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1 – 10 of 242This paper aims (1) to create a sense of resonance with Maida Herman Solomon and her ideas, (2) to inspire a reconsideration of current management history (the unquestioned block…
This paper aims (1) to create a sense of resonance with Maida Herman Solomon and her ideas, (2) to inspire a reconsideration of current management history (the unquestioned block box of dominant figures, dominant foci and dominant practices), (3) to bring Solomon’s contributions to clinical social work into present discourse in management and organizational studies and (4) to foster recognition for Solomon in her own field of social work, as forerunner in a developing profession. Guiding this study is the question: “What are Solomon’s key contributions and why is she overlooked?”
This paper features a novel methodology, ficto-feminism. The feminism in ficto-feminism is presented as ontology, epistemology, method and mode of writing. Ficto-feminism combines polemical (or prowoman writing) with aspects of collective biography, autoethnography and fictocriticism. As such, the paper contributes to the emerging feminist tradition of writing differently. The approach is an embodied and reflexive approach that engages with history to investigate the absence of women.
Maida Solomon was an educator, researcher, practitioner and advocate. Her contributions to the development and practice of clinical social work spanned over 60 years, and yet, she is little more than a footnote in the history of the field. Her contributions include authoring and implementing graduate programming, which continues to be the taken for granted training; penning some of the most seminal works and advancing theory; introducing academic and scientific approaches, which saw the field professionalize and adopt new standards; and helping to change the way that society thought about mental health and sexual health. A confluence of factors contributes to her marginalization and neglect: gender, ethnicity, the feminized field of social work and the stigmatized focus for her practice.
The paper combines assertive autobiographical and literary strategies to foreground an overlooked female leader in the field of clinical social work, namely, Maida Solomon. Drawing on biographical material, literature, media and archival material, this paper features a fictional but truthful conversation between the present-day author/writer/historian and the posthumous, historical protagonist (Maida Solomon). In so doing, the engagement with history is both one that deconstructs while reconstructing a historical account with both aesthetic and political implications.
Ricardo Lima, Victoria Barboza de Castro Cunha and Thiago Cavalcante Nascimento
This research aims to describe the factors influencing the tax morale of entrepreneurs in the Brazilian telecommunications industry.
This research aims to describe the factors influencing the tax morale of entrepreneurs in the Brazilian telecommunications industry.
The authors surveyed a sample of 167 entrepreneurs from the sector using structured online self-assessment questionnaires analyzed quantitatively through the partial least squares structural equation modeling technique.
The results indicate that risk of detection, severity of punishments and tax justice represent determining factors for the tax morale of entrepreneurs, though their age also contributes to explaining tax behavior, proving to be a significant control variable. These findings presuppose a predominance of institutional pressures from the regulatory and normative pillars on this group, in contrast to evidence from previous studies dealing with tax morale among ordinary citizens.
The theoretical implications are fourfold. The authors address a gap in the study of tax morale at the organizational level, integrate the entrepreneurship literature in specific sectors with tax policies through neo-institutional theory, support changes in the tax legislation of an emerging economy with widespread biases of corruption and add more diversity to the perceived legitimacy of its current tax system. Practical recommendations include the creation of public policies particularly targeted at younger entrepreneurs predominant in this sector to build a regulatory framework that incorporates both tax justice and severity of punishments to foster trust between taxpayers and tax authorities; using the institutional legitimacy mechanism to elicit a more isonomic performance of the tax authorities; and reevaluating the risk of detection strategies.
Stefan Gössling and Daniel Scott
Tourism faces a range of interconnected and potentially transformative global risks – collectively considered an evolving polycrisis – that have not been adequately defined and…
Tourism faces a range of interconnected and potentially transformative global risks – collectively considered an evolving polycrisis – that have not been adequately defined and understood. As a result, the industry struggles to proactively anticipate and mitigate potential future challenges, while governments lack insight for strategic longer-term decision-making on tourism development. The purpose of this paper is to advance tourism sector consideration of global change threats and their complex interactions and more effectively incorporate these risks into tourism futures planning.
This conceptual gap is addressed through a discussion of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Reports, and their definition of environmental, economic, geopolitical, societal and technological risk categories. In applying results to tourism, a preliminary expert assessment of global risks serves as a foundational framework to incorporate potential global change threats more effectively into tourism futures planning and decision-making.
Additional research should be prioritized to examine global risks most influential of tourism, how and where they may interact, how to convert risk categories into measurable indicators and to evaluate whether risk assessments can contribute to mitigating the evolving polycrisis.
This paper discusses the systematic and strategic engagement with global risks for tourism, critically reviews the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Reports from tourism perspective, presents key risk dimensions driving future tourism development, provides a foundational framework to further assess global risk for tourism and compels tourism academy to prioritize global change research agenda.
旅游业面临一系列相互关联并且具有潜在变革性的全球风险——这些风险被统称为不断演变的多重危机——尚未得到充分定义和理解。因此, 行业难以主动积极预测和应对未来的挑战, 而政府在旅游发展中的长期战略决策上也缺乏洞见。
本文通过讨论世界经济论坛的《全球风险报告》及其对环境、经济、地缘政治、社会和技术风险类别的定义, 弥补了这一概念上的空白。在将这些结果应用于旅游业时, 初步的专家评估为更有效地将潜在的全球变化威胁纳入旅游业未来规划和决策提供了基础框架。
应优先开展进一步研究, 以探讨对旅游业影响最大的全球风险、这些风险可能如何以及在何处相互作用、如何将风险类别转化为可衡量的指标, 以及风险评估是否有助于缓解不断演变的多重危机。
讨论了旅游业与全球风险的系统性和战略性应对; 从旅游业的角度批判性地审视了世界经济论坛的《全球风险报告》; · 提出了驱动未来旅游业发展的关键风险维度; · 提供了进一步评估旅游业全球风险的基础框架; · 呼吁旅游学界优先关注全球变化研究议程。
El turismo se enfrenta a una serie de riesgos mundiales interconectados y potencialmente transformadores-considerados globalmente como policrisis en evolución-que no se han definido ni comprendido adecuadamente. En consecuencia, el sector se esfuerza por anticipar y mitigar de forma proactiva los posibles retos futuros, mientras que los gobiernos carecen de información para tomar decisiones estratégicas a largo plazo sobre el desarrollo del turismo.
Esta laguna conceptual se aborda mediante un análisis de los Informes sobre Riesgos Globales del Foro Económico Mundial y su definición de las categorías de riesgo medioambiental, económico, geopolítico, social y tecnológico. Al aplicar los resultados al turismo, una evaluación preliminar de los riesgos mundiales realizada por expertos proporciona un marco fundacional para incorporar más eficazmente las posibles amenazas del cambio global a la planificación y toma de decisiones sobre el futuro del turismo.
Debe darse prioridad a la investigación adicional para examinar los riesgos globales que más influyen en el turismo, cómo y dónde pueden interactuar, cómo convertir las categorías de riesgo en indicadores medibles y evaluar si las evaluaciones de riesgo pueden contribuir a mitigar la policrisis en evolución.
Analiza el compromiso sistemático y estratégico con los riesgos globales para el turismo; Revisa críticamente los Informes sobre Riesgos Globales del Foro Económico Mundial desde la perspectiva del turismo; Presenta las principales dimensiones del riesgo que impulsan el futuro desarrollo del turismo; Proporciona un marco básico para evaluar el riesgo mundial para el turismo; Precisa a la academia del turismo a priorizar la agenda de investigación sobre el cambio global.
Mario J. Hayek, Wallace A. Williams, Amanda C. Brown and Amitava Bose Bapi
The purpose of this paper is to understand the implicit motivations of entrepreneurial philanthropists during different stages of their lives.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the implicit motivations of entrepreneurial philanthropists during different stages of their lives.
The authors follow a Historical Organization Studies approach by performing a psychobiographical analysis using McClelland’s Thematic Apperception Test on the autobiography of Andrew Carnegie across different stages of his life while considering the historical context.
The configuration of the implicit motivations of entrepreneurial philanthropists change with achievement motivation decreasing and power motivation increasing over time explaining the shift of focus from self to others.
While researchers have been theorizing and using interviews to uncover shifts in entrepreneurial motivations, this is the first paper to longitudinally uncover implicit motivations to explain why successful entrepreneurs give back later in life.
