Ian Phau, Olamide Oluwabusola Akintimehin, Anwar Sadat Shimul and Sean Lee
Despite the growing popularity of SHVL fashion, there is little empirical focus on the antecedent factors that influence consumers’ intention to purchase and recommend SHVL…
Despite the growing popularity of SHVL fashion, there is little empirical focus on the antecedent factors that influence consumers’ intention to purchase and recommend SHVL fashion. Drawing on insights from the stimulus–organism–response framework, this paper aims to investigate the motivational factors influencing the consumers’ attitudes and their intention to purchase and recommend SHVL fashion.
Primary data was gathered from 232 present customers of SHVL fashion products and analysed using the partial least square structural equation modelling.
Research findings show that eco-consciousness, treasure hunting, status consumption and the need for uniqueness were positively linked to intentions to purchase SHVL fashion through the intervening role of attitude. Attitude was positively linked with purchase intentions, which also positively influenced intention to recommend SHVL fashion.
Practical implications
The study findings assist brand managers in understanding how they can cater to the diverse needs of SHVL fashion consumers.
This research contributes significantly to the SHVL domain by examining core antecedents that motivate consumers’ intention to purchase and recommend SHVL fashion.
A pesar de la creciente popularidad de la moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano (SHVL), hay poco enfoque empírico en los factores antecedentes que influyen en la intención de los consumidores de comprar y recomendar moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano. Basándose en ideas del marco S-O-R, este documento investiga los factores motivacionales que influyen en las actitudes de los consumidores y su intención de comprar y recomendar moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano.
Se recopilaron datos primarios de 232 clientes actuales de productos de moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano y se analizaron utilizando el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales.
Los hallazgos de la investigación muestran que la conciencia ecológica, la búsqueda de tesoros, el consumo de estatus y la necesidad de unicidad están vinculados positivamente con las intenciones de comprar moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano a través del papel intermediario de la actitud. La actitud se vinculó positivamente con las intenciones de compra, lo que también influyó positivamente en la intención de recomendar moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano.
Implicaciones prácticas
Los hallazgos del estudio ayudan a los gerentes de marca a entender cómo pueden atender las diversas necesidades de los consumidores de moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano.
Esta investigación contribuye significativamente al dominio de la moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano al examinar los antecedentes clave que motivan la intención de los consumidores de comprar y recomendar moda de lujo vintage de segunda mano.
尽管二手复古奢侈品时尚(SHVL)日益流行, 但关于影响消费者购买和推荐二手复古奢侈品意图的前因因素的实证研究却很少。基于S-O-R框架的洞察, 本研究探讨了影响消费者态度及其购买和推荐二手复古奢侈品时尚意图的动机因素。
从232名现有二手复古奢侈品时尚产品的顾客中收集了主要数据, 并使用偏最小二乘结构方程模型(PLS-SEM)进行了分析。
研究发现, 环保意识、寻宝乐趣、地位消费和独特性需求通过态度的中介作用, 与购买二手复古奢侈品的意图正相关。态度与购买意图正相关, 购买意图也正向影响推荐二手复古奢侈品的意图。
本研究通过考察核心前因因素对消费者购买和推荐二手复古奢侈品时尚意图的动机的影响, 为二手复古奢侈品领域做出了重要贡献。
Johanna Kingsman and Ian Davis
This paper examines the impact of lived experiences and attitudinal blueprints on researchers within the context of masculinities research. It explores the negotiation of gendered…
This paper examines the impact of lived experiences and attitudinal blueprints on researchers within the context of masculinities research. It explores the negotiation of gendered roles, exploring how personal narratives shape our engagement in gender research and the collaborative process of meaning-making. It discusses the methodological tensions surrounding narrative research and naturalistic inquiry when investigating masculinities.
Adopting a feminist post-structuralist lens, this paper analyses the discursive nature of masculinities and its theoretical and historical construction, alongside the use of narrative research methodologies in research practices.
The paper reinforces the importance of feminist frameworks in deconstructing gender norms and challenging implicit assumptions. The role of reflexivity in the research process and the potential for researcher subjectivity as a resource is emphasised. Drawing on existing scholarship and the authors' empirical research experiences, the importance of researcher reflexivity in recognising the potential for gender performativity in the research setting is emphasised, especially in gendered research spaces and when engaging with methodologies tacitly understood through gendered ideological lenses.
Research limitations/implications
The paper contributes to ongoing scholarly discussions exploring the intersection of gender, theory and practice.
The paper's theoretical exploration contributes to understandings of gender dynamics in research and offers insights into the complexities of conducting masculinities research from a critical perspective. The paper contributes to ongoing scholarly discussions exploring the intersection of gender, theory and practice.
By reconsidering the concept of the historic environment, the aim of this study is to better understand how heritage is expressed by examining the networks within which the…
By reconsidering the concept of the historic environment, the aim of this study is to better understand how heritage is expressed by examining the networks within which the cultural performances of the historic environment take place. The goal is to move beyond a purely material expression and seek the expansion of the cultural dimension of the historic environment.
Conceptually, the historic environment is considered a valuable resource for heritage expression and exploration. The databases and records that house historic environment data are venerated and frequented entities for archeologists, but arguably less so for non-specialist users. In inventorying the historic environment, databases fulfill a major role in the planning process and asset management that is often considered to be more than just perfunctory. This paper approaches historic environment records (HERs) from an actor network perspective, particularizing the social foundation and relationships within the networks governing the historic environment and the environment's associated records.
The paper concludes that the performance of HERs from an actor-network perspective is a hegemonic process that is biased toward the supply and input to and from professional users. Furthermore, the paper provides a schematic for how many of the flaws in heritage transmission have come about.
