Table of contents


Dan Marmion

OCLC has recently installed searching enhancements to its PRISM service online authority file. The new features include:


State‐of‐OCLC: President's Address

K. Wayne Smith

I want to give you a brief state‐of‐OCLC report. Fiscal year 1991/92 has been a good year for OCLC, a year of significant accomplishments. I want to put some perspective on the…


Focus on decision‐making: pricing

Kenneth J. Bierman

Reports on the May/June 1992 OCLC Users Council, focusing on paneldiscussions surrounding alternative pricing policies. Overviews a numberof alternative pricing models and small…


The PRISMers’s guide to PASSPORT

Judith Carter

Briefly reports on the function, installation and use of the newPASSPORT version 2 software for OCLC. Assesses the merits of the newsoftware, noting in particular the role of the…


Public Services

Melinda Townsel‐Winston

If you are a religious reader of this column, then you know that I do not write all the articles. No, that would be just too boring. So to add “spice” to the column I often…


OCLC connectivity: current models, network integration, and future directions

Marshall Breeding

Suggests connection alternatives that libraries might implement tocreate a unified network of diverse services in which OCLC is oneservice among a variety of electronic resources…


Optimizing OCLC workflow in a large computing environment

Kathy Fladland

Describes current workflow at the Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU) and issues in workflow optimisation and discusses how VCU hasweighed the various costs/benefits involved on…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited