Lamei He, Jianping Zha, Jianying Tang, Ting Tan and Qiao Yu
Tourism is a labor-intensive sector with extensive links to other industries and plays a vital role in creating employment. This study aims to propose a new framework to analyze…
Tourism is a labor-intensive sector with extensive links to other industries and plays a vital role in creating employment. This study aims to propose a new framework to analyze the intrinsic structure of the employment effects of tourism-related sectors and their drivers.
This study uses input–output and structural decomposition analysis (IO-SDA) to quantify the employment effects of tourism-related sectors and their driving mechanisms based on China’s I-O tables of 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017.
The results show a declining trend in the intensity of direct or indirect employment effects in tourism-related sectors, indicating a decreasing number of jobs directly or indirectly required to create a unit of tourism output. Among tourism-related sectors, catering has the highest intensity of indirect employment effects over the study period. Catering stimulates the indirect employment of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and food and tobacco manufacturing. The decomposition analysis reveals that final demand is the largest contributor to the increase in tourism employment, while technological progress shifts from an employment-creation effect in 2002–2012 to an employment-destruction effect in 2012–2017.
This study proposes a new analytical framework to investigate the structural proportional relationship between the direct and indirect employment effects of various tourism-related sectors and their dynamic changes. Doing so, it provides valuable references for policymakers to promote tourism employment.
旅游业是一个劳动密集型部门, 与其他国民经济部门有着广泛的联系, 这在创造就业方面发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在建立一个框架, 分析旅游相关部门就业效应的内在结构及其驱动因素。
本研究基于中国2002年、2007年、2012年和2017年的投入产出表, 引入投入产出和结构分解分析(IO-SDA)法量化了旅游相关行业的就业效应及其变化的驱动机制。
旅游相关部门的直接或间接就业强度呈下降趋势, 可见创造一个单位的旅游产出所需的直接或间接工作数量在减少。在旅游相关部门中, 餐饮部门在研究期内的间接就业效应强度最高, 主要带动了农、林、牧、渔业和食品及烟草制造业的间接就业。旅游就业效应变动的驱动因素中, 最终需求是旅游就业效应增加的最大贡献者, 技术效应从2002-2012年期间的就业创造效应转变为2012-2017年期间的就业破坏效应。
本研究建立了一个全新的分析框架, 可以揭示各个旅游相关部门的直接和间接就业效应之间的结构比例关系及其动态变化。对旅游就业效应的驱动因素分析可以为政策制定者提供针对性的建议, 以促进旅游就业。
Factores que impulsan los efectos del empleo en los sectores relacionados con el turismo: El caso de China continental
El turismo es un sector intensivo en mano de obra con amplios vínculos con otras industrias y desempeña un papel vital en la creación de empleo. Este estudio propone un nuevo marco para analizar la estructura intrínseca de los efectos en el empleo de los sectores relacionados con el turismo y sus impulsores.
Este estudio utiliza el análisis de entrada-salida (input-output) y de descomposición estructural (structural decomposition) (IO-SDA) para cuantificar los efectos sobre el empleo en los sectores relacionados con el turismo y sus mecanismos impulsores, basándose en las tablas input-output de China de 2002, 2007, 2012 y 2017.
Los resultados muestran una tendencia a la baja en la intensidad de los efectos directos o indirectos del empleo en los sectores relacionados con el turismo, lo que indica un número cada vez menor de puestos de trabajo directos o indirectos necesarios para crear una unidad de producción turística. Entre los sectores relacionados con el turismo, la restauración tiene la mayor intensidad de efectos indirectos sobre el empleo durante el periodo de estudio. La restauración estimula el empleo indirecto de la agricultura, la silvicultura, la ganadería, la pesca y la fabricación de alimentos y tabaco. El análisis de descomposición revela que la demanda final es la que más contribuye al aumento del empleo turístico, mientras que el progreso tecnológico pasa de ser un efecto de creación de empleo en 2002-2012 a un efecto de destrucción de empleo en 2012-2017.
Este estudio propone un nuevo marco analítico para investigar la relación estructural proporcional entre los efectos directos e indirectos del empleo de varios sectores relacionados con el turismo y sus cambios dinámicos. De este modo, proporciona valiosas referencias para que los responsables políticos promuevan el empleo en el sector turístico.
The purpose of this paper is to theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate the investigation of and present a kind of sensing system for monitoring simultaneous temperature and strain measurements based on highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) and single mode fiber (SMF).
First, the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) characteristics of the HNLF have been studied, including the Brillouin gain bandwidth, Brillouin gain center frequency and SBS threshold. Second, based on the Brillouin gain center frequency, the Brillouin frequency shift coefficients of strain and temperature in HNLF have been studied. Third, the sensing and signal interrogation scheme for simultaneous monitoring of temperature and strain with high resolution has been presented.
It is found that the HNLF has a wider Brillouin gain bandwidth. The SBS threshold of HNLF is 78 mW, which is much larger than 7.9 mW of SMF. Also, the Brillouin frequency shift coefficients of strain and temperature in HNLF are 0.0308 and 0.413 MHz/°C, respectively.
The larger threshold of SBS is useful to avoid SBS under certain situations that Spontaneous Brillouin Scattering is necessary and should be applied. The technique is based on the fact that the Brillouin frequency shift coefficients of strain and temperature in HNLF are different from those in SMF. Therefore, the two-parameter monitoring can be achieved by producing SBS and obtaining the back-scattering Brillouin signal light simultaneously in HNLF and SMF.
Chen Shen, Youping Chen, Bing Chen and Yu Qiao
This paper aims to propose a novel robot kinematic calibration method based on the common perpendicular line (CPL) model to improve the absolute accuracy of industrial robots.
This paper aims to propose a novel robot kinematic calibration method based on the common perpendicular line (CPL) model to improve the absolute accuracy of industrial robots.
The deviation between the nominal and actual twists is considered the CPL transformation, which includes the rotation about the CPL and the translation along the CPL. By using the invariance of the reciprocal product of the two spatial lines, the previous deviation was analyzed in the neighbor space of the base frame origin. In this space, the line vector of the CPL contained only four independent parameters: two orientation elements and two moment elements. Thus, the CPL model has four independent parameters for the revolute joint and two parameters for the prismatic joint.
By simulations and experiment conducted on a SCARA robot and a 6-DOF PUMA robot, the effectiveness of the novel method for calibration of industrial robot is validated.
The CPL model avoided the normalization and orthogonalization in the iterative identification procedure. Therefore, identifying the CPL model was not only simpler but also more accurate than that of the traditional model. In addition, the results of the CPL transformation strictly conformed to the constraints of the twist.
Yage Zhan, Qiao Yu, Kun Wang, Fu Yang and Borui Zhang
The purpose of this paper is to theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate the investigation on and optimization of a distributed optical fiber sensor based on…
The purpose of this paper is to theoretically analyze and experimentally demonstrate the investigation on and optimization of a distributed optical fiber sensor based on phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer (F-OTDR) for disturbance detection.
The F-OTDR system is investigated and optimized in two aspects: the hardware parameter and the interrogation scheme.
Based on the optimized hardware and the new interrogation scheme, the performances of the F-OTDR system have been improved greatly, compared with conventional F-OTDR system. A location accuracy of 2 m and a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 16 dB have been achieved under a spatial resolution of 8 m. On the other hand, four disturbances at four different locations have been detected and located simultaneously, which is the most effective detection system with the maximum detection capability reported to date, to the best of the authors’ knowledge.
Four disturbances at four different locations have been detected and located simultaneously, which is the most effective detection system with the maximum detection capability reported to date, to the best of the authors’ knowledge. With same hardware conditions, more existing disturbances can be detected by using the new interrogation scheme, which is helpful to reduce the miss report of disturbance.
Both Hong Kong and Singapore leverage teacher collaboration to improve student learning, but state reforms differ in how teacher collaborative capabilities are prioritized. This…
Both Hong Kong and Singapore leverage teacher collaboration to improve student learning, but state reforms differ in how teacher collaborative capabilities are prioritized. This paper provides a nuanced comparison of Hong Kong and Singapore teachers' values (risk-taking, power distance and uncertainty avoidance) to develop insights into how different policy focuses cultivate teachers' capabilities to focus on improving student learning.
Employing Hargreaves and Fullan's (2012) concept of professional capital, statistical analyses determine teachers' values profiles of high, medium and low professional capital in the respective contexts. Leveraging related research on Singapore teachers (Lee and Lee, 2018), nuances in teachers' values in the Hong Kong results are identified via cluster analysis and explained via structural equation modelling.
Medium professional capital Hong Kong teachers' values matched Singapore's, but teachers in other clusters are nuanced. Compared to Singapore teachers with similar levels of professional capital, high professional capital Hong Kong teachers have higher uncertainty avoidance, while low professional capital teachers are the opposite. In Hong Kong, high uncertainty avoidance values positively influence teacher leadership and focus on student learning. Nevertheless, as with their Singapore counterparts, high professional capital Hong Kong teachers have low power distance and high risk-taking values.
