Nitesh Kumar, Abinash Rath, Anil Kumar Singh and Sunildro L.S. Akoijam
This study aims to investigate the factors that contribute to the overall tour experience and services provided by Top Tier Holidays. The study is mixed in nature, and the…
Research methodology
This study aims to investigate the factors that contribute to the overall tour experience and services provided by Top Tier Holidays. The study is mixed in nature, and the researchers have used analytical tools to analyse the data factually. Multiple regression using MS Excel is used in the study.
Case overview/synopsis
This case is based on the experiences of a real-life travel and tour company located in New Delhi, India. The case helps understand regression analysis to identify independent variables significantly impacting the tour experience. The CEO of the company is focused on improving the overall customer experience. The CEO has identified six principal determinants (variables) applicable to tour companies’ success. These variables are hotel experience, transportation, cab driver, on-tour support, itinerary planning and pricing.
Multiple regression analysis using Microsoft Excel is conducted on the above determinants (the independent variables) and the overall tour experience (the dependent variable). This analysis would help identify the relationship between the independent and dependent variables and find the variables that significantly impact the dependent variable. This case also helps us appreciate the importance of various parameters that affect the overall customer tour experience and the challenges a tour operator company faces in the current competitive business environment.
Complexity academic level
This case is designed for discussion with the undergraduate courses in business management, commerce and tourism management programmes. The case will build up readers’ understanding of linear regression with multiple variables. It shows how multiple linear regression can help companies identify the significant variables affecting business outcomes.
Nakul Gupta, Radha R. Sharma and Rupali Pardasani
Entrepreneurship, internationalization, family-owned business management, strategic management.
Subject area
Entrepreneurship, internationalization, family-owned business management, strategic management.
Study level/applicability
MBA/postgraduate management program courses on family business management. The case can be taught at the beginning of the course to acquaint students with the dynamics of family-owned businesses. MBA/postgraduate/undergraduate courses on entrepreneurship. It can be used in the middle of the course to highlight the challenges presented by an entrepreneur due to change in the business environment and macroeconomic scenario. MBA/postgraduate course on strategic management. It can be used at the beginning of the course to introduce strategies for managing and sustaining growth of a business. MBA/postgraduate course on organizational development. It can be used in the middle of the course to help students understand the importance of designing an optimal organizational structure for a family business.
Case overview
FragraAroma was an Indian fragrance company. Anil Gupta, the Founder and Managing Director of FragraAroma, and his sister Nisha were equal shareholders of the company. With changes in the Foreign Direct Investment Policy in 2013 in India, Anil and Nisha's husband Tarun had different expansion plans for FragraAroma. While Anil was planning to expand FragraAroma internationally, but his sister and her husband wanted diversification of the company's customer segment in the domestic market itself. The case is poised at the juncture, where Anil was facing a labyrinth of critical decisions. Would he go ahead with Tarun's expansion plan or stick to his plan of internationalization? Would his decision affect the harmony of the family? Was there a way that could enable him sailing his family and family business out of the doldrums?
Expected learning outcomes
This case is primarily about a family business and the dilemmas faced by the owner of that family business. The case captures the challenges faced by a family business in sustaining growth and competitiveness. The case can be used to understand how decisions are taken in a family-owned business. To understand the challenges faced by a family-owned business while developing and implementing its growth strategies. To understand the opportunities and challenges presented to a family-owned businesses when macroeconomic scenarios change. To understand the spillover effects of business decisions on family relations in a typical family-owned business setup.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
It intends to help the learners assess the scenarios of volatility in the Indian capital market which was caused by unpredictable market forces. It also helps in understanding how…
Learning outcomes
It intends to help the learners assess the scenarios of volatility in the Indian capital market which was caused by unpredictable market forces. It also helps in understanding how analysts struggle to predict the direction of the market and what options strategies can be recommended to be deployed by the investors to maximize returns in such compelling scenarios.
Case overview/synopsis
This case study presents snapshots of high volatilities caused by the market and economic forces in the Indian capital market. It depicts how analysts struggled to predict the direction of the market; and how high volatility can put them in trouble. It also exemplifies as to how by selecting the apt strategies, investors maximize their immediate returns in a volatile period and can produce large returns in a short time.
