Table of contents


Dan Marmion

The 16,000‐record inventory of some 19,000 stolen books confiscated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and used as evidence in the recent trial of Stephen Blumberg has…


OCLC: The Original Idea

Carol Reed

Traces the early years of OCLC and shows what it was originallyintended to be. Discusses the plan for library cooperation in Ohio, theformation of a project committee, the debate…


Interlibrary Loan

David Kaufman

Discusses the introduction of PASSPORT software and the effect ithas on ILL work. Suggests eight function key macros designed to make useof PASSPORT easier. Describes what each…



Judith Carter

Considers some of the characteristics and potential problems ofPASSPORT software and the PRISM service in use. Describes the system asa whole, installation including configuration…


OCLC’s Cataloging Micro Enhancer in Decentralization

Patricia Fairchild

Describes the decentralzation of a fine arts library into auniversity branch library, using CAT ME. Considers the particularproblems of fine arts cataloguing: awkwardness of…


OCLC Users Council

Kenneth J. Bierman

Discusses the OCLC Users Council debate on electronic informationdelivery and electronic journals. Considers the decline of paperjournals, the current thirst for information, the…


OCLC in Europe

David Buckle

OCLC recently celebrated its first decade in Europe. On January 1, 1981, OCLC opened its Europe branch in Birmingham, England, with three staff members; an office in the home of…


CAT ME Plus – The PRISM Service Micro Enhancer

David Whitehair

Describes the facilities, installation and use of CAT ME Plus.Discusses the software requirements, workflow with batch cataloguing andsearching, changes that make the new software…


Managing Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Records with R:base

Leah Black

Considers the development of an in‐house software package to handlethe ILL workload more efficiently at Michigan State University Library.Examines system design, how the system…


MicrogrAphic Preservation Service Facility Dedicated

Nancy Melin Nelson

Discusses the dedication of the new MAPS micrographics laboratoryin Pennsylvania. Considers the facilities of the new building,similarities between OCLC and MAPS, the history of…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited