Gatot Soepriyanto, Pamela Krisky, Yanto Indra and Arfian Zudana
This study examines the association between accruals quality and gender of the firm's audit engagement partner in Indonesia. Specifically, prior studies provide evidence that…
This study examines the association between accruals quality and gender of the firm's audit engagement partner in Indonesia. Specifically, prior studies provide evidence that gender-based difference in diligence, conservatism and risk tolerance, it is plausible that female auditors may improve audit quality. Indonesia provides a valuable research setting to investigate the issue, as it is mandatory to disclose the identity of the audit partners in the audit reports.
This study employs multivariate regression model to test the hypothesis, which examines the association between accruals quality and audit partners gender. Using a sample of Indonesian publicly listed firms, we run a panel of regression of audit quality measure proxied by abnormal accruals on female auditor variable and firm-specific controls. To triangulate the results, we also conduct sensitivity analysis using high and low category of abnormal accruals, an alternative measure of accruals quality (i.e. Beneish's M score) and propensity score matching (PSM).
We find that firms with female audit engagement partners are not associated with smaller abnormal accruals, thereby implying that female auditors may not constrain effects on earnings management. In other words, gender is not an important predictor for audit quality in Indonesia.
Research limitations/implications
We are not able to use broader measures of audit quality such as GAAP violations/restatement, litigation or audit fee. This is because the Indonesian setting somewhat limits us to collect them due to lack of regulatory actions and/or database availability.
Practical implications
This study will contribute to the regulators (such as Financial Service Authorities/OJK) and professionals, on the effectiveness of female audit partners in improving audit quality. The study can be used as an evidence to support the gender equality in the accounting and audit industry.
Social implications
Our findings suggest that auditor gender does not lead to the improvement of accruals quality in Indonesia. Given the fact that only 14% of firms in our sample audited by female audit partners, it is plausible that the positive traits of female top managers may not transmit to the overall audit process. As such, it is important to encourage more female involvement in top position of auditing and accounting industry is required to advance the profession and its positive impact to the society.
There are no prior studies in Indonesia examining the effect of audit partner gender on accruals quality using archival data. As such, this research will be the first to document such evidence and therefore can improve our understanding on the role of auditor characteristic on audit quality. We also respond to the call from DeFond and Zhang (2014) to push analysis of audit quality to the individual auditor level by examining the gender of audit partner.
Gatot Soepriyanto, Sienny Tjokroaminoto and Arfian Erma Zudana
This study aims to examine the association between annual report readability and accounting irregularities in Indonesia. Using 967 firm-year observations over the 2014–2017…
This study aims to examine the association between annual report readability and accounting irregularities in Indonesia. Using 967 firm-year observations over the 2014–2017 period, this paper unable to find evidence that annual report readability is associated with accounting irregularities. The results are robust after using alternate measurements of accounting irregularities proxies and readability indexes. This paper also finds that the corporate governance mechanism and foreign shareholder structure did not moderate the association between annual report readability and accounting irregularities.
The study uses an archival method with cross-sectional regression of 967 firm-year observations over the 2014–2017 period to investigate an association between annual report readability and accounting irregularities in an emerging market setting. To check the robustness of the results, this paper conducts a battery of robustness tests.
This paper finds evidence that annual report readability is not associated with accounting irregularities in Indonesia. The results are robust after using alternate measurements of accounting irregularities proxies and readability indexes. This paper also finds that the corporate governance mechanism and foreign shareholder structure did not moderate the association between annual report readability and accounting irregularities. This implies that the readability of annual reports does not have the ability to predict the likelihood of accounting irregularities in Indonesia. It is possible that firms with accounting irregularities will be inclined to voice simpler stories which can counteract the tendency of lies to be linguistically more complex. Indeed, according to the Education First English Proficiency Index, Indonesia is categorized at a low proficiency level. Furthermore, this paper also discovers that the average readability of the management discussion and analysis (MD&A) of Indonesian public listed firms is at an ideal score by having a Fog Index of 13.32. The findings provide valuable insights for stakeholders in using annual reports for their decision-making, especially in an emerging market setting and non-English speaking countries.
Research limitations/implications
It is important to interpret the findings in the context of the limitations of the readability index the authors used. It is argued that Fog Index, Flesch-Kincaid and Flesch Reading Ease have their own limitations as considered inadequate to be used in the context of business and accounting narratives that are adult-oriented and specialist in nature (Jones and Shoemaker, 1994; Loughran and McDonald, 2014). Another caveat relates to the use of proxies for accounting irregularities. The M-Score and F-Score have some limitations in which, among others, were determined without considering the normal level of accruals or period where manipulations were absent (Ball, 2013).
Practical implications
One reason underlying the result is that Indonesian firms, in general, do not consider the complexity of the annual report, particularly MD&A disclosures, as a tool to mask financial reporting irregularities. It is also possible that firms with accounting irregularities will incline to voice simpler stories because it is difficult to be untruthful (Lo et al., 2017). Indeed, according to Education First English Proficiency Index, Indonesia was categorized in low proficiency level and ranked 61st out of 100 countries being surveyed (Education First, 2019). As policymakers, locally and globally, are calling for more simplified reports including a plain English approach, the study can be insightful to their deliberations. It suggests that policymakers need to consider a country’s English proficiency, writing skills, regulatory environment and corporate policy on shaping the complexity and narrative of a firm’s communications.
The study contributes to a scarcity of research that investigates English-written annual reports in non-English speaking countries (Jeanjean et al., 2015; Lundholm et al., 2014). As such, the study findings provide insights related to MD&A in an under-researched area and contribute to improving MD&A not only in Indonesia but also in neighbor countries that share similar social, political and economic characteristics. Also, this study is important for foreign institutions or individuals investing on Indonesian-listed firms. According to Candra (2016), approximately 60% of companies listed in the Indonesia stock exchange are owned by foreign individuals or institutions. They rely greatly on the English texts of annual reports to understand the companies’ financial performance. Moreover, La Porta et al. (2002) asserted that firms with a majority of foreign shareholders (dominantly owned by foreign investors) are more likely to face information asymmetry, primarily due to geographical factors and language barriers.
Arfian Zudana and Solomon Opare
This paper examines the effect of firms’ takeover susceptibility on the manipulation of financial statements through classification shifting.
This paper examines the effect of firms’ takeover susceptibility on the manipulation of financial statements through classification shifting.
The paper applies ordinary least squares regression (OLS) with fixed effects analyses to a sample of United States listed firms over the period 1992–2014. We use takeover index as a proxy for takeover susceptibility of firms, with high values representing higher takeover susceptibility and lower values representing lower takeover susceptibility.
The study finds that firms engage in classification shifting through core expenses, suggesting that takeover threats reduce the incentive to manage earnings through classification shifting. We also find that takeover susceptibility improves the monitoring mechanism for firms with low profitability because these firms have greater incentives to engage in classification shifting. Finally, we find that the Sarbanes–Oxley Act strengthens the monitoring mechanism influenced by takeover threats. Overall, the results provide evidence of the important role of takeover susceptibility in mitigating classification shifting. Our results are robust to a battery of sensitivity tests.
Practical implications
The results emphasise the disciplinary role of the legal environment around corporate takeovers. The study suggests that policymakers and regulators should be cognisant of antitakeover laws which may increase agency conflicts between managers and shareholders and promote managerial self-seeking behaviours such as classification shifting.
The paper highlights the important role of takeover threats as an external governance mechanism to mitigate classification shifting which is detrimental to investors’ value. From prior literature, this study is the first to provide evidence of the effect of takeover threats on classification shifting.