Abdul Hakim Hassan Mustafa Mohamed, Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah, Mohamed Izzeldin AbdelRahman Bashir, Maia Alhajri, Akbar Khanan and Zaheer Abbas
In the COVID-19 pandemic, students were subjected to high pressure when they were forced to move to distance learning in a lockdown environment. Such a drastic move for…
In the COVID-19 pandemic, students were subjected to high pressure when they were forced to move to distance learning in a lockdown environment. Such a drastic move for communities living in groups with solid relationship ties comes at a price. This study aims to investigate the acceptance of distance learning amongst Omani higher education institutions (HEI) students during COVID-19 lockdown.
This is a quantitative research based on an online survey designed to study participants’ acceptance of distance learning during COVID-19 lockdown.
A sample of 757 Omani students was selected, of which 81.2% were female. About 60% of the students’ Age lies 15–20 years. The highest percentage (38.8%) of students belongs to the College of Arts and Humanities. A total of 80% of the students reported a moderate level of information technology skills, and also more than 80% of the students had never attended eLearning calls. Most of the students affirm the eLearning acceptance (students’ willingness to use eLearning tools for the tasks they are designed for), eLearning usefulness (using eLearning would enhance students’ performance), eLearning ease of use (the degree to which a student believes that using eLearning tools are free from effort), learning from home during COVID-19 and eLearning effectiveness (student’s satisfaction and the benefits student will gain from learning via online platforms). Multiple regression analysis confirms that more than 81% of the variation in the eLearning acceptance was explained by eLearning usefulness, eLearning ease of use, learning from home during COVID-19 and eLearning effectiveness independent variables. Moreover, these independent predictors have a positive association with eLearning acceptance.
This research intends to fill the gap in Omani HEI students’ acceptance of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Hasliza Hassan, Aahad Osman-Gani, Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah and Md. Aftab Anwar
The purpose of this paper is to test a conceptual model that takes into account both edu-tourists’ perception and perceived service quality in explaining purchase intention of…
The purpose of this paper is to test a conceptual model that takes into account both edu-tourists’ perception and perceived service quality in explaining purchase intention of academic degrees from the foreign universities.
The study is based on an empirical examination with applying multivariate data analysis. The data were collected through survey questionnaires and analysed by using structural equation modelling procedure.
The survey result discovered that the relationship between perceived service quality and edu-tourist’s satisfaction was significant and positive. The relationship between edu-tourist’s satisfaction and intention to purchase was also significant and positive. Meanwhile, edu-tourist’s satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between their perceived service quality and intention to purchase. Nevertheless, this research also explored that the edu-tourist’s satisfaction plays a significant mediating effect in between the relationship of perception and intention to purchase.
Research limitations/implications
This empirical study will contribute in understanding the behaviour of international students to construct the theoretical knowledge on the edu-tourism industry, which has been neglected in tourism research.
The paper will be of use to the management and policymakers in the higher education sector in understanding the customer’s expectation for the edu-tourism destination. This study contributes to the growing literature on education travel destination, where the researchers investigated the role of tourist’s satisfaction by using perception and perceived service quality towards their intention to visit a destination for education tourism. In addition, understanding the role satisfaction on the relationship between perception and perceived service quality towards the purchase intention will make both scientific and practical contributions for the decision-makers.
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah, Bashir Hussain and Md Afnan Hossain
This study aims to examine tourists’ heritage brand experience (HBE), cultural intelligence and destination loyalty and test whether these have an impact on the formation of…
This study aims to examine tourists’ heritage brand experience (HBE), cultural intelligence and destination loyalty and test whether these have an impact on the formation of consumer-based heritage destination brand equity (CBHDE). The mediating role of heritage destination loyalty (HDL) in this relationship was also examined.
The data used in the current study was collected from different heritage tourist destinations by using the survey questionnaire method. The proposed conceptual model was tested by applying structural equation modelling (SEM).
The SEM results reveal that tourists’ HBE, cultural intelligence and destination brand loyalty are positively related to CBHDE, thus implying the impact of these influences on CBHDE, which is mediated by heritage destination brand loyalty.
Practical implications
The results suggest that organizations operating in the heritage tourism and hospitality industry should pay greater attention to tourists experiences and cultural intelligence to achieve CBHDE.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to investigate CBHDE in the literature. As this work examines three important predictive variables in terms of CBHDE, this work can be considered an important addition to the existing knowledge on heritage tourism destination research.