The relevance here is largely belied by the fact that HERs as both public digital resources and as heritage networks were awaiting to be addressed in depth from a theoretical point of view.
Danny Murguia, Robby Soetanto, Michael Szczygiel, Chris Ian Goodier and Anil Kavuri
The emergence of Construction 4.0 technologies provides an impetus for radical change and rejuvenates the interest of stakeholders in addressing long-standing performance issues…
The emergence of Construction 4.0 technologies provides an impetus for radical change and rejuvenates the interest of stakeholders in addressing long-standing performance issues in the construction sector. However, construction firms struggle to implement Construction 4.0 technologies for performance measurement and improvement. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model of innovation management for implementing Construction 4.0 that guides and facilitates the strategic transformation of construction firms.
A conceptual model of innovation management is presented, and the findings are synthesised based on a literature review, 20 semi-structured interviews, two focus group discussions, three workshops, expert consultation and observations on three digitally-enabled projects. Data were inductively analysed using thematic analysis.
The analysis of empirical data revealed: (i) Four scenarios that could lead the industry to different futures, based on the extent of research and development, and the extent of integration/collaboration; (ii) Construction 4.0 capability stages for a sustained implementation route; (iii) Possible business model configurations derived from servitisation strategies; and (iv) Skills management challenges for organisations.
Research limitations/implications
First, the empirical data was only collected in the UK with its unique industry context, which may limit the applicability of the results. Second, most of the research data comes from the private sector, without the views of public sector organisations. Third, the model needs to be further validated with specific data-driven use cases to address productivity and sustainability issues.
Practical implications
Successful Construction 4.0 transformation requires a concerted effort of stakeholders, including those in the supply chain, technology companies, innovation networks and government. Although a stakeholder’s action would depend on others’ actions, each stakeholder should undertake action that can influence the factors within their control (such as the extent of collaboration and investment) and the outcomes.
The conceptual model brings together and establishes the relationships between the scenarios, Construction 4.0 capability stages, business models and skills management. It provides the first step that guides the fuzzy front-end of Construction 4.0 implementation, underpins the transformation to the desired future and builds long-term innovation capabilities.
Poonam Sahoo, Pavan Kumar Saraf and Rashmi Uchil
The banking sector is more revolutionized than ever, with advanced technologies driving a seismic change in the financial industry. This study aims to understand how digital…
The banking sector is more revolutionized than ever, with advanced technologies driving a seismic change in the financial industry. This study aims to understand how digital technologies influence banking sector employees and their perception of working in an era of Banking 4.0.
This study incorporated qualitative analysis to gain different insights from diverse respondents from banking industries. A purposive sampling method was adopted, and semistructured interviews were conducted, taking a sample of 72 respondents. All the transcripts were then analyzed using NVivo.
The findings focus on challenges related to understanding technology phenomena, managing changes, infrastructure, skills, competitiveness and regulatory mechanisms. This is further followed by the favorable impact of Banking 4.0 on employees and future avenues, such as innovation in financial services, work productivity, career opportunities and change management, banking 4.0 and banking 5.0, and banking 4.0 management strategies identified as the significant findings.
Practical implications
This study provides guidelines for Banking 4.0 provision strategy and conceptual reference toward the development of Banking 4.0. It also supports the Enhanced Access and Service Excellence 4.0 program, driven by the Indian Bank’s Association, to focus more on digitization, automation and data analytics.
The novelty of this research provides a qualitative hierarchy of significant challenges, favorable impacts and future research avenues of Banking 4.0 in the Indian banking sector.
Camille Nakhid, Tommy Sokun Long, Mengzhu Fu, Makanaka Tuwe, Zina Abu Ali, Lourdes Vano, Pooja Subramanian, Caryn Yachinta and Claire Farrugia
This paper looks at mainstream lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) support services in Aotearoa New Zealand, which predominantly center…
This paper looks at mainstream lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) support services in Aotearoa New Zealand, which predominantly center white queer voices and services and fail to account for the intersectional identities of young ethnic queers.
This exploratory, qualitative study investigated the social and professional support experienced and responded to by 43 young ethnic queers living in Aotearoa New Zealand, who were between 18 and 35 years of age. Participants identified as queer, non-binary, gay, pansexual, demisexual, gender fluid, non-binary and trans among others and held ethnic heritage from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. Persadie and Narain's Mash Up methodological approach (2022) was used to analyze the data. Mash Up allowed us to understand the intersectional spaces of queer ethnic lives in white-dominated spaces, the ways in which young ethnic queers resisted the marginalization of their racialized being and took agency to counter actions and decisions that negated their presence and intersectional identities.
The findings from the study showed that young ethnic queers responded to the lack of adequate support services by establishing their own voluntary organizations and support networks. The study revealed that ethnic queer young people were critical of the white-dominated LGBTQIA+ support organizations; they created their own transformative spaces where they found “family” and community where they could be open about their queerness without the fear of rejection and stigma, while still advocating for equitable resources and an intersectional approach in queer mainstream services.
This paper provides valuable information on the lack of support for queer ethnic young people in Aotearoa New Zealand. The absence of information on the needs of this group poses a challenge to government departments, which rely on data to inform policy and allocate resources. The limited research and knowledge of this community make them less visible and, consequently, less likely to be given resources. It also means that harmful practices and behaviors toward queer ethnic young people by families and communities are more likely to go unnoticed and unaddressed. The paper also shows that the agency of young ethnic queers to create their own transformative spaces and to challenge the white-centric spaces, which have failed to consider their intersectional identities, has been instrumental to their well-being.