« Tourism is all about selling dreams » In his basic report, Frans Schouten stated that heritage is the outcome of a melting pot of value systems, of which you can describe the…
« Tourism is all about selling dreams » In his basic report, Frans Schouten stated that heritage is the outcome of a melting pot of value systems, of which you can describe the ingredients, but not the mass.
Tourism and airtransport, although mass tourism was possible by other transports facilities, the great step forward was put with developments in airtransport.
Theme: Leisure — Recreation — Tourism — Aims To examine trends in leisure time on a daily, weekly and annual basis
This register of current research in social economics has been compiled by the International Institute of Social Economics. The register does not claim to be comprehensive but is…
This register of current research in social economics has been compiled by the International Institute of Social Economics. The register does not claim to be comprehensive but is merely an aid for research workers and institutions interested in social economics. The register will be updated and made more comprehensive in the future but this is largely dependent on the inflow of information from researchers in social economics. In order to facilitate this process a standardised form is to be found on the last page of this register. Completed forms, with attached sheets as necessary, should be returned to the compiler: Dr Barrie O. Pettman, Director, International Institute of Social Economics, Enholmes Hall, Patrington, Hull, N. Humberside, England, HU12 OPR. Any other comments on the register will also be welcome.