Mery Citra Sondari, Adhi Indra Hermanu, Leli Nurlaeli and Deis Savitri Artisheila
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of research-based community service programs in Indonesia that used government funds in 2017–2021.
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of research-based community service programs in Indonesia that used government funds in 2017–2021.
The design of this research is a quantitative research method using a data envelopment analysis to evaluate 370 leading universities in Indonesia. Furthermore, six analytical models were considered to compare effectiveness and efficiency between universities. It involved two resource (budget and staff academic involved), three output (intellectual property, prototype and publication) and three outcome variables (economic impact, social impact and capacity building).
The findings showed that several universities are considered necessary, with great potential to increase output and outcome efficiency in community involvement. The study mapped and divided the position of 370 universities for additional information. The effectiveness aspect provides another perspective in assessing the performance of tertiary institutions in Indonesia and can be an option for evaluating research performance to improve the quality of output.
The authors use data from research and community service management information systems used, both the resources used and the results. Efficiency and effectiveness of 370 universities were compared in this study, including comparing their position on the previous assessment with the assessment of the results of this study. Approach to the concept of Mandl et al. (2008) regarding the relationship between input, output and outcome as the main component of the indicators, the authors apply to analyze efficiency and effectiveness.