Dilip Kumar Sen, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra
Robot selection is a critical decision-making task frequently experienced in almost every industries. It has become increasingly complex due to availability of large variety of…
Robot selection is a critical decision-making task frequently experienced in almost every industries. It has become increasingly complex due to availability of large variety of robotic system in the present market with varying configuration, specification and flexibility. Improper selection may yield loss for the company in terms of potential profit as well as productivity. Hence, selection of an appropriate robot to suit a particular industrial application is definitely a challenging task. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
During robot selection, different criteria-attributes need to be taken under consideration. Criteria may be subjective or objective or a combination of both, depending on the situation. Criteria many be conflicting, in the sense that some criteria may require to be of higher value (higher-is-better), i.e. beneficial; while, others should correspond to lower values (lower-is-better), i.e. adverse or non-beneficial. Hence, the situation can be articulated as a multi-criteria decision-making problem. The specialty of Tomada de Decisión Inerativa Multicritero (TODIM) method is that it explores a global measurement of value calculable by the application of the paradigm of non-linear cumulative prospect theory. The method is based on a description, proved by empirical evidence, of how decision makers’ effectively make decisions in the face of risk.
Hence, the present work has aimed to explore the TODIM approach for industrial robot selection. Assuming all criteria have been quantitative in nature; the paper utilizes two different numeric data sets from available literature resource in perspectives of robot selection. Procedural hierarchy and application potential of the TODIM approach has been illustrated in detail in this reporting.
Variety of tools and techniques have already been documented in literature to solve different kinds of industrial decision-making problems; however, it seems that application of TODIM has got limited usage. Hence, application potential of TODIM has been demonstrated here in light of a robot selection problem.
Shekhar Sharma, Saurav Datta, Tarapada Roy and Siba Sankar Mahapatra
Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is a type of additive manufacturing (AM) based on materials extrusion. It is the most widely practiced AM route, especially used for polymer-based…
Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is a type of additive manufacturing (AM) based on materials extrusion. It is the most widely practiced AM route, especially used for polymer-based rapid prototyping and customized product fabrication in relation to aerospace, automotive, architecture, consumer goods and medical applications. During FFF, part quality (surface finish, dimensional accuracy and static mechanical strength) is greatly influenced by several process parameters. The paper aims to study FFF parametric influence on aforesaid part quality aspects. In addition, dynamic analysis of the FFF part is carried out.
Interpretive structural modelling is attempted to articulate interrelationships that exist amongst FFF parameters. Next, a few specimens are fabricated using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic at varied build orientation and build style. Effects of build orientation and build style on part’s ultimate tensile strength, flexure strength along with width build time are studied. Prototype beams (of different thickness) are fabricated by varying build style. Instrumental impact hammer Modal analysis is performed on the cantilever beams (cantilever support) to obtain the natural frequencies (first mode). Parametric influence on natural frequencies is also studied.
Static mechanical properties (tensile and flexure strength) are greatly influenced by build style and build orientation. Natural frequency (NF) of prototype beams is highly influenced by the build style and beam thickness.
FFF built parts when subjected to application, may have to face a variety of external dynamic loads. If frequency of induced vibration (due to external force) matches with NF of the component part, resonance is incurred. To avoid occurrence of resonance, operational frequency (frequency of externally applied forces) must be lower/ higher than the NF. Because NF depends on mass and stiffness, and boundary conditions, FFF parts produced through varying build style may definitely correspond to varied NF. This aspect is explained in this work.
Dilip Kumar Sen, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra
Recently, in turbulent and highly competitive marketplace, organizational sustainability in the long run necessitates the adaptation of appropriate supply chain (SC) strategies…
Recently, in turbulent and highly competitive marketplace, organizational sustainability in the long run necessitates the adaptation of appropriate supply chain (SC) strategies. Hence, traditional SC philosophies are being restructured nowadays to fulfill different business goals. Articulation of lean, agile, green and resilient SC strategies could amply be found in the literature; however, integration of those in various modes may definitely improve overall SC’s performance. Past researchers have focused on the integration of lean, agile and green paradigms together to ensure an efficient SC construct. But the integration of green and resilient paradigm has been rarely reported in the literature. To deal with the unexpected situations/disturbances in the SC management along with embedded environmental consciousness, the purpose of this paper is to integrate the resilient SC and green SC philosophies; thereof to evaluate of an overall SC “g-resilient”/“ecosilient” index for a case automotive company.
