Marcelo M. de Araújo, Eduardo T. Serra and Eva R. Cabral
Introduction Zinc weight per unit area is a crucial factor in the durability of galvanised parts with respect to corrosion and may be correlated with the thickness of the…
Introduction Zinc weight per unit area is a crucial factor in the durability of galvanised parts with respect to corrosion and may be correlated with the thickness of the galvanised coating by means of the latter's density. Thus, the thicker the coating, the longer the part is bound to last.
Luiz Paulo Lopes Fávero, Ricardo Goulart Serra, Marco Aurélio dos Santos and Eduardo Brunaldi
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of firm-, industry- and country-level determinants on real annual sales growth in the context of a cross-classified…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of firm-, industry- and country-level determinants on real annual sales growth in the context of a cross-classified multilevel perspective.
The authors studied 11,381 firms from 17 industries in six Latin American countries based on the data collected up to 2015. Since the data are nested in two levels (level 1: firms; level 2: cross-classification of industries and countries), the authors use a cross-classified multilevel model. The significant variability in all levels of analysis confirms the option for the multilevel model.
Differences in industries account for the largest proportion of variance (77.2 percent). This finding indicates that industry-level characteristics should be explored in the sales growth literature (it seems to the authors that they were neglected). This finding also calls attention to the roles of policy-makers in facilitating firm growth. The final model indicates that the considered variables explain approximately 55 percent of the differences in real annual sales growth in the same industry and country after having accounted for the impacts of the differences in firms. After accounting for the impacts of the differences in firms’ and countries’ characteristics, 43 percent of the variation in average real annual sales growth is due to differences in industries. The obtained results indicate that while firms from countries with higher GDP growth and more effective corporate boards present higher real annual sales growth, firms that operate in commodity producer industries have worse performance in this indicator. With respect to firm’s characteristics, larger firms (contradicting Gibrat’s law) and exporters grew less. Some results could be explained by the decrease in commodities’ prices and global purchases between 2012 and 2015.
The paper fills some gaps in the firm growth literature by testing Gibrat’s law in non-developed countries (not yet done, to the best of the authors’ knowledge) and exploring variables other than size in the explanation of firm growth (rarely used, to the best of the authors’ knowledge). Moreover, the adopted model correctly estimated the origin of the variability in firm growth in its natural cross-classified distinct levels.
Luiz Eduardo Gaio and Daniel Henrique Dario Capitani
This study investigates the impacts of the Russia–Ukraine conflict on the cross-correlation between agricultural commodity prices and crude oil prices.
This study investigates the impacts of the Russia–Ukraine conflict on the cross-correlation between agricultural commodity prices and crude oil prices.
The authors used MultiFractal Detrended Fluctuation Cross-Correlation Analysis (MF-X-DFA) to explore the correlation behavior before and during conflict. The authors analyzed the price connections between future prices for crude oil and agricultural commodities. Data consists of daily futures price returns for agricultural commodities (Corn, Soybean and Wheat) and Crude Oil (Brent) traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange from Aug 3, 2020, to July 29, 2022.
The results suggest that cross-correlation behavior changed after the conflict. The multifractal behavior was observed in the cross correlations. The Russia–Ukraine conflict caused an increase in the series' fractal strength. The study findings showed that the correlations involving the wheat market were higher and anti-persistent behavior was observed.
Research limitations/implications
The study was limited by the number of observations after the Russia–Ukraine conflict.
This study contributes to the literature that investigates the impact of the Russia–Ukraine conflict on the financial market. As this is a recent event, as far as we know, we did not find another study that investigated cross-correlation in agricultural commodities using multifractal analysis.
José Eduardo Teixeira, Fernando Serra, Rosiele Pinto and Luana Salles
This paper aims to investigate the role of resource orchestration in turnaround attempts following the organizational decline in the context of an emerging economy.
This paper aims to investigate the role of resource orchestration in turnaround attempts following the organizational decline in the context of an emerging economy.
