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Publication date: 16 June 2020

João Luiz Junho Pereira, Matheus Chuman, Sebastião Simões Cunha Jr and Guilherme Ferreira Gomes

This study aims to develop a numerical identification and characterization of crack propagation through the use of a new optimization metaheuristics called Lichtenberg…



This study aims to develop a numerical identification and characterization of crack propagation through the use of a new optimization metaheuristics called Lichtenberg optimization.


The damage-identification problem is treated as an inverse problem, which combines finite element methods with intelligent computational methods to obtain the best possible response. To optimize the objectives, the Lichtenberg algorithm is applied, which includes concepts of random cluster growth in nature.


The simulations show that it is possible to determine the Lichtenberg spectrum algorithm a part of the structure to be removed and replaced in this case to stop the propagation.


The results show a very good crack identification in plates-like structures using the Lichtenberg algorithm (LA) based only in strain fields. Although many studies have reported on damage-identification-based optimization methods, very few have focused on the crack tip modeling and LA as the main solver.

Publication date: 17 June 2021

Juan Tamassia Ricci, Rogerio Frauendorf Faria Coimbra and Guilherme Ferreira Gomes

Aircraft wings, one of the most important parts of an aircraft, have seen changes in its topological and design arrangement of both the internal structures and external shape…



Aircraft wings, one of the most important parts of an aircraft, have seen changes in its topological and design arrangement of both the internal structures and external shape during the past decades. This study, a numerical, aims to minimize the weight of multilaminate composite aerospace structures using multiobjective optimization.


The methodology started with the determination of the requirements, both imposed by the certifying authority and those inherent to the light, aerobatic, simple, economic and robust (LASER) project. After defining the requirements, the loads that the aircraft would be subjected to during its operation were defined from the flight envelope considering finite element analysis. The design vector consists of material choice for each laminate of the structure (20 in total), ply number and lay-up sequence (respecting the manufacturing rules) and main spar position to obtain a lightweight and cheap structure, respecting the restrictions of stress, margins of safety, displacements and buckling.


The results obtained indicated a predominance of the use of carbon fiber. The predominant orientation found on the main spar flange was 0° with its location at 28% of the local chord, in the secondary and main web were ±45°, the skins also had the main orientation at ±45°.


The key innovations in this paper include the evaluation, development and optimization of a laminated composite structure applied to a LASER aircraft wings considering both structural performance and manufacturing costs in multiobjetive optimization. This paper is one of the most advanced investigations performed to composite LASER aircraft.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 93 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 4 January 2021

Lourelay Moreira dos Santos, Guilherme Ferreira Gomes and Rogerio F. Coimbra

The purpose of this study is to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of a low-to-moderate-aspect-ratio, tapered, untwisted, unswept wing, equipped of sheared wing tips.



The purpose of this study is to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of a low-to-moderate-aspect-ratio, tapered, untwisted, unswept wing, equipped of sheared wing tips.


In this work, wind tunnel tests were made to study the influence in aerodynamic characteristics over a typical low-to-moderate-aspect-ratio wing of a general aviation aircraft, equipped with sheared – swept and tapered planar – wing tips. An experimental parametric study of different wing tips was tested. Variations in its leading and trailing edge sweep angle as well as variations in wing tip taper ratio were considered. Sheared wing tips modify the flow pattern in the outboard region of the wing producing a vortex flow at the wing tip leading edge, enhancing lift at high angles of attack.


The induced drag is responsible for nearly 50% of aircraft total drag and can be reduced through modifications to the wing tip. Some wing tip models present complex geometries and many of them present benefits in particular flight conditions. Results have demonstrated that sweeping the wing tip leading edge between 60 and 65 degrees offers an increment in wing aerodynamic efficiency, especially at high lift conditions. However, results have demonstrated that moderate wing tip taper ratio (0.50) has better aerodynamic benefits than highly tapered wing tips (from 0.25 to 0.15), even with little less wing tip leading edge sweep angle (from 57 to 62 degrees). The moderate wing tip taper ratio (0.50) offers more wing area and wing span than the wings with highly tapered wing tips, for the same aspect ratio wing.