A consolidated list consisting of supply chain practices (combining green and resilient performance indices) have been articulated in this study. A decision-making group has been assumed; where, the role of the decision makers is to provide individuals’ judgment (subjective opinion) toward determining the weight and the rating (performance extent) of various performance indices. The overall g-resilient SC performance has been determined by computing a unique ecosilient (g-resilient) index. The concepts of fuzzy performance importance index along with Degree of Similarity (DOS) adapted from fuzzy set theory (FST) have been applied to rank various performance indicators. In addition to that, the interrelationships amongst various g-resilient indices (performance indicators) have also been established through interpretive structural modeling.
By exploring the concept of fuzzy DOS, outlined in the trapezoidal fuzzy numbers set theory, various SC performance indicators have been classified into three distinct performance categories/levels (namely regretful, tolerable, and satisfactory). Such categorization has been found helpful in order to determine ill (poor) performing SC areas, which need future improvement toward boosting up the overall g-resilient index of the company’s SC.
The study bears significant managerial implications. The decision support framework suggested in this paper is found capable enough to determine a unique index known as “ecosilient (g-resilient) index” toward exploring “greenness” as well as “resiliency” for the case automotive company. Application potential of the proposed ecosilient (g-resilient) index evaluation system has been explored in this reporting. The recommended framework enables the managers to cope up with unexpected disruptions and found helpful in order to reduce the environmental impacts.
Anoop Kumar Sahu, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra
The purpose of this paper is to develop a multi-level hierarchical framework (evaluation index system) toward evaluating an “appraisement index” from the prospectus of measuring…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a multi-level hierarchical framework (evaluation index system) toward evaluating an “appraisement index” from the prospectus of measuring and monitoring resilient performance of the candidate industry.
In this reporting, vagueness, imprecision, as well as inconsistency associated with subjective evaluation information (aligned with ill-defined assessment indices of SC resilience performance), has been tackled by the application of fuzzy theory.
Subjective evaluation information (expressed in linguistic term) acquired from the committee of decision makers (called expert group), against different resilience indices/metrics, has been fruitfully explored through the proposed fuzzy-based resilience performance appraisement module. Finally, a case study from an Indian automobile company has been conducted from the perspective of checking effectiveness of the proposed methodology for evaluation of appraisement index indicating SC resilience extent.
This methodology might be successfully applied to help other decision-making problems from the perspective of performance appraisal and benchmarking of candidate alternatives/choices under predefined criteria and subjective evaluation circumstances.
Chhabi Ram Matawale, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra
The recent global market trend is seemed enforcing existing manufacturing organizations (as well as service sectors) to improve existing supply chain systems or to take up/adapt…
The recent global market trend is seemed enforcing existing manufacturing organizations (as well as service sectors) to improve existing supply chain systems or to take up/adapt advanced manufacturing strategies for being competitive. The concept of the agile supply chain (ASC) has become increasingly important as a means of achieving a competitive edge in highly turbulent business environments. An ASC is a dynamic alliance of member enterprises, the formation of which is likely to introduce velocity, responsiveness, and flexibility into the manufacturing system. In ASC management, supplier/partner selection is a key strategic concern. Apart from traditional supplier/partner selection criteria; different agility-related criteria/attributes need to be taken under consideration while selecting an appropriate supplier in an ASC. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
Therefore, evaluation and selection of potential supplier in an ASC have become an important multi-criteria decision making problem. Most of the evaluation criteria being subjective in nature; traditional decision-making approaches (mostly dealing with objective data) fail to solve this problem. However, fuzzy set theory appears an important mean to tackle with vague and imprecise data given by the experts. In this work, application potential of the fuzzy multi-level multi-criteria decision making (FMLMCDM) approach proposed by Chu and Velásquez (2009) and Chu and Varma (2012) has been examined and compared to that of Fuzzy-techniques for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and Fuzzy-MOORA in the context of supplier selection in ASC.
It has been observed that similar ranking order appears in FMLMCDM as well as Fuzzy-TOPSIS. In Fuzzy-MOORA, the best alternative appears same as in case of FMLMCDM as well as Fuzzy-TOPSIS; but for other alternatives ranking order differs. A comparative analysis has also been made in view of working principles of FMLMCDM, Fuzzy-TOPSIS as well as Fuzzy-MOORA.
