G.E. Thompson, H. Habazaki, K. Shimizu, M. Sakairi, P. Skeldon, X. Zhou and G.C. Wood
Anodizing is used widely in the surface treatment of aluminium alloys for aerospace applications. Considers recent advances in understanding of the influences of alloying elements…
Anodizing is used widely in the surface treatment of aluminium alloys for aerospace applications. Considers recent advances in understanding of the influences of alloying elements in anodizing of aluminium alloys and, in particular, their applicability to second phase particles during anodizing of commercial alloys. Through more precise knowledge of the response of second phase materials to anodic polarization, improved anodizing and related surface treatment processes may be developed in order to enhance the performance of aluminium alloys.
G.E. Thompson, P. Skeldon, X. Zhou, K. Shimizu, H. Habazaki and C.J.E. Smith
This paper reviews the role of alloying elements in aluminium and alloy fabrication on performance during surface treatment and surface finishing. Such elements may be present in…
This paper reviews the role of alloying elements in aluminium and alloy fabrication on performance during surface treatment and surface finishing. Such elements may be present in solid solution as fine segregates, strengthening phase and equilibrium phases. For surface treatment and finishes, which generally proceed in the presence of alumina film, knowledge of the processes proceeding at the alloy/film and film/electrolyte interfaces, and those within anodic alumina films, gives rise to the possibility of controlling features of nanoscale dimensions, for improved performance, arises. Its influence on nanotextures at treated surfaces and compositionally and morphologically modified films is explained briefly.
A.N. Önal and A.A. Aksüt
The effect of tolyltriazole (TTA) on the corrosion of Al‐Cu, Al‐Si‐Cu and Al‐Cu‐Fe alloys in HCl (pH = 0.5) and NaCl (pH = 6 and 11) respectively at 15○C, 25○C and 35○C has been…
The effect of tolyltriazole (TTA) on the corrosion of Al‐Cu, Al‐Si‐Cu and Al‐Cu‐Fe alloys in HCl (pH = 0.5) and NaCl (pH = 6 and 11) respectively at 15○C, 25○C and 35○C has been studied by electrochemical methods. Corrosion potentials, corrosion rates, polarization resistances, inhibition efficiencies and activation energies have been determined. The results have shown that the inhibition efficiencies of TTA changed with pH and temperature. TTA has been adsorbed on the alloys to form Cu(I)‐TTA film. TTA was more efficient at pH = 0.5 and 6 than at pH = 11. Increasing the temperature from 15○C to 35○C decreased the inhibition effect of TTA.
M. Jariyaboon, P. Møller, R.E. Dunin‐Borkowski and R. Ambat
The purpose of this investigation is to understand the structure of trapped intermetallics particles and localized composition changes in the anodized anodic oxide film on AA1050…
The purpose of this investigation is to understand the structure of trapped intermetallics particles and localized composition changes in the anodized anodic oxide film on AA1050 aluminium substrates.
The morphology and composition of Fe‐containing intermetallic particles incorporated into the anodic oxide films on industrially pure aluminium (AA1050, 99.5 per cent) has been investigated. AA1050 aluminium was anodized in a 100 ml/l sulphuric acid bath with an applied voltage of 14 V at 20°C ±2°C for 10 or 120 min. The anodic film subsequently was analyzed using focused ion beam‐scanning electron microscopy (FIB‐SEM), SEM, and EDX.
The intermetallic particles in the substrate material consisted of Fe or both Fe and Si with two different structures: irregular and round shaped. FIB‐SEM cross‐sectioned images revealed that the irregular‐shaped particles were embedded in the anodic oxide film as a thin strip structure and located near the top surface of the film, whereas the round‐shaped particles were trapped in the film with a spherical structure, but partially dissolved and were located throughout the thickness of the anodic film. The Fe/Si ratio of the intermetallic particles decreased after anodizing.
This paper shows that dual beam FIB‐SEM seems to be an easy, less time consuming and useful method to characterize the cross‐sectioned intermetallic particles incorporated in anodic film on aluminium.
A.A. El Warraky, A.M. El‐Aziz and Kh.A. Soliman
The paper aims to study the dissolution of Al, Al‐3.84%Cu, Al‐5.22%Cu and Al‐11%Cu alloys in different concentrations of NaCl (10‐5‐10‐1 M).
The paper aims to study the dissolution of Al, Al‐3.84%Cu, Al‐5.22%Cu and Al‐11%Cu alloys in different concentrations of NaCl (10‐5‐10‐1 M).
The approach is to use open circuit potential (OCP) and potentiostatic polarization measurements.
Results obtained showed that, as the Cu content was increased in the Al‐Cu alloys, a steady state potential was rapidly reached. Addition of different concentrations of CuCl2 to 0.5 M NaCl demonstrated that by increasing the concentration of CuCl2 up to 2 ppm a greater increase in the OCP towards more anodic value occurred from the moment of immersion. Further increases in the concentration of CuCl2, up to 600 ppm, exhibited the same behavior.
The results of the study reveal that cathodic current was controlled by the oxygen in solution, while the anodic current increased with increased Cu content in the alloy.
L. Dzib‐Pérez, J. González‐Sánchez, T. Pérez, A. Juárez and P. Bartolo‐Pérez
To study the corrosion resistance of the novel alloy Al‐12.6La (wt%) manufactured using directional solidification.
To study the corrosion resistance of the novel alloy Al‐12.6La (wt%) manufactured using directional solidification.
Samples fabricated using the Bridgman growth technique at three different withdrawal velocities were subjected to total immersion tests in distilled water and in 3.5 per cent NaCl solution and to DC polarisation tests in distilled water. XPS analyses conducted on samples after polarisation indicated the presence of an La compound in the non passive corrosion products film formed.
