The purpose of this paper is to review several major components of hostage negotiation including: the different types of hostage situations; the prediction of the behavioral…
The purpose of this paper is to review several major components of hostage negotiation including: the different types of hostage situations; the prediction of the behavioral patterns of the hostage taker; the collection and the use of police intelligence in hostage incidents; and the application of forensic psychology during the hostage negotiations process.
Emphasis on the social psychological aspects of creating attitude change and gaining compliance with the hostage taker are introduced to assist in developing an effective crisis communication approach during the hostage negotiations process.
The paper also discusses trends in hostage negotiation strategies within incidents of domestic violence, suicide by cop, school shootings, and suicide/homicide bombings.
Practical implications
Limitations and advancements in the field of hostage negotiations are also discussed as well as suggestions for the use of tactical entry to resolve unsuccessful hostage negotiations.
Social implications
Explores the current trend of “suicide by cop,” but also introduces the concept of homicide by cop in relation to police shootings.
The use of criminal psychology in developing hostage negotiation strategies to engage hostage takers with personality disorders, PTSD, paranoid schizophrenia, and suicidal depression is also discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a constitutive model in cyclic viscoplasticity of perfluoroelastomers that accounts for the Mullins effect and to determine adjustable…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a constitutive model in cyclic viscoplasticity of perfluoroelastomers that accounts for the Mullins effect and to determine adjustable parameters in the stress‐strain relations by fitting observations in mechanical tests.
A perfluoroelastomer with a complicated internal structure is modeled as an equivalent incompressible, permanent, non‐affine network of chains with constrained mobility. Its viscoplastic response at finite strains is treated as sliding of junctions between chains with respect to their reference positions. Damage accumulation is associated with acceleration of plastic flow of junctions driven by growth of free volume. Stress‐strain relations are derived by using the Clausius‐Duhem inequality.
Constitutive equations are developed that correctly describe the mechanical behavior of perfluoroelastomers under cyclic loading with stress‐ and strain‐controlled deformation programs and arbitrary numbers of cycles. Adjustable parameters in the stress‐strain relations are found by matching experimental data in uniaxial tensile tests. Numerical simulation demonstrates that the model adequately predicts characteristic features of the Mullins effect.
A constitutive model is derived that can be applied for description of the viscoplastic response in perfluoroelastomers at cyclic loading with complicated deformation programs and prediction of their time to failure under fatigue conditions.
Cities’ reliance on property taxes has declined since the 1970s. This shift has been attributed to state rules enacted in the wake of the tax revolt and intended to curb property…
Cities’ reliance on property taxes has declined since the 1970s. This shift has been attributed to state rules enacted in the wake of the tax revolt and intended to curb property taxes. The extent to which state limits on property taxes have affected their cities’ revenues is unclear. This study examines competing explanations for the change in city property tax reliance among states. Pooled cross-sectional time series analysis is used to assess how much state limits or other factors account for changes in property tax reliance over time. The results of this analysis challenge state limitations’ long-term effects.
Jeff Clowes and Alan Tapp
The purpose of this research was to investigate the attendance range of spectators at an English Football Association Premier League club. The numbers of spectators in both…
The purpose of this research was to investigate the attendance range of spectators at an English Football Association Premier League club. The numbers of spectators in both percentage and absolute terms were calculated and allocated to three segments (heavy, medium, light attendance). The findings were compared to an earlier reported study in the United States and marketing recommendations based on related studies and industry expertise were proposed for those involved in live spectator sports.
Rod Pitcher and Gerlese S. Åkerlind
This paper uses the analysis of metaphors to study the conceptions of research held by a sample of post‐doctoral researchers at five Australian universities. It is based on an…
This paper uses the analysis of metaphors to study the conceptions of research held by a sample of post‐doctoral researchers at five Australian universities. It is based on an analysis of the metaphors the researchers use in describing their research. The study produced four concepts that we have labelled “research is explorative”, “research is spatial”, “research is constructive” and “research is organic”. This study is unusual in its focus on post‐doctoral researchers and the use of metaphors to identify their conceptions of research. The primary aim of the study was to produce a view of post‐doctoral researchers conceptions of research. A secondary aim was to demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of metaphor analysis as a method of studying those conceptions of research. The study achieves both of those aims.
