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Publication date: 18 November 2019

Mario Alguacil, Juan Núñez-Pomar, Carlos Pérez-Campos and Vicente Prado-Gascó

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of brand-related variables as congruence and brand trust on the traditional model formed by perceived quality, perceived value…



The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of brand-related variables as congruence and brand trust on the traditional model formed by perceived quality, perceived value (PV) and satisfaction, in order to compare predictive models for the variables of PV, satisfaction and future intentions of 683 users of sports services.


The analysis has been carried out using two different methodologies. First, three models have been proposed to be analyzed by hierarchical regression models, in order to subsequently propose a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to verify the existence or not of necessary and sufficient conditions.


The results indicate that both the classic service variables and the elements related to the brand significantly predict PV, satisfaction and future intentions, in some cases with greater predictive weight being given to congruence and trust than the classic service variables. In addition, linear models have been shown to improve their predictive capability by including brand-related variables, especially the future intentions model. After the fsQCA, congruence and trust have proved to be sufficient combinations to achieve high levels of PV and future intentions, while this is not the case for satisfaction.


The importance of the aspects related to the brand, either on their own or in combination with the classic service variables, is demonstrated, contributing to the literature on brand image in sports services, which is practically non-existent.


El objetivo es analizar el papel de las variables relacionadas con la marca como la congruencia y la confianza en la marca en el modelo tradicional formado por la calidad percibida, el valor percibido y la satisfacción, con el fin de comparar modelos predictivos para las variables de valor percibido, satisfacción e intenciones futuras de 683 usuarios de servicios deportivos.


El análisis se ha llevado a cabo utilizando dos metodologías diferentes. En primer lugar, se han propuesto 3 modelos para ser analizados mediante modelos de regresión jerárquica, con el fin de proponer posteriormente un análisis comparativo cualitativo de conjuntos difusos para verificar la existencia o no de condiciones necesarias y suficientes.


Los resultados indican que tanto las variables clásicas del servicio como los elementos relacionados con la marca predicen significativamente el valor percibido, la satisfacción y las intenciones futuras, en algunos casos con un mayor peso predictivo de la congruencia y la confianza que las variables clásicas de servicio. Además, se ha demostrado que los modelos lineales mejoran su capacidad predictiva al incluir las variables relacionadas con la marca, especialmente en el modelo de intenciones futuras. Después del análisis cualitativo comparativo, la congruencia y la confianza han demostrado ser combinaciones suficientes para lograr altos niveles de valor percibido e intenciones futuras, mientras que no ha sido así en el caso de la satisfacción.


Queda demostrada la importancia de los aspectos relacionados con la marca, por sí solos o en combinación con las variables clásicas del servicio, contribuyendo a la literatura sobre la imagen de marca en los servicios deportivos, que es prácticamente inexistente.

Publication date: 26 July 2021

Cristian Bedoya-Dorado, Guillermo Murillo-Vargas and Carlos Hernan Gonzalez-Campo

This paper aims to analyze how Colombian Universities have incorporated the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development goals (SDGs) into their missions and visions.



This paper aims to analyze how Colombian Universities have incorporated the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development goals (SDGs) into their missions and visions.


The study used a documentary design to analyze the content of the missions and visions of the 86 Colombian Universities registered with the Ministry of National Education (MEN).


The study shows that universities are primarily aligned with Goal 13 as follows: climate action and this alignment is carried out to a great extent by the university’s governance, culture and activities. In contrast, there was a predominance of intentions to address the social dimension of sustainable development (SD).

Research limitations/implications

The study focused on examining universities’ missions and visions, which leaves out other sources of information that could account for university practices linked to the SDGs and sustainability.

Practical implications

The study’s results reveal the degree to which the universities are aligned with the SDGs in Colombia, which serves as a basis for the formulation of guidelines by the MEN and other organizations to strengthen the processes that contribute to the 2030 Agenda.


Research on how universities align with the SDGs is not a new topic, but it is scarce in the Colombian context. This research contributes to this gap by addressing the topic from a holistic and comparative perspective of SD education.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 23 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1467-6370


Publication date: 6 March 2018

María Huertas González-Serrano, Irena Valantine, Josep Crespo Hervás, Carlos Pérez-Campos and Ferran Calabuig Moreno

The purpose of this paper is to understand how the nationality and the sport education system could affect the entrepreneurial intentions (EI) of undergraduate sport science…



The purpose of this paper is to understand how the nationality and the sport education system could affect the entrepreneurial intentions (EI) of undergraduate sport science students in two different countries.


A total of 249 undergraduate sport sciences (SS) students from Spain and Lithuania were analysed. The EI questioner questionnaire by Liñán and Chen (2009) was used to compile the data during the 2016-2017 academic year.


There are significant differences between the sport science students of Spain and Lithuania. The Lithuanian students have significantly higher means in the variables of EI, perceived behaviour control and professional attraction. Moreover, the variables that predict EI are different, and certain path coefficients of the variables are also significantly different.

Research limitations/implications

The sample originates from one university in each country; therefore, these results may not be generalisable to the entire population.

Practical implications

The SS degrees in Lithuania and Spain should follow different educational policies with the objective of fostering EI and increasing the number of entrepreneurs.

Social implications

Creating adequate educational policies to foster entrepreneurship in sports across countries could improve the number of entrepreneurs in the sports sectors; thus, the youth unemployment rate will decrease.


There has been no previous research that analyses the EI of sport science students across contexts through the theory of planned behaviour. Moreover, there are no studies that compare the EI of university students between Spain (Western Europe) and Lithuania (Eastern Europe).


Education + Training, vol. 60 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0040-0912


Publication date: 5 September 2021

Paulo Reis, Mariana Volpini, Joana Pimenta Maia, Igor Batista Guimarães, Cristiane Evelise, Maurício Monteiro and Juan Carlos Campos Rubio

The purpose of this study is to validate a novel model of resting hand splint manufactured by additive manufacturing (AM) and compare it with the traditional model manufactured by…



The purpose of this study is to validate a novel model of resting hand splint manufactured by additive manufacturing (AM) and compare it with the traditional model manufactured by high temperature thermoplastic in terms of cost, weight, volume and thermal comfort.


A novel resting hand splint model was created from the topology optimization (TO) and analyzed, by finite-element analysis, manufacturing cost and weight, with a traditional resting hand splint. A pilot clinical study was carried out to verify heat diffusion during the use of the two splints.


The results showed that compared with the traditional model, the novel model reduced the volume of material used by 35.48%, the weight of the orthosis by 17.56% and the maximum surface deformation by 171.17% when subjected to actuation forces. It was also verified that, when manufactured with Nylon by AM, the new model is 1.5 times cheaper than the traditional model made of Polypropylene. The result of the thermographic analysis showed greater temperature variation in the use of the traditional splint (+4.6°C) compared to the temperature variation observed in the nylon splint (2.1°C).

Practical implications

These results have as clinical relevance the demonstration of the feasibility of manufacturing functional orthoses that are more comfortable, cheaper and lighter than traditional ones.


This study describes the use of TO to manufacture a novel resting hand splint, which was compared with the commonly used traditional splint in terms of mechanical resistance, weight, cost and thermal comfort.


Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 28 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-2546


Publication date: 31 August 2021

Carlos Hernan Gonzalez-Campo, Guillermo Murillo-Vargas and Monica Garcia Solarte

A mission statement is the central axis of any organization and the cornerstone of its strategic planning. Universities have implemented this tool to define, among other things…



A mission statement is the central axis of any organization and the cornerstone of its strategic planning. Universities have implemented this tool to define, among other things, its identity; however, the legal nature and functions of the mission statement have not been determined. In this article, the authors analyze the differences in the university mission statements of public and private higher education institutions in relation to the mission functions proposed by the 1992 legislation on higher education in Colombia – Law 30 – involving teaching, research, extension and social projection and internationalization.


Through content analysis, the authors analyze the mission statements of two groups of institutions that make up the totality of universities in Colombia – 32 public and 53 private universities. The analysis is conducted along the four dimensions defined by the law as comprising the higher education mission, i.e. teaching, research, extension and social projection, and internationalization, due to its importance in the high-quality institutional accreditation process.


Based on the differences identified in the mission statements, the authors establish the university functions and determine how they give back to society in their legal capacity as public or private institutions.

Research limitations/implications

This research scenario is appropriate for answering research questions related to whether there are differences in the strategies of Colombian public and private universities based on their mission statements. Although the Colombian higher education system includes various types of tertiary institutions, only universities are included in the study.

Practical implications

Research has shown that regardless of their legal nature, based on their mission statements, Colombian universities are mainly geared towards teaching. However, when comparing additional dimensions, private universities are less involved in research processes and more focused on activities related to social impact than are public universities. Additionally, private universities are more engaged in internationalization than are public institutions, with mission statements focused on both national and international accreditation processes.

