Jon‐Arild Johannessen and Arnulf Hauan
Develops elements in what is called heterarchical logic in a study of the ecology of change in a Norwegian shipyard. The heterarchical logic is not in accordance with traditional…
Develops elements in what is called heterarchical logic in a study of the ecology of change in a Norwegian shipyard. The heterarchical logic is not in accordance with traditional understanding of rationality in organizations. Considers on what type of management this type of logic is based. Both “heterarchical logic” and the new type of management, joint management, partly answer Jackson’s criticism of the use of cybernetical models in organizations. This also is a contribution to organizational cybernetics with regard to Flood and Carson’s demand that the question of how autonomous work groups should be organized should be incorporated in organizational cybernetics.
Jon‐Arild Johannessen and Arnulf Hauan
Discusses possible future approaches to questions of industrial organization. Suggests a meta‐model of an organization producing goods which combines the information requirements…
Discusses possible future approaches to questions of industrial organization. Suggests a meta‐model of an organization producing goods which combines the information requirements of management and control functions and critical requirements of a holographic (heterarchic) organization. Suggests a conceptual framework that provides a method of linking information and communication. Makes a distinction between information‐network organization and communication‐network organization. Discusses various architectural designs in terms of how their properties can serve the governing mechanism of the organization. Argues that synergetic effects are, ideally, optimized through fully integrated communication networks. Also discusses advantages gained through the use of communication‐related technology with the aim of shortening idea‐to‐product time‐cycles. The questions of architectural design and the technological options cannot be treated separately or extracted from the organizational context. Successful implementation of such technology is dependent on simultaneous development of high‐level “communicative competence”, i.e. the ability to create and convey metaphoric knowledge in ways that enhance the holographic qualities of the organization.
Jon‐Arild Johannessen, Johan Olaisen and Arnulf Hauan
Describes an innovative marketing strategy of a Norwegian shipyardgaining access to the Russian market and explains its use of innovationtheory as a framework. Explains why the…
Describes an innovative marketing strategy of a Norwegian shipyard gaining access to the Russian market and explains its use of innovation theory as a framework. Explains why the shipyard gained a productivity growth of 34 per cent in 1989‐91 and is expecting a further 20 per cent increase in 1992‐93, which may be mainly due to the market orientation of the shipyard. Develops a model for grouping measures of innovativeness and suggests that the main reasons for change are in the total quality management programmes, organizational networking and market‐oriented project management. The coalition for change in the company includes the trade union and top management, while the coalition against change comprises middle management and local private business. The first want to keep the organization market driven, while the latter want to keep the organization “as it is”. It is a classic fight between a market‐driven management and a state‐driven management style. Sterkoder Ltd had to understand that the market gives the direction – and not the state‐supported policy.
Questions the relationship between information science, the theory of science, and ethics. Defines the differences between the views of the theory of science used in information…
Questions the relationship between information science, the theory of science, and ethics. Defines the differences between the views of the theory of science used in information science and introduces the concept “The context of solution”, in addition to the entities “The context of discovery” and “The context of justification”. These three contexts constitute what is thought should be normative for the research community. Finally couples this unit to moral/ethical consequence considerations, where the basis is local knowledge. Concludes with a model for the integration of science and ethics.