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Publication date: 20 April 2023

Xinyang Fan, Xin Shu, Baoxu Tu, Changyuan Liu, Fenglei Ni and Zainan Jiang

In the current teleoperation system of humanoid robots, the control between arms and the control between the waist and arms are individual and lack coordinated motion. This paper…



In the current teleoperation system of humanoid robots, the control between arms and the control between the waist and arms are individual and lack coordinated motion. This paper aims to solve the above problem and proposes a teleoperation control approach for a humanoid robot based on waist–arm coordination (WAC).


The teleoperation approach based on WAC comprises dual-arm coordination (DAC) and WAC. The DAC method realizes the coordinated motion of both arms through one hand by establishing a mapping relationship between a single hand controller and the manipulated object; the WAC method realizes the coordinated motion of both arms and waist by calculating the inverse kinematic input of robotic arms based on the desired velocity of the waist and the end of both arms. An integrated teleoperation control framework provides interfaces for the above methods, and users can switch control modes online to adapt to different tasks.


After conducting experiments on the dual-arm humanoid robot through the teleoperation control framework, it was found that the DAC method can save 27.2% of the operation time and reduce 99.9% of the posture change of the manipulated object compared with the commonly used individual control. The WAC method can accomplish a task that cannot be done by individual control. The experiments proved the improvement of both methods in terms of operation efficiency, operation stability and operation capability compared with individual control.


The DAC method better maintains the constraints of both arms and the manipulated object. The WAC method better maintains the constraints of the manipulated object itself. Meanwhile, the teleoperation framework integrates the proposed methods and enriches the teleoperation modes and control means.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. 50 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Publication date: 1 November 2021

Juan Chen, Mingwei Li and Chen Xie

A transportation connectivity strategy is a crucial part of an adaptive, congruent and sustainable tourism transportation system and is of concern to countries focusing on growing…




A transportation connectivity strategy is a crucial part of an adaptive, congruent and sustainable tourism transportation system and is of concern to countries focusing on growing their tourism economy. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the relationship between transportation connectivity and the tourism economy through a configuration analysis.


This study uses fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis on a sample of 153 cities in China to provide an understanding of the impacts of transportation connectivity strategies, with the co-effecting factors of socio-economic status, tourism resource endowment and hospitality capacity, on the development of regional tourism economies.


There are multiple paths that lead to regional tourism economic development (a high level of tourist arrivals or a high level of tourism revenue). High-speed rail can play a supportive role, while air travel or traditional rail remains central to the tourism economy. Socio-economic status (i.e. city size and city gross domestic product) and hospitality capacity are identified as crucial influencers for the development of the tourism economy.

Research limitations/implications

This study confirms the validity of deploying configuration analysis (based on the equifinality theory) to establish the relationship between transportation and the tourism economy. The finding of more than one configuration led to a new consensus on how multiple factors influence the tourism economy.

Practical implications

Suggestions on transportation connectivity strategies for different regions are provided.


This study demonstrates the need to place greater emphasis on configurations that lead to tourism economy development instead of the effect of a single transportation mode.



交通连接策略, 作为打造具备适应性、一致性、可持续性的旅游交通系统的重要环节, 被重视旅游经济增长的国家密切关注。组态分析有助于更好地理解交通连接与旅游经济之间的关系。


本研究以中国的153个城市为样本, 使用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA), 研究交通连接策略、社会经济水平、旅游资源禀赋、酒店接待能力等协同因素对区域旅游经济发展的影响。


有多种组态可以导致区域旅游经济的发展(表现为高水平的游客人数或高水平的旅游收入)。航空旅行或传统铁路仍然是影响旅游经济发展的核心条件, 而高铁可以发挥支持作用。社会经济水平(即城市规模和城市生产总值)和酒店接待能力被认为是影响旅游经济发展的关键因素。






本研究表明, 比起考虑单一交通方式产生的影响, 探索旅游经济发展需要更加重视多种交通连接策略的配置。




Una estrategia de conectividad del transporte es una parte crucial de un sistema de transporte turístico adaptable, congruente y sostenible, y es de interés para los países que se centran en el crecimiento de su economía turística. Un análisis de la configuración puede ayudar a comprender mejor la relación entre la conectividad del transporte y la economía del turismo.


