Mohammad Olfat and Reuben Kirkham
This paper aims to investigate how commercial influencers retain their followers and successfully persuade them to consider purchasing newly recommended products and services…
This paper aims to investigate how commercial influencers retain their followers and successfully persuade them to consider purchasing newly recommended products and services within the food industry. We explored the impact of followers’ purchase satisfaction upon their repurchase intention for newly promoted food products and services, directly and by the mediating roles of followers’ affective commitment and loyalty toward commercial food influencers.
Our conceptual model design was supported by the tricomponent attitude model, which helps explain followers’ emotional attachment to the influencers. We validated the proposed model using a sample of 200 followers of renowned commercial food influencers in Iran. We used partial least squares structural equation modeling for data analysis, with the assistance of Warp PLS (version 8.0) software.
We found that followers’ purchase satisfaction exerts a positive influence upon their repurchase intention, both directly and through the mediating roles of affective commitment and loyalty toward commercial food influencers.
Practical implications
This study elucidates the role of followers’ satisfaction with their previous purchases in influencing their intention to buy newly recommended products. There is a multiplicity of important implications for restauranteur’s business models, as this marketing approach rewards a digital equivalent of a strong customer relationship and an honest, high-quality product. Our results also suggest that food influencers can operate effectively in the affiliate marketing sphere by operating and sustaining enduring relationships.
This work addresses how the influencer–follower relationship, followers’ purchase satisfaction and emotional attachment toward influencers, shape both follower retention and future repurchase intentions. This is from the perspective of the tricomponent attitude model within the food industry.
Jurika Groenewald and Elza Odendaal
Considering the benefits that gender diversity could bring to audit firms, especially in a time when the audit profession faces criticism and the COVID-19 pandemic has widened the…
Considering the benefits that gender diversity could bring to audit firms, especially in a time when the audit profession faces criticism and the COVID-19 pandemic has widened the gender inequality gap, this study aims to explore the lived experiences of female former audit managers from a social role theory and role congruity theory perspective, to understand the factors that contributed towards their resignations.
An exploratory qualitative research approach and an interpretative phenomenological analysis design were used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior female audit managers who had resigned from Johannesburg Stock Exchange-accredited audit firms.
The female former audit managers reported their unique experiences in terms of a lack of transparent career progression discussions, audit firms being run by “old boys’ clubs” and unfair treatment linked to bias, job overload and indistinct ambitions to become audit partners.
Research limitations/implications
The homogeneous sample included a small number of female participants from a limited number of audit firms.
The findings could inform audit firms how to address the factors contributing to female audit managers’ resignations and to challenge stereotypes to retain more women for promotion to audit partner-level, thereby capitalising on the benefits of a diversified management structure that could lead to higher quality audits and address gender inequality.
People who have yet failed to realize how serious the food situation may become are inclined to criticize the multiplication of Orders and appeals, and in some cases to contest…
People who have yet failed to realize how serious the food situation may become are inclined to criticize the multiplication of Orders and appeals, and in some cases to contest their wisdom. Mistakes may have been made or fresh conditions may have arisen to make less urgent some particular restriction, but generally the position has grown more critical in recent weeks, and instead of looking for any relaxation of the regulations now in operation the public should be prepared for still more drastic orders. No one as a result of the restrictions on food consumption yet introduced has suffered anything more than inconvenience arising out of interference with established habits. There has been no hardship and no hunger. In Germany the rationing of bread began so long ago as January in 1915, and to‐day there is hardly an article of food which is not rationed. When the existing prohibitions, regulations, and appeals issued by LORD DEVONPORT are summarized it will be realized to how limited an extent they have disturbed the character or the quantity of the food which may be consumed without exceeding the directions of the Food Controller. The position may be stated under the following headings:—
Garry D. Carnegie and Stephen P. Walker
The purpose of this paper is to extend the work of Carnegie and Walker and report the results of Part 2 of their study on household accounting in Australia during the period from…
The purpose of this paper is to extend the work of Carnegie and Walker and report the results of Part 2 of their study on household accounting in Australia during the period from the 1820s to the 1960s.
The study adopts a microhistorical approach involving a detailed examination of actual accounting practices in the Australian home based on 18 sets of surviving household records identified as exemplars and supplemented by other sources which permit their contextualisation and interpretation.
The findings point to considerable variety in the accounting practices pursued by individuals and families. Household accounting in Australia was undertaken by both women and men of the middle and landed classes whose surviving household accounts were generally found to comprise one element of diverse and comprehensive personal record keeping systems. The findings indicate points of convergence and divergence in relation to the contemporary prescriptive literature and practice.
The paper reflects on the implications of the findings for the notion of the household as a unit of consumption as opposed to production, gender differences in accounting practice and financial responsibility, the relationship between changes in the life course and the commencement and cessation of household accounting, and the relationship between domestic accounting practice and social class.