Azra Rafique, Kanwal Ameen and Alia Arshad
The purpose of this study is to examine the evidence-based use patterns of Higher Education Commission (HEC) subscribed e-books databases by the academic community at institutions…
The purpose of this study is to examine the evidence-based use patterns of Higher Education Commission (HEC) subscribed e-books databases by the academic community at institutions of higher education in Pakistan. The study also investigates the differences in usage based on points of access, scholarly disciplines and gender of users.
A transaction log analysis (TLA) method was used to explore the use patterns of HEC e-books databases at the University of the Punjab, utilizing the SAWMILL analytical software and MS Excel.
The results of the study showed that the use of e-books was at a growing stage at the university. Male boarding students of the university were more active users of e-books as compared to their female counterparts. The Central Library of the University of the Punjab, the Department of Zoology and the Institute of Communication Studies were the most frequently used access points for the e-book users, and the Faculties of Sciences, Life Sciences, Economics and Management Sciences had the most active e-book readers. Furthermore, it was found that the HEC e-books databases were only being used during the four months of summer vacations at the university.
Research limitations/implications
The study provides only descriptive use frequencies rather than a deep log analysis of e-books usage.
Practical implications
This research provides important practical implications for examining the evidence-based use patterns of e-books databases' users at the higher educational level. The research suggests that HEC should maintain subscriptions of the most required e-books databases and that the information professionals should conduct orientations and information literacy programs to enhance the utilization of these subscribed databases among female boarder students and those faculties where they were being used less frequently.
The study is the second part of the first phase of a Ph.D. project. This is the first large scale study conducted in a developing country which reports the close to actual, approximate use patterns of e-books based on raw transaction logs of local cache servers at the higher academic level.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use patterns of scholarly e-journals by academics for teaching, research and keeping themselves up-to-date. The study also looks at…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use patterns of scholarly e-journals by academics for teaching, research and keeping themselves up-to-date. The study also looks at differences in the use patterns across 12 disciplines.
A survey was conducted to explore academics’ use patterns of scholarly e-journals in 12 disciplines. The University of the Punjab was used for the sample population. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to all regular and contractual academics of Lahore campuses of the University. After follow up, 457 questionnaires were received with a response rate of 54 per cent. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistics were used to analyse data.
The results showed that the academics made more frequent use of e-journals, online reference sources and discussion with colleagues for scholarly activities. E-journals were used predominantly for research-related activities rather than for teaching and instruction. Academics obtained e-journal articles primarily from open access sources, i.e. general search engines and Google Scholar as compared to subscribed and other sources of e-journal articles. Disciplinary differences were also found in academics’ use patterns of e-journals. However, academics showed just satisfactory skills regarding use of advanced searching techniques and evaluation of the quality of e-journals.
Practical implications
Findings will be helpful for information professionals to review their policies and practices in relation to e-journal services for academic community. The needs for e-literacy skills to use e-journals will also be identified and findings will be significant for information professionals in arranging information literacy instruction programmes for targeted disciplines.
Most of e-journals use studies focused on specific disciplines – Sciences, Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology and Social Sciences. This research study is valuable that investigated use patterns of e-journals across 12 different disciplines at the University of the Punjab.
Azra Rafique, Kanwal Ameen and Alia Arshad
This study aims to explore the evidence-based patterns of e-journal usage, such as the most used and least used databases, at a public-sector university in Pakistan, by analysing…
This study aims to explore the evidence-based patterns of e-journal usage, such as the most used and least used databases, at a public-sector university in Pakistan, by analysing scientists’ usage of databases over time.
Through transaction log analysis, the frequencies of page views, sessions, session duration and size of the used data were calculated through SAWMILL software and entered into MS Excel.
The results revealed that the broad databases of science and engineering were being used more by users as compared to the narrower e-journal databases. Furthermore, the users were mostly accessing the e-journal databases from the university’s central library and its various academic departments. Early morning hours, working days and start of the academic year were found to be the most active timings of e-journal database utilisation.
Practical implications
The results of the study will help the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan and information professionals in better access management of databases.
This study was conducted to check the feasibility of a PhD project’s first phase and presents the frequencies of HEC e-journal databases’ usage by using transaction log analysis method. The results will be used in preparing interview guide and sample selection for interview. Other Central Asian studies used COUNTER reports provided by publishers for log analysis instead of using raw log data.
Farwa Taqi, Syeda Hina Batool and Alia Arshad
This study aims to explore differences in the usability of the Google Drive application based on demographic characteristics, computer skills and use frequency of Google Drive…
This study aims to explore differences in the usability of the Google Drive application based on demographic characteristics, computer skills and use frequency of Google Drive among public library users of Lahore.