Multicase study of three Brazilian textile firms, following their trajectory from 1997 to 2009. We did a “historical reconstruction using the methodology” proposed by Mintzberg and McHugh (1985) to guide our data collection and analysis procedures. The methodology is geared towards the study of the evolution of organizations over a past period, wherein the researcher reconstructs the events after they have occurred, having developed them from documentary analysis and oral history.
The results indicate that resource orchestration is a critical capability for ensuring the coordinated implementation of operational and strategic actions in a turnaround. Moreover, in a context involving severe environmental jolts, the conservation of organizational slack appears to influence the effectiveness of resource orchestration and explains the different outcomes the firms in this study achieved in their turnaround attempts.
Research limitations/implications
This paper may be useful to practitioners involved in turnarounds, helping them evaluate the consequences of decisions involving the acquisition, reconfiguration, bundling and divestment of firm resources.
Practical implications
Besides contributing to the advancement of theory-informed research on decline and turnaround, this paper may be useful to practitioners involved in turnarounds, when they consider the consequences of decisions involving firm resources.
This paper helps advance theory-informed research on decline and turnaround in developing economies, helping address a gap in the extant literature, primarily focused on firms in developed countries.
Investigar, en el contexto de una economía emergente, el papel de la orquestación de recursos en los intentos de recuperación después del declive organizacional`.
Estudio multicaso de tres empresas textiles brasileñas siguiendo su trayectoria desde 1997 hasta 2009. Hicimos una “reconstrucción histórica utilizando la metodología” propuesta por Mintzberg y McHugh (1985) para guiar nuestra recopilación de datos y procedimientos de análisis. La metodología está orientada hacia el estudio de la evolución de organizaciones en un período pasado, en el que el investigador reconstruye los eventos después de que han ocurrido, habiéndolos desarrollado a partir del análisis documental y la historia oral.
Nuestros resultados indican que la orquestación de recursos es una capacidad crítica para garantizar la implementación coordinada de acciones operativas y estratégicas en un processo de recuperación. Adicionalmente, en un contexto que implica impactos ambientales significativos, mantener la holgura organizacional parece influir sobre la eficacia de la orquestación de recursos y explica la diferencia de los resultados que las empresas encuestadas alcanzaron en sus tentativas de recuperación.
Implicaciones prácticas
Este artículo puede ser útil para los profesionales implicados en procesos de recuperación, ayudándoles a evaluar las consecuencias de las decisiones que implican la adquisición, reconfiguración, agrupación y desecho de recursos de la empresa.
Este estudio contribuye al avance de la investigación de base teórica sobre declive y recuperación en economías en desarrollo, ayudando a eliminar una laguna en la literatura existente, la cual se a centrado principalmente en empresas en países desarrollados.
Investigar o papel da orquestração de recursos nas tentativas de turnaround após o declínio organizacional, no contexto de uma economia emergente.
Estudo multicaso de três empresas têxteis brasileiras, seguindo sua trajetória de 1997 até 2009. Fizemos uma “reconstrução histórica usando o metodologia” proposta por Mintzberg e McHugh (1985) para guiar nossa coleta de dados e procedimentos de análise. A metodologia é voltada para o estudo da evolução de organizaçöes ao longo de um período passado, em que o pesquisador reconstrói os eventos após ocorreram, tendo-os desenvolvido a partir da análise documental e da história oral.
Nossos resultados indicam que a orquestração de recursos é uma capacidade crítica para garantir a implementação coordenada de ações operacionais e estratégicas num turnaround. Adicionalmente, num contexto envolvendo choques ambientais significativos, a preservação da folga organizacional parece influenciar a eficácia da orquestração de recursos e explicar a diferença dos resultados que as empresas pesquisadas alcançaram nas suas tentativas de turnaround.
Implicações práticas
Este artigo pode ser útil para profissionais envolvidos em turnarounds, ajudando-os a avaliar as consequências de decisões envolvendo a aquisição, reconfiguração, agrupamento e descarte de recursos da empresa.