Este estudio utiliza el análisis comparativo cualitativo de conjuntos difusos (fsQCA) en una muestra de 153 ciudades de China para proporcionar una comprensión de los impactos de las estrategias de conectividad del transporte, con los factores coadyuvantes de la situación socioeconómica, la dotación de recursos turísticos y la capacidad de hospitalidad, en el desarrollo de las economías turísticas regionales.


Existen múltiples vías que conducen al desarrollo económico del turismo regional (un alto nivel de llegadas de turistas o un alto nivel de ingresos por turismo). El ferrocarril de alta velocidad puede desempeñar un papel de apoyo, mientras que el transporte aéreo o el ferrocarril tradicional siguen siendo fundamentales para la economía turística. El estatus socioeconómico (es decir, el tamaño de la ciudad y el PIB de la ciudad) y la capacidad de hospitalidad se identifican como factores de influencia cruciales para el desarrollo de la economía del turismo.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Este estudio confirma la validez de utilizar el análisis de configuración (basado en la teoría de la equifinalidad) para establecer la relación entre el transporte y la economía del turismo. El hallazgo de más de una configuración condujo a un nuevo consenso sobre cómo influyen los múltiples factores en la economía del turismo.

Implicaciones practices

Se proporciona una tipología de estrategias de conectividad del transporte para diferentes regiones.


Este estudio demuestra la necesidad de poner mayor énfasis en las configuraciones que conducen al desarrollo de la economía turística en lugar del efecto de un único modo de transporte.

Publication date: 26 March 2019

Liu Yan, Fan Xiaojun, Jie Li and Xuebing Dong

Based on the cue utilization theory and congruity theory, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating effects of perceived quality on the relationships between…




Based on the cue utilization theory and congruity theory, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating effects of perceived quality on the relationships between category characteristics and purchase intention for private labels.


To examine the research hypotheses, the authors conducted a questionnaire survey on 703 adult consumers in China.


The results show that perceived quality fully mediates the relationships between category complexity, risk importance, category quality variation, product signatureness and purchase intention. In addition, consumers’ knowledge moderates the relationship between perceived quality and purchase intention. The implications and future research directions are discussed in this study.


The results show that the category complexity is positively related to consumers’ perceived quality. Although opposite to the conclusions in prior research, the findings are consistent with the unique phenomenon in China, that is, to label the name and location of the contract manufacturers. The authors investigate the moderating role of consumer knowledge, which will provide meaningful guidance for the Chinese retailing market.


Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol. 31 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-5855


Publication date: 9 March 2021

Dang Luo, Yan Hu and Decai Sun

The purpose of this paper is to establish a grey cloud incidence clustering model to assess the drought disaster degree under 15 indexes in 18 cities of Henan province.




The purpose of this paper is to establish a grey cloud incidence clustering model to assess the drought disaster degree under 15 indexes in 18 cities of Henan province.


The grey incidence degree between each index and ideal index is used to determine the index weight and combined with the subjective weight, the comprehensive weight is given; the traditional possibility function is transformed into grey cloud possibility function by using the principle of maximum deviation and maximum entropy, which fully reflects the coexistence of multiple decision-making conclusions and constructs the grey cloud incidence clustering model.


The drought disaster degree of Henan province is divided into four grades under the selected 15 indexes. The drought grades show obvious regional differences. The risk levels of the east and southwest are higher, and the risk levels of the north and southeast are lower. This result is consistent with the study of drought disaster grades in Henan province, which shows the practicability and usefulness of the model.

Practical implications

It provides an effective method for the assessment of drought disaster grade and the basis for formulating disaster prevention and mitigation plan.


By studying the method of multiattribute and multistage decision-making with interval grey number information. The objective weight model of index value is designed, and the subjective weight is given by experts. On the basis of the two, the comprehensive weight of subjective and objective combination is proposed, which effectively weakens the randomness of subjective weight and reasonably reflects the practicality of index decision-making. The time weight reflects the dynamic of the index. The traditional possibility function is transformed into the grey cloud possibility function, which effectively takes advantage of the grey cloud model in dealing with the coexistence of fuzzy information, grey information and random information. Thus, the conflict between the decision-making results and the objective reality is effectively solved. The interval grey number can make full use of the effective information and improve the accuracy of the actual information.