Although many studies have been reported on the aerodynamics of wing tips, most of them presented complex non-planar geometries and were developed for cruise flight in high subsonic regime (low lift coefficient). In this work, an exploration and parametric study through wind tunnel tests were made, to evaluate the influence in aerodynamic characteristics of a low-to-moderate-aspect-ratio, tapered, untwisted, unswept wing, equipped of sheared wing tips (wing tips highly swept and tapered).


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 93 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 9 July 2021

Ronny Francis Ribeiro Junior, Isac Antônio dos Santos Areias and Guilherme Ferreira Gomes

Electric motors are present in most industries today, being the main source of power. Thus, detection of faults is very important to rise reliability, reduce the production cost…



Electric motors are present in most industries today, being the main source of power. Thus, detection of faults is very important to rise reliability, reduce the production cost, improving uptime and safety. Vibration analysis for condition-based maintenance is a mature technique in view of these objectives.


This paper shows a methodology to analyze the vibration signal of electric rotating motors and diagnosis the health of the motor using time and frequency domain responses. The analysis lies in the fact that all rotating motor has a stable vibration pattern on health conditions. If the motor becomes faulty, the vibration pattern gets changed.


Results showed that through the vibration analysis using the frequency domain response it is possible to detect and classify the motors in several induced operation conditions: healthy, unbalanced, mechanical looseness, misalignment, bent shaft, broken bar and bearing fault condition.


The proposed methodology is verified through a real experimental setup.


Sensor Review, vol. 41 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0260-2288


Publication date: 26 November 2020

Matheus Francisco, Lucas Roque, João Pereira, Susiane Machado, Sebastião Simões da Cunha Jr and Guilherme Ferreira Gomes

This study aims to address a deep statistical analysis on transtibial prostheses made of composite isogrid carbon/epoxy structure.



This study aims to address a deep statistical analysis on transtibial prostheses made of composite isogrid carbon/epoxy structure.


For the methodological procedure, an experimental arrangement was created using design of experiments, and the response surface methodology (RSM) was used. The RSM was obtained from the decision variables of the isogrid model, which consists of angle, circular width and helical width. All modeling was performed numerically using the finite element method.


Results obtained through analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated the sensitivity of each decision variable (manufacture) in the mechanical responses. The results obtained in this study provide a starting point in formulating optimization problems for researchers and engineers.


A noteworthy thing about structural analysis and structural optimization is that some parameters and decision variables are more significant than others in certain responses (Major et al., 2011). Knowing the sensitivity of these parameters is essential for the correct formulation of an optimization problem. To handle these obstacles, design of experiments and ANOVA are used to solve and obtain the main effects on the structural performance. Nevertheless, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, very few efforts have been devoted to the development to show the factors that influence the various responses of a lower limb prosthesis isogrid tube.


Engineering Computations, vol. 38 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0264-4401


Publication date: 7 November 2023

Matheus Francisco, João Pereira, Lucas Oliveira, Sebastião Simões Cunha and G.F. Gomes

The present paper aims at the multi-objective optimization of a reentrant hexagonal cell auxetic structure. In addition, a parametric analysis will be carried out to verify how…




The present paper aims at the multi-objective optimization of a reentrant hexagonal cell auxetic structure. In addition, a parametric analysis will be carried out to verify how each of the design factors impact each of the responses.


The multi-objective optimization of five different responses of an auxetic model was considered: mass, critical buckling load under compression effort, natural frequency, Poisson's ratio and failure load. The response surface methodology was applied, and a new meta-heuristic of optimization called the multi-objective Lichtenberg algorithm was applied to find the optimized configuration of the model. It was possible to increase the failure load by 26.75% in compression performance optimization. Furthermore, in the optimization of modal performance, it was possible to increase the natural frequency by 37.43%. Finally, all 5 responses analyzed simultaneously were optimized. In this case, it was possible to increase the critical buckling load by 42.55%, the failure load by 28.70% and reduce the mass and Poisson's ratio by 15.97 and 11%, respectively. This paper addresses something new in the scientific world to date when evaluating in a multi-objective optimization problem, the compression and modal performance of an auxetic reentrant model.