Elyria Kemp, Xingyi Zhang, Millicent Njeri and Kim Williams
Music and sound have been used pervasively to enhance the tourism and hospitality experience. Incorporating music into a brand’s identity has the potential to influence consumer…
Music and sound have been used pervasively to enhance the tourism and hospitality experience. Incorporating music into a brand’s identity has the potential to influence consumer perceptions and decision-making. This study aims to identify how sonic branding influences consumer attitudes and engagement patterns with hotel brands by using feelings as information theory and applying the effects of music on neurochemical phenomena in the brain. It also explores how sonic branding differentially influences the decision-making of consumer segments.
Experimental studies are used to examine how sonic brands influence consumer perceptions and engagement tendencies. Study 1 (n = 92) adopts a single-factor experimental design to investigate the main effects of sonic branding (presence vs absence) on customers’ responses. Study 2 (n = 204) uses a 2 (sonic branding: present vs. absent) × 2 (purpose of travel: leisure vs business) design to examine the interaction effects. Participants were recruited through Prolific.
Results indicate that the use of sonic branding increases engagement tendencies for a hotel brand. In addition, sonic branding interacted with the purpose of travel such that business travelers exhibited more favorable attitudes and higher engagement tendencies toward a hotel brand than leisure travelers when a sonic brand was used.
Given the proliferation of audio-centric environments, this research provides insight into how tourism and hospitality brands can engage and connect with customers by developing sonic brands that can be used throughout the customer journey.
音乐和声音被广泛用于提升旅游和酒店体验。将音乐融入品牌的身份有可能影响消费者的感知和决策。本研究旨在通过使用感觉作为信息理论和应用音乐对大脑神经化学现象的影响, 识别声音品牌如何影响消费者对酒店品牌的态度和参与模式。它还探讨了声音品牌如何对不同消费者群体的决策产生差异化影响。
采用实验研究来检验声音品牌如何影响消费者的感知和参与倾向。研究1(n = 92)采用单因素实验设计, 调查声音品牌(有 vs. 无)对客户反应的主要影响。研究2(n = 204)采用2(声音品牌:有 vs. 无)× 2(旅行目的:休闲 vs. 商务)设计, 检验交互效应。参与者通过Prolific平台招募。
结果表明, 使用声音品牌会增加消费者对酒店品牌的参与倾向。此外, 声音品牌与旅行目的的交互作用表明, 当使用声音品牌时, 商务旅行者比休闲旅行者对酒店品牌表现出更有利的态度和更高的参与倾向。
鉴于音频中心环境的普及, 本研究提供了旅游和酒店品牌如何通过开发声音品牌在整个客户旅程中与客户互动和联系的见解。
La música y el sonido se han utilizado de forma generalizada para mejorar la experiencia del turismo y la hostelería. La incorporación de la música a la identidad de una marca tiene el potencial de influir en las percepciones y la toma de decisiones de los consumidores. Este estudio pretende identificar cómo influye la marca sonora (o audio branding) en las actitudes de los consumidores y en sus patrones de compromiso con las marcas hoteleras utilizando los sentimientos como teoría de la información y aplicando los efectos de la música en los fenómenos neuroquímicos del cerebro. También explora cómo influye diferencialmente la marca sonora en la toma de decisiones de los segmentos de consumidores.
Se emplean estudios experimentales para examinar cómo influyen las marcas sónicas en las percepciones y las tendencias de compromiso de los consumidores. El estudio 1 (N = 92) adopta un diseño experimental de factor único para investigar los efectos principales de la marca sonora (presencia frente a ausencia) en las respuestas de los clientes. El estudio 2 (N = 204) utiliza un diseño 2 (marca sonora: presente frente a ausente) × 2 (Objetivo del viaje: ocio frente a negocios) para examinar los efectos de interacción. Los participantes fueron reclutados a través de Prolific.
Los resultados indican que el uso de la marca sonora aumenta las tendencias de compromiso con una marca hotelera. Además, la marca sonora interactuó con el objetivo del viaje de forma que los viajeros de negocios mostraron actitudes más favorables y mayores tendencias de compromiso hacia una marca hotelera que los viajeros de ocio cuando se utilizó una marca sonora.
