OCLC Micro: Volume 8 Issue 3
Table of contents
Dan MarmionThe FirstSearch Catalog, OCLC's new online reference service designed for library patrons, won the Computers in Libraries Information Product/Service (CLIPS) Award for 1992 (see…
Judith CarterLibraries face change at such an incredible rate and from such a variety of sources. They face implementation of local systems or upgrades to local systems, changes to online…
Interlibrary Loan
David KaufmanPotpourri. Now, there is a word. I have always wanted to start off a column titled “Potpourri” in some slick magazine. Now that I can it sounds a little silly. Affected, or maybe…
OCLC and special collections cataloguing in an urban public library
Nancy Morris, Sherilyn TregoReports from the Phoenix, Arizona Public Library on the process ofphysically linking online catalogues with the community collegedistrict, a DRA site, for resource sharing and…
CAT ME moves into the 90s
Cary SiegfriedReports from the bibliographic services department at theUniversity of Texas at Dallas on the recent period of automation of theintegrated library system. Shows how the old CAT ME…
Using CAT ME Plus to offset OCLC′s price increase
Angelina G. JosephOffers advice for using CAT ME micro enhancers to offset costs at atime when OCLC has increased search charges and has lowered thesearch‐to‐produce ratios. Proposes that searches…
Taming the dragon: automating CAT ME Plus
Michael L. NitzDescribes a project and the process that was created to overcomethe problems incurred to make the CAT ME Plus micro enhancer work as atool for acquisitions at a public library′s…
Multitasking in an OCLC environment: the University of Louisville experience
Pamela Burton, Jan MayoReports on opportunities at the Louisville Ekstrom Library providedby the introduction of the new OCLC PRISM online cataloguing andacquisitions system, the release of new PASSPORT…