Mariam Ben Hassen, Mohamed Turki and Faiez Gargouri
This paper introduces the problematic of the SBP modeling. Our objective is to provide a conceptual analysis related to the concept of SBP. This facilitates, on the one hand…
This paper introduces the problematic of the SBP modeling. Our objective is to provide a conceptual analysis related to the concept of SBP. This facilitates, on the one hand, easier understanding by business analysts and end-users, and one the other hand, the integration of the new specific concepts relating to the SBP/BPM-KM domains into the BPMN meta-model (OMG, 2013).
We propose a rigorous characterization of SBP (Sensitive Business Processes) (which distinguishes it from classic, structured and conventional BPs). Secondly, we propose a multidimensional classification of SBP modeling aspects and requirements to develop expressive, comprehensive and rigorous models. Besides, we present an in-depth study of the different modeling approaches and languages, in order to analyze their expressiveness and their abil-ity to perfectly and explicitly represent the new specific requirements of SBP modeling. In this study, we choose the better one positioned nowadays, BPMN 2.0, as the best suited standard for SBP representation. Finally, we propose a semantically rich conceptualization of a SBP organized in core ontology.
We defined a rigorous conceptual specification for this type of BP, organized in a multi-perspective formal ontology, the Core Ontology of Sensitive Business Processes (COSBP). This reference ontology will be used to define a generic BP meta-model (BPM4KI) further specifying SBPs. The objective is to obtain an enriched consensus modeling covering all generic concepts, semantic relationships and properties needed for the exploitation of SBPs, known as core modeling.
This paper introduces the problem of conceptual analysis of SBPs for (crucial) knowledge identification and management. These processes are highly complex and knowledge-intensive. The originality of this contribution lies in the multi-dimensional approach we have adopted for SBP modeling as well as the definition of a Core Ontology of Sensitive Business Processes (COSBP) which is very useful to extend the BPMN notation for knowledge management.
Mohamed Turki, Hamden Zahrani, Meriem Ayadi, Monem Kallel and Jalel Bouzid
The purpose of this study is to focus on Tunisian tannery sector that causes a considerable damage to the environment and consequently leads to serious health problems due to the…
The purpose of this study is to focus on Tunisian tannery sector that causes a considerable damage to the environment and consequently leads to serious health problems due to the untreated effluents generated from the various leather processing stages.
This paper discusses a voluntary initiative taken by the top managers of tannery enterprise to prevent pollution and disseminate the concept of eco-industrial activities between employees and stakeholders. In addition, this research assesses the performance of such treatment that characterizes the chemical parameters of generated pollutants. It also aims at optimizing the industrial process for cleaner production. Coagulation–flocculation process is investigated in this study. Moreover, oxidation phase by ozone is taking into account before and after coagulation–flocculation process to measure the effectiveness of the combined method for reducing the main pollutant concentrations.
The unhairing and chrome (Cr) tanning steps are considered the most polluting steps. Therefore, the application of various treatment techniques, including chemical and physicochemical processes, is realized to reduce the toxicity of the effluents. The correlation between experimental and modeling results, using artificial neural network (ANN) method, was investigated in this research. The results of the constructed ANN model are measured by the correlation of experimental and model results during coagulation–flocculation and oxidation stages. The validation of the elaborated model through the error calculation (MSE) and the correlation coefficient (R) confirm the reliability of ANN method.
Eventually, the establishment of ANN model for performance prediction of wastewater parameters is investigated due to different measurements of physical effluent outputs, such as: pH, turbidity, TSS, DS, COD, fat, TSS, S2- and Cr. This study uses predictive modeling, a machine learning technique to tackle the problem of accurately predicting the behavior of unseen configuration.