José Pereira, Aldina Correia, Alexandra Braga, Wellington Alves, Vanessa Ratten and Vitor Braga
This study aims to analyze the impact of technology and innovation on businesses’ internationalization process as well as the relationship between innovation and technology and…
This study aims to analyze the impact of technology and innovation on businesses’ internationalization process as well as the relationship between innovation and technology and internationalization.
The study was based on quantitative analysis of secondary data from 30 economies in Europe and Central Asia, extracted from the Enterprise Surveys – The World Bank database, using the multivariate statistical techniques of multiple linear regression and cluster analysis.
The results suggest that innovation and technology (I&T) mutually and positively influence the internationalization of firms. In this sense, innovative firms are more successful in competing internationally and exposure to alternative business contexts culminates in innovation. The results suggest a positive relationship between the percentage of firms that introduced a process innovation, the percentage of firms with websites and the businesses’ internationalization.
The originality of this research is based on the methodological approach that allowed the identification of the most significant variables for stimulating the internationalization of firms based on innovation and technology. Given the predominance of economies with higher I&T and internationalization in Europe, it is proposed as future research projects to ascertain the reasons for such a phenomenon.
Daniel Espinosa Sáez, Elena Delgado-Ballester and José Luis Munuera Alemán
In a context where the sharing economy (SE) plays an important role in the transformation of today’s business landscape, profoundly changing the behavior of consumers and many…
In a context where the sharing economy (SE) plays an important role in the transformation of today’s business landscape, profoundly changing the behavior of consumers and many established companies, some companies have begun to adapt to SE by incorporating its value propositions into their business models. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study the role of consumer innovativeness, brand levels and the need for uniqueness on the way to attitudes and intentions to participate in SE.
This study collected the data through an online user survey, achieving a total sample of 717. The data were first analyzed using structural equation modeling and then combined with the use of the PROCESS macro.
The findings provide empirical evidence of the antecedents of consumer innovativeness in a SE context and its role in explaining consumer attitudes and intentions to participate in non-ownership consumption. Furthermore, they also demonstrate that brand tiers and the need for uniqueness moderate the relationship between intentions and participation.
The results of this study contribute to the theoretical development of the SE by presenting the first conceptual model that considers including the brand tiers effect and connects it to two leading theories on consumer behavior (diffusion of innovations theory and uniqueness theory). In addition, the study’s findings provide valuable insights for sharing platforms and traditional companies that choose to participate in the collaborative economy.
Vorster Queiroga Alves and Gilberto Perez
To evaluate the relationship between IT competence and innovation capacity in technology-based companies in Brazilian technology poles and/or parks in Brazil, this study aims to…
To evaluate the relationship between IT competence and innovation capacity in technology-based companies in Brazilian technology poles and/or parks in Brazil, this study aims to highlight the importance of the necessary differential associated with technologies to promote the innovation capacity of companies, as organisations can respond quickly and with innovative actions to changes in the business environment.
With a quantitative approach, an electronic questionnaire was applied from July to November 2021, with a ten-point Likert scale containing 45 questions distributed among the dimensions and constructs analysed. The survey sample was conducted in 88 companies (with 107 valid responses returned). Structural equation modelling was performed using SmartPLS 3.3.3 software for data analysis.
The results showed a strong, positive and committed relationship between IT competence and innovation capacity dimensions. As for the dimensions of IT competence, the six dimensions were evaluated and validated, with an advance in the literature.
Research limitations/implications
The limitations of this research are related to a specific group of companies, located in an environment and with their own characteristics. Due to the limitations, there is a need to expand the investigation to other business areas, and not only to technology-based companies. There is a need to examine in detail the resources, dimensions of IT competence that are applied in companies, as well as evaluate how they relate to the capacity for innovation.
Practical implications
It is believed that the results of this research can contribute to the improvement of actions and strategies of technology-based companies, in addition to improving market responses with greater dynamism, creating innovative products and/or services directly for customers. One cannot forget, however, the discussions and theoretical advances between the relations of constructs and their application in organisations of various sectors.
Social implications
The study of the existing relationships between IT competence and innovation capacity in Brazilian technology-based organisations provided an advance in knowledge, by understanding the form and characteristics existing between the dimensions analysed, enabling organisations to identify those that can best be used and obtain results of the company’s performance for the market.
The contributions include understanding the relationships between IT competence and innovation capacity and the knowledge that the organisation needs to know the dimensions of IT competencies to invest in innovation capacity and support activities for performance associated with a competitive advantage.
Este estudio investiga la relación entre la competencia de TI y la capacidad de la innovación en empresas basadas en tecnología brasileña y/o parques tecnológicos, el estudio destaca la importancia del diferencial necesario, asociado con las tecnologías para promover la capacidad de innovación de las empresas, por lo tanto, las organizaciones pueden responder rápidamente y con acciones innovadoras a los cambios en el entorno empresarial.
Con un enfoque cuantitativo, se utilizó un cuestionario electrónico, se aplicó de julio a noviembre de 2021, con una escala Likert de 10 puntos, que contiene 45 preguntas distribuidas entre las dimensiones y construcciones analizadas. La muestra de investigación se estableció en 88 empresas (con retorno de 107 respuestas válidas). Para el análisis de datos, se utilizó el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, utilizando el software SmartPls 3.3.3®.
Con la demostración de los resultados, encontró una relación fuerte, positiva y significativa entre las dimensiones de la competencia de TI y la capacidad de innovación. En cuanto a las dimensiones de la competencia de TI, las seis dimensiones fueron evaluadas y validadas, con un avance en la literatura.
Las contribuciones son la comprensión de las relaciones entre la competencia de TI y la capacidad de innovar, así como la comprensión que la organización necesita conocer las dimensiones de las habilidades de TI, invertir en capacidad de innovación y proporcionar apoyo a las actividades para las actividades asociadas con competitivos ventaja.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a relação entre a Competência em TI e a Capacidade de inovação nas empresas de base tecnológicas em Polos e/ou Parques Tecnológicos Brasileiros, o estudo destaca a importância do diferencial necessário, associado as tecnologias para promover a capacidade de inovação das empresas, pois, as organizações são capazes de responder rapidamente e com ações inovadoras às mudanças do ambiente de negócio.
Com uma abordagem quantitativa, foi utilizado um questionário eletrônico, aplicado no período de julho a novembro de 2021, com escala do tipoLikert composta de 10 pontos, contendo 45 questões distribuídas entre as dimensões e construtos analisados. A amostra de pesquisa foi estabelecida em 88 empresas (com retorno de 107 respostas válidas). Para análise dos dados foi utilizada a modelagem de equações estruturais, recorrendo ao software SmartPLS 3.3.3®.
Com a demonstração dos resultados, encontrou uma relação forte, positiva e significativa entre as dimensões da competência em TI e da capacidade de inovação. Quanto as dimensões da competência em TI, as seis dimensões foram avaliadas e validadas, com um avanço na literatura.
As contribuições são a compreensão das relações existentes entre a Competência em TI e a Capacidade de Inovação, assim como, o entendimento que a organização, necessita conhecer as dimensões das competências em TI, para investir em capacidade de inovação e proporcionar suporte as atividades para o desempenho associado a vantagem competitiva.
Carlos Hiroshi Usirono, Ely Laureano Paiva and Raul Beal Partyka
Operating in a market of scarcity and uncertainty, the startups have stood out by contributing to changing the economy and society, a new type of management. This study analyses…
Operating in a market of scarcity and uncertainty, the startups have stood out by contributing to changing the economy and society, a new type of management. This study analyses how startup companies may develop dynamic capabilities from the resources present in their ecosystems.
Through a qualitative content analysis, we show different startup management and environmental features when compared with established companies.
Unlike mature and established companies, startups develop innovative businesses, raise funds and develop competences quickly, anchoring themselves in differentiation and innovation. Results show different startup management and environmental features when compared with established companies.
Research limitations/implications
The study contributes to the literature by identifying management elements in dynamic environments, thus expanding the application of the theory of dynamic and managerial capabilities.
Practical implications
The study contributes to generating an instrument that assists entrepreneurs in the operationalization of their strategies through the use and development of their managerial capabilities and the orchestration of resources with the help of ecosystem actors.
We propose a framework with the main elements identified in the cases analyzed. Those elements may assist managers in orchestrating their resources in order to support ecosystem actors.
Panos T. Chountalas and Athanasios G. Lagodimos
Significant interest in Integrated Management Systems (IMS), as a key area within ISO-related Management System Standards (MSS) literature, has been evident from both academia and…
Significant interest in Integrated Management Systems (IMS), as a key area within ISO-related Management System Standards (MSS) literature, has been evident from both academia and industry over the past three decades. This study aims to map the evolution and current state of IMS research and propose possible directions for future studies.
A comprehensive content and bibliometric analysis of 846 documents from the Scopus database across the period 1995 to 2023 was conducted. This included performance analysis to track publication trends and identify key contributors, and content analysis to specify dominant research methodologies and the MSS most commonly integrated. Furthermore, science mapping techniques—such as co-authorship networks, keyword co-occurrence analysis, and bibliographic coupling—were utilized to outline the collaborative networks and the conceptual and intellectual structure of the field.
The study identifies three principal IMS research themes: the practical implementation of IMS, their role in promoting sustainability and social responsibility, and their impact on continuous performance improvement. It also highlights the field’s evolution and key research constituents—including influential works, prolific authors, leading academic institutions and countries, and top publishing journals. It further reveals that IMS research exhibits strong collaboration across authors and countries, and a rich methodological plurality, notably with a marked increase in empirical surveys in recent years. Additionally, it identifies the most frequently referenced MSS for integration, prominently featuring ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001/OHSAS 18001.
This study is original in its application of a dual analytical approach—bibliometric and content analysis—to provide a holistic overview of IMS research. It offers new insights into the integration of diverse MSS and proposes several promising paths for future research. Among the most prominent are standardizing IMS fundamental specifications, conducting more empirical research with advanced methods to evaluate the effects of MSS integration, providing practical support for organizations in IMS implementation through tailored methodologies and tools, and exploring the potential of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies to advance IMS practices.
Aloísio Lélis de Paula, Victor Marchezini and Tatiana Sussel Gonçalves Mendes
This paper aimed to develop a participatory methodology to analyze the disaster risk creation in coastal cities, based on an approach that combines social, urban, environmental…
This paper aimed to develop a participatory methodology to analyze the disaster risk creation in coastal cities, based on an approach that combines social, urban, environmental and disaster risk elements.
The methodology uses some aspects of three theoretical approaches in a complementary way: i) the Pressure and Release (PAR) framework for the identification of dynamic pressures that contribute to disaster risk creation; ii) the application of Drivers, Pressure, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) framework to analyze environmental dimensions; and iii) urban analysis, applying the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) tool to classify urban processes. The methodology combined the use of satellite remote sensing data to analyze the urban sprawl and citizen science methods to collect social and environmental data, using the case study of the watershed of the Juqueriquerê River in the coastal city of Caraguatatuba, Brazil. The pilot project was part of a local university extension project of the undergraduate course on Architecture and Urban Planning and also engaged residents and city hall representatives.
The satellite remote sense data analysis indicated a continuous urban sprawl between 1985 and 2020, especially in the south of the Juqueriquerê watershed, reducing urban drainage and increasing the extension and water depth of urban flooding and riverine floods. Using citizen science methods, undergraduates identified settlements with limited economic resources to elevate houses and a lack of infrastructure to promote a resilient coastal city. After identifying the dynamic pressures that contribute to disaster risk creation and the weaknesses and strengths of a resilient city, undergraduate students proposed urban planning interventions and gray and green infrastructure projects to mitigate disaster risks.