Social implications

The results of this research are intended to help society comprehend the differences between public and private universities in Colombia based on mission statements, which can contribute to understanding, among other factors, the academic programs offered by universities and how they should guide their activities.


This is the first such study in Colombia, a country that provides higher education through public and private institutions in very similar proportions, that analyses the differences in university mission statements and whose findings contribute to understanding whether universities are strategically oriented towards their own established policies or to contributing to the development of new public policies aimed at supporting the country's development process.


International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 35 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0951-354X


Content available
Publication date: 1 March 2001

Carlos Campos

In the early 1990s sponsorship be came established as a widely-used marketing tool in Spain. The Barcelona Olympics, the Universal Exposition in Seville and the naming of Madridas…


In the early 1990s sponsorship be came established as a widely-used marketing tool in Spain. The Barcelona Olympics, the Universal Exposition in Seville and the naming of Madridas the Capital of European Culture were largely responsible for this. However, intensive sponsorship use does not necessarily mean appropriate sponsorship management. CarlosIlla, Sponsorship Manager of Spanish telecommunications firm Telefonica, has been always one of those few professionals who has managed to combine intensive use and appropriate management. In this interview he addresses various issues involved in sponsor ship management including the combination of local and transnational sport marketing, sponsor ship decision making and selection criteria, and different evaluation methods.


International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, vol. 3 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1464-6668


Open Access
Publication date: 29 August 2022

Enrique Sánchez-Rivas, Manuel Fernando Ramos Núñez, Magdalena Ramos Navas-Parejo and Juan Carlos De La Cruz-Campos

The aim of this paper is to explore whether the use of an active learning methodology implemented through a mobile phone can help future teachers to develop more effective reading…




The aim of this paper is to explore whether the use of an active learning methodology implemented through a mobile phone can help future teachers to develop more effective reading promotion activities than those based on traditional learning methodologies.


A study was conducted based on the comparison of perceptions of two groups of teacher training students. The experimental group was trained in an active methodology to promote reading on mobile phones, whilst the control group was trained in a classical methodology also using the same devices. Variables were observed using a self-administered questionnaire, and the scores obtained were analysed from their descriptive statistics of the comparison of means of Kruskal–Wallis H test.


The results showed that students perceived significant improvements associated with active learning methodology. The variables with the most remarkable results were those related to better use of the class, participation and satisfaction. However, the ubiquitous variable obtained the fewest differences, maybe because both learning methodologies were applied using mobile devices.


The conclusions of this study clearly suggest that combining active learning methodologies and the use of mobile phones to promote reading could lead to better results than applying traditional learning methodologies. The value of this study paves the way for future research to move forward in the discovery of effective teaching strategies based on active methods and mobile devices.

Publication date: 1 March 2011

Gary J. Martin, Claudia I. Camacho Benavides, Carlos A. Del Campo García, Salvador Anta Fonseca, Francisco Chapela Mendoza and Marco Antonio González Ortíz

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the community conservation movement in Oaxaca, a bioculturally diverse state in southern Mexico, with a particular focus on indigenous and…




The purpose of this paper is to analyze the community conservation movement in Oaxaca, a bioculturally diverse state in southern Mexico, with a particular focus on indigenous and community conserved areas (ICCAs) as an emergent designation over the last decade.


A survey of indigenous and mestizo community conserved areas in Oaxaca was conducted in 2009 as part of a broader inventory of the ICCAs of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico.


The survey revealed 126 sites of community conservation in Oaxaca covering 375,457 ha, 14.5 percent more than the 327,977 ha included in nationally decreed Protected Natural Areas in the state. A total of 43 sites are certified community reserves comprising 103,102 ha, or 68.7 percent of the 150,053 ha included in the 137 certified sites recognized nationally. The diversity of Oaxaca's ICCAs, which have emerged creatively in variable cultural, ecological and historical contexts throughout the state, provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of community conservation efforts.


Mexico is one of the few countries that have an extensive inventory of ICCAs that could be incorporated into an international registry being formulated by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre.


Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 22 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-7835


Publication date: 1 March 2001

John Amis



International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, vol. 3 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1464-6668

Content available
Publication date: 23 May 2018

Vanessa Ratten and Paul Jones




Education + Training, vol. 60 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0040-0912

1 – 10 of 288