The paper uncovers a mathematical error in George Spencer-Brown's genesis of re-entry. It distinguishes between the two interpretations of re-entry presented in “Laws of Form”…
The paper uncovers a mathematical error in George Spencer-Brown's genesis of re-entry. It distinguishes between the two interpretations of re-entry presented in “Laws of Form”: recursive versus sequential. The Indeterminacy inferred by George Spencer-Brown from his recursive genesis of re-entry is refuted in three different ways. The calculation of the Modulator from “Laws of Form” demonstrates that only the sequential interpretation of re-entry is reasonable. This contributes to the demystification of re-entry and enables a deeper understanding. Finally, six differences between the concept of form from “Laws of Form” and Niklas Luhmann's sociological systems theory are presented.
Methodologically, the paper uses the ternary logic of discrete mathematics, which extends {0, 1} by “don't care” to {0, 1, -}. George Spencer-Brown's Indeterminicy is refuted by using three different methods: complete induction, Theorems 14 and 15 and the software XBOOLE. For the calculation of the Modulator, the only practical application of re-entry in “Laws of Form”, techniques from automata theory are used.
The paper reveals a mathematical error in George Spencer-Brown's genesis of the re-entry of “Laws of Form” and refutes the assumption of Indeterminicy. The analysis of the only practical application of re-entry presented by George Spencer-Brown shows that the functioning of this Modulator can only be described correctly with the sequential interpretation of re-entry.
The paper emphasizes the interdisciplinary potential of sociology and information technology and provides methods and tools of discrete mathematics for use in the analysis of the works of George Spencer-Brown and Niklas Luhmann.
Giovanna Bagnato, Stefania Denise Escobar and Felipe Ruiz Moreno
This exploratory study aims to identify and prioritize key sustainable innovation challenges faced by family-owned businesses in the wine ecosystem. It also explores whether the…
This exploratory study aims to identify and prioritize key sustainable innovation challenges faced by family-owned businesses in the wine ecosystem. It also explores whether the criticality of these challenges differed pre- and post-COVID-19 by comparing the prioritization of these challenges at these two times.
Three methodologies were used. First, a systematic literature review identified the key sustainable innovation challenges in the wine ecosystem, which were then summarized into macro-categories (macro-challenges). Second, a panel of experts validated these challenges. Finally, the best-worst method was used using 40 qualitative interviews to prioritize the most critical challenges in two alternative scenarios to explore potential changes in challenge criticality following COVID-19.
This study provides evidence that the primary challenge to sustainable innovation (i.e. constraints on businesses because of limited financial resources) was the same pre- and post-COVID-19. In contrast, although the challenge associated with knowledge sharing was identified as a key strategy of wine ecosystem actors, particularly in recent years, it was the least critical factor at both times.
This exploratory study extends the conceptual boundaries of sustainable innovation by introducing it to the wine ecosystem. It establishes a practical agenda for small and medium-sized enterprises to enable managers who are constrained by limited resources to prioritize challenges. This agenda outlines a path to identifying competitive strategies. This path can also be followed by a range of stakeholders within this ecosystem to achieve resilience and define medium-to-long-term strategies. Furthermore, policymakers and governments can follow this path to formulate more targeted investment management plans and policies, thereby supporting sustainable economic growth in this key sector for many countries.
Sylwiusz Retowski, Dorota Godlewska-Werner and Rolf van Dick
The study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the Polish version of the identity leadership inventory (ILI) proposed by Steffens, Haslam, Reicher et al. (2014) and to…
The study aimed to test the validity and reliability of the Polish version of the identity leadership inventory (ILI) proposed by Steffens, Haslam, Reicher et al. (2014) and to confirm the relationship between identity leadership and various job-related outcomes (i.e., trust in leaders, job satisfaction, work engagement and turnover intentions) among employees from Poland-based organizations. Identity leadership appears to be a universal construct (van Dick, Ciampa, & Liang, 2018) but no one has studied it in Poland so far.
The sample consisted of 1078 employees collected in two independent subsamples from different organizations located in Northern and Central Poland. We evaluated the ILI’s factorial structure using confirmatory factor analysis.
The results confirm that the 15-item Polish version of the ILI has a four-dimensional structure with factors representing prototypicality, advancement, entrepreneurship and impresarioship. It showed satisfactory reliability. The identity leadership inventory-short form (four items) also showed a good fit with the data. As expected, the relationships between identity leadership and important work-related outcomes (general level of job satisfaction, work engagement, trust toward the leader and turnover intentions) were also significant.
Despite the cultural specifics of Polish organizations, the research results were generally very similar to those in other countries, confirming the universality of the ILI as shown in the Global Identity Leadership Development project (GILD, see van Dick, Ciampa, & Liang, 2018; van Dick et al., 2021).