Social implications
The paper identifies urban sprawl in disaster-prone areas as one of the risk factors contributing to disaster. It also comprehensively analyzes differences between different zones in the Juqueriqere River, which will be useful for policy-making.
The method presented an interdisciplinary approach that used satellite remote sensing data and citizen science techniques to analyze disaster risks in coastal cities. The multidimensional approach used to evaluate risks is useful and can be replicated in other similar studies to gain a more comprehensive understanding of disaster risks.
William León, Jose Guevara and Nelly P. Garcia-Lopez
This research article proposes a quantitative method for analyzing planning reliability and risk evaluation in construction projects through probabilistic numerical simulation…
This research article proposes a quantitative method for analyzing planning reliability and risk evaluation in construction projects through probabilistic numerical simulation models. The aim is to assess the combined time-based variability of activities across the project and its impact on planning reliability in various production management systems.
The study examines different methods for comparing the impact of production management strategies, specifically standardization and lean construction practices, on project reliability. The article introduces Monte Carlo, importance sampling and first-order-second moment methods as quantitative tools for decision-making and continuous improvement in construction projects.
The utilization of multiple numerical simulation models demonstrates how the variability in activity durations directly affects planning reliability, leading to uncertainty and increased risk in construction projects. The study highlights the significance of lean construction principles and industrialized processes, such as standardization of processes and construction methods, in reducing variability and improving the average duration of activities. Furthermore, it quantifies the differential impact of various production management systems on project performance and planning reliability.
Research limitations/implications
This study is based on a limited number of case studies, which may affect the generalizability of the findings. The results are specific to the construction projects analyzed in Colombia. Expanding the research to include a broader range of projects will improve the applicability of the findings. Developing more comprehensive numerical models can also enhance understanding of planning reliability across different construction management systems.
Currently, there are limited quantitative methods available for project managers to evaluate the impact of industrialized construction practices and production management strategies on planning reliability as well as quantifying the associated risk level in project delays. Consequently, the adoption of innovative construction methods is often limited to a few pilot projects, as managers lack numerical evidence to support the implementation of new methodologies that require changes in traditional operational practices.
Celia Gil-Bermejo, Antonio Golpe, Antonio Jesús Sánchez Fuentes and José Carlos Vides González
This paper aims to analyze the possible interdependencies among fiscal, monetary and growth variables by applying multivariate Granger Causality and determining an ultimate…
This paper aims to analyze the possible interdependencies among fiscal, monetary and growth variables by applying multivariate Granger Causality and determining an ultimate “causality path” excluding redundant relationships based on a complex endogenous system for each country.
We adopt a novel approach to test Granger Causality within the framework of Vector Autoregressive models. This approach enables us to expand the scope of relevant variables, which is typically limited to two or three, previously mentioned. Moreover, we employ graph-theoretic techniques for causal analysis, utilizing the PC algorithm (Colombo and Maathuis, 2014; Spirtes et al., 2000) to determine the optimal causal ordering among all statistically significant relationship.
Our findings highlight the continued division between “core” and “peripheral” Euro area countries, with monetary policy variables playing a crucial role in the economic growth of “core” nations. Stable inflation contributes to sustained growth in these countries, while fiscal variables contribute to growth across most nations.
The literature concerning the relationship among different macroeconomic variables such as prices, output and monetary policy indicators such as interest rates and interest payments, may be incomplete or misguided due to the exclusion of relevant information because studies are mostly based on a bivariate or a trivariate framework dynamics. In this sense, one goal is the extension of the system, which may be crucial, because the omission of relevant variables may lead to biased results. Furthermore, we apply graph-theoretic methods for causal analysis by using the PC algorithm to determine the ultimate causal sequence among all possible ones and, finally, we aim to understand and disentangle the transmission process and the relationships among economic policies in a Euro area country-level analysis.