The study adopted a quantitative approach and survey-based research method to achieve the study's objectives. The cloud usability model (user perspective) has been used as a theoretical lens to guide the study objectives. It comprises five dimensions of usability – capable, personal, reliable, valuable and secure.
The findings of the study revealed that the usability of Google Drive varied statistically significantly on the basis of depending on the respondents gender, age, academic qualification, computer skills and Google Drive use frequency.
Practical implications
It is a valuable study since it and adds knowledge to existing literature and has implications for practice.
The findings might be helpful for cloud support teams including Google Drive as they can notice the demographic and other differences among users' perceived usability of Google Drive and can enhance certain features of usability which leads attributes to increase its usage among users.
Faiqa Mansoor, Kanwal Ameen and Alia Arshad
The role of academic libraries in dissemination of information and facilitating research of academic community is well-established world over. However, a significant role of…
The role of academic libraries in dissemination of information and facilitating research of academic community is well-established world over. However, a significant role of libraries in ensuring fair use of information to promote an ethical research culture at the higher education institutes is also flourishing. This study aims to explore the perceived causes of unethical use of literature by university scholars and deterrents to plagiarism in universities of Pakistan.
The design of the study was qualitative, and interviews were conducted on nine university library heads in Pakistan who were officially administrating anti-plagiarism (Turnitin) software service at their universities and were providing “similarity index certification” of PhD and MPhil research work through the software. They were purposively selected for the interviews because of their direct interaction with the researchers and faculty on matters of information searching as well as its ethical use. The study is based on PhD thesis work of the first author.
The findings of the study depicted that conceptual unawareness of plagiarism, lack of information skills, socio-cultural factors and weak policies were the prime reasons for unethical research practices among graduate scholars. Participants were positive that a role of university library in combating plagiarism through provision of anti-plagiarism software and guidance could prove more beneficial for both the researchers and libraries.
Multiple studies have been conducted, in and out of south Asian region, to gather the views of the students and faculty on the matters of academic misconduct. However, no study was found presenting the views of the other stakeholders in promotion of academic integrity. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is first of its kind in South Asian context and provided observation-based views of a group of university library heads who are also administrating anti-plagiarism service in their universities on the causes and deterrents to plagiarism.
Ayesha Mushtaq and Alia Arshad
The study aimed to investigate public library users' most frequent and least frequent activities in the library and demographic differences in the use of public libraries. The…
The study aimed to investigate public library users' most frequent and least frequent activities in the library and demographic differences in the use of public libraries. The study also explored library users' perceived importance of library resources, services and the value of the library as a place.
Quantitative research design and survey research method were used to achieve the objectives of the study. A multistage sampling technique was employed to approach the targeted population. At the first stage, ten functional libraries of Lahore were selected purposively. The targeted population was users of the ten public libraries of the Punjab, Lahore. At the second stage, convenience sampling was used to collect data from public library users. The instrument of the research study was the questionnaire and it was developed with the help of the literature and administrated personally. The questionnaire was distributed to 384 public library users of the Lahore district and 301 questionnaires were returned out of 384.
The results of the study showed that library users frequently visited the library for reading personal books and examination preparation; however, they never or rarely used e-databases, photocopy and printer services, computer stations, the internet, library catalog and socialization with friends. Significant differences were found among public library users in their public library use on the basis of gender, age, designation and academic qualification. The library collection played a very important role in developing the community's reading habits, supporting academic achievements and self-grooming.
Practical implications
The results of the study suggest that public librarians can expand library reading halls space and provide a comfortable reading environment for the users. Library community programs are helpful in lifelong learning; therefore, the library should organize community programs (i.e. storytelling sessions, workshops and interactive sessions) for their users. Public libraries can strengthen their services by considering demographic differences in public library use.
The study is valuable as it will examine the public libraries' use, demographic differences in use and users' perceived importance of library resources, service and place in Pakistani context. Very few studies investigated gender differences in public library; however, this study's findings will contribute to knowledge by examining various demographic differences in library use.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the academic scientists’ scholarly use of information sources, the disciplinary differences in their use and the barriers encountered…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the academic scientists’ scholarly use of information sources, the disciplinary differences in their use and the barriers encountered, particularly while using journals.
A quantitative research design based on the survey method was used to achieve the objectives of this study. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all the academic staff of three disciplines – science, life sciences and pharmacy. Together, they constituted 24 departments of the University of the Punjab. This oldest and largest public sector university was selected as a sample.