It was possible to find multi-objective optimized structures. It was possible to increase the critical buckling load by 42.82%, and the failure load in compression performance by 26.75%. Furthermore, in the optimization of modal performance, it was possible to increase the natural frequency by 37.43%, and decrease the mass by 15.97%. Finally, all 5 responses analyzed simultaneously were optimized. In this case, it was possible to increase the critical buckling load by 42.55%, increase the failure load by 28.70% and reduce the mass and Poisson's ratio by 15.97 and 11%, respectively.


There is no work in the literature to date that performed the optimization of 5 responses simultaneously of a reentrant hexagonal cell auxetic structure. This paper also presents an unprecedented statistical analysis in the literature that verifies how the design factors impact each of the responses.


Engineering Computations, vol. 40 no. 9/10
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0264-4401




The purpose of this study is to evaluate the nutritional effects in Wistar rats of supplementation with stand-alone saturated fatty acid (SFA) or monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), the replacement of SFA by MUFA and the combination of both (SFA + MUFA) over a long period of time (13 weeks).


In total, 30 Wistar rats were used and randomly assigned to receive (n = 6): control – lab chow; lard (L20%) – lab chow with added lard (20%); olive oil (O20%) – lab chow with added olive oil (20%); lard replacement with olive oil (L20% –O20%) – during six weeks lab chow with added lard (20%) replaced by lab chow with added olive oil (20%) given during the past seven weeks of the trial; lard combination with olive oil (L10% + O10%) – lab chow with added lard (10%) and olive oil (10%). Food and caloric intake, weight gain, food and energy efficiency, body mass index, bone mineral composition and blood biochemistry were evaluated.


All diets with added fatty acids showed higher energy intake (p < 0.001), weight gain (p = 0.01), accumulation of adipose tissue (p = 0.02) and food and energy efficiency (p = 0.01) compared to the control group. All groups exhibited higher levels of blood triglycerides compared to the control group (p = 0.02). In addition, the L10% + O10% group developed hyperglycemia (p < 0.001); the L group showed higher amounts of non- high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) (p = 0.04); and the L20%−O20% group exhibited high levels of the triglyceride/HDL-c ratio (p = 0.04) in relation to the control.


These results indicate that regardless of the fatty acid type, consumption in large quantities of fatty acids for long periods of time can cause obesity and dyslipidemia.


Nutrition & Food Science , vol. 51 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659




This study aims to estimate the overall SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and evaluate the accuracy of an antibody rapid test compared to a reference serological assay during a COVID-19 outbreak in a prison complex housing over 13,000 prisoners in Brasília.


The authors obtained a randomized, stratified representative sample of each prison unit and conducted a repeated serosurvey among prisoners between June and July 2020, using a lateral-flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA). Samples were also retested using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (CLIA) to compare SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and 21-days incidence, as well as to estimate the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) and determine the diagnostic accuracy of the LFIA test.


This study identified 485 eligible individuals and enrolled 460 participants. Baseline and 21-days follow-up seroprevalence were estimated at 52.0% (95% CI 44.9–59.0) and 56.7% (95% CI 48.2–65.3) with LFIA; and 80.7% (95% CI 74.1–87.3) and 81.1% (95% CI 74.4–87.8) with CLIA, with an overall IFR of 0.02%. There were 78.2% (95% CI 66.7–89.7) symptomatic individuals among the positive cases. Sensitivity and specificity of LFIA were estimated at 43.4% and 83.3% for IgM; 46.5% and 91.5% for IgG; and 59.1% and 77.3% for combined tests.


The authors found high seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies within the prison complex. The occurrence of asymptomatic infection highlights the importance of periodic mass testing in addition to case-finding of symptomatic individuals; however, the field performance of LFIA tests should be validated. This study recommends that vaccination strategies consider the inclusion of prisoners and prison staff in priority groups.