Anodic polarisation induced dissolution of the alloy with the formation of a non passive corrosion product film. During potentiodynamic polarisation, a sudden current increment occurred at a potential value that was more positive for samples solidified at higher rates. The corrosion resistance of this Al‐12.6%La alloy decreased as the solidification rate increased.
The results presented in this work are an insight to the understanding of the corrosion resistance and electrochemical behaviour of this alloy for future engineering applications and development.
María V. Puc-Oxté and Máximo A. Pech-Canul
This paper aims to prepare highly hydrophobic films on aluminum AA3003 using myristic acid (MA) and evaluate its corrosion protection efficiency in a low-chloride solution.
This paper aims to prepare highly hydrophobic films on aluminum AA3003 using myristic acid (MA) and evaluate its corrosion protection efficiency in a low-chloride solution.
The aluminum surface was initially treated with boiling water to develop a porous nanostructure, and then surface modification was carried out in ethanolic solutions with different concentrations of MA. The surface morphology, wetting behavior and film composition were first characterized, and then, the corrosion behavior was evaluated with electrochemical techniques.
The best hydrophobicity and corrosion resistance were obtained with 50 mM of MA. For such concentration, a water contact angle of 140° and protective efficiency of 96% were achieved. A multilayer structure was revealed by scanning electron microscope and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
The results of this work shed light on the anticorrosion performance of fatty acid self-assembled multilayers on the surface of Al–Mn alloys.
Yong Zhou, Pei Zhang, Jinping Xiong and Fuan Yan
A chromate conversion coating was prepared on the surface of bare AA2024 aluminum alloy by direct immersion in the chromating treatment bath, and the corrosion behavior of…
A chromate conversion coating was prepared on the surface of bare AA2024 aluminum alloy by direct immersion in the chromating treatment bath, and the corrosion behavior of chromated AA2024 aluminum alloy in 3.5 per cent NaCl solution was studied by electrochemical measurement and microstructural observation.
According to the polarization curve test and the scanning electron microscope observation, the corrosion evolution of chromated AA2024 in 3.5 per cent NaCl solution was divided into the following three stages: coating failure, pitting corrosion and intergranular corrosion (IGC).
In the first stage, the chromate coating degraded gradually due to the combined action of chloride anions and water molecules, resulting in the complete exposure of AA2024 substrate to 3.5 per cent NaCl solution. Subsequently, in the second stage, chloride anions adsorbed at the sites of θ phase (Al2Cu) and S phase (Al2CuMg) on the AA2024 surface preferentially, and some corrosion pits initiated at the above two sites and propagated towards the deep of crystal grains. However, the propagation of a pit terminated when the pit front arrived at the adjacent grain boundary, where the initiation of IGC occurred.
Finally, in the third stage, the corrosion proceeded along the continuous grain boundary net and penetrated the internal of AA2024 substrate, resulting in the propagation of IGC. The related corrosion mechanisms for the bare and the chromated AA2024 were also discussed.
Dongdong Peng, Junsheng Wu, Pingping Chu and Xiaogang Li
This paper aims to investigate the effect of cerium modification and electrodeposition on the properties of the silane films obtained. Besides, the influence of dissolved oxygen…
This paper aims to investigate the effect of cerium modification and electrodeposition on the properties of the silane films obtained. Besides, the influence of dissolved oxygen was also researched through inhalation of oxygen or nitrogen. Moreover, the corresponding corrosion behavior of the silane films was also studied.
In this paper, surface morphology and corrosion-resistant properties of the films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, immersion test and the salt spray test.
The paper reveals that all the practical parameters including the concentration of dissolved oxygen had a marked effect on the anti-corrosive performance of the films, which may be attributed to the dense and compact structure of the films obtained. Furthermore, the self-healing ability of the films had also been enhanced through the rise of dissolved oxygen concentration in proper proportion.
This paper reveals the effect of practical parameters on the properties of the silane films obtained and the corrosion behavior of these films.
Hongqiang Fan, Shuying Li, Zhicong Shi, Xuefei LV and Zongchang Zhao
The aim of this paper is to investigate the synergism effect between lanthanum salt (La(NO3)3) and benzotriazole (BTAH) on the corrosion inhibition of commercial brass and to…
The aim of this paper is to investigate the synergism effect between lanthanum salt (La(NO3)3) and benzotriazole (BTAH) on the corrosion inhibition of commercial brass and to further study the inhibition mechanism.
Potentiodynamic polarization curves were carried out on bare brass and brass treated with additions of optimum concentration of BTAH, La salt and La salt+BTAH to the basal deposition solutions in 3.5 wt. percent sodium chloride solution. The inhibition mechanism of the composite conversion coatings on brass obtained in optimal deposition techniques were investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X‐ray diffraction (XRD), and FT‐IR reflection spectra.
A “Critical La(NO3)3 content” and “Critical BTAH content” were both observed, at which the coatings prepared performs the highest protectiveness, and La(NO3)3 and BTAH had an excellent synergism effect on the corrosion inhibition of brass. The corrosion mechanisms for uncoated and coated brass are different. A remarkable enhancement of the brass's corrosion protection was obtained by the formation of composite conversion coatings consisted of Cu(I)BTA and La coordinate thing except for Cu2O and La2O3, which acted as a barrier avoiding the release of metal ions and inhibited the diffusion of the oxygen.
The results from this paper showed that La(NO3)3 and BTAH could be used together to prepare the novel composited conversion coatings on commercial brass for the good corrosion inhibition.