Grey Systems: Theory and Application, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2043-9377


Publication date: 28 March 2023

Bing Lei, Saihua Shi and Wei Liu

The purpose of this study is to use the grounded theory to summarize the types of celebrity persona and to construct a theoretical model for celebrity persona on consumer purchase…



The purpose of this study is to use the grounded theory to summarize the types of celebrity persona and to construct a theoretical model for celebrity persona on consumer purchase intention. Based on the study results, it provides better suggestions for merchants and live streamers and is an expansion of previous research on live-streaming e-commerce.


The grounded theory is recognized as the most scientific qualitative research method and is the ideal explorative method for generating theory. First, the participants were interviewed, and interview data were collected. Then the interview data were organized and analyzed. Finally, this paper summarizes the types of celebrity persona and constructes a theoretical model framework of celebrity persona on consumers' purchase intention.


The results show that the celebrity live streamer persona can be divided into two types: personalized persona and professional persona. Through emotional attachment, the celebrity's persona affects the consumer's purchase intentions. As well as, product type plays a moderating role between celebrity persona and consumer purchase intentions.


The contribution of this research is to start from the celebrity persona, link the celebrity persona with the consumer purchase intentions and expand the research scope of the celebrity persona. It opens the “black box” of the heterogeneity of celebrity live streamers' characteristics on consumer purchase intentions.

Publication date: 21 January 2020

Yanling Peng and Rong Kong

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the economic relationship with recent changes in China’s land use policy and rural development through innovation and entrepreneurship.



The purpose of this paper is to investigate the economic relationship with recent changes in China’s land use policy and rural development through innovation and entrepreneurship.


The first issue of economic importance is in understanding the market value of land use rights (LUR) transactions. To examine this, the authors build an argument around the idea of economic and marginal rents from Ricardo. The second issue relates to the extent by which deepening the rural financial landscape by allowing the mortgaging of LUR will promote and advance much needed entrepreneurial activity. To explore this issue, the authors draw on Schumpeter. The empirical contribution is based on a survey of 1,465 farm households in Gansu, Henan, Shaanxi and Shandong provinces.


In an endogenous Two-Stage Least Squares model, the authors find a positive and significant relationship between a willingness to mortgage LUR and entrepreneurship, which suggest that the new policy may well meet that objective. However, the authors do not find that entrepreneurs alone will have a willingness to mortgage LUR; non-entrepreneurs – traditional farmer types – would also be willing to mortgage LUR, but with a caveat that either group already has a disposition or demand for credit.


The value of the analysis is to provide an evidence to understand the market value of LUR transactions and to study the relationship between mortgage of LUR and entrepreneurial activity.


Agricultural Finance Review, vol. 80 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0002-1466


Publication date: 26 November 2019

Dang Luo, Manman Zhang and Huihui Zhang

The purpose of this paper is to establish a two-stage grey cloud clustering model to assess the drought risk level of 18 prefecture-level cities in Henan Province.



The purpose of this paper is to establish a two-stage grey cloud clustering model to assess the drought risk level of 18 prefecture-level cities in Henan Province.


The clustering process is divided into two stages. In the first stage, grey cloud clustering coefficient vectors are obtained by grey cloud clustering. In the second stage, with the help of the weight kernel clustering function, the general representation of the weight vector group of kernel clustering is given. And a new coefficient vector of kernel clustering that integrates the support factors of the adjacent components was obtained in this stage. The entropy resolution coefficient of grey cloud clustering coefficient vector is set as the demarcation line of the two stages, and a two-stage grey cloud clustering model, which combines grey and randomness, is proposed.


This paper demonstrates that 18 cities in Henan Province are divided into five categories, which are in accordance with five drought hazard levels. And the rationality and validity of this model is illustrated by comparing with other methods.

Practical implications

This paper provides a practical and effective new method for drought risk assessment and, then, provides theoretical support for the government and production departments to master drought information and formulate disaster prevention and mitigation measures.


The model in this paper not only solves the problem that the result and the rule of individual subjective judgment are always inconsistent owing to not fully considering the randomness of the possibility function, but also solves the problem that it’s difficult to ascertain the attribution of decision objects, when several components of grey clustering coefficient vector tend to be balanced. It provides a new idea for the development of the grey clustering model. The rationality and validity of the model are illustrated by taking 18 cities in Henan Province as examples.


Grey Systems: Theory and Application, vol. 10 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2043-9377


Publication date: 19 December 2019

Rosa Maria Fanelli

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the price charged for a guest room in a farmhouse with an educational farm, the farmhouse characteristics and the…



The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the price charged for a guest room in a farmhouse with an educational farm, the farmhouse characteristics and the visitor evaluation of the principal external and internal farmhouse attributes.


