systems and innovation significantly affects the functionality of BI Systems and has a substantial effect on overall firm performance.
Empirical evidence of how advanced digital management systems (ERP and BI) impact digitalization processes in organizations by improving performance is still scarce.
Rubén Martínez-Alonso, María J. Martínez-Romero and Alfonso A. Rojo-Ramírez
There are currently two issues that generate growing interest among specialized scholars within the family business field: technological innovation (TI) and socioemotional wealth…
There are currently two issues that generate growing interest among specialized scholars within the family business field: technological innovation (TI) and socioemotional wealth (SEW). While it is true that both topics are highly popular among researchers, the joint study of both perspectives is scarce. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the interrelationships between TI and SEW in the context of family firms.
This literature review systematically analyses the findings of 25 journal articles focusing on TI and SEW, published between 2012 and 2018.
The findings reveal an integrative approach, identifying different variables that relate TI and SEW. A conceptual framework is built in which these variables are incorporated into four categories (SEW, TI, moderating effects and performance). New lines of research emerge with the development of a conceptual model and the formulation of six propositions.
Practical implications
The conceptual framework can be useful as integrative summary of the factors that family business managers and directors should take into account to be successful in implementing innovative projects and strategies.
The study of TI from the SEW approach has emerged as a fruitful field of research in recent years, but the current knowledge of the role that SEW plays in family firms’ TI is still scarce. This paper contributes to the family business literature by offering a conceptual framework of the SEW–TI relationship and new research avenues that will provide a better comprehension for scholars and specialists for future investigations in the field.
Actualmente existen dos temas que generan un creciente interés entre los académicos especializados en el campo de estudio de la empresa familiar: la innovación tecnológica y la riqueza socioemocional. Si bien es cierto que ambos temas son muy populares entre los investigadores, el estudio conjunto de ambas perspectivas es escaso. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las interrelaciones entre la innovación tecnológica (IT) y la riqueza socioemocional (SEW) en el contexto de las empresas familiares.
Esta revisión de la literatura analiza sistemáticamente los hallazgos de 25 artículos de revistas que se centran en la IT y el SEW, publicados entre 2012 y 2018.
Los hallazgos revelan un enfoque integrador, identificando diferentes variables que relacionan la IT y el SEW. Así pues, se construye un marco conceptual en el que estas variables son incorporadas en cuatro categorías (SEW, IT, efectos moderadores y rendimiento). Nuevas líneas de investigación surgen con el desarrollo de un modelo conceptual y la formulación de seis proposiciones.
Implicaciones prácticas
El marco conceptual puede ser útil como resumen exhaustivo de los factores que los gerentes y directores de empresas familiares deben tener en cuenta para tener éxito en la implementación de proyectos y estrategias innovadoras.
El estudio de la IT desde el enfoque del SEW ha surgido como un campo de investigación fructífero en los últimos años, pero el conocimiento actual del rol que juega el SEW en la IT de las empresas familiares es todavía escaso. Este trabajo contribuye a la literatura de la empresa familiar ofreciendo un marco conceptual de la relación SEW-IT y nuevas vías de investigación que proporcionarán una mejor comprensión a académicos y especialistas para futuras investigaciones en este campo de estudio.
Palabras clave
Innovación tecnológica, Riqueza socioemocional, Empresas familiares, Revisión de literature
Tipo de artículo
Revisión general
Actualmente existem dois temas que geram um crescente interesse entre os acadêmicos especializados no campo de estudo da empresa familiar: inovação tecnológica e riqueza sócio-emocional. Conquanto é verdadeiro que ambos temas são muito populares entre os investigadores, o estudo conjunto de ambas perspectivas é escasso. Assim, o objectivo deste trabalho é analisar as inter-relações entre inovação tecnológica (IT) e riqueza socioemocional (SEW) no contexto das empresas familiares.
Esta revisão da literatura analisa sistematicamente os achados de 25 artigos de revistas que se centram na IT e o SEW, publicados entre 2012 e 2018.
Os achados revelam um enfoque integrador, identificando diferentes variáveis que relacionam a IT e o SEW. Constrói-se um marco conceptual no qual estas variáveis são incorporadas em quatro categorias (SEW, TI, efeitos moderadores e rendimento). Novas linhas de investigação surgem com o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceptual e a formulação de seis proposições.
Implicações práticas
O marco conceptual pode ser útil como resumo exhaustivo dos factores que os gerentes e diretores de empresas familiares devem ter em conta para ter sucesso na implementação de projectos e estratégias inovadoras.