这项研究旨在检查游客的遗址类品牌体验(HBE), 文化智能和目的地忠诚度, 并测试它们是否对形成基于消费者的遗址类目的地品牌资产(CBHDE)产生影响。本文还考察了遗址类目的地忠诚度(HDL)在这种关系中的中介作用。
SEM的结果表明, 游客的HBE, 文化智能和目的地品牌忠诚度与CBHDE正相关, 因此显示这些影响对CBHDE的影响是由遗址类目的地品牌忠诚度传导的。
结果表明, 从事遗址旅游和酒店业的组织应更加重视游客的体验和文化智能, 以实现CBHDE。
本文是首次研究CBHDE的文献。由于本文从CBHDE角度考察了三个重要的预测变量, 因此可以认为此研究是对遗产旅游目的地和酒店研究现有知识的重要补充。
este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la experiencia de la marca del patrimonio turístico (EMPT), la inteligencia cultural y la lealtad del destino de los turistas y evaluar si tienen un impacto en la formación del patrimonio de la marca del destino basado en el consumidor (PMDBC). También en esta relación, se examinó el papel mediador de la lealtad al destino del patrimonio (LDP).
los datos utilizados en el estudio actual se obtuvieron de diferentes destinos turísticos del patrimonio utilizando el método del cuestionario. El modelo conceptual propuesto se probó atravez de la aplicación de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (MEE).
los resultados de MEE revelan que el EMPT de los turistas, la inteligencia cultural y la lealtad de la marca de destino están positivamente relacionados con PMDBC, lo que implica el impacto de estas influencias sobre PMDBC, y que está mediado por la lealtad de la marca de destino del patrimonio.
Implicaciones practices
los resultados sugieren que las organizaciones que operan en el sector del turismo y la industria hotelera deberían prestar mayor atención a las experiencias e inteligencia cultural de los turistas para lograr PMDBC.
según el conocimiento de los autores, este es el primer intento de investigar PMDBC en la literatura. Como este trabajo examina tres variables predictivas importantes en términos de PMDBC, este trabajo puede considerarse una adición importante al conocimiento existente sobre el destino del turismo del patrimonio y la investigación de la hospitalidad.
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, AAhad M. Osmangani, Hasliza Hassan, Md. Aftab Anwar and Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between consumption values (CV), destination cues (DC), nostalgia and attitude in the selection of destination for…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between consumption values (CV), destination cues (DC), nostalgia and attitude in the selection of destination for educational tourism, and the mediating effect of destination image (DI).
The research applied descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling techniques. The study tested the reliability and validity of the measurement model through CFA, Cronbach’s α and inter-correlation analyses. This research applied the structural equation model to examine the relationship between the research variables using 250 foreign students.
The results of data analysis support the stated hypotheses. All the direct relationships were significant and positive. However, DI found a partial mediating role among the relationships. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
Research limitations/implications
From this research the tourism researchers, policymakers and managers of the respective higher learning institution may develop a complete understanding of the antecedents of attitude formation of the edu-tourists which were not even studied before from the perspective of educational tourism.
To date, there have been few empirical studies examining the attitude of the edu-tourists in the selection of a destination for educational tourism. Therefore, understanding the purpose of CV, DC and nostalgia in a tourist’s decision-making operation, and their theoretical relationship, will make both scientific and practical contributions.
Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah, Khalid Abed Dahleez, Riyad Neman Darwazeh and Abrar Mohammed Mubarak Al Alawi
This study aims to examine the influence of service quality (SQ) on customer loyalty (CL) and the mediating role of customer satisfaction (CS) and customer perceived value (CPV…
This study aims to examine the influence of service quality (SQ) on customer loyalty (CL) and the mediating role of customer satisfaction (CS) and customer perceived value (CPV) in health insurance products in Malaysia.
Data were conveniently collected through a self-administered questionnaire from subscribers to health insurance products and services in Malaysia. A total of 456 available questionnaires were used in the analysis. Partial least square (PLS) structural equation modelling (V3.3) was used to obtain the study results.
A positive relationship is observed amongst the studied variables. In addition, CPV partially mediates the proposed relationship and also indirectly mediates the relationship between SQ and CS. Lastly, CS partially mediates the proposed relationship. Hence, all proposed direct and indirect relationships are significant and positive.
Research limitations/implications
This research increases the authors’ understanding of the role of CS, SQ and CPV on CL in the health insurance industry in a developing country. The study also shows that insurance companies must establish positive relationships between insurers and customers by providing excellent SQ to maintain CS and loyalty.
Practical implications
This research will help managers and guide the policymakers to establish a national health financing scheme. Furthermore, these results will guide industry players on how to maintain existing and targeting customers.
Social implications
This study has attempted to provide a comprehensive understanding of CL in the Malaysian health insurance industry. Considering the limited research in the Malaysian health insurance context, this study can provide theoretical contribution and a managerial basis for future studies, including implications for the managers. However, to date, research in this sector under the Malaysian context is not adequate to consider SQ, perceived values and CL factors.
This study has attempted to provide a comprehensive understanding of CL in the Malaysian health insurance industry. Considering the limited research in the Malaysian health insurance context, this study can provide theoretical contribution and a managerial basis for future studies, including implications for the managers.
Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah, Abdul Hakim H.M Mohamed, Mohamed Izzeldin A. Bashir and Abrar Mohammed Mubarak Al Alawi
This paper aims to investigate how students’ attitude (SA), students’ subjective norms (SN), students’ knowledge sharing intentions (KSI) can contribute to the enhancement of…
This paper aims to investigate how students’ attitude (SA), students’ subjective norms (SN), students’ knowledge sharing intentions (KSI) can contribute to the enhancement of knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) among students at higher education institutes (HEI) in Oman.
This study follows the quantitative methodology and the deductive causal research approach. The data were conveniently collected through a Web-based questionnaire (Google forms) from 285 active students who are affiliated to Omani universities. SPSS was used to statistically analyse the collected data, including partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM V3.3) to draw the results.
The study concluded that SA has both direct and indirect positive impact on SN, KSI and KSB. Moreover, the result revealed that there is a mediation effect between SA and KSB through KSI, SA and KSI when SN is playing as a mediation role.
Research limitations/implications
Although this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge, this study is limited by the scarcity of the related literature in the Omani context. It is recommended that these shortfalls be addressed together while improving the knowledge-sharing behaviour among students and administrative staff. Furthermore, the potential variation between academic staff and students in terms of factors affecting their intentions to share knowledge within HEIs should be explored.
Practical implications
This research provides policymakers in academic fields with the appropriate approaches to leverage the knowledge-sharing behaviour amongst Omani students with the understanding of the main factors affecting individuals’ knowledge-sharing behaviours.
Social implications
This will help in improving the means of employing and practising knowledge-sharing strategies within HEIs, which can generate competitive advantages amongst students and institutions while benefiting knowledge management strategies and its members.
The importance of the study stems from its context being conducted in Oman as a developing country. In addition, this study is one of the initial attempts to investigate KSB by considering SA, SN and KSI and its applicability on HEI in Oman. The findings of the study can serve as inputs to HEI in developing best practices across KSB dimensions and expanding the knowledge-sharing culture amongst HEI’s students in Oman. One of the developed strategies is the spreading of the knowledge-sharing culture among students by positively directing their attitude towards the practices of knowledge exchange.
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Md Afnan Hossain, Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah and Abdel Mubdiu Ibne Mokter
This research aims to develop and test a conceptual model for shaping small and medium enterprise (SME) employees' avoidance behaviour towards using pirated software. The model…
This research aims to develop and test a conceptual model for shaping small and medium enterprise (SME) employees' avoidance behaviour towards using pirated software. The model specifies the components of morality, spirituality, emotional intelligence and ethical values that influence employees' avoidance behaviour towards using pirated software.
A conceptual framework was developed and tested on the basis of information technology and management literature by using data from 275 influential and active employees of SMEs. Data were collected via a survey and analysed through covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM).
In the context of SMEs, employees' avoidance behaviour towards using pirated software is motivated by significant moral antecedents. Moral equity and judgement significantly influence employees' avoidance behaviour towards using pirated software when moral emotion mediates such a relationship. In addition, individual spirituality significantly moderates the relationship between moral equity and moral emotion. Employees' emotional intelligence optimises the strength of the relationship between moral judgement and moral emotion. Employees' likelihood to engage in unethical behaviour decreases when they exhibit strong ethical values in the relationship between moral emotion and their behaviour towards using pirated software.
Research limitations/implications
This study offers theoretical support for employees' avoidance behaviour towards using pirated software. The findings of this cross-sectional work have limited generalisability. Single-country data may not be generalised to SME employees in other countries. Thus, cross-country analysis and additional measures and antecedents must be developed and identified in the future.
Practical implications
Policymakers and managers should consciously review the proposed seven-component model that causes SME employees to avoid the use of pirated software. Ethical standards that lessen the use of pirated software can be improved if managers and policymakers understand the components of moral equity and judgement that influence moral emotions.
This study is the first to examine the specific antecedents of the ethical standards and avoidance behaviours of SME employees towards the use of pirated software. As such, it provides a foundation for further studies on this critical area and software piracy in the context of SMEs in an emerging economy, which is limited in current literature.
Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah, Khalid Abed Dahleez, Abdul Hakim H.M. Mohamed, Mohammad Khaleel Okour and Abrar Mohammed Mubarak AL Alawi
This study aims to measure the level of public awareness about the threat of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic among the Omani population. It also aims to investigate…
This study aims to measure the level of public awareness about the threat of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic among the Omani population. It also aims to investigate the mediating effect of the Omanis’ attitudes and behaviors with underlying conditions of COVID-19.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to collect data via an online survey of Omani citizens and residents from various geographic areas in Oman, 305 responses were received. SPSS and partial least square-structural equation modeling were used for data analysis.
The study revealed that public awareness regarding the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly influenced by people’s perceived risk, information source and health-related knowledge. Further, preventive behavior during the disease spread has a significant direct and indirect impact on their awareness. However, an insignificant mediation effect of public attitude was found between the source of information and public awareness.
Research limitations/implications
This study is limited by the scarcity of related literature in the Omani context. It is recommended that future research complete an in-depth study of public awareness regarding COVID-19, using other constructs and/or other data collection techniques.
Practical implications
This research will provide governmental health authorities and policymakers with a guideline to establish more efficient pandemic containment strategies to control public behavior toward the COVID-19 pandemic and curb viral prevalence.
Social implications
This research will help in improving prevention measures against COVID-19 are recommended to be more educated through a more effective mechanism to raise public attitude regarding pandemic prevalence positively.
The originality of this research can be drawn from key findings that indicate that people overall gained knowledge about how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and the accuracy of information significantly impacts public awareness.
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Md Afnan Hossain, Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah and Shahriar Akter
The marketing information system (MkIS) in the data-rich business environment receives all the attention these days, but as essential and perhaps even more essential is the…
The marketing information system (MkIS) in the data-rich business environment receives all the attention these days, but as essential and perhaps even more essential is the marketing information system management capability (MkISMC). Although many service firms apprehend the return from MkIS, others clearly struggle. It seems that MkIS management capability dynamics and their direct/indirect holistic influence on service firm's competitive performance (SFCP) are unsolved in the current data-driven service economy. This study aims to conceptualize a model and test the antecedents on service firms' competitive performance.
This study utilizes a survey of a sizeable sample of service firms’ managers at the firm level. A total of 250 useable responses were obtained and analyzed through structural equation modeling.
Results reveal that variables under their respective direct influences are positively and significantly related. Interestingly, MkISMC has a relatively large magnitude of positive and direct effects on service firms' competitive performance. The other variables, such as the use of marketing analytics (UMAN), service innovation and management (SINM), partially mediate the effect of MkISMC on the competitive performance of service firms.
Practical implications
The findings inform practitioners that MkISMC, UMAN and SINM play a vital role in attaining service firms' competitive performance in the data-rich environment. Overall, it deepens the understanding of the mediation effect of UMAN and SINM of service firms on competitive performance.
The study advances theoretical understanding of resource-based view (RBV), market orientation and dynamic capability that formulate the relationship of MkISMC, UMAN and SINM in attaining SFCP in the ever-changing data-driven business economy.
Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Fadi Abdel Muniem Abdel Fattah, Hasliza Hassan and Tayeenul Haque
The purpose of this study is to examine the underlying functions of sense of spirituality (SS), emotional intelligence (EI) and perceived work environment (PWE) towards knowledge…
The purpose of this study is to examine the underlying functions of sense of spirituality (SS), emotional intelligence (EI) and perceived work environment (PWE) towards knowledge sharing behaviour (KSB) among the academic staff of higher learning institutions (HLIs) through a comparative investigation. This study extends the investigation by examining the relationship between SS and KSB through the mediating role of EI. The moderating role of PWE between SS and KSB was also tested.
The sample comprised 300 responses from 150 Bangladeshi and 150 Malaysian academic staff of public and private HLIs. Convenient sampling tools were used. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to analyse the proposed model and hypotheses. The study explains the differences and similarities in KSB practices concerning SS, EI and PWE of the academic staff from the two countries’ HLIs.
The results support the direct positive effects of SS on KSB. The two data sets also support the indirect effects of SS on KSB through the mediation of EI. However, the results indicate that SS only promoted KSB among individuals with high levels of PWE in their respective institutions. For individuals with low levels of PWE, SS did not affect KSB.
Practical implications
The management of HLIs should engage their experiences and those of newly hired academic staff in the KSB process. However, in facilitating KSB culture among the academic staff, HLIs need to foster the staff’s SS, which ultimately improvises the EI to strongly influence KSB. The management of HLIs understands that SS may be inefficient in promoting KSB among employees with low PWE. Authorities of HLIs need to facilitate a quality work environment to enhance the association between SS and KSB.
This study is one of the initial attempts to investigate KSB by considering SS, EI and PWE in the context of Bangladesh and Malaysia HLIs. The findings of the study can serve as inputs to HLIs in developing best practices across KSB dimensions and improving academic staff performance.