The creation of the Technician and Business Education Councils was recommended by the Committee, under the chairmanship of Dr H. L. Haslegrave, appointed by the National Advisory…
The creation of the Technician and Business Education Councils was recommended by the Committee, under the chairmanship of Dr H. L. Haslegrave, appointed by the National Advisory Council on Education and Commerce in September 1967.
Preparation for retirement is a growth industry. Through the pioneering work of enlightened employers, the national activities of the Pre‐Retirement Association and the 25 local…
Preparation for retirement is a growth industry. Through the pioneering work of enlightened employers, the national activities of the Pre‐Retirement Association and the 25 local Preparation for Retirement Organisations, there is now widespread recognition that the transition from full‐time work to full‐time leisure involves a fundamental change in the pattern of living. Coleman ranks retirement ninth in a list of stress‐causing events, ranging in order of severity from the death of one's spouse to going on holiday. There is good evidence that preparation for retirement courses results in stress education.
Introduction This study investigates the impact of extra‐organisational or “new structuralist” factors on the employment status of women in Canada. Employment status is measured…
Introduction This study investigates the impact of extra‐organisational or “new structuralist” factors on the employment status of women in Canada. Employment status is measured by the representation ratio, inter‐occupational segregation index, intra‐occupational status index and the salary advantage index. In this article, “new structuralist” factors (organisational context and external environmental factors) hypothesised as contributing to the employment status of women are described. The results of statistical analyses of the relationships between employment status measures and a specified set of “new structuralist” variables are presented.