John W. Mullins, David Forlani and Richard N. Cardozo
An experimental study was conducted in a sample of America’s most successful entrepreneurs and one of comparable large company managers to examine three research questions: Why do…
An experimental study was conducted in a sample of America’s most successful entrepreneurs and one of comparable large company managers to examine three research questions: Why do some individuals choose riskier ventures than do others? Do managers and successful entrepreneurs perceive new venture risk and potential differently? What accounts for differences, if any, in their decision‐making behavior? The findings are equally interesting for the effects we found and did not find. We found that differences in risk propensity and in situational factors like the market competencies brought to a particular venture influence risky new venture decision‐making; that perceptions of new venture risk and potential differ between managers and successful entrepreneurs, though in a direction opposite to that we hypothesized; and that individual differences, rather than group‐level differences, are primarily responsible for the degree of risk taken by managers and successful entrepreneurs. Taken together, our results call for further research at the marketing/entrepreneurship interface and research into differences between managers and entrepreneurs, using samples of highly successful entrepreneurs and comparable managers in established firms.
This study investigates whether broad-based employee ownership (BBEO), in isolation and in conjunction with cash profit sharing (CPS), can enhance labor productivity in family…
This study investigates whether broad-based employee ownership (BBEO), in isolation and in conjunction with cash profit sharing (CPS), can enhance labor productivity in family firms over nonfamily firms.
Hypothesis testing was conducted using cross-sectional time-series regression with a matched sample of 393 family and nonfamily firms listed on the US S&P 500 over a five-year timeframe.
Overall, the findings indicate that BBEO does not increase labor productivity more in family firms compared to nonfamily firms in the short term; however, BBEO does enable family firms to experience greater labor productivity relative to nonfamily firms beyond the short term. Moreover, when BBEO is combined with CPS, labor productivity improves more for family firms than nonfamily firms both in the short term and beyond.
While prior studies have relied largely on agency theory, this study contributes to the literature on family firms and employee incentives by being amongst the first to draw upon temporal motivation theory to distinguish between family and nonfamily firms regarding the incentive effect of BBEO on labor productivity.
Richard A. Rocco and Alan J. Bush
This paper aims to understand an emerging paradigm for business-to-business selling, Sales 2.0, which connects various enabling technologies within leading sales processes to…
This paper aims to understand an emerging paradigm for business-to-business selling, Sales 2.0, which connects various enabling technologies within leading sales processes to drive improved business and relational outcomes. In the context of Sales 2.0, this paper addresses the need for buyer–seller dyadic sales research in the literature and highlights the importance of understanding buyer and seller perspectives regarding technology expectations and relationship-building performance.
This research utilizes a dyadic (salesperson–customer) data collection methodology, involving 74 matched salesperson and customer responses (37 dyads) to an online survey. Existing salesperson (self-report) measures of customer technology expectations and relationship-building performance with customers were utilized and adapted to provide dyadic measures to test for buyer–seller perceptual differences.
The dyadic data analysis supports the presence of significant perceptual differences between the salesperson and their customer, respective of customer technology expectations and relationship-building performance measures. In particular, the analysis reveals bidirectional perceptual differences for the two measures, whereas the salesperson underestimates the importance of their customer’s technology expectations, but overestimates their relational performance relative to their customers.
As technology continues to transform salesperson interactions with customers, the value of capturing a deeper understanding about those interactions increases. This study uses matched salesperson–customer dyads from a health-care sales organization to provide researchers and practitioners with insightful findings with respect to buyer–seller interactions and perceptual differences. Further, the research uniquely advances dyadic measures of customer technology expectations and relationship-building performance with customers to advance sales research in the context of Sales 2.0.
Bilal Ahmad, Jingbo Yuan, Naeem Akhtar and Abdul Waheed
This research explores the determinants and consequences of salesperson polychronicity in a business-to-business (B2B) sales environment. Additionally, the study examined the link…
This research explores the determinants and consequences of salesperson polychronicity in a business-to-business (B2B) sales environment. Additionally, the study examined the link between the antecedents and consequences of salesperson polychronicity using resistance to change (RC) and manager trust in salesperson (MT) as moderators.
A conceptual framework was developed by testing eight hypotheses based on data collected from 378 salesperson-manager dyads.
The authors find that opening leader behavior is positively associated with salesperson polychronicity, while closing leader behavior negatively influences salesperson polychronicity. In addition, salesperson polychronicity positively affects service recovery performance and customer-directed organizational citizen behaviors (OCB). Finally, the RC and MT significantly and positively moderate the linkage between the antecedents and consequences of salesperson polychronicity.
This study is original because this is the first study to address polychronicity as an individual trait in a B2B environment where multitasking behavior is of paramount importance.
Maria Georgiadou and George Tsiotras
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of environmental management systems as well as the critical factors for adapting ISO 14001 in Greek industry. The…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of environmental management systems as well as the critical factors for adapting ISO 14001 in Greek industry. The results were compared to a similar research conducted by Arthur D. Little among USA companies, and proved that the Greek companies consider implementation of IS0 14001 as being significant for the company’s success, with the most important factors being improving an organization’s image, reducing cost and improving quality, and showing care of the environment.