Gyan Prakash, Sangeeta Sahney and Abhinav Vohra
Marketing, retail.
Subject area
Marketing, retail.
Study level/applicability
The case study is specific to the marketing demographics of Indian shoppers with respect to organized retail stores, and therefore, the inter-relationships between various design elements and the relative importance of certain parameters discussed in the text may not follow the same pattern elsewhere in the world.
Case overview
The case emulates the real-life situation of an organized retail store, Super Mart, to understand the inculcation of voice of the customer in the design of organized retail stores in India. It gives insights about factors which influence the shopping intent of customers while giving information about the inter-relationships among various design characteristics. It also gives an idea about inter-dependence between design characteristics and customer requirements. This is followed by certain questions, the responses to which can be interpreted from the text and the data provided therein.
Expected learning outcomes
The case aims to educate its audience about the following aspects of organized retail business: factors influencing offline shopping intent of customers; relative order of importance of customer requirements with respect to organized retail stores; inter-relationships between various design elements; and future trends in the organized retail space. Such a knowledge would help hone the skills of the next generation of business leaders in the retail space.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Gyan Prakash, Sangeeta Sahney and Divyan Kavdia
Subject area
Study level/applicability
The case study is specific to the marketing demographics of online Indian shoppers and therefore, the inter-relationship between certain customer requirements and design elements and the relative importance of items in the latter may not follow the same pattern elsewhere.
Case overview
At a time when e-commerce is booming in India and when online retailers are posting multifold year-on-year growth, it becomes increasingly important to identify the factors pertaining to online stores which can influence the buying behavior of consumers. This case aims to explore such factors relevant to businesses as well as consumers so as to enable the next generation of leaders in online retail business to gain maximally. It deals with critical design characteristics of online retail stores in India which can prove crucial to their success. These characteristics are manifestations of various customer requirements. Two surveys are conducted to establish a hierarchy of design elements and quantify the inter-relationships between customer requirements and design characteristics. This is followed by leads as to which factors may or may not have contributed toward the declining sales volume of an e-commerce start-up, namely, E-Bazaar.
Expected learning outcomes
The learning objectives of the case include: the study of design characteristics with respect to their relative importance; the analysis of the degree of relationships between the design characteristics and customer requirements; and the interpretation of real-life signs in taking strategic business decisions in the field of e-commerce. The case aims to prepare a new breed of leaders in the e-commerce sector with a good level of relevant business acumen to help them make informed strategic choices.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Gyan Prakash, Sangeeta Sahney, Soujanya Kodati and Archana Shrivastava
Choice Behavior.
Subject area
Choice Behavior.
Study level/applicability
The case study deals with cross-gender analysis of impulse buying behavior in apparel shopping in India. Any extrapolation of this study to other markets should take into account that Indian consumers are price sensitive. The buying behavior in apparel shopping may not be directly related to other retail categories such as ready-to-eat food, consumer electronics, etc.
Case overview
Mr Khuswant Chaddha’s family business is in tatters. Market dynamics have changed over the years and his textile mill is no longer the cash cow it once was. His son, Gaurav Chaddha, a recent engineering graduate, plans to save the business by venturing into branded apparel retailing. A key component of this strategy is to figure out impulse shopping behavior in apparel purchases. The gender angle is used to better comprehend the differences in impulse buying emotions so that males and females can be targeted with greater success. A survey of shoppers belonging to suitable demographics is used as the backbone of this study. The analysis of the data presents several dilemmas in some critical business decisions.
Expected learning outcomes
The objectives of the case include: understanding how marketplaces change over time; realizing the fact that businesses should evolve over time and even highly profitable business models can become obsolete pretty fast; studying the factors which influence the choice of an apparel store; understanding impulse buying behavior and how gender plays a decisive role in it and analyzing post purchase behavior with respect to gender.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 8: Marketing.
The learning outcomes are as follows: understand the operating model of a not-for-profit organization; gain knowledge about the significance of an organizational structure to…
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes are as follows: understand the operating model of a not-for-profit organization; gain knowledge about the significance of an organizational structure to successfully run a not-for-profit organization; learn the socio-cultural implication of yog through BYS; and learn the applicability of growth and business expansion strategy in the case of a not-for-profit organization.
Case overview/synopsis
This case covers the innovative operating model of Bharatiya Yog Sansthan (BYS) – a not-for-profit organization which offers free service towards the society through yog. BYS was a not-for-profit organization that survived for long without accepting donation in any form. They had more than 3,500 Yog Centers in 21 States and 2 union territories in India and more than 60 Yog Centers in foreign countries. They were the only not-for-profit organization which had operated such a huge number of Yog Centers across the world. Des Raj became the face of BYS after the demise of the founder Mr. Prakash Lal. While adhering to the core principle of the founder, the list of challenges in front of Mr. Des Raj and other yog enthusiasts’ associated with BYS was long. There arise no questions regarding the level of commitment and dedication of Des Raj and his team. They had left no stone unturned to bring BYS into the lime light and perhaps this is the reason because of which BYS had stood for more than fifty years. On one part they were strictly against commercialization and on the other part, they wanted to reach every household. Was it truly challenging for them to reach people without spending money on promotion? Was it really difficult for a not-for-profit which survived without donation to establish it as a brand?
Complexity academic level
This case can be taught effectively to MBA/ BBA students as a part of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship subject.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 11: Strategy.