Complexity academic level
The best time to discuss the case is during the completion of options strategies in the course of Derivatives or Portfolio/Investment Management.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
Subrat Kumar and Asha Bhandarker
Abelha et al. (2018). “Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction: Assessing the influence of Organizational Contextual factors and Individual Characteristics” Review of…
Supplementary materials
Abelha et al. (2018). “Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction: Assessing the influence of Organizational Contextual factors and Individual Characteristics” Review of Business Management, Volume 20 No 4, pp. 516–532. Avolio, B. J., Zhu, W., Koh, W. and Bhatia, P. (2004). Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 25(8), pp. 951–968. John M Alexander and Jane Buckingham, “Common good leadership in Business Management: an ethical model from Indian tradition”, Blackwell Publishing, 2011, UK and USA. Angus Corbett (2016). A systems approach to regulatory excellence (pp. 255–270), Achieving Regulatory Excellence, Brookings Institution Press, retrieved from Cary Coglianese (2015), Listening, Learning, Leading- a framework for regulatory excellence, Penn Program on Regulation, sourced from
Learning outcomes
First, skills: to help students to apply their knowledge in transformational leadership; to help students to apply their understanding of impact of transformational leadership on organizational excellence in not-for-profit organizations. Second, knowledge enhancement: to understand the various components of transformational leadership; to enable the students to understand the different components of organizational excellence with a special focus on not-for-profit organizations and government regulators; to enable the students to understand the process of impact of transformational leadership on organizational excellence and its relevance in emerging markets context. Third, attitude development: students should understand the importance of leadership and its impact in emerging markets.
Case overview / synopsis
The case elucidates the transformational leadership style of AICTE Chairman and his key attributes of humility, high ethical standards, openness to ideas and suggestions and problem-solving attitude. The case also highlights how the transformational leadership style of AICTE Chairman heralded the journey of Organizational Excellence of AICTE – an Indian Technical Education regulator. The case maps the change of AICTE from an inward-looking, controlling, opaque organization to a forward-looking, enabling, transparent organization.
Complexity academic level
This case can be used in leadership classes for Management in Business Administration (MBA) students and participants in executive development programs. The case focuses on transformational leadership and its impact on organizational excellence in context of emerging markets The case also outlines the various components of organizational excellence in not-for-profit organizations and government regulators and hence provides a fresh perspective for measuring organizational excellence.
Subject code
CSS: 10: Public Sector Management.
Sumi Jha and Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya
This case can be used in courses on strategic management for second year masters’ level management students (with a focus on strategic analysis of internet-based business models…
Subject area
This case can be used in courses on strategic management for second year masters’ level management students (with a focus on strategic analysis of internet-based business models in India) and entrepreneurship (with a focus on business growth). The primary focus of the case is how an internet-based business model in the food industry took shape.
Study level/applicability
The case enumerates how strategic analysis can be performed to analyze the firm based on topics such as the analysis of the mission and vision of Holachef based on the Ashridge mission model, examining strategy with Mintzberg’s 5Ps of strategy, performing a PESTLE analysis of HolaChef, evaluating Holachef with Porter’s industry analysis, performing Value net analysis for Holachef, examining Holachef’s business with strategy group analysis, examining the roots of core competencies of Holachef and explaining Holachef’s resource and capabilities with the valuable, rare, inimitable, non-substitutable (VRIN) Framework.
Case overview
Saurabh Saxena and Anil Gelra co-founded Holachef, “a restaurant in cloud” in March 2014. In a city like Mumbai, there are many households where both partners work; this had led to difficulties for people finding time to prepare food at home. Holachef is an online delivery platform which aggregates chefs for home-like multiple cuisine preparation. Holachef’s vision is to satisfy the need for homemade healthy food. The three pillars of Holachef to provide such food are technology (orders are taken through a website, mobile application and phone calls), food (enlisted chefs on the website) and logistics. The food prepared by chefs is assembled at different distribution centres and routed to customers. The efficient logistics and storage system maintain the quality of food. These pillars help Holachef to serve customers with efficiency at affordable prices.
Expected learning outcomes
Performing strategic analysis from both an industrial organization theory and resource-based view (RBV) perspective with VRIN framework. This is in the context of online business models in a digitizing India. Entrepreneurial strategy concepts and challenges faced by entrepreneurs in an online business.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 11: Strategy.
Abhinava S. Singh and Mayur Dashrathlal Shah
The fundamental concepts in strategic management including vision, mission and setting objectives, external and internal environment analysis, SWOT, stakeholders in strategic…
Theoretical basis
The fundamental concepts in strategic management including vision, mission and setting objectives, external and internal environment analysis, SWOT, stakeholders in strategic management, deliberate and emergent strategy and strategic leaders have been addressed through the case.
Research methodology
The case was developed using primary data gathered from observations, interviews and the experiences of the authors at Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management and Research (CPIMR) and published sources.
Case overview/synopsis
This case is about CPIMR, a management institute in Ahmedabad, India, which was required to recraft their vision and mission statements in light of the compliance requirements of the All India Council for Technical Education and the other challenges including new skills requirement especially because of Industry 4.0 changes and competition in the business education market. The case examines the external and internal environment challenges faced by the institute director and the emerging issues: how should CPIMR recraft the vision and mission? What could go wrong? How to make them actionable? How to disseminate them? The case would help the participants to understand the process of external and internal environment analysis, formulation of the vision and mission statements, their key purpose of informing stakeholders and setting objectives. The case also encourages the participants to put themselves in the position of the director for undertaking the process of recrafting the vision and mission statements of the management institute in the event of a strategic change. While the case setting is that of a management institute, it might also be useful for discussion in other organization settings.