Dada la proliferación de entornos audiocéntricos, esta investigación ofrece una visión de cómo las marcas turísticas y de hostelería pueden captar la atención de los clientes y conectar con ellos desarrollando marcas sonoras que puedan utilizarse a lo largo de todo el viaje del cliente.
Salwa Bin Idrees, Syed Musa Alhabshi, Ashurov Sharofiddin and Anwar Hasan Abdullah Othman
The purpose of this study is to frame the dimensions of the external institutional environment, namely, cultural-cognitive, normative and regulative dimensions as the main actors…
The purpose of this study is to frame the dimensions of the external institutional environment, namely, cultural-cognitive, normative and regulative dimensions as the main actors in the organisational field. More precisely, Libyan commercial banks have been identified as empirical evidence, to identify constraints of the institutional environment governing the behaviour and decision-making of commercial banks, when adopting Islamic financial transactions.
A questionnaire has been designed for 14 Libyan commercial banks which is distributed to the Board of Directors, managers, directors of departments, and personnel. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the measurement model by using the first-order and second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) have been applied as essential steps to embody the conceptual framework and test the research hypotheses.
The results of the EFA indicated sufficient correlation among the dimensions of the external environment. The CFA supported this study’s hypotheses. The modelling showed that the cultural-cognitive, normative and regulative dimensions are institutional constraints impeding Libyan commercial banks’ adoption of Islamic financial transactions. Interestingly, the findings of the CFA align with the EFA findings in supporting the conceptual framework of the research. They portrayed that the cultural-cognitive dimension has been identified by explicit and implicit cognition.
This study systematically embodies the dimensions of the external institutional environment, namely, cultural-cognitive, normative and regulative dimensions, as the main factors in the organisational field to be conceptually rich lenses to investigate social considerations to reinforce institutional thought broadly. The results of this study were consistent with extant Islamic financial literature, reflecting symmetry and similarity across commercial banks, particularly at the first stage of adopting Islamic financial transactions.
The purpose of this paper is to inform readers who are interested in textbooks, sports and sports economics, but especially professors who teach sports economics, about the…
The purpose of this paper is to inform readers who are interested in textbooks, sports and sports economics, but especially professors who teach sports economics, about the coverage of sports in principles of economics textbooks.
The data in the paper consist of the 130 sections on sports from twenty-one principles of economics textbooks. The paper illuminates the sections using numerous quotations and in-text references. The paper details the number of sections devoted to each sport, economic concepts they illuminate and how the text covers topics such as league rules, broadcast revenues and women in sports.
The paper finds that the 21 textbook authors devote an average of 934 words in an average of 6.2 sections of text to 11 sports. Sections of text vary from one sentence to lengthy discussions of topics such as increased salaries due to technological advances in broadcasting, antitrust cases, the gender pay gap and bargaining between leagues and players' unions. The authors refer to five published research papers on sports economics, two quantitative books, two quantitative articles in the popular press and one nonquantitative nonfiction book.
Research limitations/implications
This paper provides data to researchers who study sports regarding topics that students are being taught in economics texts. It is a potential tool for connecting their areas of research to the university experience.
Practical implications
Sports economics professors, and other professors, may enhance student interest by a choice of text for their principles classes.
Social implications
Sports coverage in principles texts illuminates topics such as the effect of technology on income distribution, the morality of paying college athletes, the interaction of the legal system and markets and the gender gap.
No other publicly referenced paper details the use of sports in principles textbooks.
Ahmad Baihaqy and Apol Pribadi Subriadi
This paper aims to develop a digital transformation model in hospitals. This study proposes a digital transformation model in hospitals by formulating dimensions and…
This paper aims to develop a digital transformation model in hospitals. This study proposes a digital transformation model in hospitals by formulating dimensions and sub-dimensions. The proposed hospital digital transformation model outlines why and how each of dimensions and sub-dimensions are important in the hospital digital transformation model.
This study chose the type of qualitative research using a phenomenology approach. This study used observation techniques and in-depth interviews with 11 informants and conducted group discussion forums with information technology governance experts, a hospital information technology department manager who has an information technology background, and doctor representatives. The data were documented and analyzed using triangulation techniques.
