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1 – 4 of 4Zaimah Abdullah, Hasnah Shaari, Sitraselvi Chandren and Arifatul Husna Mohd Ariff
The teaching case is designed to be used by students in higher education institutions at the undergraduate level. This case may also be relevant for staff at the bursary…
Study level/applicability
The teaching case is designed to be used by students in higher education institutions at the undergraduate level. This case may also be relevant for staff at the bursary departments of any public universities or public organizations that have biological assets.
Case overview
This case provides a study on agricultural activity at Universiti Pengurusan Malaysia (UNIPM). The purpose of this case is to create greater awareness for case users on the accounting framework and on methods recommended for recording specific assets in agricultural activity, i.e., biological assets. This case provides users with experience in explaining the nature of an organization’s agricultural activities and accounting for biological assets as recommended in the Malaysian accounting framework. In addition, users are exposed to some current issues in accounting standards, such as ethical issues. In this case, Fakhrul, an accountant at UNIPM and a leader of the Asset Unit, was responsible for reporting the value of all UNIPM’s assets, including biological assets. He was instructed to accurately recognize, measure, and disclose the value of biological assets according to the appropriate accounting standard. Furthermore, UNIPM had been urged to replace the existing accounting standard of the Malaysian Private Entity Reporting Standard (MPERS) with the Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standard (MPSAS). Fakhrul was considering how to account for and report biological assets according to the new MPSAS. This case is a decision making or ‘unfinished’ case which is suitable for financial accounting and reporting courses. The names of the people and the university are fictitious, but the details were based on actual events. A series of interviews were conducted with the key players to gather the data. Other useful documents such as the university’s annual report, university’s website and the deer reports were also referred.
Expected learning outcomes
The primary objective of this teaching case is to provide an opportunity for case users to understand both the accounting framework and the methods recommended for recording specific assets in agricultural activity. More specifically, the teaching objectives of this case are to achieve the following learning outcomes: to identify the relevant accounting standard for recognizing, measuring, reporting, and disclosing biological assets by public universities in Malaysia, to apply the appropriate accounting treatment in recognizing, measuring, reporting, and disclosing biological assets in accordance with the appropriate accounting standard for public universities in Malaysia and to understand the ethical issues involved in deer valuation methods.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and finance.
Neelam Kshatriya and Daisy Kurien
Post analysis of the case study, students will be able to comprehend the significance of Six Sigma and its integration with the human resources (HR) processes in the service…
Learning outcomes
Post analysis of the case study, students will be able to comprehend the significance of Six Sigma and its integration with the human resources (HR) processes in the service sector. Post case study discussion, students will be able to: examine the HR processes of ISOQAR (India) and deduce the reasons to seek change in their approach; validate the importance of integrating Six Sigma in the human resource management (HRM) framework of an organization; and categorize the difficulties encountered while implementing Six Sigma in the service sector compared to those in a manufacturing environment.
Case overview/synopsis
In September 2006, four senior employees of an audit firm made the decision to start their own venture. They identified a gap in a sizable and fiercely competitive auditing industry. Nishid Shivdas, Suhas Risbood, Shiv Prakash Bhutra and Burgis Bulsara, co-founders of ISOQAR (India), had distinct leadership experiences that drove the organization to concentrate on developing a broad range of services, with a focus on management consulting, training and audit services. They created a distinctive positioning in market in a short span and reported growth by building strong customer relationships, providing high-quality service and personalized attention to individual clients and meeting deadlines. The wide gamut of services included areas such as the payment card industry, data security standard, information security management systems, business continuity management, service management systems, food safety management system, Responsible Jewellery Council certification services, retail audit services and risk assessment services. They concentrated on collaborating with UKAS for their accreditations. The focus on offering great services with faster response times, a varied array of services and the expertise of its founders let them to price their services at par with some of its competitors, and even higher in few cases. It did not have a large support staff; however, the ones they had were multifaceted, both full time and contractual. Being in the service industry, the founders realized that to maintain growth as the firm aims to grow geographically, their heavy engagement in the existing operations would have to give way to more standardized processes in general and HR in particular. Ensuring the integration of the current workforce to the Six Sigma framework presented challenges.
Complexity academic level
This case is designed for second-year students enrolled in Master of Business Administration/Post Graduate Diploma in Management (MBA/PGDM) or equivalent postgraduate-level programmes, in the domain of “Human Resource.” It will enable the students to engage with the significance of “Six Sigma” being used in various processes in the HRM framework. It can also be taught to students in the domain of Marketing because of its relevance to the service sector.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 6: Human Resource Management.
Hari Narain Singh and D.K. Singh
This paper aims to understand the subject of entrepreneurship and project management through techno-economic intervention.
Subject area
This paper aims to understand the subject of entrepreneurship and project management through techno-economic intervention.
Study level/applicability
Postgraduate students of management and graduate students of engineering and management.
Case overview
Multiple challenges existed at the ground level in the Moradabad Brass Cluster in terms of gaps in technology, skill, infrastructure and market that all needed to be improved upon.
Expected learning outcomes
The objectives and learning outcomes were proposed to understand the cluster economic crisis, entrepreneurship, project management, technical improvements and better understanding of certain theories.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Mohd Ariff Kasim, Siti Rosmaini Mohd Hanafi, Syed Zamberi Bin Ahmad and Norbaini Abdul Halim
Islamic Accounting, Auditing, Strategic Management and Accounting Theory.
Subject area
Islamic Accounting, Auditing, Strategic Management and Accounting Theory.
Study level/applicability
The case is suitable for graduate and postgraduate business students, particularly those on courses such as Islamic Accounting, Auditing, Strategic Management and Accounting Theory. The case is based on secondary data collection and all the facts are real.
Case overview
In the early 2000s, the Tabung Haji (TH) faced financial difficulty, particularly regarding its returns from investments and, with the intention of helping to improve this situation, the General Manager (GM) of Finance and the GM of Investment decided to accept an investment proposal presented by an investment company. The proposal involved initial and subsequent investment portfolios of RM50 million and RM150 million, respectively. The proposal was presented in a board meeting and was approved by the board. Indeed, the two GMs were delighted to receive a return of RM12.5 million from their RM50 million initial investment – i.e. 25 per cent return. In the process of approving the subsequent investment of RM150 million, the two GMs were informed that their investments were partly for the FOREX market (Foreign Exchange Market/Currency Market). At that time, there was no conclusive decision on the status of investment in the FOREX market regarding whether it complied with Sharia principles. The two GMs contemplated whether they should accept this second investment proposal. The issue was whether they should reveal in the board meeting that this investment was partly in FOREX. What if the board failed to accept the idea of investing in FOREX and rejected the proposal? Indeed, they were dropping an opportunity for lucrative returns. Should the GMs seek technical advice on the status of FOREX investment in Islam and present it to the board?
Expected learning outcomes:
The case should help students to: understand the concept of Sharia and Sharia financial principles; understand the process involved in TH investment decisions; analyze the issues involved in decision-making and apply the relevant theories to describe the actions; and recommend various alternative course of actions in a given situation.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request Teaching Notes.