Complexity academic level
Course: Strategic Management Level: Post Graduate Level.
Pratigya Kwatra, Nimisha Singh, Akhil Pandey and Arunaditya Sahay
The subject area is corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Subject area
The subject area is corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Study level/applicability
The study is applicable to undergraduate- and graduate-level courses on CSR.
Case overview
The case discusses the issue of integrating CSR in TPDDL’s (TPDDL – Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited) business model. TPDDL was formed as the result of a joint venture between Delhi Vidyut Board and Tata Power. At the time of the joint venture, a large number of users of electricity in Jhuggi-Jhopdi (JJ) clusters were not paying for electricity usage. A huge number of residents were not even in the system where they could be billed. The ones who were in the system had strong political banking as they were huge vote banks and hence would not pay. Only 40 per cent of electricity that was going to JJ cluster was billed due to this TPDDL was incurring huge commercial losses. As residents had very low income, TPDDL decided to invest in CSR activities to train the residents so that they could secure a job and pay the bills as well. Mr Praveer Sinha, MD and chief executive officer (CEO), urged his team to bring 100 per cent JJ clusters under the billing net without any coercive measures. TPDDL adopted parent company Tata’s CSR code and came up with innovative ways of engaging with these communities.
Expected learning outcomes
The outcomes are: strategic CSR initiatives for business excellence; incorporating CSR in existing business Model 3; role of stakeholders in CSR implementation; and benefits accruing from CSR activities.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 11: Strategy.
Somnath Chakrabarti, Nripendra Kumar and Anupam Upadhyay
Subject area
Study level/applicability
The case can primarily be used for a Strategic Management course for teaching the revival strategies for financially weak plants. The case highlights the need to shift from a product manufacturing perspective to a market orientation perspective and, hence, may add value as an add-on case in a Strategic Marketing course. The case also covers the topic of benchmarking which may be of use in an Operations Management course.
Case overview
DJSL Ltd. is the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the energy-related/infrastructure space in the public sector. Its Lucknow unit, manufacturing porcelain insulators and wear resistant ceramic lining (CERA LINING), has started reporting losses. A change of management took place in October 2015, whereby Mr. S P Singh was appointed as the Head of the Lucknow Unit. Mr. Singh had rich functional experience of 30 years, mainly in the domains of strategy, project execution and commercial aspects. He was asked to come up with a revival plan for the Unit by the top management of DJSL. The case highlights the importance of operational issues in turnaround management.
Expected learning outcomes
Students may be encouraged to debate the benchmarking practices that are best suited for the Lucknow unit. They can also discuss the impact of benchmarking efforts upon turnaround strategy. Students are also encouraged to understand the constraints which may limit the success of initiatives impacting operational improvements. Students need to develop the understanding of marketing strategy to perform a SWOT analysis of each product of the Lucknow unit and to sense the business opportunities in and around the environment. Students need to discuss how productivity may be improved with the adoption of appropriate people development strategies. Students are encouraged to discuss the revival/turnaround strategies and to identify the influence of improvement in operational efficiency/productivity upon revival plan.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS: 11: Strategy.
This case describes the events following an incident of a rape in a taxi associated with Uber, by its driver. Uber was an application based taxi operator. The events raised…
This case describes the events following an incident of a rape in a taxi associated with Uber, by its driver. Uber was an application based taxi operator. The events raised several issues for government systems and processes, such as need for regulation of new formats of business like application based taxi services, integrated databases, checks against forgery and holistic approach towards women safety. The case also brings out how an e-commerce business raises regulatory concerns.

Marketing, Pricing, Strategic marketing.
Subject area
Marketing, Pricing, Strategic marketing.
Study level/applicability
The case is developed for an MBA-level program.
Case overview
In May 2017, the telecom industry in India witnessed an intense price war over 4G (fourth generation) data prices. Gopal Vittal, CEO of Bharti Airtel was exploring various options on how best to respond to the situation. He had to take a final call regarding Bharti Airtel’s marketing team’s counter move to tackle this price war by Jio – should Bharti Airtel ignore it, accommodate it or retaliate with even lower prices? Bharti Airtel strongly believed that Jio pricing structure had violated “fair pricing” norms, and its pricing was anti-competitive. It had filed a case with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to restrain Jio from further giving “free” promotional offers and penalize it for it. Could the legal recourse by Bharti Airtel dampen Jio’s consistent subscriber growth rate?
Expected learning outcomes
The case provides the students with an insight into how the competition focused on pricing happens in the telecom industry. The pricing war affects the profit margin of all competing companies. It changes the customer reference point for evaluating the competing products and services. The students would also learn practical applications of positive-sum pricing, pricing war, fair pricing and legal aspects of pricing. This case provides the students with an opportunity to understand the pricing war and how to respond to it in a particular situation; understand positive-sum pricing and negative-sum pricing in telecom industry context; understand legal aspects of pricing; and how to leverage data for gaining newer customer insights.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 8: Marketing.