This research provides empirical insights into the dimensions and sub-dimensions of hospital digital transformation models. The findings of the digital transformation dimension in hospitals are 7 dimensions and 37 sub-dimensions, namely, the governance and management dimension which has 8 sub-dimensions; the person has 9 sub-dimensions; strategy dimension which has 5 sub-dimensions; information technology capability has 3 sub-dimensions; the data interoperability dimension has 3 sub-dimensions; the data analytics dimension has 5 sub-dimensions; patient dimensions have 4 sub-dimensions; the findings of the sub-dimensions involved in the digital transformation dimension of the hospital can provide input on the accuracy of the indicators measuring the hospital’s digital transformation.
Research limitations/implications
This research is limited to the qualitative type of phenomenology approach so that future research can test empirically with quantitative methods with techniques through surveys of dimensional and sub-dimensional relationships to hospital digital transformation. The researchers also recommend further assessing the findings of this paper which can develop as a model for measuring the maturity of hospital digital transformation.
Practical implications
This paper covers the implications of developing a hospital digital transformation model that can be used to organize and manage hospital digital transformation.
This paper can be used as a guideline for hospital stakeholders when carrying out digital transformation. This paper can be used as a reference for further research to find, study and develop dimensions and sub-dimensions of digital transformation models.
Amine El Badlaoui and Mariam Cherqaoui
This paper aims to determine whether audit opinions in Morocco, an emerging market, are value relevant to the stock market, through the investigation of the market reaction to the…
This paper aims to determine whether audit opinions in Morocco, an emerging market, are value relevant to the stock market, through the investigation of the market reaction to the issuance of modified audit opinions (MAOs).
The event study approach is used. The data are derived from the financial reports of listed companies on the Casablanca Stock Exchange over a period of 10 years from 2010 to 2019.
This paper does not find evidence that the market reacts to the issuance of MAOs when grouped together. When partitioning the sample by types, there is an evidence of a stock market reaction to qualified audit opinions and the qualified audit opinions with observation paragraph when they are combined with a negative variation of earnings per share. Examination of the impact of different natures of qualifications shows no consistent results and that the market does not distinguish between natures of qualifications.
Research limitations/implications
These results may be due to the fact that some investors have information about the audit opinion long before it is made public, due to privileged access to audit opinions, or that investors underestimate audit opinions relative to other financial indicators.
This study contributes to the existing literature by investigating an emerging market, not previously tested, after the introduction of several regulatory reforms in Moroccan market aimed at enhancing transparency in financial reporting. It refines the market reaction models used in previous studies by using both ordinary least squares and the Scholes–Williams techniques that correct for the effect of thin trading on the market index. In addition, special attention is given to studying the market reaction to each type of MAOs and to each natures of qualifications.
Mats Holmberg, Douglas Presta, Anders Bremer, Scott Devenish and Anders Svensson
With aging, the risk of requiring emergency care increases. Elderly patients who need Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are often vulnerable and dependent, especially when their…
With aging, the risk of requiring emergency care increases. Elderly patients who need Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are often vulnerable and dependent, especially when their decision-making ability is reduced, which may intensify the risk of important ethical values being violated. Studies about paramedics’ views on elderly people’s self-determination within EMS settings are scarce. The aim of this study was to explore the attitudes and perceptions of paramedics in a US context regarding self-determination in elderly patients who need emergency care provided by EMS.
The study had an exploratory design, and data were collected using a Delphi technique. A panel of experts consisting of US paramedics was recruited to answer a questionnaire sent out in three rounds. The questionnaire comprised 108 items, derived from a Swedish study on the same topic, rated with a five-point Likert scale ranging from agree to disagree with a predetermined consensus level of 70%.
In total 21 experts agreed to participate, 15 completed all three rounds, leaving a total response rate of 71%. Finally, 87 out of 108 items reached consensus, of which 60 were “agree” and 27 were “disagree.”
The paramedic–patient relationship is a core in assessing and handling ethical challenges within an advanced practice influenced by the paramedics’ educational level and/or the patient’s physical/mental status. Within a “find it fix it” modus operandi, there is a need to increase paramedics’ competence in understanding and handling advanced ethical challenges in relation to ethical values such as autonomy and self-determination in elderly patients.