Application feasibility of FMLMCDM approach has been verified in comparison with Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-MOORA in the context of agile supplier selection.
Dilip Kumar Sen, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra
The purpose of this paper is to attempt supplier selection considering economic, environmental and social sustainability issues.
The purpose of this paper is to attempt supplier selection considering economic, environmental and social sustainability issues.
Subjective human judgment bears some kind of vagueness and ambiguity; fuzzy set theory has immense potential to overcome this. Owing to the advantage of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers set over classical fuzzy numbers set; three decision-making approaches have been applied here in intuitionistic fuzzy setting (namely, intuitionistic-TOPSIS, intuitionistic-MOORA and intuitionistic-GRA) to facilitate supplier selection in sustainable supply chain.
The stated objective of this research “to verify application potential of different decision support systems (in intuitionistic fuzzy setting) in the context of sustainable supplier selection” has been carried out successfully. A case empirical research has been conducted by applying three different decision-making approaches: intuitionistic fuzzy-TOPSIS, intuitionistic fuzzy-MOORA and intuitionistic fuzzy-GRA to an empirical data set of sustainable supplier selection problem. The ranking orders thus obtained through exploration of aforesaid three approaches have been explored and compared.
As compared to generalized fuzzy numbers, intuitionistic fuzzy numbers exhibit a membership degree, a non-membership degree and the extent of hesitation; a better way to capture inconsistency, incompleteness and imprecision of human judgment. Application potential of aforesaid three decision support approaches has been demonstrated in this reporting for a case sustainable supplier selection.
Chhabi Ram Matawale, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra
In today’s ever-changing global business environment, successful survival of manufacturing firms/production units depends on the extent of fulfillment of dynamic customers’…
In today’s ever-changing global business environment, successful survival of manufacturing firms/production units depends on the extent of fulfillment of dynamic customers’ demands. Appropriate supply chain strategy is of vital concern in this context. Lean principles correspond to zero inventory level; whereas, agile concepts motivate safety inventory to face and withstand in turbulent market conditions. The leagile paradigm is gaining prime importance in the contemporary scenario which includes salient features of both leanness and agility. While lean strategy affords markets with predictable demand, low variety and long product life cycle; agility performs best in a volatile environment with high variety, mass-customization and short product life cycle. Successful implementation of leagile concept requires evaluation of the total performance metric and development of a route map for integrating lean production and agile supply in the total supply chain. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to propose a leagility evaluation framework using fuzzy logic.
A structured framework consisting of leagile capabilities/attributes as well as criterions has been explored to assess an overall leagility index, for a case enterprise and the data, obtained thereof, has been analyzed. Future opportunities toward improving leagility degree have been identified as well. This paper proposes a Fuzzy Overall Performance Index to assess the combined agility and leanness measure (leagility) of the organizational supply chain.
The proposed method has been found fruitful from managerial implication viewpoint.
This paper aimed to present an integrated fuzzy-based performance appraisement module in an organizational leagile supply chain. This evaluation module helps to assess existing organizational leagility degree; it can be considered as a ready reference to compare performance of different leagile organization (running under similar supply chain architecture) and to benchmark candidate leagile enterprises; so that best practices can be transmitted to the less-performing organizations. Moreover, there is scope to identify ill-performing areas (barriers of leagility) which require special managerial attention for future improvement.
Kumar Abhishek, Saurav Datta, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Goutam Mandal and Gautam Majumdar
The study has been aimed to search an appropriate process environment for simultaneous optimization of quality‐productivity favorably. Various surface roughness parameters (of the…
The study has been aimed to search an appropriate process environment for simultaneous optimization of quality‐productivity favorably. Various surface roughness parameters (of the machined product) have been considered as product quality characteristics whereas material removal rate (MRR) has been treated as productivity measure for the said machining process.
In this study, three controllable process parameters, cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut, have been considered for optimizing material removal rate (MRR) of the process and multiple surface roughness features for the machined product, based on L9 orthogonal array experimental design. To avoid assumptions, limitation, uncertainty and imprecision in application of existing multi‐response optimization techniques documented in literature, a fuzzy inference system (FIS) has been proposed to convert such a multi‐objective optimization problem into an equivalent single objective optimization situation by adapting FIS. A multi‐performance characteristic index (MPCI) has been defined based on the FIS output. MPCI has been optimized finally using Taguchi method.
The study demonstrates application feasibility of the proposed approach with satisfactory result of confirmatory test. The proposed procedure is simple, and effective in developing a robust, versatile and flexible mass production process.
In the proposed model it is not required to assign individual response weights; no need to check for response correlation. FIS can efficiently take care of these aspects into its internal hierarchy thereby overcoming various limitations/assumptions of existing optimization approaches.
Saurav Datta, Chitrasen Samantra, Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Goutam Mandal and Gautam Majumdar
The purpose of this paper is to develop a decision‐making procedural hierarchy for evaluation as well as selection of third‐party reverse logistics provider (3PL) under fuzzy…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a decision‐making procedural hierarchy for evaluation as well as selection of third‐party reverse logistics provider (3PL) under fuzzy environment.
Due to uncertainty, vagueness arising from decision makers (DM) subjective judgment towards intangible (qualitative) selection criteria, fuzzy logic has been utilized to facilitate such a decision‐making process for 3PL evaluation and selection.
Evaluating and selecting 3PL providers can be regarded as a multi‐criteria decision making (MCDM) process in which a decision maker chooses, under several selection criteria, the best suited alternative. The present study highlights a case study on evaluation and selection of 3PL service providers for a reputed Indian automobile part manufacturing company. The fuzzy based decision‐making tool applied here has been proved fruitful for its effectiveness.
Research limitations/implications
There are many research issues remaining in the development of this approach. First, the definition of appropriate fuzzy linguistic variables, corresponding membership functions (MFs) and their numbers, and their universe of discourse for a general use in the algorithm. Second, a methodology for accumulating raw data and analyzing the appropriate MFs for the base linguistic variables. Third, the relative importance of every decision maker, the decision‐making environment and structure may affect the decision‐making process. These have been assumed negligible in this study.
The main contributions of this research are: first, an integrated criteria list (followed by sets of sub‐criteria) has been modeled for service quality evaluation and appraisement of 3PL providers. Each sub criteria set has been structured to be preceded by a main criteria. Second, priority weights of various main criteria as well as sub‐criteria; extent of successful performance (rating) of different sub‐criteria have been expressed in fuzzy numbers. It facilitates in accumulating DMs subjective judgments into a unique numerical evaluation score. Third, decision makers risk‐bearing attitude has been estimated and utilized in computing overall evaluation index for alternative candidates. The decision‐making framework presented here can be extended to solve any decision‐making problem designed under a complex and interconnected set of primary criteria followed by sub‐criteria or more extended elaborate criteria hierarchy.
Chhabi Ram Matawale, Saurav Datta and Siba Sankar Mahapatra
Lean manufacturing is an operational strategy oriented toward achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating waste. It is derived from the Toyota Production System and…
Lean manufacturing is an operational strategy oriented toward achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating waste. It is derived from the Toyota Production System and its key thrust is to increase the value-added work by eliminating waste and reducing incidental work. In today's competitive global marketplace, the concept of lean manufacturing has gained vital consciousness to all manufacturing sectors, their supply chains, and hence a logical measurement index system is indeed required in implementing leanness in practice. Such leanness estimation can help the enterprises to assess their existing leanness level and can compare different industries who are adapting this lean concept. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
The present work exhibits an efficient fuzzy-based leanness assessment system using generalized interval-valued (IV) trapezoidal fuzzy numbers set. The concept of “degree of similarity” between two IV fuzzy numbers has been explored here to identify ill-performing areas towards lean achievement.
The methodology described here has been found fruitful while applying for a particular industry, in India, as a case study. Apart from estimating overall lean performance metric, the model presented here can identify ill-performing areas towards lean achievement.
The major contributions of this work have been summarized as follows: development and implementation of an efficient decision-making procedural hierarchy to support leanness extent evaluation. An overall lean performance index evaluation platform has been introduced. Concept of generalized IV trapezoidal fuzzy numbers has been efficiently explored to facilitate this decision-making. The appraisement index system has been extended with the capability to search ill-performing areas which require future progress.