Reyes González-Ramírez, Jose Gasco and Juan Llopis
Despite the evident link between digitalisation and sustainability, many organisations have these two strategies operating on a parallel basis and not in a coordinated manner…
Despite the evident link between digitalisation and sustainability, many organisations have these two strategies operating on a parallel basis and not in a coordinated manner. Hence the objective of this work, which consists of proposing a model to analyse the connection existing between both strategies within the business environment, additionally relating them to innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
With that aim, the results of a survey answered by 98 managers of Spanish enterprises are examined using the PLS software, especially suited for the study of structural equations like the one put forward in this paper.
The conclusions drawn suggest that the most innovative firms are indeed the ones that invest to a greater extent in digitalisation and sustainability. It was also possible for us to verify that digitalisation exerts a positive influence on sustainability and that both the latter and digitalisation directly relate to CSR strategies. However, innovation as such does not constitute a requirement for CSR; instead, these Social Responsibility actions will take place when innovations rely on digitalisation and sustainability strategies.
Until now, most studies have addressed digitalisation and sustainability independently, with contradictory theoretical approaches in the literature about these two topics and a paucity of empirical results about the link between digitalisation and sustainability. The present study clarifies the relationships between sustainability and digitalisation, also relating them to innovation and CSR in the business environment.
Ramah Ahmed, Qile He and Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes
This paper explores the connection between agri-food supply chains (AFSCs) and levels of circular economy (CE): supply chain (SCs), firm, and product/materials. We aim to answer…
This paper explores the connection between agri-food supply chains (AFSCs) and levels of circular economy (CE): supply chain (SCs), firm, and product/materials. We aim to answer the following crucial research questions: (1) What are the specific characteristics of the AFSC that affect the implementation of CE? (2) How can the interplay of AFSC characteristics and CE levels be understood and utilised to close the current knowledge gap in CE implementation? (3) How do the CE levels established (in question 2) correspond to the notion of cascade chains? (4) Can the Triple-Bottom Line (TBL) principles be used to report CE impacts in the agri-food industry? (5) What future research directions need to be explored for sustainable CE configuration in AFSCs? Answering these questions expands the knowledge of the implementation of CE in AFSCs, which is crucial for sustainable configuration based on the TBL principles.
We conducted a comprehensive narrative overview (a type of narrative literature review) followed by a case study guided by the cascade chain theory. The sugar cane industry, a significant source of bioenergy that can contribute to sustainable development, was selected for the case study. To validate our findings from the narrative overview, we interviewed five directors from international sugar companies.
Our research has shown that CE can significantly benefit the sugar cane industry. Based on TBL principles, we have developed a framework to achieve sustainable configurations in AFSCs. The framework starts with regenerative agriculture, material reuse, and energy recovery, where different CE levels intersect. This intersection can guide firms to improve decision-making, promote sustainable practices, and inform policymaking across the sugar cane value chain.
Research limitations/implications
Narrative overview has limitations such as potential subjectivity and bias and may not be suitable for generalisation. To mitigate this limitation, we have included a case study to produce a rounded analysis. We have also gathered information from secondary sources, such as reports and company news articles, to prevent biased results.
Practical implications
This research provides valuable insights to assist companies in aligning their practices with CE levels, leading to sustainable outcomes in AFSCs. The study emphasises the importance of integrating CE levels and AFSC characteristics for policymakers to validate and develop new policies. Through our in-depth analysis of sugar cane SCs, we demonstrate that the various CE levels are interdependent and work in tandem with the unique characteristics of sugar cane, resulting in a sustainable configuration.
Analysing the connectedness between CE levels and AFSC characteristics is crucial to fully understanding the CE sustainable configuration. Unlike other frameworks that only describe the CE concept, the framework presented in this paper clearly explains the implementation of CE in AFSCs. It helps industrial practitioners and policymakers validate current practices and future policies. The paper also highlights future research directions and provides valuable insights.