Este estudo contribui para o avanço da pesquisa de base teórica sobre declínio e turnaround em economias em desenvolvimento, ajudando a eliminar uma lacuna na literatura existente, focada principalmente em empresas em países desenvolvidos.
- Organizational decline
- Textile industry
- Organizational slack
- Brasil
- Environmental jolt
- Resource orchestration
- Turnaround
- Impacto ambiental
- Declive organizacional
- Holgura organizacional
- Orquestación de recursos
- Recuperación
- Industria textil
- Choque ambiental
- Declínio organizacional
- Folga organizacional
- Orquestração de recursos
- Turnaround
- Indústria têxtil
Isabel Scafuto, Fernando Serra, Eduardo Mangini, Emerson Antonio Maccari and Roberto Ruas
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the perceived quality of the service environment, regarding the use of the flipped classroom, through a survey of MBA students.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the perceived quality of the service environment, regarding the use of the flipped classroom, through a survey of MBA students.
Four hypotheses were developed from the literature in marketing and quality services in higher education. The hypotheses were tested using linear regressions. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The sample had 981 effective responses.
The results of the statistical analysis show that the evaluation of the perceived quality of the educator and course are positively affected by the use of the flipped classroom.
Research limitations/implications
Only one higher education organisation was studied. The variables analysed have no mediation and moderation, which is a suggestion for future studies.
This paper contributes to studies of higher education services and quality, as it shows the influence of the process on the educator. In higher education, the educator is usually considered independent, having a strong influence on perceived quality. The study contributes to the theme by showing the flipped classroom as an effective teaching strategy that requires further empirical study.
Eva Martin-Fuentes, Juan Pedro Mellinas and Eduardo Parra-Lopez
The purpose of this paper is to determine whether different scales and ways to collect reviews and ratings found on online travel agencies (OTAs) can affect hotels, and whether…
The purpose of this paper is to determine whether different scales and ways to collect reviews and ratings found on online travel agencies (OTAs) can affect hotels, and whether hotels obtain the same or different evaluations.
Hotel ratings from five OTAs in four European markets were collected and compared in pairs. An initial comparison was made with the hotel scores of each OTA to show what a typical user would see. Then, a rescaled score (0-10) was used to compare all the OTA scales appropriately and to distinguish between what customers observe and what the reality is.
The results reveal that that uses a scale (2.5-10) and Agoda with a scale (2-10) seem to give higher rating scores than Atrapalo (1-10), Travel Republic (0-10) and hotel reservation service (1-10). However, when the scores are rescaled (0-10), the worst ratings are found on followed by Agoda.
Practical implications
OTAs should include, next to the scores, the scale used to rate hotels so as to provide users with better and clearer information. Moreover, rating questionnaires should match the verbal denominations with their numerical values to avoid biased ratings.
Social implications
OTAs and hotel managers are losing information provided by customers because customers are not aware of the scale when rating hotels. Moreover, hotel ratings are used by potential customers to obtain a clearer image of an establishment. However, if some hotels are being overrated by some scales, customers might have higher expectations, which may not be met.
The unique rating scales of and Agoda provide additional insights into their hotel evaluations, which seem to be apparently higher when in fact they are not.