This paper raises awareness regarding policy's influence in cultivating teachers' values and their transformational change capabilities. By comparing two hierarchical Chinese societies, the discussion questions whether Chinese and Western cultural influences are mutually exclusive, and whether transformational change in cultural values, if achievable, is necessary.
The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between teacher leadership and collective teacher efficacy in Chinese upper secondary schools.
The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between teacher leadership and collective teacher efficacy in Chinese upper secondary schools.
Based on survey answers from 1,074 upper secondary teachers in a Chinese city, path analysis was conducted to understand the relationship.
This study identified that a number of dimensions of teacher leadership (recognition, collegiality, participation and positive environment) had positive relationships with group competence. Meanwhile, the dimensions of developmental focus, participation and positive environment had positive relationships with task analysis. Additionally, when the authors treated collective efficacy as a single variable, the dimensions of developmental focus, congeniality, participation and positive environment had positive relationships with collective efficacy.
This study is to understand the relationship between teacher leadership and collective teacher efficacy in a collective culture and hierarchical education system.
Linyan Liu and Yilei Wang
This paper aims to take International SPOrt (ISPO) as a typical case to study how exhibition organizers can reshape their relationship with users through business model innovation…
This paper aims to take International SPOrt (ISPO) as a typical case to study how exhibition organizers can reshape their relationship with users through business model innovation to answer the question that how enterprises can help the exhibition industry to upgrade and develop through business model innovation in the internet environment.
Faced with the development of internet technology, the impact of online platforms, the relationship between exhibition organizers and their customers are facing unprecedented challenges. On the basis of the literature review, this study analyzed the innovation of exhibitors’ business model from three modules: value proposition, revenue logic and cost base and how to reshape their interaction with users through innovation. This study systematically analyzed the innovation of the ISPO business model and the process of reshaping its relationship with users and dynamic interaction with a single case study method.
The main conclusions are as follows: the starting point of reshaping the relationship between exhibition organizer and users in the internet era is to re-understand the needs of customers, the key point of reshaping the relationship is to further cultivate the industrial value and the sustainability of the relationship lies in the customer life cycle management.
From the perspective of exhibition organizers filling the gap of case study in the field of the exhibition. In the area of the exhibition, previous studies rarely started from the perspective of exhibition organizers, but, this paper discusses the interaction between exhibition organizers, exhibitors and visitors from this perspective in this study.
Aim of the present monograph is the economic analysis of the role of MNEs regarding globalisation and digital economy and in parallel there is a reference and examination of some…
Aim of the present monograph is the economic analysis of the role of MNEs regarding globalisation and digital economy and in parallel there is a reference and examination of some legal aspects concerning MNEs, cyberspace and e‐commerce as the means of expression of the digital economy. The whole effort of the author is focused on the examination of various aspects of MNEs and their impact upon globalisation and vice versa and how and if we are moving towards a global digital economy.
Nancy Bouranta, Evangelos Psomas and Fotis Vouzas
This study aims to focus on the food industry and empirically examine the mediating role of consumers’ perceived food safety on the relationship between a company’s service…
This study aims to focus on the food industry and empirically examine the mediating role of consumers’ perceived food safety on the relationship between a company’s service recovery and customer loyalty. In addition, consumers’ demographic characteristics and their influences on the relationship between perceived food safety and customer loyalty are determined.
A survey was carried out through a structured questionnaire which was administered to the public. Using a small intercept interview, a random sample of 836 usable questionnaires was collected in Greece. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied to validate the proposed constructs. The causal relationships among constructs were examined using structural equation modeling.
According to the findings, consumers’ perceived food safety partially mediates the effect of a company’s service recovery on customer loyalty. The socio-demographic profile of consumers (gender, marital and parenthood status) also significantly influences the underlying factors of product and the loyalty attributes.
Practical implications
This study enriches the existing literature of food safety by examining the distinct role that consumers’ perceptions play in forming loyalty, highlighting the importance of companies’ recovery efforts. The results obtained from this analysis offer a better understanding of consumer behavior toward food safety – encouraging and supporting food companies to successfully design their marketing strategies. Food safety issues also have become increasingly important in international trade, which makes it essential to understand consumer perceptions and behavior toward food safety.
This study fills the identified literature gap and contributes to the literature, as no previous study has examined the proposed relationships in the food sector, taking into consideration food safety issues.