A large sample of 10,880 visitor reviews, extrapolated from the websites of 399 Italian farmhouses with an educational farm (FEF), was analyzed. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to identify the main latent dimensions of the farmhouses (visitor satisfaction with farmhouse attributes, farmhouse dimensions, visitor frequency, farmhouse services, types of accommodation and altitude) that affect the price charged for a guest room. Subsequently, multivariate regression was applied to measure the impact of these new latent factors on the price.


Overall, the results indicate that the price of a farmhouse with an educational farm – in the context of this niche of the Italian agritourism sector – reflects the visitor evaluation of the farmhouse attributes (especially activities and facilities available in the surrounding countryside), the farmhouse dimensions, the types of accommodation, the number of services on offer and the presence of connectivity (WI-FI). In addition, the results reveal that the price represents an important driver that guides guests in their choice of a farmhouse and that it affects visitor satisfaction with farmhouse attributes.

Research limitations/implications

Because of the sample chosen, the data gathered are limited to one type of organization – Italian FEF. Furthermore, it may be important to investigate in more depth some issues that remain partly unanswered that concern this niche of the Italian agritourism sector.

Practical implications

Thanks to the identification of latent dimensions by PCA and the examination of their impact on the farmhouse price, farmhouse operators can understand a priori the main determinants on which to focus to improve the quality of activities and facilities available in the farmhouse location to better satisfy visitor expectations.


This study provides new and practical insights into the farmhouse experience in Italian municipalities, an area where very limited research has been conducted. Indeed, this is one of the few studies to focus on online reviews to evaluate more than two farmhouse attributes and their impact on pricing.




本研究从意大利农舍的网站上, 对399教育农场里, 选出10880条访客评论, 对其进行了样本分析。采用主成分分析法确定影响客房价格的农舍主要潜在维度(游客对农舍属性的满意度、农舍规模、游客频率、农舍服务、住宿类型和海拔高度)。之后, 运用多元回归方法来衡量这些新的潜在因素对价格的影响。


总的来说, 结果表明, 在意大利农业旅游大环境下的这一小众市场, 即有教育农场的农舍, 其价格反映了游客对农舍属性(特别是周边乡村可用的活动和设施)、农舍规模、住宿类型的评价, 提供的服务以及网络(WI-FI)的评价。此外, 研究结果还显示, 价格是引导客人选择农舍的一个重要因素, 它影响了游客对农舍的满意度。


由于所选的样本限制, 所收集的数据仅限于一种类型——有教育意义的意大利农舍。此外, 更深入地调查一些与意大利农业旅游业这一小众市场有关的问题是十分必要的, 因为这些问题仍有一部分没有得到解决。


通过主成分分析识别潜在维度并检查其对农舍价格的影响, 农舍经营者可以预先了解需要关注的主要决定因素, 以提高农舍所在地的活动和设施的质量, 从而更好地满足游客的需求期望。


这项研究为意大利市政当局的农舍经验提供了新的和实际的见解, 这一领域的现有研究非常有限。实际上, 这是为数不多的侧重于在线评论的研究, 以评估两个以上的农舍属性对定价的影响。


关键词 有教育农场的农舍;农舍属性;在线评论;价格;访客评价。


El objetivo de este articulo es examinar la relación entre el precio cobrado por una habitación de invitados en una granja con una granja educativa, las características de la granja y la evaluación de los visitantes de los principales atributos externos e internos de la granja.


Se analizó una gran muestra de 10.880 comentarios de visitantes, extrapolados de los sitios web de 399 granjas Italianas con una granja educativa. El análisis del componente principal se realizó para identificar las principales dimensiones latentes de las casas de campo (satisfacción del visitante con los atributos de la casa de campo, dimensiones de la casa de campo, frecuencia de visitantes, servicios de casa de campo, tipos de alojamiento y altitud) que afectan el precio cobrado por una habitación de invitados. Posteriormente, se aplicó la regresión multivariada para medir el impacto de estos nuevos factores latentes en el precio.


En general, los resultados indican que el precio de una granja con una granja educativa, en el contexto de este nicho del sector del agroturismo Italiano, refleja la evaluación de los visitantes de los atributos de la granja (especialmente las actividades e instalaciones disponibles en el campo circundante), la granja dimensiones, los tipos de alojamiento, la cantidad de servicios ofrecidos y la presencia de conectividad (WI-FI). Además, los resultados revelan que el precio representa un factor importante que guía a los huéspedes en su elección de una granja y que afecta la satisfacción del visitante con los atributos de la granja.

Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación

Debido a la muestra elegida, los datos recopilados se limitan a un tipo de organización: granjas Italianas con granjas educativas. Además, puede ser importante investigar con mayor profundidad algunos temas que quedan en parte sin respuesta y que conciernen a este nicho del sector del agroturismo Italiano.

Implicaciones prácticas

Gracias a la identificación de las dimensiones latentes mediante el análisis de componentes principales y el examen de su impacto en el precio de la granja, los operadores de la granja pueden entender a priori los principales determinantes en los que enfocarse para mejorar la calidad de las actividades e instalaciones disponibles en la ubicación de la granja. para satisfacer mejor las expectativas de los visitantes.


Este estudio proporciona información nueva y práctica sobre la experiencia de la granja en los municipios Italianos, un área donde se han realizado investigaciones muy limitadas. De hecho, este es uno de los pocos estudios que se centra en las revisiones en línea para evaluar más de dos atributos de la granja y su impacto en los precios.

Palabras claves

Cortijo con granjas educativas, atributos de la granja, revisiones en línea, precio, juicios de visitantes


Tourism Review, vol. 75 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1660-5373


Publication date: 8 June 2023

Di Xu, Ganxiang Huang, Wei Zhang and Wangtu Xu

Identifying the complementary effects of ride-sharing on public transit is critical to understanding the potential value of growing partnerships between public transit agencies…



Identifying the complementary effects of ride-sharing on public transit is critical to understanding the potential value of growing partnerships between public transit agencies and ride-sharing platforms. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether and how ride-sharing services complement public transit.


Taking advantage of a natural experiment whereby subway Line 2 opened after the entry of ride-sharing services in Xiamen, this study uses a difference-in-differences approach to identify the complementary effects of ride-sharing on public transit based on a proprietary fine-grained trip-level data set from a large ride-sharing platform.


This study obtained the encouraging finding that ride-sharing has a significant complementary effect on the subway, as the number of ride-sharing pickups and drop-offs at subway stations increased by 130% and 117.9%, respectively, after the subway opening. Moreover, mechanism analysis shows that the complementary effect of ride-sharing services is stronger when connection distance is short (i.e. under 6 km) and when the transportation availability is limited (i.e. at night or in the areas with low transit supply and low population density).

Practical implications

The findings provide guidelines for promoting cooperation between public transit agencies and ride-sharing platforms to build an efficient and sustainable urban transport system.


This study is the first to examine the complementary effect of ride-sharing services on public transit via unique fine-grained ride-sharing trips data, and further reveal the underlying mechanism behind this effect.


Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 123 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0263-5577


Publication date: 4 January 2018

Yanjun Xie and Jiaojiao Sun

The purpose of this paper is to explore the actions of different senses on visitors’ embodied experience in dark tourism “field,” including embodied emotions/cognitions.



The purpose of this paper is to explore the actions of different senses on visitors’ embodied experience in dark tourism “field,” including embodied emotions/cognitions.


This research uses qualitative analysis by applying tourists’ reviews from two main Chinese tourism websites and the software of MAXQDA. It identifies the senses applied in the embodiment process in dark tourism “field” and matches these senses to the specific types of embodied emotions/cognitions.


This research identifies four main senses. The visual sense has the greatest influence on 27 embodied emotions and 7 embodied cognitions. Auditory and temperature sense create particular emotions. This research also points out the phenomenon of “banned behavior.” At last, to achieve accessibility/acceptability, Nanjing Memorial Hall applies two strategies to distance the extreme historical events from visitors: the construction of aesthetic elements and the way it shows historical objects.

Research limitations/implications

It uses both qualitative and quantitative data to identify the classifications and degrees of senses, emotions and cognitions as well as the relations between them. However, there are difficulties in the coding process because of the language differences, which requires a good understanding of the context of the tourism experience.

Practical implications

The research results could be used as a psychological reference and in the design of dark tourism product.

Social implications

It provides a specific understanding of the way in which visitors interact with dark tourism objects and environment.


This is the first research that explains the dark tourism experience from the perspective of embodiment. It provides conceptual as well as empirical reference for a new research topic.


International Journal of Tourism Cities, vol. 4 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2056-5607


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