Sport marketing, sponsorship, marketing strategy, event management.
Subject area
Sport marketing, sponsorship, marketing strategy, event management.
Study level/applicability
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Business and Management.
Case overview
This case discusses sport marketing within an emerging market business environment. PromoSeven Sports Marketing is the focus company. PromoSeven name is synonymous with major events particularly Emirates Airline Rugby 7s and the Olympic Council of Asia. The case highlights the challenges facing sponsorship, event management, sport marketing and PromoSeven's own business strategy after the 2009 economic downturn drew attention to Dubai's financial situation.
Expected learning outcomes
This case can be used to teach sport marketing, sponsorship, event management, and marketing strategy. It can also be used to identify target market segments for sports and the positioning that may appeal to those segments.
Supplementary materials
A teaching note is available on request.