Table of contents


Following a power blackout, unstable or excessive voltages are common during the first few seconds when power is restored. The Power Pause surge suppressor is a new device that…



Recently we conducted a hit rate study for a public library processing center. The titles submitted consisted of 25% books, 25% videos, and 50% music materials. Using the CAT…


Shortcuts I’ve Already Found with the PRISM Service and PASSPORT Software

Linda Gabel

Suggests a number of shortcuts to help with workflow when usingPASSPORT and PRISM. Describes the following functions: stacking commandswith the semicolon, function key definition…


PRISM Service Documentation: Did You Know...?

Becky Wright

Considers the special features built into the PRISM documentationand training materials. Discusses the format of the documentation,particularly new features: introduction to…


A Dual – Purpose Microcomputer Center: Public Access Facility and Staff Training Lab

David B. Wells

Discusses the microcomputer policy implemented by Las Vegas‐ClarkCounty Library District. Examines the goals of the computer publicaccess facility, the software used, the staff…


Spreading CD‐ROM Technology Beyond the Library: Applications for Remote Communications Software

Stephen Bell

Considers the use of Remote Communications Software as acost‐efficient solution to sharing information with offsite users.Discusses theuse of RCS, typical library applications…


Compact Disc’s “Indestructibility”: Myth and Maybe

Mary E. Marshall

Examines recent studies of maximum expected disc life and theimplications for archive storage on CD‐ROM. Discusses the manufactureand structure of compact discs, the phenomenon of…


The University of Minnesota Libraries′ Electronic Bulletin Board

Audrey N. Grosch

Discusses the introduction and development of University ofMinnesota Libraries′ bulletin board system. Considers the hardware andsoftware used, the purpose of the BBS, the…


A Closer Look at…: Accessing Information through Networks

Erwin K. Welsch

If “In the Movies” seemed to be the theme of my 1990 columns for OCLC Micro, then the motto for 1991 should read something like the title of one movie, “Network.” I don't intend…




Online date, start – end:

1985 – 1992

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited