OCLC Micro: Volume 7 Issue 5
Table of contents
This column is the result of an idea by Judy Michaelson of OCLC. It gives you, the reader who uses OCLC services and products, a chance to ask those questions that you've wondered…
Dan MarmionThe New York Public Library (NYPL) has become the first institution to link its internal network with the new OCLC telecommunications network using the X.25 Open Systems…
Getting to Know William Gray Potter
Nancy Melin NelsonAcademic librarians seeking a role model will do well to study the career of William Gray Potter. Presently the director of libraries for the University of Georgia in Athens…
Using OCLC in a Small Library
Gwen GregoryDiscusses the viability of using OCLC in small libraries, withparticular reference to one such library – the U S courts libraryin Phoenix. Considers cataloguing workflow, benefits…
Using Interlibrary Loan Data in Collection Development
Jo Ann LahmonExamines the use of Interlibrary loan databases and online loggingsystems in determining which titles are collected. Discusses theobjective of collecting ILL data, alternative…
Searching EPIC on the Internet
Greg NotessDiscusses the availability of OCLC′s EPIC service through theInternet. Considers the cost benefits, as well as Internet accessproblems, connection via Internet, hidden costs…
Public Services
Melinda Townsel‐WinstonPresents news and database announcements pertaining to the EPICservice. Discusses EPIC subscriptions, nonmember price reductions, theintroduction of FirstSearch, Sunday…
OCLC/AMIGOS Collection Analysis CD
Barbara A. RadkeDiscusses the relevance of the OCLC/AMIGOS CACD in a libraryenvironment of budget and staff cuts, and increased service demands.Considers the uses of the CACD as a…
The Role of Public Libraries in the Use of NREN
Joe Ryan, Charles R. McClureDescribes research undertaken to investigate the role of publiclibraries in developing and exploiting the next generationof nationalnetworks, such as Internet. Considers…
Interlibrary Loan
David KaufmanDiscusses the use of the ILLFILE program for lending record‐keepingin addition to the more usual copyright limit control. Examines thesteps needed to allow ILLFILE to perform the…
PRISM with Bars
Sheila Winchester, Robert MachalowDescribes the use of barcode labels as a part of librarycataloguing using the PRISM service in York College Library. Examinesthe uses of barcodes, redefinition of a PASSPORT…