The findings showed that e-journals, e-reports and online reference sources were frequently used. The disciplinary differences were found with regard to the use of e-journals and e-books. Users of e-journals lacked skills of advanced searching and were not able to determine the quality of e-journals. Respondents faced certain barriers in usage such as payment of e-journal articles not available through the Library, slow internet speed and lack of information literacy instructions program.
Previous researchers conducted studies that were focused mostly on the academic scientists’ perceptions and the extent of electronic information sources’ use. Researchers in Pakistan mostly examined students and research scholars’ use of electronic information sources and very few studies were conducted to investigate academic scientists’ scholarly information seeking behavior. This study is valuable, as it investigated the scholarly use of information sources by academic scientists and particularly disciplinary differences in their use, digital literacy skills and the barriers encountered while using e-journals.
Alia Arshad and Farzana Shafique
The purpose of the study is to determine the most preferred catalogue format – card catalogue or online public access catalogue (OPAC) for searching library material in Oriental…
The purpose of the study is to determine the most preferred catalogue format – card catalogue or online public access catalogue (OPAC) for searching library material in Oriental languages, i.e. Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi and Pashto of the Central Library, University of the Punjab, Lahore. It also explores the users’ searching behaviour for finding the library material in Oriental languages.
A purposive sample of 100 respondents was chosen for this study. The questionnaire contained both close- and open-ended questions. SPSS (version 11.5) was used for quantitative analysis of data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for reaching conclusions. The qualitative data analysis software “X-Sight” was used for analysing the qualitative data.
The study highlights the importance of both types of catalogue. Many of the findings of the study related to the card catalogue and OPAC are surprising when compared to their general perceptions. It is important to note that the users perceived the card catalogue as more effective for searching the library material in Oriental languages. However, they also face many problems while using both types of catalogues.
It is the first study of its type in Pakistan that explored the users’ perceptions and behaviour of searching Oriental language material from the card catalogue and OPAC. The findings of the study are valuable for library management, not only at the Central Library of Punjab University but also for other libraries. These findings can help in making both card catalogue and OPAC more effective and user-centred. It will also assist them to improve weaknesses of both types of catalogues.
Implications of the study
This study compares the users’ preferences for card catalogue and/or OPAC when searching Oriental language material. There are very few studies available on this subject and most of them are dated.
The purpose of this paper is to measure service quality of academic libraries of a major university from students' perspectives and to determine libraries' own performance towards…
The purpose of this paper is to measure service quality of academic libraries of a major university from students' perspectives and to determine libraries' own performance towards meeting users' expectations.
Research settings of the study were University of the Punjab's academic libraries, excluding the main library. A survey method was chosen as a method of investigation and a modified SERVQUAL questionnaire was used to explore users' desired and perceived service levels along a seven‐point Likert scale. The sample of the study was selected using stratified random sampling through proportional allocation.
The results revealed that users' expectations were high as compared to their perceptions, and a discrepancy was found between expectations and perceptions of all 22 SERVQUAL statements. The overall service quality and satisfaction of the university's libraries was found to be somewhat good. Users were satisfied with library staff's courteous and caring behavior. However, university librarians desperately need to take remedial actions to improve library staff's competency and physical facilities. Users preferred the “tangibles” dimension more than other dimensions.
This study is the first to measure the service quality of the university's academic libraries and is particularly significant for librarians and university administrators who wish to explore the strengths, weaknesses and threats of quality library services. The findings will assist them to review their service policies and take steps to improve service quality of a university's libraries.
This paper aims to assess the usage patterns of a university library website to find out user’s behaviour of monthly use, its top most used resources and services and search…
This paper aims to assess the usage patterns of a university library website to find out user’s behaviour of monthly use, its top most used resources and services and search phrases used to reach the library website.
Transactional log analysis (TLA) – an unobtrusive research method – was used to identify and analyse data of website-using patterns. The log data of website use from January 2011 to March 2011 were analysed for this study.
The findings of this study revealed that the university library website was heavily used on campus by users; however, it was used by a significant number of clients residing off-campus. Free scholarly journals, resources downloaded, e-journals, e-books and donated personal collections were among the top most used resources and services. However, free scholarly journals were used more than subscribed e-journals accessible on-campus only.
This study first used the TLA method to trace user behaviour of website use in a local scenario. Assessing the usage of e-resources is imperative to determine the effectiveness of the library website in providing these services to its on-campus and distant users. The findings of this study are valuable for librarians and webmasters of the library website to redesign and reorient their services.