本研究收集并比较了来自四个欧洲市场中五个OTA的酒店等级数据。研究首先对每个OTA的酒店得分进行了比较, 以显示一般用户会看到的内容。然后研究使用重新缩放的得分(0-10)来恰当地比较所有OTA的酒店等级, 并区分顾客观察到的内容和现实。
结果显示, Booking.com使用的量表(2.5-10)和Agoda的量表(2-10), 似乎高于Atrapalo(1-10), Travel Republic(0-10)和 hotel reservation service (1-10)的评分。但是, 当分数重新调整为(0-10)时, 最差的评分是在Booking.com上, 其次是Agoda。
OTA应在评分旁边注明用于对酒店进行评分的量表, 以便为用户提供更好, 更清晰的信息。此外, 评级问卷应使评价描述与其数值相匹配, 以避免评级出现偏差。
OTA和酒店经理正在丢失客户所提供的信息, 因为客户在对酒店进行评级时并不了解其使用的量表。此外, 潜在客户使用酒店评级来获得更清晰的企业形象。但是, 如果某些酒店被某些网站的评级量表高估, 那么客户可能会有偏高的期望, 而这些期望可能无法被满足。
Booking.com和Agoda的独特评分等级标准为酒店提供了更多见解, 而实际上酒店的情况可能并非如此。
Las escalas de calificación de las opiniones de los viajes online y sus efectos en la valoración y competitividad de los hoteles.
El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar si las diferentes escalas y formas de recopilar opiniones y valoraciones de las Agencias de Viajes Online (OTAs), pueden afectar a si los hoteles tienen las mismas o distintas calificaciones.
Las calificaciones de hoteles de cinco OTAs en cuatro mercados europeos, se recopilaron y compararon por pares. Se realizó una comparación inicial con las puntuaciones de los hoteles de cada OTA, para mostrar lo que vería un usuario típico. Luego, se utilizó una puntuación de reescalado (0-10), para comparar todas las escalas de las OTAs de manera apropiada y así poder diferenciar entre lo que los clientes observan y lo que es en realidad.
Los resultados revelan que, que utiliza una escala (2.5-10) y Agoda con una escala (2-10), parecen puntuar con calificaciones más altas que Atrapalo (1-10), Travel Republic (0-10) y hotel reservation service (1-10). Sin embargo, cuando se vuelven a escalar las puntuaciones (0-10), las peores calificaciones se encuentran en, seguida de Agoda.
Implicaciones prácticas
Las OTAs deben incluir, junto a las puntuaciones, la escala utilizada para calificar los hoteles a fin de proporcionar a los usuarios una información mayor y más clara. Además, los cuestionarios de calificación deben hacer coincidir las denominaciones verbales con sus valores numéricos para evitar calificaciones sesgadas.
Implicaciones sociales
Por un lado las OTAs y los gerentes de hoteles, están perdiendo información proporcionada por los clientes, porque los clientes no son conscientes del tipo de escala utilizada cuando califican los hoteles. Por otro lado, los clientes potenciales utilizan las calificaciones de los hoteles para obtener una imagen más clara de un establecimiento. Por lo que en muchos casos, los clientes pueden tener expectativas más altas, que pueden no cumplirse, si los hoteles están siendo sobrevalorados por algunas escalas.
Las escalas de calificación únicas de y Agoda, brindan información adicional sobre las evaluaciones de sus hoteles que parecen ser aparentemente más altas cuando en realidad no lo son.
Javier Martínez-Falcó, Eduardo Sánchez-García, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara and Gustav Visser
This research aims to explore the influence of the wine tourism development on the sustainable competitive advantage of Spanish wineries as well as the role of employee well-being…
This research aims to explore the influence of the wine tourism development on the sustainable competitive advantage of Spanish wineries as well as the role of employee well-being and organizational commitment on this main relationship.
This research formulates a theoretical model and then examines it through structural equation modeling. The analysis is based on data collected from 196 wineries in Spain, compiled during the period from September 2022 to January 2023.
The results of this study show a positive and significant effect between the wine tourism development and the sustainable competitive advantage of wineries in Spain as well as the mediating role of employee well-being and organizational commitment in this main connection.
Practical implications
Based on the study’s findings, winery managers are advised to develop wine tourism strategies that include guided tours emphasizing sustainability, curated food and wine experiences, cultural activities and specialized employee training programs to improve service quality, strengthen organizational commitment, and eventually achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
The distinctiveness of this research stems from various key aspects: first, it enhances insight into the benefits linked to the wine tourism research field; second, this is the inaugural study to explore wine tourism development as a driving force for sustainable competitive advantage within Spanish wineries and; third, prior studies have not concurrently examined the functions of employee well-being and organizational commitment in mediating the connection between wine tourism development and the wineries’ sustainable competitive advantage.
Eduardo André Cândido Da Silva, Flávio Santino Bizarrias, Renato Penha, Luciano Ferreira da Silva and Cristiane Drebes Pedron
Despite the significant interest from researchers and practitioners, the literature on project value measurement from the perspective of the customer is non-existent. This study…
Despite the significant interest from researchers and practitioners, the literature on project value measurement from the perspective of the customer is non-existent. This study aims to address this gap by developing and validating a scale to measure project value through a customer lens called the customer perception of project value scale.
A list of items was initially generated based on 762 sample responses through a systematic review of the literature and with the participation of specialists. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses and structural equation modelling were used to develop and validate the scale.
The authors formulated a four-dimension scale. The dimensions used to measure the second-order construct are customer centrality, process, delivery and cost-benefit. This was validated using a nomological structure.
Research limitations/implications
The non-consensual nature of what is value in projects restricts the results of this study to the context of a specific group of stakeholders only, that is, the consumers of the projects. The authors also see limitations in the absence of competing scales, which do not allow the comparison of the instrument with alternative measures.
Practical implications
This study allows project managers and other professionals to measure a project’s perceived value from the customer’s point of view and manage the improvement of this perception.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to propose a scale to measure project value, which advances the literature on project management and value and contributes to academic knowledge and practice by measuring project value from the customer standpoint.
Javier Martínez-Falcó, Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, Patrocinio Zaragoza-Sáez and Eduardo Sánchez-García
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of wine tourism on the economic, social and environmental performance, i.e. the sustainable performance, of Spanish wineries. In…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of wine tourism on the economic, social and environmental performance, i.e. the sustainable performance, of Spanish wineries. In addition, age, size and membership in the protected designation of origin are introduced as control variables to increase the precision of the cause-effect relationships analyzed.
A conceptual model is proposed, which is tested by means of structural equation modeling based on data from a survey of 202 Spanish wineries.
The results indicate the existence of a positive and significant link between wine tourism activities and the three performance typologies analyzed in the Spanish wine context.
The study contributes to the academic literature on wine tourism in a remarkable way, as, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no previous literature that has addressed the effect of wine tourism on the sustainable performance of Spanish wineries, making the study useful for both academics and wine professionals who are considering the implementation or development of this typology of tourism in their facilities.
Sergio Díaz-González, Jesus M. Torres, Eduardo Parra-López and Rosa M. Aguilar
Smart tourist destinations (STDs) make use of new technologies to facilitate and improve the experience of tourists. So why not use these technologies to efficiently manage the…
Smart tourist destinations (STDs) make use of new technologies to facilitate and improve the experience of tourists. So why not use these technologies to efficiently manage the destination? The aim of this work is to define and implement a methodology that provides value to STDs by defining their most important characteristics to monitor and quantify them automatically in real time.
The authors developed a conceptual framework to the smart tourism approach presented in previous studies, the latest technologies and the application of the smart tourism system (STS). Based on the focus group method with stakeholders from the tourism industry of the Spanish tourist municipality of Puerto de la Cruz, they defined the main KPIs for a municipal STD. Likewise, the authors specified the necessary technologies to obtain, manage and represent the data, and the method for quantifying the quality of the STD by using the AHP method. Lastly, they implemented the framework for the aforementioned municipality.
The implementation in a real context of the STS proposed for Puerto de la Cruz demonstrates its validity and the possibility of adapting it to any other municipal destination. In addition, the authors corroborate how this STS improves on other versions.
This paper provides a theoretical methodology to improve STD management and implements it. Other studies have focused only on the theoretical aspect. Moreover, automated management tools are emerging for STDs, but they lack the quality provided by the scientific approach employed herein.