Calvin Ling, Muhammad Taufik Azahari, Mohamad Aizat Abas and Fei Chong Ng
This paper aims to study the relationship between the ball grid array (BGA) flip-chip underfilling process parameter and its void formation region.
This paper aims to study the relationship between the ball grid array (BGA) flip-chip underfilling process parameter and its void formation region.
A set of top-down scanning acoustic microscope images of BGA underfill is collected and void labelled. The labelled images are trained with a convolutional neural network model, and the performance is evaluated. The model is tested with new images, and the void area with its region is analysed with its dispensing parameter.
All findings were well-validated with reference to the past experimental results regarding dispensing parameters and their quantitative regional formation. As the BGA is non-uniform, 85% of the test samples have void(s) formed in the emptier region. Furthermore, the highest rating factor, valve dispensing pressure with a Gini index of 0.219 and U-type dispensing pattern set of parameters generally form a lower void percentage within the underfilling, although its consistency is difficult to maintain.
Practical implications
This study enabled manufacturers to forecast the void regional formation from its filling parameters and array pattern. The filling pressure, dispensing pattern and BGA relations could provide qualitative insights to understand the void formation region in a flip-chip, enabling the prompt to formulate countermeasures to optimise voiding in a specific area in the underfill.
The void regional formation in a flip-chip underfilling process can be explained quantitatively with indicative parameters such as valve pressure, dispensing pattern and BGA arrangement.
Calvin Ling, Cheng Kai Chew, Aizat Abas and Taufik Azahari
This paper aims to identify a suitable convolutional neural network (CNN) model to analyse where void(s) are formed in asymmetrical flip-chips with large amounts of the ball-grid…
This paper aims to identify a suitable convolutional neural network (CNN) model to analyse where void(s) are formed in asymmetrical flip-chips with large amounts of the ball-grid array (BGA) during underfilling.
A set of void(s)-filled through-scan acoustic microscope (TSAM) images of BGA underfill is collected, labelled and used to train two CNN models (You Look Only Once version 5 (YOLOv5) and Mask RCNN). Otsu's thresholding method is used to calculate the void percentage, and the model's performance in generating the results with its accuracy relative to real-scale images is evaluated.
All discoveries were authenticated concerning previous studies on CNN model development to encapsulate the shape of the void detected combined with calculating the percentage. The Mask RCNN is the most suitable model to perform the image segmentation analysis, and it closely matches the void presence in the TSAM image samples up to an accuracy of 94.25% of the entire void region. The model's overall accuracy of RCNN is 96.40%, and it can display the void percentage by 2.65 s on average, faster than the manual checking process by 96.50%.
Practical implications
The study enabled manufacturers to produce a feasible, automated means to improve their flip-chip underfilling production quality control. Leveraging an optimised CNN model enables an expedited manufacturing process that will reduce lead costs.
BGA void formation in a flip-chip underfilling process can be captured quantitatively with advanced image segmentation.