O estudo da IT desde o enfoque do SEW tem surgido como um campo de investigação frutífero nos últimos anos, mas o conhecimento atual do papel que joga o SEW na IT das empresas familiares é ainda escasso. Este trabalho contribui à literatura da empresa familiar oferecendo um marco conceptual da relação SEW-TI e novas vias de investigação que proporcionarão um melhor entendimento a académicos e especialistas para futuras investigações neste campo de estudo.
Palavras chave
Inovação tecnológica, Riqueza sócio-emocional, Empresas familiares, Revisão da literatura
Tipo de artigo
Revisão geral
Moisés Simancas Cruz, Juan Israel García Cruz, Carlos Alberto Greifemberg and María Pilar Peñarrubia Zaragoza
The quality of tourist accommodation establishments is a recurring theme in public strategies for planning and managing tourist destinations. The applying standards as a way to…
The quality of tourist accommodation establishments is a recurring theme in public strategies for planning and managing tourist destinations. The applying standards as a way to achieve quality. This strategy consists of legally regulating a series of minimum physical standards by using measureable parameters, as well as the desired characteristics or levels of amenities, which vary according to the type of provision required. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of applying strategies that regulate standards for accommodations in coastal tourism areas in the Canary Islands (Spain).
The authors used an explanatory case study methodology. An “inter-case” comparison has been chosen, because the object of analysis (public policy applying tourism standards) has changed over time; furthermore, a content analysis approach was selected so that the subject of this research is the process of implementing this kind tourism policy. The result is a systematization of the process in stages.
Quantifiable criteria that exclusively consider the physical or operational parameters of a tourist establishment are no longer sufficient to provide quality service that meets the needs and expectations of customers. It is not enough to set standards for surface area parameters or essential amenities when organizing new tourist developments, but rather it is the qualitative aspect that must be addressed. At the same time, quality tourist accommodation establishment is not obtained merely by reducing density, which constitutes the significant standard.
Research limitations/implications
This paper evidence is presented that may influence the quality of accommodation perceived by the client, which increases their level of satisfaction and, in turn, the degree of trust and, therefore, fidelity, understood as the future decision to repeat or not the tourist experience. There are also issues related to the approach that the quality of accommodation establishments has a direct effect on the visitor’s perception of the destination, which cannot be merely physical, mensurable in square metres.
Practical implications
The relationship between urban standards and quality is no longer linear. This determines that the regulated tourist accommodations (defined by sectoral regulations) it is common to set a required plot size in m2 based on the number of bed places offered by the establishment is no longer valid. Today, tourists rate accommodation establishments by the prestige of their brand or the diversity of services and experiences (entertainment, sensations, emotions, etc.) they provide. These experiences play such an important role in producing customer satisfaction and loyalty to a hotel that guests are willing to pay more for their stay, with the understanding that they will be able to experience certain emotions. It has been evidenced that the main reason for setting physical quality parameters that can be measured by a rating system for accommodation establishments, to provide a basic reference for customers, is no longer necessary, given the amount of easily accessible real-time information freely available through multiple independent channels based on the 2.0 paradigm, information technologies and communication, as well as applications and virtual platforms.
Social implications
Applying this public strategy of classifying or rating tourist accommodations on a territorial scale has some strengths and weaknesses. However, it is not easy to find a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of such strategies because, among other issues, the public administration seems disinterested in measuring the consequences of their decisions, instead focussing on whether the formal legal requirements are being complied with. Moreover, whenever such assessments have been carried out, the discussion has been limited to the effectiveness of the implementation. This is why, beyond such purely mechanical responses, there are currently no studies or technical reports that specifically examine the positive or negative effects of such approaches. Evidently, these circumstances make any work analyzing this material relevant and timely. Likewise, the main reason for setting physical quality parameters that can be measured by a rating system for accommodation establishments, to provide a basic reference for customers, is no longer necessary, given the amount of easily accessible, real-time information freely available through multiple independent channels based on the 2.0 paradigm, information technologies and communication, as well as applications and virtual platforms.
The paper determines that the impact of the strategies of set a required plot size in square metres based on the number of bed places offered by the establishment is limited. Applying this public strategy of classifying or rating tourist accommodations on a territorial scale has some strengths and weaknesses. However, it is not easy to find a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of such strategies because, among other issues, the public administration seems disinterested in measuring the consequences of their decisions, instead focussing on whether the formal legal requirements are being complied with. Moreover, whenever such assessments have been carried out, the discussion has been limited to the effectiveness of the implementation. This is why, beyond such purely mechanical responses, there are currently no studies or technical reports that specifically examine the positive or negative effects of such approaches. Evidently, these circumstances make any work analyzing this material relevant and timely.