Information technology ‐ Alvey news is published since the end of 1983 as the official newsletter of the Alvey Directorate who manage ‘the Alvey programme of advanced information…
Information technology ‐ Alvey news is published since the end of 1983 as the official newsletter of the Alvey Directorate who manage ‘the Alvey programme of advanced information technology’. The directorate consists of staff seconded from UK industry and representatives of the three governing funding bodies: the Department of Trade, the Ministry of Defence, and the Science and Engineering Research Council. The Alvey programme aims to mobilise the UK's technical strengths in information technology (IT) in order to improve the UK's competitive position in world IT markets. The Alvey news is published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers in association with the British Computer Society, and the editor is the very helpful and intelligent Janet Tomlinson who can give further information about the publication; she may be contacted at the iee, Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, tel 01 240 1871.
Any review of a new publication needs to satisfy certain criteria, and I should perhaps begin by stating my position. I have been asked to write this review article on Books in…
Any review of a new publication needs to satisfy certain criteria, and I should perhaps begin by stating my position. I have been asked to write this review article on Books in French, a publication produced by Library Services Ltd, a company owned by Library Services Trust, which was set up by the Library Association and its London and Home Counties Branch, and managed through that Branch. My review will attempt a fair and honest assessment based on my past experience, in particular my fifteen years selecting modern languages stock. My views are of course subjective ones — that is the strength of any review. If someone reading this article writes to the Editor expressing a view opposite to mine, we should both be delighted, since healthy debate is usually the sign of a profession willing to challenge accepted beliefs.
Terry Hanstock, Shirley Day, Verena Thompson, Ruth Kerns, Edwin Fleming and Allan Bunch
The Library Campaign is still a force to be reckoned with. That was the message that came out of The Campaign's crisis meeting held in Birmingham on 23 September when over 50…
The Library Campaign is still a force to be reckoned with. That was the message that came out of The Campaign's crisis meeting held in Birmingham on 23 September when over 50 supporters assembled to offer much needed help and expertise.
John Saunders wrote ‘Why are we campaigning against cuts?’ (NLW July 1985). Cuts columnist Terry Hanstock criticised the article in September NLW and referred to a meeting in…
John Saunders wrote ‘Why are we campaigning against cuts?’ (NLW July 1985). Cuts columnist Terry Hanstock criticised the article in September NLW and referred to a meeting in Rotherham addressed by John Saunders.
A reference stand among regular stalls offering fruit and vegetables was to be seen in the market‐place of a small town during the library week in Sweden last October. The local…
A reference stand among regular stalls offering fruit and vegetables was to be seen in the market‐place of a small town during the library week in Sweden last October. The local public library was marketing its reference service, using reference books as well as a terminal for on‐line searching.
Ruth Kerns, Terry Hanstock, Allan Bunch and Edwin Fleming
National issues included: (1) a resolution from the Intellectual Freedom Committee calling on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to expunge the files maintained on their…
National issues included: (1) a resolution from the Intellectual Freedom Committee calling on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to expunge the files maintained on their FBI Library Awareness program after giving any individuals involved an opportunity to request their records; (2) another resolution which would subject television news services with commercials being marketed to schools to the same selection guidelines as other materials considered for school media collections; (3) a national policy on permanent paper; and (4) encouraging libraries to celebrate Earth Day in April 1990 to provide information on environmental concerns to their communities.
David Fisher, Wilfred Ashworth, Ruth Kerns, Terry Hanstock, John C. Crawford and Wilfred Ashworth
My conclusion is that by far the most effective way forward is to aim for a full unification of the Institute of Information Scientists, Aslib and The Library Association, and to…
My conclusion is that by far the most effective way forward is to aim for a full unification of the Institute of Information Scientists, Aslib and The Library Association, and to set a short but realistic time scale within which this should be achieved. I would propose two and a half years as an appropriate length of time.
Mike Cornford, Ruth Kerns, Terry Hanstock, Edwin Fleming, Allan Bunch and Tony Joseph
With its traditional good timing and aplomb the Library Association will ensure that next year's subscription demands arrive with this year's Christmas cards. As I gently spar…
With its traditional good timing and aplomb the Library Association will ensure that next year's subscription demands arrive with this year's Christmas cards. As I gently spar with my conscience over whether to maintain my record of unbroken membership I feel that it is quite in order to question whether the LA is a cost‐effective, efficiently‐run, value for money organisation.
1. The Managing Director of Diners Club International has sent a ‘personal invitation to join and to enjoy all the privileges of membership for six months, without obligation and…
1. The Managing Director of Diners Club International has sent a ‘personal invitation to join and to enjoy all the privileges of membership for six months, without obligation and save the £15 enrolment fee’ to:
Terry Hanstock, Ruth Kerns, Shirley Day, Edwin Fleming and Allan Bunch
Question: What do Scotland Yard's Black Museum, Raymond Brigg's Snowman, Welsh harpists, the East Lancashire Railway, and the Sensible Footwear Theatre Company have in common?