International Journal of Prisoner Health, vol. 19 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1744-9200


Publication date: 3 October 2023

Sofia Oliveira and Helena Albuquerque

The paper aims to present a literary itinerary inspired in Julio Dinis’ novel An English Family (Uma Família Inglesa) through a comparative analysis of the places identified in…



The paper aims to present a literary itinerary inspired in Julio Dinis’ novel An English Family (Uma Família Inglesa) through a comparative analysis of the places identified in the novel and the touristic attraction proposed by Visit Porto website. This novel is representative of the cultural identity and society of Porto city in the 19th century. Developing an itinerary based on this novel can facilitate the reading and understanding of the historical and cultural development of Porto.


This case study is based on the reading of the Julio Dinis’ novel An English Family (Uma Família Inglesa), whose storyline takes place in Porto city, Portugal in the 19th century. It used QGIS v. 3.12 software, a geographical information system to identify the places, to produce the maps and to create the itinerary.


The comparison between the places identified in the novel and the tourist attraction in Visit Porto website revealed that only 6 points in the novel are referenced on Visit Porto website. These points correspond to the ones in the historical city centre of Porto. However, the creation of an itinerary that brings together all the points mentioned by Julio Dinis in his novel, will allow the development of a new touristic itinerary, alternative to existing itineraries in the city and that can be seen as a distinguish offer that allows a different view of the urban space of Porto.

Research limitations/implications

There are some limitations to this study that can be highlighted. First, it was difficult to find the correct location of some points identified in the novel, due to difficulty of finding historical maps with quality of the data. At the same time, as tourist information is dispersed by several sources, and most of those data is not georeferenced, it was time consuming the integration of all the information in the same geodatabase. The choice of the shortest path can also be considered as a limitation, rather than the route followed by the author in the novel, but geographic information systems operates on spatial and temporal scale, which can present a limitation in tourism analysis. In the case of this project, we have chosen the shortest path, assuming that tourist would prefer that.


This research allowed to address two areas of knowledge that are emerging in the study of urban centres as tourist areas: the use of GIS and literary tourism. Despite the fact that there are already articles on this subject, the originality focuses on the approach made around one of the greatest writers of Portugal in the 19th century, allowing to present a tourist itinerary about one of his literary works, and the comparison made between the places identified in the novel and the tourist points identified on the Visit Porto website.


International Journal of Tourism Cities, vol. 9 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2056-5607


Open Access
Publication date: 25 May 2022

Thais Assis de Souza, Guilherme Alcântara Pinto, Luiz Guilherme Rodrigues Antunes and André Grützmann

Regarding the premises of open innovation (OI) in terms of knowledge sources, this paper aims to discuss how to manage the existing sources of knowledge in supply chains.




Regarding the premises of open innovation (OI) in terms of knowledge sources, this paper aims to discuss how to manage the existing sources of knowledge in supply chains.


An integrative review was developed focusing on studies related to supply chain and OI, seeking to understand the relationships between them, supporting the innovative discussion.


The SIPOC-OI was proposed as a tool to support the management of knowledge sources present in the supply chain, promoting efficiency to the company and improving its innovative capacity.

Research limitations/implications

The conceptual proposal should be empirically verified to understand the management tool's obstacles and benefits for a company's innovation performance. Additionally, it would be useful to understand the results of this proposal in the relationships between agents of the chain, as well as the direction (inbound, outbound or coupled). Additionally, relevant points were highlighted as future agendas.

Practical implications

The point of view based on OI treats the collaboration's aspects and its benefits to agents, which becomes an essential factor in improving the entire chain's integration and performance.


The analysis of the flow of knowledge in supply chains from an OI perspective is an innovation in theory. Besides, the multidisciplinary proposal is expressed in the framework developed as it is based on a tool from engineering. Supply chain competencies/mindset is important to develop OI as well as is the contrary – there is a mutual practical and theoretical relevance between the integration of the concepts.


Innovation & Management Review, vol. 20 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2515-8961




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