Keberkesanan penyampaian sesuatu maklumat memerlukan individu, alat mahupun saluran yang unggul dan bersesuaian. Usaha ini haruslah dirancang dan dipertimbangkan dengan teliti…
Keberkesanan penyampaian sesuatu maklumat memerlukan individu, alat mahupun saluran yang unggul dan bersesuaian. Usaha ini haruslah dirancang dan dipertimbangkan dengan teliti oleh pihak tertentu agar setiap apa yang ingin disampaikan dan dilaksanakan itu dapat diberigakan dengan mudah dan berkesan. Dari itu, penggunaan bahasa retorik dilihat sebagai batu loncatan yang memberikan keyakinan dan tahap keberkesanan yang tinggi bagi sesebuah wacana yang disampaikan tersebut. Kewibawaan retorik sebagai seni yang mempengaruhi bukan sahaja berperanan untuk memperkukuhkan kekuasaan mahupun mempengaruhi fikiran dan emosi orang lain namun sebaliknya mampu menstimulasikan keseimbangan hubungan sosial yang terbentuk melalui sistem pemerintahan sesebuah negara. Melalui penyelidikan ini, setiap ciri khas retorik dapat diketengahkan dengan menghuraikan peranan dan fungsi-fungsi yang dimainkan oleh jenis-jenis retorik dalam penulisan sesebuah wacana. Hal ini khusus bagi mengilustrasikan idea, gagasan mahupun suatu fakta terhadap sesuatu pendekatan dengan cara yang kreatif dan terbaik. Di samping itu, keutamaan bagi penerapan bahasa retorik dalam perutusan kerajaan seharusnya dapat diperkasakan sewajarnya dengan menjadikannya sebagai anjakan paradigma ke arah perpaduan dan nilai kesaksamaan dalam masyarakat. Justeru, kajian ini memanfaatkan Teori Retorik Moden oleh Enos dan Brown (1993) sebagai landasan utama dalam menganalisis sejumlah 20 perutusan rasmi berkaitan jangkitan covid-19 di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Berdasarkan pemerhatian dan penganalisisan yang dijalankan, hanya empat jenis retorik yang diaplikasikan dalam wacana tersebut. Kesimpulan statistik merangkumi 34% teknik pendedahan, 30% teknik penerangan, 33% teknik pemujukan dan hanya 3% bagi teknik penghujahan. Dapatan penyelidikan ini membuktikan bahawa penggunaan bahasa retorik dalam perutusan rasmi kerajaan adalah amat penting dalam memperkukuhkan sistem pemerintahan negara serta mampu melestarikan cara hidup yang relevan dan berkualiti.
The effectiveness of delivering information requiresindividuals, tools or channels that are superior and appropriate. This effort must be planned and considered carefully so that everything that is to be conveyed and implemented can be conveyed easily and effectively. Therefore, the use of rhetorical language is regarded as a stepping stone that provides confidence and a higher level of effectiveness. `Rhetoric as an influential art not only plays a role in strengthening power or influencing the thoughts and emotions of others but also stimulate sthe balance of social relations. Through this research, each rhetorical feature is highlighted to discuss its role and functions in the discourse. Using Enos and Brown’s Modern Rhetorical Theory (1993), a total of 20 official conferences on the latest developments of the spread of covid-19 infection were discussed. Findings have shown that there were four main types of rhetoric, i.e. Statistical conclusions which include 34% of expository techniques, 30% of descriptive, 33% of persuasion and only 3% for argumentation techniques. This also implies that rhetoric language is very important in ensuring the dissemination of knowledge among the institution and people is effective and and transparent.
Lin Kang, Jie Wang, Junjie Chen and Di Yang
Since the performance of vehicular users and cellular users (CUE) in Vehicular networks is highly affected by the allocated resources to them. The purpose of this paper is to…
Since the performance of vehicular users and cellular users (CUE) in Vehicular networks is highly affected by the allocated resources to them. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the resource allocation for vehicular communications when multiple V2V links and a V2I link share spectrum with CUE in uplink communication under different Quality of Service (QoS).
An optimization model to maximize the V2I capacity is established based on slowly varying large-scale fading channel information. Multiple V2V links are clustered based on sparrow search algorithm (SSA) to reduce interference. Then, a weighted tripartite graph is constructed by jointly optimizing the power of CUE, V2I and V2V clusters. Finally, spectrum resources are allocated based on a weighted 3D matching algorithm.
The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can maximize the channel capacity of V2I while ensuring the reliability of V2V and the quality of service of CUE.
There is a lack of research on resource allocation algorithms of CUE, V2I and multiple V2V in different QoS. To solve the problem, one new resource allocation algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, multiple V2V links are clustered using SSA to reduce interference. Secondly, the power allocation of CUE, V2I and V2V is jointly optimized. Finally, the weighted 3D matching algorithm is used to allocate spectrum resources.
Zhang Zhenmin, Sun Zhaowei and Yang Di
This article presents the optimized design, analysis and calculation concerning the trajectory of a lunar polar probe. Firstly, the trajectory design principles and constraints…
This article presents the optimized design, analysis and calculation concerning the trajectory of a lunar polar probe. Firstly, the trajectory design principles and constraints are determined. The preliminary design and analysis of the circumlunar orbit, transfer orbit to the moon and earth parking orbit are carried out separately and some computations for the flight trajectory concept have been made too. To reduce the fuel needed for error in orbital maneuver efficiently and satisfy the requirements on the launch window, some detailed design and analysis for the rather advanced phasing earth‐moon transfer orbit are given here and also the strategy for optimum orbit correction.
Pengji Wang and Di Yang
Spacecraft formation flying is a key technology for future astronautics. The relative dynamics of formation flying in eccentric orbits is studied, and the relative motion between…
Spacecraft formation flying is a key technology for future astronautics. The relative dynamics of formation flying in eccentric orbits is studied, and the relative motion between spacecrafts is analyzed in this paper. Based on the two‐body problem, the extension of Hill equations is achieved and used in relative dynamics of eccentric orbits. Moreover, the transformation of differential variables is applied, and the algebraic solution of the relative motion is obtained, which can be generally used for spacecraft formation flying in eccentric orbits. In addition, the analysis and numerical simulations are given for the relative motion of spacecraft formation flying. The results demonstrate that each spacecraft in eccentric orbits can run in a periodic motion surrounding the master spacecraft under some conditions. And multiple spacecraft can also set up some special formations according to missions.
Di Yang, Weiwei Qu and Yinglin Ke
The riveting process is a metal forming process involving complex elastic-plastic deformation, which will induce a compressive residual stress field and cause local distortions in…
The riveting process is a metal forming process involving complex elastic-plastic deformation, which will induce a compressive residual stress field and cause local distortions in the connecting areas. Regarding to the aircraft panel assemblies with plenty of rivets, the global deformation is inevitable and undesired, leading difficulties to downstream assembly processes. This paper aims to present a new method for the local distortion calculation and the global deformation prediction of sheet panel assemblies during the automated riveting process.
In this paper, a simplified algebraic study is presented to analyze the local distortion of single countersunk rivet joint with the consideration of the barrel-like shape of the driven head and the through-thickness variations along the rivet shank. Then, an equivalent rivet unit is proposed based on the result of the algebraic study and embedded into the global-level model for the prediction of the overall distortions of riveted panels.
The algebraic study is able to reach a more precise contour of the deformed rivet than the traditional assumption of cylindrical deformations and rapidly determine the equivalent coefficients of the riveting unit. The result also shows an industrial acceptable accuracy of the prediction for the global deformations of the double-layered panel assemblies widely used in the aircraft panel structures.
A new local-global method for predicting the deformations of the riveted panel assembly based on the algebraic study of the local distortions is proposed to help the engineers in the early design stages or in the assembly process planning stage.
Di Yang, Weiwei Qu and Yinglin Ke
For the automatic drilling and riveting in panel assembly, gaps between the skin and strangers are inevitable and undesirable. At present, the determination of pre-joining schemes…
For the automatic drilling and riveting in panel assembly, gaps between the skin and strangers are inevitable and undesirable. At present, the determination of pre-joining schemes relies on workers’ experience, introducing excessive number and inappropriate locations of pre-joining. This paper aims to present a new method for the evaluation of residual clearances after pre-joining and the pre-joining scheme optimization, providing operation guidance for the workers in panel assembly workshop.
In this paper, an equivalent gap assembly model for pre-joining is proposed on the basis of the mechanism of variation. This model retains the essential elastic behavior of the key features during the pre-joining operation and calculates the residual clearances in the view of the potential energy. Subsequently, this method is embedded into a Pareto optimality-based genetic algorithm, and the optimal pre-joining schemes are achieved with the consideration of the total residual clearances and the permissive tolerances.
The equivalent gap assembly model has the capability to predict an acceptable degree of accuracy of the residual clearances and achieve the optimized pre-joining schemes with less number of pre-joining at the same level of residual clearances.
Practical implications
The optimized pre-joining schemes are given in the form of Pareto optimality set, and workers can select suitable results according to their inclination to the quality and efficiency.
The paper is the first to propose the equivalent gap assembly model for the pre-joining operation, which provides for the simplification of the calculation of residual clearances based on the constrained variation principles.
Di Yang and Zhiming Gao
A finite volume scheme for diffusion equations on non-rectangular meshes is proposed in [Deyuan Li, Hongshou Shui, Minjun Tang, J. Numer. Meth. Comput. Appl., 1(4)(1980)217–224…
A finite volume scheme for diffusion equations on non-rectangular meshes is proposed in [Deyuan Li, Hongshou Shui, Minjun Tang, J. Numer. Meth. Comput. Appl., 1(4)(1980)217–224 (in Chinese)], which is the so-called nine point scheme on structured quadrilateral meshes. The scheme has both cell-centered unknowns and vertex unknowns which are usually expressed as a linear weighted interpolation of the cell-centered unknowns. The critical factor to obtain the optimal accuracy for the scheme is the reconstruction of vertex unknowns. However, when the mesh deformation is severe or the diffusion tensor is discontinuous, the accuracy of the scheme is not satisfactory, and the author hope to improve this scheme.
The authors propose an explicit weighted vertex interpolation algorithm which allows arbitrary diffusion tensors and does not depend on the location of discontinuity. Both the derivation of the scheme and that of vertex reconstruction algorithm satisfy the linearity preserving criterion which requires that a discretization scheme should be exact on linear solutions. The vertex interpolation algorithm can be easily extended to 3 D case.
Numerical results show that it maintain optimal convergence rates for the solution and flux on 2 D and 3 D meshes in case that the diffusion tensor is taken to be anisotropic, at times heterogeneous, and/or discontinuous.
This paper proposes a linearity preserving and explicit weighted vertex interpolation algorithm for cell-centered finite volume approximations of diffusion equations on general grids. The proposed finite volume scheme with the new interpolation algorithm allows arbitrary continuous or discontinuous diffusion tensors; the final scheme is applicable to arbitrary polygonal grids, which may have concave cells or degenerate ones with hanging nodes. The final scheme has second-order convergence rate for the approximate solution and higher than first-order accuracy for the flux on 2 D and 3 D meshes. The explicit weighted interpolation algorithm is easy to implement in three dimensions in case that the diffusion tensor is continuous or discontinuous.
Wafiqah Asnola and Zulfadzlee Zulkiflee
Isu diskriminasi antara kaum telah tular di media sosial berikutan isu pemberian vaksin secara jumpa terus yang mula dibukakan di Pusat Vaksinasi Stadium Tertutup pada hari…
Isu diskriminasi antara kaum telah tular di media sosial berikutan isu pemberian vaksin secara jumpa terus yang mula dibukakan di Pusat Vaksinasi Stadium Tertutup pada hari Jumaat, 24 September 2021. Jumlah orang ramai yang ingin mengambil vaksin telah melebihi jangkaan sehingga menyebabkan keadaan menjadi tidak terkawal dan berlakunya pelanggaran Prosedur Pengendalian Standard (SOP). Kajian ini dijalankan untuk membincangkan isu diskriminasi kaum yang berlaku semasa gelombang kedua pandemik COVID-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif secara deskriptif. Data yang diperolehi daripada komen-komen dalam halaman Brunei Dot Com, dan Facebook ini seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan model tiga dimensi Fairclough (1992). Hasil kajian mendapati kesemua komen telah menunjukkan sikap diskriminasi dalam kalangan masyarakat Brunei secara sedar ataupun tidak. Isu diskriminasi ini bukan sahaja dapat dilihat dari sudut representasi linguistik, tetapi juga penghasilan dan pewahanaan wacana berkaitan pada halaman Brunei Dot Com, dan Facebook. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa wacana bukan saja mampu dibentuk masyarakat tetapi juga membentuknya.
The issue of racial discrimination concerning the commencement of walk-in vaccination at the Indoor Stadium Vaccination Centre on Friday, 24 September 2021 was widely addressed in the social media. Chaos ensued as an influx of people attended the centre and violated the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). This paper examines the issue of racial discrimination during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Brunei. As a qualitative-descriptive study, data obtained from Brunei Dot Com, and Facebook page, were analysed using Fairclough's (1992) three-dimensional approach. Findings have shown presence of discriminatory attitudes among the local community displayed as deliberately or unintentionally. This is manifested in its linguistic representations, discourse production and consumption in the selected Brunei Dot Com and Facebook pages. This study indicates that a discourse is not only capable of shaping but is also shaped by the community.
Christopher Richardson, Md Salleh Yaapar and Sabrina Amir
– The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of budi, a concept incorporating moral values and intellect, in shaping the Malay workplace ethics and behaviour of the Malays.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of budi, a concept incorporating moral values and intellect, in shaping the Malay workplace ethics and behaviour of the Malays.
This is a conceptual paper investigating how existing knowledge of budi and Malay cultural traditions manifests and affects contemporary workplace practices.
Although the origins of budi can be traced back to pre-Islamic Malay civilisation, its influence can still be found in contemporary workplace settings. For example, the hierarchical organisational structure and workplace etiquette that characterise Malay managerial practices are related to budi. At the same time, this paper also suggests that budi may potentially serve as a catalyst for certain less desirable work practices, including the greater importance attached to prioritising social relations over work performance.
In analysing budi, the paper explores a largely overlooked cultural concept within management literature. Although the Malay world is a rapidly growing centre of economic and business activity, relatively little scholarly attention has been devoted to exploring the cultural underpinnings and foundations that shape and influence Malay managerial and workplace practices among Malays.
Made Indra Wijaya, Abd Rahim Mohamad and Muhammad Hafizurrachman
The purpose of this paper is to assess the association between shift schedule realignment and patient safety culture.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the association between shift schedule realignment and patient safety culture.
Using difference in differences model, BIMC Hospitals and Siloam Hospital Bali were compared before and after shift schedule realignment to test the association between shift schedule realignment and patient safety culture.
Shift schedule realignment was associated with a significant improvement in staffing (coefficient 1.272; 95% CI 0.842 – 1.702; p<0.001), teamwork within units (coefficient 1.689; 95% CI 1.206 – 2.171; p<0.001), teamwork across units (coefficient 1.862; 95% CI 1.415 – 2.308; p<0.001), handoffs and transitions (coefficient 0.999; 95% CI 0.616 – 1.382; p<0.001), frequency of error reported (coefficient 1.037; 95% CI 0.581 – 1.493; p<0.001), feedback and communication about error (coefficient 1.412; 95% CI 0.982 – 1.841; p<0.001) and communication openness (coefficient 1.393; 95% CI 0.968 – 1.818; p<0.001).
Practical implications
With positive impact on patient safety culture, shift schedule realignment should be considered as quality improvement initiative. It stretches the compressed workload suffered by staff while maintaining 40 h per week in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Shift schedule realignment, designed to improve patient safety culture, has never been implemented in any Indonesian private hospital. Other hospital managers might also appreciate knowing about the shift schedule realignment to improve the patient safety culture.